@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar



A skeleton.
Alternative account #1: bae.st/lichelordgodfrey
Alternative account #2: shortstacksran.ch/users/lichelordgodfrey

Mondays and Wednesdays, at 8PM US EST, I stream anime of different genres here: poast.tv/w/oohP4NR3fkc1ambFAaN4WN

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lichelordgodfrey, to random
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar
lichelordgodfrey, to random
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@SuperSnekFriend @SuperSnekFriend @SuperSnekFriend @wastelad @Dicer @Groomschild @flux_the_cat @CenturianFrend @stoner713 @NorseRealist @blankdeblank @milk_possum

30 minutes from this post, I will be streaming episode 31 of Galaxy Express 999!

The stream will still be active before then, but only playing music as usual.


lichelordgodfrey, to random
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar
lichelordgodfrey, to random
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar
Umlaut, to random
@Umlaut@mugicha.club avatar

Pretty much all video games are liberal or have strong liberal biases because they're made in a totalitarian liberal system by products of that system. Here, I'll list some;

Command & Conquer
Mass Effect
Baldurs Gate
Age of Empires
Warcraft 1-3
Tomb Raider
Metal Gear (series)
Deus Ex
The Witcher series
Assassin's Creed (entire series)
Fallout series
Ace Combat (series)
Total War
Paradox Game Studios Map painters (all of them, EXTREMELY liberal in fact)

RT: https://poa.st/objects/17eaa740-71d2-4388-9d31-ff324d0963cd

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@Umlaut unless the game is made by people aware of the system they live under and are against it, it will have at least aspects of it baked in.

warcraft 3 is pretty bad about this; mass effect is extremely obvious.

every other scientist is a nigger in half-life despite that being extremely unlikely even now, if they are doing actual research. it would have been more likely they would be some kind of east asian (if they MUST have non-Whites).

age of empires makes all civs equally capable against each other, and some of the civs were barely civilizations in real life (re: the sub-saharan african civs)

deus ex is a game I still like mechanically and some of its story but it is schizo boomer conspiracy theorist bait and is not against transhumanism in its premise either.

I only played fallout 3 and new vegas but all the vaults are mixes of different races and yet they persist for long periods of time without formal segregation and no rapes/miscegenation.. and everyone's equally capable. this is excusable for the player character because you are fundamentally the chosen one, but not everyone else.

the map painter games from paradox will let you get away with some "illiberal" things but notably, and I recall this, there's no way to back the Klan in America and actually just be a pro-White country.. the only option is to destroy the klan to remove the threat to your power.

my guilty pleasure, Stellaris, without mods, has men and women equally capable and while warcrimes are easy the three paths that are heavily pushed on the player as ascension perks/paths all lead toward heavy modification of your species (psionic making everyone conduits of demons, machine ascension killing and uploading everyone into machine chasses (with its lesser brother "cybernetics" that still heavily, recreationally, modifies your species), and genetic re-engineering to completely remake your species). xenophilic empires do not collapse if a player is running it and knows what they're doing and multiple species can be together on one planet and there are .. no problems unless you specifically make there be problems with certain traits for certain species.

the rest I don't have much of an opinion on because I didn't play them much.

lichelordgodfrey, to random
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

Spur of the moment decision but I'm playing the System Shock remake with @flux_the_cat 's album playing in the background


his album: https://poast.tv/w/p/2knEWnYP4ZXcocUFtUHi7i?playlistPosition=1

lichelordgodfrey, to random
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar
Fiddle, to random
@Fiddle@bae.st avatar
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@sjw @Fiddle actually no.

the 13 colonies were the prison colonies that a lot of British criminals were exiled to.

this changed to Australia only after the largest prison break in history happened (the American Revolution).

Paulyfrog64, to random
@Paulyfrog64@poa.st avatar

Here's your based trad noodling tomboy CHYAT!

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@DutchBoomerMan @Paulyfrog64 @reloadedAK bigger picture is she's playing an act.

it's not real.

she might be really catching catfish, but she's doing it as a performative thing to sell shit to a niche audience that wants to see more White women in their advertising.

and yeah she's advertising, she's sponsored by black rifle coffee company and a suite of other jewish-owned drop shipping companies.

don't even need to read the rest of what pauly says because that alone, if I liked her before, throws me off.


@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@DutchBoomerMan @Paulyfrog64 @reloadedAK nearly everyone that gets big will be like this.

they will not necessarily be actively ZOG'd, or actively pro-gay, pro-jewish, pro-nigger, etc, or anything (though that'll creep in if they desire to get bigger) but there isn't organic stuff anymore.

some big jew or shabbos goy (and yeah the latter does get to do what they want, to an extent, as long as they don't step on the toes of powerful jews) picks and chooses who's going to be big.

long gone are the days of something like pewdiepie legitimately growing from viewership and people recommending him by sharing links around alongside a less stringent algorithm.

damn near everything's an ad. it sucks.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@justnormalkorean @DutchBoomerMan @Paulyfrog64 @reloadedAK niggas never wanna just settle for small time superchats and be a funny guy for a living.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@DutchBoomerMan @Paulyfrog64 @justnormalkorean @reloadedAK idk randbot can manage it.

it helps if you go to platforms where you can say nigger and get the word out.

it beats wageslaving for globohomo goldblattstein.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@DutchBoomerMan @justnormalkorean @Paulyfrog64 @reloadedAK I'm here because some friends got me to try it out in March of 2021.

no jim involved.

PafuPafuVt, to random
@PafuPafuVt@poa.st avatar

Weak piss stream am I dying

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar
SuperSnekFriend, to random
@SuperSnekFriend@poa.st avatar

Remembers guys
No matter what may be happening, it is never hopeless.

If the evil were sure that they were winning, then they wouldn't be pushing their propaganda so hard.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@SuperSnekFriend @YTFoidLover1488 @PurpCat Not being able to see that you are not a lone voice in doing the very minor act of hitting "dislike" may give you a sense of hope.

It might also show just how deeply unpopular the latest tranny fad is...

Can't have that.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

hi everyone have a good day. say something nice!!!

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf Have a good day, Mr. Graf.

PraxisOfEvil, to random
@PraxisOfEvil@poa.st avatar

New substack is up, I discuss the flaming airman and the sacrifices white allies make in service to people who hate them


@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@PraxisOfEvil >a White guy does something that's bad for jews because he has some moral convictions
>this is bad because ... he's a shitlib?

gay take

Maldric, to random
@Maldric@poa.st avatar

The Dead Internet Society is back from it's morning ablutions and dives straight into the bussy (no actual helldiving will take place).


@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@Maldric >see maldric
>read the post after the fact

lichelordgodfrey, to random
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar
lichelordgodfrey, to random Irish
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

🤔 Any ideas?

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@MeBigbrain I'm getting around to it, and I only just realized "lore of metal" is not the name of the character...

You wanted Balthasar Gelt.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@MeBigbrain warhammer 40k not fantasy. never bought any total war game past empire total war and I never got into fantasy ever.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@MeBigbrain I have been busily attempting to forget most warhammer 40k "lore" for the past three years.

I don't think it's going to work because I've been trying to forget warcraft "lore" for 12 years and it's still lodged in there.

oh yeah, World of Warcraft turns 20 this November.

Groomschild, to random
@Groomschild@poa.st avatar
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@Dan_Hulson @King_Noticer @Awoo @MK2boogaloo @Groomschild @SuperSnekFriend @givenup @randbot 90% of autists are re-classified mentally retarded kids who don't have down syndrome and are completely non-functional alone.

the 10% that are functional (varying definitions of function) you can find here.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@King_Noticer @Dan_Hulson @Awoo @MK2boogaloo @Groomschild @SuperSnekFriend @givenup @randbot society at large sucks on purpose because of the "people" that control it and it rewards behaviors that would have earned you a beating, ostracism, etc, in the past.

bullying might not be as effective because of it.

what're they going to bully you into? being a fag? since the fags seem to get away with shit.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@King_Noticer @Dan_Hulson @Awoo @MK2boogaloo @Groomschild @SuperSnekFriend @givenup @randbot look at how many damned certified autists were so easily groomed by propaganda into becoming troons.

"I want to be accepted!"



everyone telling them this is "normal" and such, in spite of the extreme maladaptiveness outside of the narrow stretch of civilization that promotes/accepts it.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@Awoo @MK2boogaloo @Dan_Hulson @Groomschild @King_Noticer @SuperSnekFriend @givenup @randbot I wasn't just saying it, I vaguely recall this even being a thing. The other kid might not even be really a homosexual/paraphiliac, but understands you get away with more if you present as a fag or tranny.

The immune system turned against its own body.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@King_Noticer @Groomschild @Dan_Hulson @Awoo @MK2boogaloo @SuperSnekFriend @givenup @randbot I refuse to live alongside Goblins.

I'm going to Pluto. :akko_nope2:

lichelordgodfrey, to random
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

A reminder to other users of Poast, from our glorious leader in space:

lichelordgodfrey, to random
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar
@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf can't fit the whole number. here we go with.. "Troontown".

I take solace in that the inhabitants, if they were real, would have no idea what that even means.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim If they die during the Winter it will be funny, though.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim I've gotta get some basic infrastructure, housing, and warmth up before the next Winter. 1200 potatoes.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@MK2boogaloo @Jim @graf You have to keep making new housing or else they won't start new families.

You could also take a gamble with the nomads that show up periodically, which I have done (at one point, something like 100 nomads showed up at once) before... but they bring disease and can easily crash your economic equilibrium because you have way more mouths to feed suddenly.

Which has also happened to me, because I wanted the labor. Oops.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim Troontown has survived their first year.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim :mike2: oh boy, half-speed progress coming soon! time for a blacksmith.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim This child chopped a tree down with her bare hands.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim Now my woodcutter is making firewood with her barehands.

Blacksmith's almost done.


@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim Another year survived.

Tools are broken. Production on new ones haven't started in earnest yet.

Though, unlike actual troons, there will be actual tools soon.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim The blacksmith has created tools, but has not equipped himself with any. He's doing it the hard way voluntarily. What a lad. Except it means it'll take him longer to make more tools... eh.


@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim Finally have a tailor.

Leather coats coming right up. Better than nothing.

Next to expand and have another forester's lodge+gatherer's hut+hunting cabin combo. I should throw an herbalist in somewhere, too, for their health.

I can't afford a hospital at this point in time, and if a disease outbreak occurs now I'm screwed.

If a tornado strikes, I'm screwed.

If a fire starts, I might be screwed.


@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim Troontown has survived its 4th year.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim only one way to find out..

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf @Jim if you want I'll untag you (graf) til I get to year 25.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf Troontown has survived its 5th year.

@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@graf I finally have a decent surplus of logs. It's only going up from here.

rlier23, to random
@rlier23@bae.st avatar

im gonna pin this since it's pretty important


@lichelordgodfrey@poa.st avatar

@rlier23 @King_Noticer @Awoo @SuperSnekFriend a short woman with big tits is not a "loli"

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