
ThatOneKirbyMain2568, (edited ) to AskKbin in Kbin or Mbin? Which do you prefer?
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I prefer Kbin. It has the latest features (magazine collections, an aggregate view that combines threads and microblog posts, more options, etc.) , and I really like the developer @ernest. Aside from just being cool, he posts frequent updates over on @kbinDevlog.

Something worth noting is that Kbin doesn't have many instances. Kbin.social is the main one, and the only other decently up-to-date one I know of is kbin.earth, run by the creator of the Interstellar app for Kbin. On the other hand, Mbin has more instances, as most established Kbin instances switched to it at the time it was created (during which Kbin development had been inactive for about a month). Also, Mbin has a more community-oriented development system tmk, whereas Kbin development is closely managed by Ernest.

@Jezebelley3D@kbin.social avatar

Hey cool I'm replying to myself via my brand new kbin account! Your comment about having an All Content option combining maga and micros made up my mind for me!

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Welcome! Yeah, the All Content view is great — probably my favorite feature added in the past few months. I have my home page set to Subscriptions (All Content), and it's the best. I see threads from my favorite magazines and microblog posts on tech & fediverse stuff.

@Jezebelley3D@kbin.social avatar

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you!!!

@Jezebelley3D@kbin.social avatar

Quick question... is kbin.social having upload issues at the moment? I'm on mobile and I can't seem to get an image to upload to my microblog post.

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Image uploading on microblog posts should be fine. Right now, Kbin's image uploading UI doesn't actually give any visual feedback when you click the upload file button, but it does upload.

In general, Kbin (and by extension Mbin) is quite early in its development, so you'll run into a good few bugs and odd UI issues. They should be resolved in the near future, and as I mentioned earlier, you can go to /m/kbinDevlog to follow progress.

@Pamasich@kbin.social avatar

Kbin.social has just had some big issues recently and still hasn't fully recovered (which is why development is currently stalled), so it's absolutely possible you'll run into more issues currently than usual. Not sure if what you're experiencing there is part of that though.


@ThatOneKirbyMain2568 Since you seem to be much more acquainted with the ins and outs of Kbin, can you tell me if there is any way to see the pictures contained in the posts in their full size from the get go or a single click? I click the thumbnail to get to the post, and then have to click it again because the picture in the post is the exact same size as the thumbnail. I know it's not a huge problem, but even having a peek feature like reddit does would go a long way.

@kbinDevlog @ernest @Jezebelley3D

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

The image icon in the bottom left corner of image posts can be clicked, showing the image at a larger size (i.e., what you'd get if you were to enable "Auto Media Preview" in the sidebar). There are a couple of userstyles that make this more button-like, such as kleanbin and (my own userstyle) idkbin.

The icon I'm talking about


It works! Thank you very much!

originalucifer, to AskKbin in Kbin or Mbin? Which do you prefer?
@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

i run an mbin instance (moist.catsweat.com). due to the recent fork, they are more or less identical... the APIs are still in sync, etc. mobile apps that work on on should work on the other. it might break apart in the future, not sure.

i donate to kbin financially to support the original source of kbin, but manage/prefer a community-developed platform so ive chose mbin.


The largest mbin instance is a patch behind everyone else (1.2.0- fedia.io) vs 1.2.1 you as well as most others are running. Do you know why that is?


I couldn't even get an activation mail from fedia.io. Not sure what's up with them.

@IlliteratiDomine@infosec.pub avatar

Fedia.io was pretty broken before switching from kbin to mbin. Depending on when you created the account, it may have just been busted.


A couple days ago.

@IlliteratiDomine@infosec.pub avatar

Ah, that’d be after the switch then. @jerry is the admin for fedia (and a handful of other Fediverse services) if you’re interested in troubleshooting.

@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

@IlliteratiDomine @DarkThoughts Thanks for tagging me. I wasn't aware there was a problem. I'll take a look.

@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

@IlliteratiDomine @DarkThoughts I found the problem - it was an error I introduced when moving fedia,io to containers recently. it works now.

@IlliteratiDomine@infosec.pub avatar

You’re the best, Jerry. Glad you were able to get things sorted!

@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

Damn within 3 hours on you’ve identified the issue and fixed it for users.

What horrible customer service, you’re meant to make us wait weeks! Now I can’t bitch about something I didn’t even know was an issue.

mcuglys, to general in Made a post to /c/Fediverse about Burggit shutting down and it sparked an interesting discussion about the current state of Lemmy
@mcuglys@burggit.moe avatar

Its surprising to see Lemmy hate loli so much since much of the Mastodon fediverse is full of it. Just look at Pawoo, Baraag, Misskey, and a ton of other small instances. I was hoping to see a lot of old style redditors who liked free speech show up when Lemmy got popular but that didn’t happen. I guess they’ve all dispersed and gone elsewhere or off the internet entirely.

CookieJarObserver, (edited ) to announcements in [Important Post] Here's the situation.
@CookieJarObserver@burggit.moe avatar

Sad to see this server dieing, but understandable. Lemmy just kinda sucks.

Most here replaced Reddit, a autocratic shithole with lemmy, wich quickly turned into something worse, like everyone is doing whatever they want and there is so much political extremism, especially left wing antisemitism that i thought about going back to reddit for a while, i won’t. But not because of the moderation like here, just because their app and website sucks ass worse than fucking Facebook, idk how they messed up so much in such a short time.

Oh and don’t get me started on lemmy.world wich is just reddit on crack, and everyone in the censorship system should just delete their instance.

I’ve begun to hate the internet more and more over the last years, everything went to shitty data grabbing systems or is run by either Nazis or hardcore Commies.

I still don’t know what to think about Sharkey there is a lot of the political extremism i mentioned (more the right wing than left), even more obvious than here, but it seems its just some very loud individuals rather than entire instances with thousands of assholes.

This is probably the last thing i do with this account, maybe on lemmy in general who knows.

In the end, i just want to say fuck you to everyone on lemmy.world, lemm.ml, lemmygrad.ml and whoever else lets me live rent free in their mind (i know some mods and admins on reddit still remember me XD), my ghost reaches back to Digg i had over 300 reddit accounts in my almost 15 years there and ive burned through about 50 lemmy accounts by now, i wont stop trolling, i won’t stop smearing facts into the face of people that get hurt by them and i wont die anytime soon thankfully.

Thanks to Burger and Disa for one of a few lemmy instances that wasn’t shit and had a nice community, it was fun and welcoming here.

PS: i have to admit, I’ve blocked all the loli communitys ive encountered… I don’t like it, but i cant be bothered to moderate my communitys (i have a busy work life and travel the world for it, i just want to relax afterwards) and i don’t like getting banned for not guessing the age of a fictional character wich is decided by a dice roll anyway, i also don’t give a fuck about people liking it, its not hurting anyone. Thanks again for a place i liked to be in the internet.

ladfrombrad, to android in Android still doesn't support many compression types
@ladfrombrad@lemdro.id avatar

I keep pondering why Android has blobs for CIFS/SMB but not NFS, too.

Still haven’t found a legit reason why.

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Because Windows is omnipresent and every NAS comes with SMB support out of the box.


NFS is shit anyway. It has no proper security unless you want to set up something like Kerberos (a major PITA)

@ladfrombrad@lemdro.id avatar

Yeah no doubt, and that’s why I like Tailscale.

I just map all users Tailnet visitors to guest, and give me r/w and all others r/o.

Bugs me though that they could include it, with big red flashy warnings like you get enabling USB debugging.

TheGrandNagus, (edited ) to android in Android still doesn't support many compression types

Google wants you to handle all your storage needs through Drive and Google Photos, where they are in control, can scrape more data, train models on your photos, and push you onto paid storage plans.

I can’t really see the benefit to Google in having an excellent local file manager with wide archive-file support. It doesn’t profit them in any way that I can think of.

Thankfully the workaround isn’t too bad, just installing an alternative file manager.

9point6, to android in Android still doesn't support many compression types

People don’t tend to need to browse local archive formats on their phones I guess, and if they do, they’ll have a file manager app with support.

There’s support for some formats if your files are in cloud storage like Google drive, which is a more likely use case for phone users


I’m using a Samsung tablet that doesn’t support rar for example.


I suppose you’d fall into my “you’d install a file manager app if you actually needed it” category


Yeah but it’s still weird that there is no native support


I think a big part of it for RAR specifically is that it’s a proprietary format that would technically require Google to license it, and for the tiny percentage of users that would benefit, they don’t bother.

A seemingly random but relevant example is the Japanese travel card situation with Pixel phones—every pixel on the planet has the necessary hardware to support Japanese travel cards since the pixel 6, however only pixel phones bought in Japan can use the feature (locked by the OS) because it would mean Google would have to pay a per-device cost worldwide.

This is kinda a similar situation I’d bet, they’ve proven they would rather not include the feature than pay for licensing

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

I think a big part of it for RAR specifically is that it’s a proprietary format that would technically require Google to license it

Unrar is free enough.


And there’s not really any money to be made charging licenses to open source projects—see ffmpeg/vlc

Google including it in android though means they can charge licenses as a per unit fee because, basically, Google (or phone manufacturers) is a company with money.

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Google including it in android though means they can charge licenses as a per unit fee because, basically, Google (or phone manufacturers) is a company with money.

What? This has literally nothing to do with unrar’s license terms.


We’re talking about Android, unrar doesn’t have anything to do with this really.

RAR is and will continue to be a proprietary format with an owner who can seek royalties.

It’s like saying Google should stop licensing MPEG because ffmpeg exists—it simply doesn’t work like that

woelkchen, (edited )
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

We’re talking about Android, unrar doesn’t have anything to do with this really.

The entire topic is about RAR archive support on Android, so of course the freely available source code of unrar, released by the RAR developer himself, has absolutely to do with everything here.

RAR is and will continue to be a proprietary format with an owner who can seek royalties.

Nope, unrar’s source code is free, released by RAR’s developer.

It’s like saying Google should stop licensing MPEG because ffmpeg exists—it simply doesn’t work like that

Nope, it absolutely isn’t like that. You just have no clue at all.

<span style="color:#323232;">   Unrar source may be used in any software to handle RAR archives
</span><span style="color:#323232;">   without limitations free of charge, but cannot be used to re-create
</span><span style="color:#323232;">   the RAR compression algorithm, which is proprietary. Distribution
</span><span style="color:#323232;">   of modified Unrar source in separate form or as a part of other
</span><span style="color:#323232;">   software is permitted, provided that it is clearly stated in
</span><span style="color:#323232;">   the documentation and source comments that the code may not be used
</span><span style="color:#323232;">   to develop a RAR (WinRAR) compatible archiver.

It’s not FOSS, given that it comes with the provision that no RAR compressor can be created based on unrar source code but for browsing and extracting RAR archives, the unrar source code as is is absolutely fine.


Ah fair play, I didn’t realise unrar was from the same guy, cheers for the extra context.

So I guess we go back to what else it could be:

  • The licence could still be an issue as it’s not FOSS and parts of android are, so I guess that could prevent its inclusion if it’s incompatible with existing licences
  • The licence could also be an issue in terms of wanting feature parity with zip support, which would include creation of archives.
  • As I mentioned before, the percentage of users who are interacting with non-zip archives locally on their devices is a pretty small percentage. It may be on the backlog, but it’s not going to be far from the bottom in priority.
  • How many of the use cases are not served by the third party app ecosystem sufficiently that it would benefit inclusion in the actual OS and the extra maintenance that would entail
  • RAR is an outdated format and in decline at this point, there are better options to add before getting to it
  • Let’s also address the elephant in the room regarding the last point—I don’t think I’ve seen RARs used regularly outside of piracy in quite some time. If that’s the main use case, Google is not going to be bothered about supporting it.

There’s probably other reasons I’ve not thought of, but just a couple of the above are enough to explain it IMO

Ephera, to android in Android still doesn't support many compression types

Google isn’t exactly excited about the concept of local files. They would prefer you to keep everything in their online services.

If you need support for these, then installing a separate file manager app is your best bet.
I’m using this one: f-droid.org/packages/me.zhanghai.android.files/
(No idea, though, if it supports unpacking RAR archives.)

possiblylinux127, to android in Latest Firefox and Obtainium?

Fennec is better Firefox anyway. Why can’t you use it? Firefox for Android has a lot of proprietary components

Virkkunen, to android in Latest Firefox and Obtainium?
@Virkkunen@fedia.io avatar
Fisch, to android in Latest Firefox and Obtainium?
@Fisch@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

What’s different about Fennec on F-Droid? That’s what I use.


You know, it used to be different architecture, but it looks like it may he the same now.


I think is is basically the same thing without telemetry and proprietary blobs.

maniacalmanicmania, to android in Latest Firefox and Obtainium?
@maniacalmanicmania@aussie.zone avatar

Y’all living on the wild side.


Not really. Safest place to get an app is from the Dev if you’re not using the play store. FDroid has been known to host out of date packages forever, causing security concerns.

Obtainium is pretty easy to use.


The Play Store is pretty good with keeping things up to date.

@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Obtainium fucking rules

gedaliyah, to android in Latest Firefox and Obtainium?
@gedaliyah@lemmy.world avatar

I use FFUpdater, but I’ve been planning to switch to obtainium, so I’m definitely following this.

sabreW4K3, to android in Latest Firefox and Obtainium?
@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar

Is there a non-nightly version? I only use nightly on my tablet for the new “desktop tabs” feature. And how would I use this in Obtainium?

@sabreW4K3@lazysoci.al avatar


Is the latest release. As for how to use it in obtainium, I don’t know sorry, as I don’t use it.

shortwavesurfer, to android in Latest Firefox and Obtainium?

Are you sure the GitHub releases aren’t being updated anymore? When I checked here not too long ago, they were still being updated. I know they said they changed the positaries, but I don’t know how long ago that was. But I know for a fact that I was able to pull Firefox focus version 122 off of GitHub.


Yea, 125.3 on GH, 126 on Play Store.


Fennec 127 on fdroid. Now that I think about it, I believe I did see a post the other day about Mozilla completing a move to some other system. Let me see if I can find it.

Edit: Here it is, though I’m not sure if this will help at all. But it may at least explain something.



Oh yea I forgot about them announcing that. I will look into it.

@gedaliyah@lemmy.world avatar
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