SnugSmug, avatar

I'm so mad I spent like $130 on genshit.
It's always in the back of my mind eating away at me.

Meemoo, avatar

@SnugSmug this but Honkai impact turd

Meemoo, avatar

@SnugSmug die die die die die


@Meemoo @SnugSmug Who knew throwing all the old characters that players grew to know and love over the years into the bin would not work out.

LolikingSama, avatar

@Tamamo @Meemoo @SnugSmug damn that hurts :akko_aah: 500,000

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @SnugSmug I saw someone try to shill it on /v/ earlier

he ended up throwing a hissy fit because everyone told him to fuck off lol

apparently lots of whales are quitting as a result


@Meemoo @SnugSmug I tried part two out of curiosity.
Remember how Part one started with that awesome FMV of Kiana jumping out of a dropship, landing on top of a jet fighter and you're kicking honkai ass within a two minutes of starting the game?

Now (you) start off in a cat cafe, walking sloooooooooooowly around a space station, going to sleep in your room and dreaming of dancing with (not) Nilou telling (you) are the chosen one to save the world and she will not shut the fuck up.

It's so fucking boring and the most cliché shit there is. I guess the ugly and boring design of the self insert is fitting.

I Didn't get to try the new combat because i got so fucking bored and quit.

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @SnugSmug >they actually copied the Genshin formula



@Meemoo @SnugSmug It's part 1.5 techno word vomit all over again. Great first impression for the new crowd they hoped to reel in. Especially since they did fuck all to improve the new player experience for part one and you need to be level 30 to even start part two.

The dude seriously needs to switch to writing visual novels or they need to hire an editor to tard wrangle him.

I ended up just skipping the story. Even when you finish the 30 minute tutorial and get dropped into the first zone they pull that shit where you can't take 5 steps without getting more fucking story dumped on you.
This goes on for ages until the game begrudgingly lets you play the actual fucking game.

New combat is meh. The discount Elysia is the only suit with any kind of aerial combat. (which also happens to be the S rank suit). Hammer loli and crossbow chick's combat sucks and is very basic.
The new system that replaced ELF's has been turned into a second ult.

Shit sucks.

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @SnugSmug Genshin got them wayyyy too comfortable with screwing over their players

I'd like to see one of their games get fucked for a change


@Meemoo @SnugSmug Part 2 is pretty much a flop. Looking around the web i'd say that the reaction to part 2 is lukewarm at best.
Most complaints are about the god awful bloated writing, disappointing visuals and combat.
The new players mostly complain about how confusing the game is, how everything is buried under submenu's and the bombardment of tutorials.

A post on chink forums that got allot of traction is that the devs utterly failed to listen to their players.

They should have just tossed the game into maintenance mode after the finale and rerun old events while taking their time working on part 2.

Everything after part 1 was half assed as fuck and did the game more harm than good.
Part 1.5 was already divisive among players and i'm sure part 2 drove more people off than it gained.


@Meemoo @SnugSmug >That score

Yeah, i'd say HI3 completely fucked. :doge_laugh:

Spooke, avatar

@Tamamo @Meemoo @SnugSmug do you think mihoyo would do it EoS Hi3 and then release Hi3 Part 1 the archive as an offline standalone game reusing the assets from Hi3.

They probably won't but lul Hi3 p2 if its as you say seems like EoS material.


@Spooke @Meemoo @SnugSmug I doubt they'll EOS the game. It would be a massive blow to mihomo's reputation.
But honestly nothing short of pulling a FFIV style reboot is gonna fix this trainwreck of a state the game is currently in.

My money is that they'll go for the easy way out and start rushing to bring back members of the old cast.

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @SnugSmug part 2 is basically headed by that techno babble cunt so you should expect the most boring, mundane, and disconnected from established lore story telling going forward.

I'm convinced all the OG devs left for other projects and now HI3 is treated as a testing bed for new hirees.

The cunt going out of his way to hag up every loli despite established lore shows how disconnected he is from the game's world.
I bet he's stretching his scripts in hopes of getting picked up to work on Genshin since they love bloated text over there.


@Meemoo @SnugSmug The dude really needs to learn to show and not tell. They advertise it as an action game but he turned it into a very boring visual novel where the action game part takes a back seat.

>I'm convinced all the OG devs left for other projects and now HI3 is treated as a testing bed for new hirees.

That's pretty much what the chinks are accusing them of too.
I'm pretty sure the only reason global isn't rage quitting as hard yet is because we are still on the launch patch where they are giving away allot of free shit to celebrate the launch of part 2.

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @SnugSmug most of the whales in global and JP left already

You don't see any rage because those who don't like the changes left. After all, why throw a hissy fit when the devs only listen to CN?

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @SnugSmug
Who would win?

>Part 2, shilled and marketed into oblivion with countless streamer sponsorships

>One barefoot loli that can be obtained for free


@Meemoo @SnugSmug They also had the brilliant idea to launch part 2 alongside the big HSR story patch that is written by Elysia dev. :reimu_sigh:


@Meemoo @SnugSmug Damn the chinks are really letting him have it. :kekw:

Minty, avatar

@Tamamo @Meemoo @SnugSmug kinda glad I never got into honkai impact or genshin. Cus I feel like if i did I'd be beyond angry at this point. Y'all really did get the rough end of the stick here. :ars_pat:


@Minty @Meemoo @SnugSmug Shit plot aside. The TLDR of this shit show is that they literally bolted a new game on top of the old one like a tumor.
Part 2 has its own characters, crafting mats, banners, currencies, upgrades, combat mechanics, etc.

HI3 was already a convoluted mess. Instead of unifying the bazilion currencies, mats and menu's like people have been asking for, they made it even worse.

Also they added NOTHING people have been asking for in this reboot. Still can't replay past events, can't replay open world stories, outright removed co-op, armada is still useless, the dorm "revamp" is a fucking joke, still can't sweep mat stages, etc etc

Players are pissed and leaving in droves.

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @Minty @SnugSmug >surpassed by Gakuen



@Meemoo @Minty @SnugSmug So how they fix this? :yoko_think:

  1. Double down and ignore the backlash
  2. Scrap part 2 and start over
  3. Bring back Elysia
  4. Fuck it. EOS.
Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @Minty @SnugSmug there's no fixing this sinking ship. Best they can do is fire Fanchuan and blacklist him from the company.

Elysia coming back will have the opposite effect considering chinks are currently throwing a fit telling Mihoyo to leave her be

I doubt they will do either of these. They will just triple and quadruple down on their decisions MICA style because Genshit and shart rail bring in the money.


@Meemoo @Minty @SnugSmug They might be able to save it by apologizing for this shitshow and actually start listening to their players.
And yeah, fire the retard. Final chapter sucked and 1.5 was even worse. It takes a special kind of retard to fuck up both the finale and the long awaited Hersher of Death's awakening.

In hindsight i wonder if he ruined Griseo by hagging her up and turning her into a fucking soywars parody just to spite Elysia dev.
I can see him being a petty cunt like that because everyone complained that the finale was shit while everyone praised Elysian Realm.

The only way they might get away with "bringing back" Elysia is giving the Miss Pink Elf battlesuit an augment core and new PRI-ARM to update her combat to the new system.

Also lol at this guy framing the chart.

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @Minty @SnugSmug he's an absolute cunt to work with according to this poster

>The copywriting planners I have worked with who are very difficult to describe all have some common problems:

>1. He is very arrogant. If others have a bad experience with his copywriting, it is because their level is too low.

>2. Not thinking about the rhythm of copywriting for the game. Even the most critical part of the game, which is the most likely to lose players, requires a lot of settings, like The Riddler.

>3. When connecting to art, the requirements were quite unclear and it was impossible to give accurate modification opinions.

>4. Lack of basic expression skills. Before having a clear story structure, he likes to apply a lot of philosophical and historical systems, but can't write the interaction between people well. When characters talk to each other, it seems to be complicated and difficult to pronounce. A jerky script.

>Copywriters and planners will always talk about writing theories and the like. I think there is no problem with these. It is normal to specialize in a technical field.

>But while talking about theories, what is written cannot be read clearly. It gives the impression that you are learning to run before you can walk. When communicating, you will always say "what do you know, you are not a copywriter", then it will It makes people feel very hard and difficult to cooperate with.

>I really miss some of my copywriting colleagues who are very comfortable to work with. Even if some of them have different creative ideas, when we work together to promote the project, I still feel that these people care about the entire game and not just the ivory tower they have built with words.


@Meemoo @Minty @SnugSmug Yeah i saw this.

>but can't write the interaction between people well.

This. So. Fucking. Much.

I could not give a flying about anyone in 1.5. It should have been about Seele, Susannah and the Vodka Twins like they fucking teased at the start of the chapter.
A chance to finally develop their characters after the trio's story had ended.
Lillia could have been the new Ice support. Rosa the new Psy DPS and Seele the Qua Hersher everybody wanted.

Nope, instead with we get a bunch of literally who's and lore dumps about some shitty bubble universe we have zero attachment to and i'm somehow supposed to care.

I hate that fanchuan piece of shit so fucking much.

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @Minty @SnugSmug remember when part 2 was supposed to be about Seele and Sora? Whatever happened to that?

Who asked for this mars shit?

Btw I find it funny that all the "fans" that cheered for Griseo getting hagged are nowhere to be seen now. Almost like hag fags are parasites that don't play the things they claim to like


@Meemoo @Minty @SnugSmug Sora is forgotten like Raven. Another character who got done dirty.

Mars setting i don't mind. Not having a single familiar face while they have so many to work with is what's pissing me off.

I thought they were prepping Susannah to be the new MC with how they pushed her. She would be the familiar face after the time skip with her squamates as the new debuts.

Hell they could have had aged up vodka twins as early banners to drive hype since they actually CAN age unlike Luna and Griseo.

Now we have discount Elysia, discount Blue Archive Kayoko, boring chick and a fucking self insert nobody asked for.

Meemoo, avatar

@Tamamo @Minty @SnugSmug they are retarded

Introducing a new MC alone is already crazy risky by itself which is why games usually sprinkle in members of old casts to soften the blow. these bugmen added a whole new setting and cast on top

What the hell did they think was gonna happen?


@Meemoo @Minty @SnugSmug It will be fun watching them squirm attempting to fix this shit.

Look at the engagement numbers. ZZZ, a game that's not even out, has better engagement numbers than HI3 with its shiny new patch that was supposed to bring the game back into the spotlight.
I guess paying asmongoloid to play part 2 didn't work out too well. :kekw:


blueknightfrank, avatar

@Tamamo @Meemoo @Minty @SnugSmug and insult to injury that zzz after censorship


@blueknightfrank @Meemoo @Minty @SnugSmug On top of that, the reaction from streamers who got into the last ZZZ beta was pretty mixed.

Vidmastereon, avatar

@Tamamo @Meemoo @Minty @SnugSmug realtalk if they were to go "somehow, Elysia returned" for pt 2 it would defibrilate the entire game


@SnugSmug I know that feel :withered_wojack:

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