

I'm Poppy Farbird (my username in some accounts is "Lemonheep"), a queer (she/they) furry artist who wants to work with technology and the admin of Citrus Plaza. Specifically, I both create artworks of anthros (though they are on my other account) and boost other artists' fascinating works. For technology, I try to integrate open-source projects the best I can. I have Linux on my gaming PC, use software like Codium, Onlyoffice, Krita, and such, and sometimes promote these projects to others. In the future, I also want to support them financially and through commits in their codebase. I'm also trying to get into things like web design and animation. Anyways, it's just nice to be in the Fedi, which has one of the best communities on the internet.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

radmin, to random

Okey, I don't really like KnowledgeHusk. I personally feel that he's just mid, where his production style doesn't captivate me and his takes are either obviously agreeable or crap. However, his video on the Apple car is pretty nice. It's fun to see him crap on how Apple doesn't understand how to make a car, where they only did the project as an impulse.

radmin, to random

I should get a Playstation 2. ​:neocat_sob:​

radmin, to random

Invidious needs Sponsorblock integration. It really is hard watching what are essentially advertisements in all but name. People weren't meant to take in such useless noise. They just want to be entertained. ​:neofox_sob:​

radmin, to random

One of my frens sent me heehee brainrot, and I need to download this but Instagram sucks and won't let me download video. Any help is appreciated. ​:neocat_sad_reach:​

radmin, to random

Me: I-I didn't wike the Thinkpad twackpoi- ​:neofox_bottom:​

Fedi: AYO WTF ​:neocat_scream_angry:​​:neofox_cry_loud:​​:drgn_scream_angry:​​:drgn_knife_angry:​​:blobfoxnotlikethis:​​:blobcat_googly_notlikethis:​​:blobcat_cry_notlikethis:​​:blobcat_cry:​​:neofox_scream_angry:​​:neofox_cry_loud:​​:floofScared:​

radmin, to random

Played some levels of Sam Hogan's video game, and I don't want to be harsh, but it's just not fun. Controlling the player is just so unpredictable and slippery for me that it actively impedes my performance. Often, I accidentally make jumps that travel nowhere, and often, I leap too far and have to fiddle to correct myself, and often, both happens over and over again. ​:floofSad:​

radmin, to random


radmin, to random

@moffintosh Huh, just wondering: Are you planning to rejoin the Raccoon Hollow? The Raccoon Den (which one of your accs is hosted in) has died and its admins had to make a new server.

You can also join another Misskey-based server (such as my server or https://kitty.social) or just decide not to make another acc at all, though.

18+ radmin, to random

If you're a copyright/patent troll, you should kill yourself. You fuckers set back our society's progress in the name of muh profits, using your kiss-ass, pigshit lawyers to do so. You represent all the issues with current copyright and patent laws.

radmin, to random

Okey, so:

  • Syuilo is the lead for Misskey
  • Amelia is the lead for Sharkey
  • Lain is the lead for Pleroma
  • Floatingghost is the lead for Akkoma
  • Gargron is the lead for Mastodon
  • Essem is the lead for Chuckya

What am I gonna do with this information? Idk. I just think it's fun to see the very people behind these neat projects. They don't have the resources of corporations, and they still have lives to contend with, but they still move Fedi as a community forward.
P.S.: Not sure who's Glitch-Soc's dev. I think their work making Mastodon actually usable is nice, though.

radmin, to random

Ik Nintendo is not a company known for its hardware, but I'm starting to like the Nintendo 64 less and less. Its games themselves are perfectly fine, but CDs were just objectively superior to cartridges during this era.

radmin, to random

Nintendo - Koopa Beach (Super Mario Kart)

Okey, a cheerful lil' tune for you folks to listen to. I don't actually like Super Mario Kart's soundtrack much (In fact, it's upsetting when you look at soundtracks from games like F-Zero in comparison), but this is just so nice to listen to. I vibe to this, honestly. ​:ablobcat_grooving:​

radmin, to random

Stumbled across this video about the History of JavaScript by Simplilearn. The music is overwhelmingly corporate, but the information is decent enough. It would drive some people already opposed to JS insane, though, lol. ​:neofox_lul:​

radmin, to random

Haven't watched this video about Twitter by Adam Conover yet, but it's pretty entertaining to see the comments section. Everyone is just saying to just stop using Twitter and that it's completely fucking useless. They're 100% right. Even if you're someone who wants art, literally, there is e926/e621 and Newgrounds. You can carry on with your day without wasting time in one of the internet's worst online communities.

radmin, to random

659 3/6︎
⬢︎ ◣︎ ⬢︎ ⬢︎ ◤︎ ◼︎ ◥︎

🔥 streak:1

radmin, to random


radmin, to random

-Torturing Misskey users by making them use their software on a pre-2010s device ​:neofox_evil:​

  • Torturing Mastodon users by adding even moar pretentious Twitteroids to their bloated instances ​:neofox_evil_3c:​
  • Torturing Pleroma users by merely touching their fragile-as-fuck database ​:neofox_floof_devil:​

@icedquinn Wonder how long the oldest of Pleroma/Akkoma servers will survive. It's concerning when servers like https://shitposter.club die but larger Mastodon servers of the same age, like https://mastodon.cloud, are just fine. Maybe there are ways to combat it, though, and I'm certain that there's at least some way to solve the problem of DB rot permanently.

radmin, to random

Had to go to my older sister's graduation. Awesome to see her succeed, and my dress was cute, but the event itself was boring, and the end part was way too fucking loud and bright for me. Fireworks are hella scary. Also, the university itself has violently mistreated protestors standing up to the mass-murder of our fellows at Palestine.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@labyrinth.zone avatar

Protip: If you're on holiday in another country, don't eat at a place where the menu is in English.


@Stellar @yassie_j ​:blobfox3c:​ (Poppy has forgotten that most Americans cannot cook and thus can make anything as horrifying as whatever this was (case in point: Andrew Yang's chicken soup))

radmin, to random

Dad and mom were watching some 80s movie called Nobody's Perfect, and it was about some guy dressing up as a girl to get some girl. Obviously, it was made as a "funny haha dude looks like a woman," but I'm kinda down bad for him dressed as a girl. ​:fox_blush:​

Weird how I react to this sort of trope in general. I also remember watching Good Burger, and in one of the main characters in that one part where they dress as women to sneak into Mondo Burger, I thought they really were cute. Maybe I should be offended, since we really should go past the 1000-year-old bullshit holding us back (also, before you ask, if no one can find blackface funny now, then no one should also find transphobia funny, too). In any case, it's not having the effect of me laughing. ​:neofox_think:​

radmin, to random

It's honestly weird having dreams where I'd walk from my old hometown to Phoenix. In one dream, it was because there was a large store I wanted to go to, and sometimes, it was just because I was curious. In real life, it'd literally take days in sweltering heat, yet there, the walks didn't feel long at all. The vibe felt kinda nice, though. After passing the large intersections at the edge of my hometown, I would be walking on a dirt path, with yellow grass around me and purple-ish, tall mountains far away. I didn't feel tired, either, only determined to reach the city.


@icedquinn Huh, wonder if I do have any issues with lactose intolerance. My older brother and dad have it, and it seems that many groups in Asia have a higher chance of having it than other groups outside of Asia.

radmin, to random
radmin, to random

Ridin' the streetcar rn. Feels nice (not carsick), tho I didn't bring the money to eat or shop downtown. ​:blobcat_shrug:​

moffintosh, to random
@moffintosh@mastodon.cloud avatar

@moffintosh Uh-oh. I think I smell American interventionism that will install a rightoid shithead. America did this shit before in Chile and Iran and many other countries that are too long to list off. Lithium is a profitable industry now with dumb fucks building battery cars instead of human-centric transit. I just hope our fellow neighbors in Mexico win this time. ​:neofox_sad:​

God, I really just lost the years of American patriotism that society has taught me, didn't I?

radmin, to random

Okey, so I watched this video on Podshare, a communal living space in Los Angeles. It honestly would have been interesting to see in America. I really hate how wasteful, vapid, and (more recently) needlessly costly the average American lifestyle is. We're supposed to pay for education and drive all the time and save up for a single-family home and pay for the right brands, and people will still call it an ideal lifestyle. However, its crucial failure is its $1200/mo. asking price. Why the fuck would this be acceptable? People are giving up the valuable asset of privacy to live there, and somehow that's still not enough.

Honestly, just mass-persecute landlords. Housing shouldn't be a difficult thing to provide, yet these disgusting fucking parasites have turned it to one of the world's most serious issues. It's just that liberals don't have the courage to radicalize and crack down on cappies, and the rightoids want to complain about movies or trans people instead.


@icedquinn Americans will be making bootleg capsule hotels and branding this as "a new way to live."

radmin, to random

Sterophonick should use an instance with emoji reactions imo ​:neocat_boop:​

radmin, to random

Thinking of making a Vultr acc again. Got ~$7 in my invoice (due to being dumb when paying, lol), but this is enough to buy me a $2.50/3.50 server they have. Maybe I can see how well something like Dolphin (Misskey's lightweight version of itself) or GoToSocial would run on it.

thegreatape, to random

I think something happened on the world stage today? IDK I haven't checked the news in ages. Hope everyone is having fun.


@icedquinn @thegreatape I should see more about Iran's attack on Israel, but it's not surprising that there's consequences to killing innocent people. Israel really has to stop its massacre on Gaza if it truly wants to protect its own people and not just steal others' land.

sun, to random
@sun@shitposter.world avatar

I have complete faith in your ability to do a good 4K rescan when you're too fucking stupid to not stretch the 4:3 to 16:9 for an official release.



Non-red bars

Huh, you use Sponsorblock?

I personally use it because people have a right not to listen to useless noise that doesn't contribute to the video. Ik it hurts the creators monetarily, since they are essentially the same as advertisements, but promoting what is at best useless crap and sometimes outright scams hurts us as the audience.

radmin, to random

Not to be a Jollibee shill or anything but their food doesn't make me feel gross ​:blobcat_shrug:​


@gamer I wrote this while family was getting Jollibee, lol ​:ablobcat_hungry:​
Not sure if they're slipping in quality. It's mostly compared to most fast food restaurants in America, which are ass.

The Palabok was fire, plus the gravy too (tho I mistake of pouring it on my container which had vents in it ​:woozy_sob:​). Also, the new Ube pie they're selling is neat. Didn't like the chicken as much fresh , but it's much better when it's reheated. ​:floofHappy:​

moffintosh, to random

Guess who got half-intoxicated while bleaching the mold?


@moffintosh U good? ​:neocat_hug_sad:​

radmin, to random

Trying to install Arch in a VM rn out of curiosity.

Not sure if I wanna complete it. It's much harder than any other distro I've installed (even Debian), and I'm not sure how much I want rolling release distributions as someone who's perfectly fine with keeping Pop OS on my system. ​:blobcat_shrug:​

SuperDicq, to random

We did it. My car is free terrorize the public roads of Europe for another year.




Idk why, but I'm having a hard time believing that Dutch is a real language ​:neofox_googly_shocked:​

radmin, to random

Nothing special, just a stupid meme to rot your brain ​:floofBlep:​

Pol Pot is actually far worse than Hitler, though. I really hope Cambodia recovers from that man's disgusting, evil, and maybe even hypocritical crimes, as brutal as they were. ​:floofSad:​

radmin, to random

I am proud to state that Citrus Plaza is officially EEE-resistant (aka defederated from Facebook). ​:floofHeart:​

RE: https://limepeeps.perchinup.top/notes/9r2o4k93s0xn00qe

FediPact, to random
@FediPact@cyberpunk.lol avatar

meta just showed off threads’ fediverse integration for the very first time

"during the fediforum conference, meta demonstrated what it might look like to toggle on fediverse sharing and post across multiple platforms"



To Facebook:
You will not EEE us
Sure, there are people like Gargron and Stux who will embrace you with open arms. There are also people like us who've understood just what you motherfuckers have done.

  • We've seen you destroy XMPP along with Google, which really had potential to become a major chat protocol
  • We've seen you blatantly disregard how your shitbot promoted genocide to our fellows in Myanmar.
  • We've seen you work with Cambridge Analytica, who used our data to manipulate public opinion.
    We're never going to excuse all of that. We're never gonna welcome you.
18+ radmin, to random

Republicans and priests'll be ridin' dat unwilling and 11-year-old poo-say then scoff at us troons like we're all kiddie fuckers ​:drgn_angry:​ /srs

radmin, to random

Here's a really stunning video that thoroughly criticizes the Anti-Vaccine Movement, and specifically the study that was one of its greatest influences. Hbomberguy has effectively demonstrated how little real evidence there was for that movement in general, and how much of it was actually hysteria induced by the people behind the 1998 study (which falsely built a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism). Really, there's just no evidence against vaccination, especially when one of its major figures, Andrew Wakefield, has been completely discredited as a doctor and was never in it for the science.

Less important note: His comedy has also improved. While his jokes in older videos made me want to scream in pain, they're actually quite amusing in it.

radmin, to random
radmin, to random

@apple Help mee my Krita is glitchy on my Microsoft Surface Go with Fedora can you fix it Tim Apple ​:neofox_googly_shocked:​


@icedquinn @apple Just a joke response to a parody acc, but yeah, Krita is glitchy on my PC tablet. I'm thinking it's because Krita is mostly for normal PCs with drawing tablets and not PC tablets/2-in-1s.


@sneexy @icedquinn @apple Ah, I see. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten a Surface Go, then. It's lovely as a tablet and regular laptop, but it's upsetting to see Krita fuck up so much on it. It's my favorite piece of software as an artist. ​:floofSad:​


@icedquinn @sneexy @apple Zooming with a finger works only part of the time, where sometimes, I just cannot zoom for no reason, and I have to twiddle my stylus to get zoom working again.

moffintosh, to random
@moffintosh@mastodon.cloud avatar

> Biden attempted



@moffintosh @jordinn Well, he actually was going to do that, but then decided not to like the almost-80-year-old hypocritical puddle of diarrhea he is. ​:neocat_angry:​

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