
The media literacy crowd apparently can't find a single game that is "right wing" and it's kind of hilarious. Aren't these the same folks who were complaining about the military industrial complex funding call of duty so that it could be used as a recruiting platform for the US military? Did they think that was a left wing action by the developers?

Not to mention the at least hundreds, if not, thousands of titles made by folks who would be considered right wing or have right wing leanings.

Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum, avatar

@TopBep And they made a whole movement out of "most video games are sexist" 10+ years ago, and presumably they believe that sexism is right wing.

Vidmastereon, avatar

@Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @TopBep as someone succintly pointed out in this thread leftism is entropy and rot made manifest they have no principles or values just to consume
It is like trying to catch smoke because it changes to what it needs to be in the moment
X thing is fascist when i need to attack it but it is woke when i need to defend it

Notice how for years persona 4 was sexist and "transphobic" for years but was immediately not once the lgtvs got enough of a foothold in atlus

Arkana, avatar

@Vidmastereon @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @TopBep "It's good except for all the parts I don't like, those should be changed!"
I'm sure they will try to totally change this scene if they remake Persona 4


@Arkana @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @TopBep @Vidmastereon Not new in the slightest, but there is a "Trans Naoto" mod that rewrites her story to be a troon.
Of course we can't have a story about talking a young, impressionable teen misunderstanding the gap between her and the cops she works with, and thinking of taking the rash action she thinks would make them act better to her, out of her poorly thought out decision. Clearly she should succumb to that pressure and volatilely change herself for short changed attention that won't actually fix her situation at all.


@supersid333 @Arkana @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @TopBep @Vidmastereon Naoto has the same exact character arc as Sae in Persona 5. Surrounded by people who don't give her enough credit even though she outstrips them in every aspect of their job.

But because Naoto had intrusive thoughts of "Maybe if I was a man I could get more respect" when she's younger the groomers lay claim to her.

The solution is not to go on to prove herself by catching adachi and becoming a well respected and renowned detective, which is what actually happens, it's to cut her tits off and mutilate her genitals.

Troons are evil bro.

Minty, avatar

@Kyonko802 @supersid333 @Arkana @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @TopBep @Vidmastereon
Shadow:, I want to be a boy so I can be accepted in my job
Some dumb troon: OMG HRS CLEARLY TRANS GUYS! :soy2:

I fucking hate it so much bros. :flan_disgust:


Damn. You know, I could maybe get asking for why OoT is right wing, most people don't understand the themes that went into it or the Christian origins of Zelda that influenced OoT as well, but really? Someone needs to explain why KCD is right wing? Doom? Halo?

ChristiJunior, avatar

@TopBep Doom is rightwing for taking a stance against demons and the forces of Hell.

DrRyanSkelton, avatar

The standards in these arguments are TRIVIALLY low. Call of Duty is political because it has war and soldiers. These are the sort of people who think Bioshock has anything to say about lolbertarianism, so you can just say whatever one-off line about demon rights activists is proof nu-Doom is right wing

Spingebill, avatar

@DrRyanSkelton @ChristiJunior @TopBep These are the same people who spammed "the minecraft bee is trans" for the good part of a year, they don't deserve nuanced arguments

Cayhr, avatar

@Spingebill Reminds me. I don't know which mod was adding it, but during one of my modpack playthroughs, a bee with not-Bee-colored-stripes appeared and I was so confused. I thought it was funny colored pajamas at first, but it turns out it was one of the mental illness flags (it was like green and grey, no idea what that one is and I don't care to look it up).

Funnily, it conflicted with Productive Bees' bee cage (used to transport bees a lot more conveniently), and when I picked it back up and put it down, it spawned a proper vanilla Bee in its place. How the hell did these cretins come to the conclusion that the bee is trans? If anything, the animals in Minecraft are hermaphrodites. I'm pretty sure Notch realized managing two sexes of animals would be a huge PITA so he prioritized gameplay over logic and just made hen-roosters and cow-bulls lol
@ChristiJunior @DrRyanSkelton @TopBep

Spingebill, avatar

@Cayhr @ChristiJunior @DrRyanSkelton @TopBep >How the hell did these cretins come to the conclusion that the bee is trans
No logic involved here, they simply demand that everything around them is also a tranny. This was around the same time that "____ says trans rights" was a meme of theirs, when the Celeste devs retconned the main character to be a tranny, and when AOC played Among Us

Cayhr, avatar

@Spingebill Right... Celeste... Honestly, I think in some way Celeste was always meant to be trans because I could never figure out what Badeline was supposed to be, and that's because at the time when I did play Celeste, I was totally ignorant to trannies. After Farewell came out it made a lot more sense when I learned about this whole thing years after playing it.

Idk, Celeste is a lightning in a bottle moment because outside of that game there isn't any other competent, culturally significant title. The one retcon I DO recall however is Hat Girl from Hat in Time.
@ChristiJunior @DrRyanSkelton @TopBep

Ronnie21093, avatar

@Cayhr @Spingebill @ChristiJunior @DrRyanSkelton @TopBep What was the retcon for Hat Girl?

poopernova, avatar

For some reason I am reminded of how lefties have been trying to claim New Vegas, starting back in ~2021. Before then, it seems most lefties were happy to dismiss the game as right wing libertarian. Now they come up with cringe shit like the gay "meme" about bisexuals deal more damage to everyone because of the perks.


Vidmastereon, avatar

@TopBep leftist pilpul's sleight of hand is to never give concrete definitions to anything because as long as they do not provide criteria that you can fill they can go "nuh-uh" and follow up with a wall of text word salad

It is why their definition of communism is alway s the vague "workers own means of production" and never the actual criteria marx actually gave like a 100% inheritance tax

Meemoo, avatar

@TopBep remember when leftoids threw a hissy fit over FNAF's dev being a conservative christian?

rlier23, avatar

@TopBep i'm pretty sure the entirety of Castlevania(games) could be considered right wing

Same for Zelda.

Suzu, avatar

@rlier23 @TopBep the problem is that these guys think that "right wing" means only "the extreme right, gun wielding, bible thumping conservatives who'll try to preach in the games".

While nowadays being right wing is just "not being completely insane", and the vast majority of right wing games don't really "look" right wing because they are just... normal.

99% of the games that came from Asia since forever can be considered "right wing games".

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