@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar



:bun: Happy Easter, not going to be on Fedi for a week :bun:

Messing up IRL, taking a small break from socialmedia to get my shit together.

[Main Account]
Drawing, Animating, and Programming while using open source software just for the hell of it...

:gnu_jihad: GNU/JIHAD :gnu_jihad:

:p: Proud pp supporter :p:
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@siinclaiir (Fuck Instagram)
socialhome.network/u/siinclaiir/ (Fuck DeviantArt and Pinterest)

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rejectwreck, to random
@rejectwreck@poa.st avatar

Alright since, it is nearly spring time.
Now is a good time to discuss gardening. Last year i tried was potatoes, corn, cabbage and i can never remember the names of flowers i plant as they are all latin plus they die quick lol.
The only thing that survived was cabbageies? so far. I got some more corn seeds so i am going to use them up but Anyone know any good potatoes that last cold weather? Seeing how i don't have more potatoes.
Flowers too if you have recommendations as long as they are cheap as bees are cool.
Also thinking of planting some tea leaves to anyone got any recommendations?
Anyone know good ways to kill slugs and, animals that eat slugs? I was thinking a hedgehog but, i am not sure if hedgehog eat that many slugs as, i have never had a hedgehog before.

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@karna @rejectwreck :tanya_sigh: My bad for the late response, notifications constantly being burried by hellthreads.

:lain_sneed: But yeah anyways im glad to see more people on fedi seeding these days. Ill share some stuff that works for me, including pictures of my actual garden.

:meru_yeehaw: Also btw im here down in Texas so its radically different from places that gets cold. however i do notice certain plants survived over the winter.

> Anyone know good ways to kill slugs
🐞 🐛 To keep the slugs and other insects away i would say grow some Lemon Balm, Mint, and Basil however they are VERY invasive.
Plant them in a separate container but keep them kinda close to the stuff you don't want to get eaten.

:zt_nod: Using raise beds might help slightly, Also planing peppers or flowers that attacks ladybugs in the same bed of whatever plant being targeted helps. Also buy some lady bugs if needed (Pic Related)

>Also thinking of planting some tea leaves to anyone got any recommendations?
:02_smile::TeaTime: Once you start growing mint / Lemon balm you have tea for life, they grow like crazy year round. (Pic Related)

>Anyone know any good potatoes that last cold weather?
:zt_think: For the potatoes I would try growing them in a barrel and put a tarp over to shield them from the cold winds.

:02_shrug: There could be a type of potatoe that survive cold weather but im not sure. I think overall you have to shield your crops from the cold winds. Trying making a hoop raised bed, I tried something similar, sadly i have no pictures.

:thumbs_up: Also try growing more leafy stuff like spinach and lettuces. Lettuces do better in colder climates.

:muki_sigh: hot climates like in Texas lettuces taste bitter to the point its not editable.

:tanya_happy: But yeah, hope this helps out dude
also thanks @karna cc-ing this to me
Mint / Basil Before
Mint / Basil After

Mint / Basil After

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

oh also since it's literally always a point of contention every time there's an influx of new users 👇🏻

moderators and admins can read your chats

the purpose of this is so that in the event somebody is breaking a rule privately we can enforce it and deal with those users. please also be advised that admins and moderators on the other 29k instances poast is aware of and federates with can also read your messages if you sent something to one of their users (only your messages to that user).

as you should always be doing on any online platform, please approach chats with caution and do not give away private information over chat. if you wish to do that there are many end-to-end encrypted solutions such as the Poast Matrix

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

>new frens when discovering Admins and Mods can read your posts like every other SM platform on the clear net.

siinclaiir, to random
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar
sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@sjw :zt_nod:

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@MasterSimper @sjw
>(You are feeling ill)
In a panic, you eat a lunchables, however, the bubbling have gotten even more violent.
(You feel even worse)

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@MasterSimper @sjw
>(Like a storm in mythical greece called by the god Poseidon, your stomach churns and ebbs, you must act soon)

Immediately, you leave the house and go to your friend Alexas house. Not sure how you made it, but with the grace of god, you made it in one piece.

You made a beeline straight to the restroom; however, it's locked.
You knocked on the door.

But there's no response.

You frantically knocked again and pleaded with whoever was on the other side to let you in, but there was no response.

You put your ear close to the bathroom door. On the other side of the door, you can hear the shower head running while "Flyleaf - All Around Me" faintly plays in the background...

(Your kegeling starts to wane)

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@MasterSimper @sjw
As death leaves out of your body, you slowly gain consciousness.
Alexas mom is staring at you with a preplexed face.

Confused about why she is making such a face, you recover all five senses; you find yourself standing over the kitchen sink in a sitting squat position with your lower half completely exposed.

Finally, you have recalled the horror you just have committed...

You ******* ****** ****** and ******** ******* ********* while ******** ****** ****** all over the kitchen sink.

Overwhelmed with great shame, you quickly reach around your ankles; however, your pants are missing.

You quickly scan the kitchen, but at last, your pants are nowhere to be seen. You must've taken it off at a certain point. You offered to help clean up, but with a troubled yet kind voice, Alexa's mother declined.
With a gently smile as if nothing had happened, Alexa's mom said:

Alexa's mother: "L-like I was saying, are you staying over tonight? We're having Pizza Hut."

You awkwardly nod your head.

You leave the kitchen and search for your pants, exposed, wearing only an Offspring rockband T-shirt.


siinclaiir, to random
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

Use "NoFediMeta" on checkout.


Pawlicker, to random

BOSSman is talking to people on monkey ripping bong hits
quality content

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@Pawlicker @McMongoose :pepe_lol: favorite one you posted, love the new picture he hung over that massive hole.
chair smasher.mp4

chair smasher.mp4

siinclaiir, to random
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:akko_nope2: ..........every time shit like this happens in anime or tv shows i cant help but slam the spacebar, catch my breath, and cringe. :tanya_ehh: Also wtf is an access injection???? Access to what specifically??? That so vague. I never heard an "Access Injection" in my 10 years of soydeving. Also why create batch file that deletes the program after it stops executing??? Why???? start it up again for the love of god its a fucking keylogger :meru_whoa: :tanya_sigh: feel like drooping this shit but im only finished EP 3....whatever, ill just fucking turn my brain off... back to watching :back_to_gab: )

coolboymew, to random
@coolboymew@bae.st avatar

Sorry for moving again. The fix is taking a tad long so I've moved to somewhere that's federating more with everything else

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@Pawlicker @coolboymew @sjw
>I'm kinda broke
the struggles of a retro computer collector :zt_nod:

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@graf @Ace66062 @coolboymew @sjw :naruhodo: ah, didn't know that

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@sjw @icedquinn @noyoushutthefuckupdad @shadowferret
kinda related, but i did showcase an rpg project i made towards the end of interviews to lighten things up. Still working at the company as a soydev to this day.

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

@siinclaiir what should happen to this Texas man?


@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@sjw :tanya_cultured: This man is a true Texan and the people who don't think so otherwise should be deported to California.

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

@siinclaiir It turns out that ray tracing on a 42-year-old computer is actually possible, if you’re willing to wait 17 hours for each frame to load

The ZX Spectrum that could


@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@sjw Just reminded me i need to get a sinclair spectrum. Still hadn't got one of those yet, what a shame :tanya_sigh:

Tepid_Tapir, to random

I have this BIG ol boomer front yard - probably about an acre that, save for some trees on one corner and a bird feeder I put up, it is all flat lawn.

I'm thinking of putting a vegetable garden out there, as it may be my only viable place (within reason) to build one. Flat, full sun, lots of space. However, being my front yard and where our wall of windows face, I want it to also be pretty to look at.

My goals are to have a somewhat pretty, somewhat functional garden, on a somewhat reasonable budget. If y'all have any ideas, some picture inspiration, tips & tricks, your dream garden, whatever, I'd love to hear it!

I posted some photos I am using as inspiration.

Some hurdles I have so far:

  1. Stone is expensive here - I will probably replace all stone with wood or some cheaper alternative.
  2. I do have a budget, thus the garden is going to be on the smaller side. 4-6 medium (3ftx3ft?) beds to start.
  3. I personally believe it needs to have a fence due to the free roaming dogs. It doesn't need to be impenetrable, just a barrier.
  4. I would really love to incorporate some decorative flowers as well, maybe even a pergola like trellis I could add later on and an arbor to start?

I can already feel my money leaving my wallet 💸

The arbor allows to grow some passiflora or some vining veggie and the fencing looks simple, hopefully cheap, but also very pretty
Stolen from youtuber Morgan Donner, she tries to recreate a medieval garden on the right. I love the bed placement and the fact that there are flowers along the fence. There is space to get around all the beds. The fence looks nice as well although not my style.
The fencing looks nice but it also looks sort of expensive to me, doesn't look like something I can easily replicate. Actually saved this because I like the layout of the garden beds inside - I think I would change it though so you could get completely around the beds, as opposed to backing it up against the fence

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@sjw @Tepid_Tapir
:tanya_happy: Okay nice, looks like you're taking the sneed pill.

:zt_nod: Ill try to keep it short as possible with picture of my garden. Also obviously this is a huge project so it will take a while for completion, especially doing it solo


  • Sand - Filler in between the clay tiles, Usually gravel but get extensive quick.

  • Cardboard - For temporarily holding the sand until it set in place over time

  • Outdoor Clay Tiles (12x12) - Your main floor. Easy to carry and load, no truck required.

  • Soil - for sneeding :sneed_cat_dance:

  • Plastic Tote / Grow bags - Cheap and inexpensive. With totes you drill holes on bottom for drainage. Easy to carry and adjust. No truck required. However degrades of 1 year, should upgrade to an actual proper bed after 1-2 years

  • Large Outdoor Rug - After finishing your floor lay it on top. Helps block the sun so no grass grow in between tiles / sand when cardboard breakdown.


  • Hoop House
  • Greenhouse
  • Tarp

:loli_thumb: And thats it, sorry this is pretty abridge version of what i did but i hope this helps and good luck dude.


@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@EvilSandmich @sjw @Tepid_Tapir
:naruhodo: Ohoo, thats pretty creative man.

:shrug_akko: Also people say growing food from totes is not food-safe but as long it doesn't kills me im okay, i dont give a shit lol

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

no problem dude, also im glad @sjw cc'd me this
>I will plan out and place and plant the beds first
:akko_cultured: Thats what i did first as well, starting out with the grow-bags and immediately start growing, vs laying the clay tiles.
Plus the plants is what really makes the yard pop out.
:aqua_thumbs_up: best of luck and feel free to cc me the progress dude

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@moth_ball @sjw @Tepid_Tapir :jahy_happy2: yo moth, thanks man. Yeah its really rewarding honestly to garden.

Royper, to random
@Royper@poa.st avatar
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar
icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@icedquinn @shadowferret
:02_laugh: KEKW, my goodness, peek autism on that campaign.

"Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Abdul Jabbar was a true son of a bitch"

  • Dad

cc @noyoushutthefuckupdad @sjw

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@icedquinn @sjw @noyoushutthefuckupdad @shadowferret lol It was needed, everything Muhammad did wasn't halal

inex, to random
@inex@pony.social avatar


@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar
sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@sjw @VidMasterEon @GinNig @matrix @Taylor
pretty interesting build :senkowow:

siinclaiir, to random
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:jahy_hmm: This is an index of any hobby related stuff I do. ([Buyfag], [YASD], [MineCraft IRL], [Obenkyo], [Shit Scripts], etc). Doing this so i could find and post hobby rated topics in one thread, separated from my shit posting. <<< Prev /thread

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:blobartist: [YASD] (Yet another shitty drawing) is a collection of drawings, sketches, animations, etc i made over the years. <<< Prev /thread

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:googleeagle: Hawk
🍆 Eggplant

🇯🇵 Awaken 🇯🇵



@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

My hobbies related to gardening, chickens, woodworking, etc goes here >>>Prev /Thread

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:sneed_cat_dance: I was sneeding today and i found this snake. :shrug_kon: Not sure if its venomous or not but most importantly how do i have sex with it? PLEASE I MUST KNOW


sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

I bought some fancy syrup in a glass bottle from Louisiana to put on my biscuits today to celebrate the cold and dreary day.

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@sjw @ceo_of_monoeye_dating its okay, no need to lie

GinNig, to random
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@sjw @GinNig :zt_nod:

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

@sjw @redneonglow @Awoo @ChristiJunior @FBI @McMongoose @RedTechEngineer @Terry @Zalzen @get @jasonl8446 @mactonite @nosleep @roboneko @zemichi oh that, I took care of it already. He requested to deactivate his account :thumbs_up:

siinclaiir, to random
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:jahy_hmm: This is an index of any hobby related stuff I do. ([Buyfag], [YASD], [MineCraft IRL], [Obenkyo], [Shit Scripts], etc). Doing this so i could find and post hobby rated topics in one thread, separated from my shit posting. :tanya_sigh: Late and gay because my scanner shit itself and I lost my camera so i wasn't able to post anything for 3 months. Most of these are old. <<< Prev /thread

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:blobartist: [YASD] (Yet another shitty drawing) is a collection of drawings, sketches, animations, etc i made over the years. :tanya_sigh: As explain before in the main thread index, late and gay because my scanner shit itself and I lost my camera so i wasn't able to post art for 3 months. So most of these drawings are from 3 months ago. <<< Prev /thread

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:tanya_happy: Merry Christmas fedi

siinclaiir, to random
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:jahy_hmm: This is an index of any hobby related stuff I do. ([Buyfag], [YASD], [MineCraft IRL], [Obenkyo], [Shit Scripts], etc). Doing this so i could find and post hobby rated topics in one thread, separated from my shit posting. <<< Prev /thread

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:blobartist: [YASD] (Yet another shitty drawing) is a collection of drawings, sketches, animations, etc i made over the years. <<< Prev /thread

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

My hobbies related to gardening, chickens, woodworking, etc goes here >>>Prev /Thread

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:chickenhat: I went a head and purchase 2 more chickens. Originally i was going to buy more chickens at spring but brought them early because of the egg shortage.

:shrug_kon: Honestly the egg shortage doesn't effect me at all what so ever since i produce my own eggs, but i did notice there were less chickens at my local chicken farm.

:zt_nod: Payed a little extra ($20 each vs $10) because these chicken in particular produce eggs faster. DEFINITELY WORTH IT, since they been laying non stop.

:akko_nope2: Im slowly thinking that store bought eggs is a scam. Like dude, you can literally buy a baby chick for 25 cents... CENTS (at least here in texas). Speaking of which im going to buy some at spring.

:jahy_uwu: Anyways chickens ftw and here some pictures of my new chickens.


@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

Did a sketch and ended up actually liking it. Going to redo this on better paper, correct the fuck ups and color it on the weekend or something.


@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

Finished the drawing at the weekend. Also i might as well make this my new pfp while i add it.
:cirno_think: Ended up not using different paper and just make due of what i have and shaded in with pencil + ink.
Coloring could be better but coloring is my weakest area.



siinclaiir, to random
@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

:jahy_hmm: This is an index of any hobby related stuff I do. ([Buyfag], [YASD], [MineCraft IRL], [Obenkyo], [Shit Scripts], etc). Doing this so i could find and post hobby rated topics in one thread, separated from my shit posting. >>>Prev /thread

@siinclaiir@bae.st avatar

My hobbies related to gardening, woodworking, etc goes here >>>Prev /Thread

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