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BrotherCod, in ‘Yevgeny Prigozhin will never be discussed again’: Russian media to erase all traces of mutinous warlord

It's starting to make sense now. Putin has disowned Prigozhin so he can run amok in the Ukraine. Prigozhin will be the one to detonate the tactical nuke or blow up the power plant and Putin will say,"he is not acting on behalf of Russia!" He's just gone to Belarus to make it look like the separation is real. Within 60 or 90 days I expect something large to happen.

Flag, avatar

Why blame Prig when Ukraine is right there ... ?

beefcat, avatar

NATO made it clear that any fallout from a nuclear attack in Ukraine reaching a member state would trigger article 5. If Putin thinks he can pin such an attack on a rogue actor like Prig instead of Russia then maybe he can get away with it.


It's actually US legislation that says so. I haven't seen any news about NATO adopting that stance yet.

Blade9732, avatar

I am pretty sure if fallout were to reach Poland, they would invoke article 5 and launch The Winged Hussars toward Moscow.

DarkGamer, in Poll: Majority of Americans support continued aid for Ukraine avatar

We need to give Ukraine everything they need to drive out the invaders ASAP, every delay can be measured in lives.

gravitas_deficiency, in Pompeo: US to back Ukraine no matter who wins presidential election

Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

tal, avatar

I don’t agree with you at all. Why do you think that this is the case?


Because if Trump, DeSantis, or someone equally as extreme manages to win the presidency, they’ve been pretty clear that they’re going fuck Ukraine over. Trump specifically took Zelensky’s refusal to play into his “stolen election” bullshit as a personal slight. That precise mentality of “you didn’t help me do something sketchy to increase my personal power so I’m going to fuck you over” is dismayingly prevalent in GOP circles today.

tal, avatar

Because if Trump, DeSantis, or someone equally as extreme manages to win the presidency, they’ve been pretty clear that they’re going fuck Ukraine over.

I realize that that is what you are claiming. I’m asking you to show the evidence for this. Why do you think that the US will end support for Ukraine?

Major figures in both parties have said that support is going to continue. This isn’t a particularly partisan issue.

But Republicans are holding up the current Ukraine aid bill in the House.

Republicans aren’t holding up the Ukraine aid bill in the House because they’re opposed to Ukraine aid. Even the people holding it up have stated that. They’re holding up the Ukraine aid bill because it’s a big, important bill, and they’re trying to use it as leverage to get their border policy – which is a big crowd-pleaser for their voters – through.

Similarly, Democrats aren’t holding up the Israel aid bill in the Senate because they’re opposed to Israel aid. They’re doing it for the same reason.

This stuff happens on a pretty regular basis in the US political system, and it’s part of how the system works. There are three different entities that can affect the legislative process – two legislative houses and the Presidency – and it’s rare for both parties to control all three. In any situation other than that, you’ll see parties blocking legislation to obtain leverage to get what they want.

But Trump said that he would end the war in 24 hours.

Trump also said in his last campaign that he would have Mexico pay for a wall between the US and Mexico. Trump has put numerous short statements out on campaign that aren’t even consistent with his own statements; I remember him saying that he would increase H1-B visas in one campaign stop in his last campaign where that was popular, and decrease them in another. He’s made quite a few one-liners like that, and they don’t wind up translating into policy.

When Trump was in office, he was pretty unremarkable from a policy standpoint. How he presented himself was unusual. But he didn’t represent dramatic change from a policy standpoint. Hell, even the “wall” that was the centerpiece of his last campaign – and some wall was built – was a rehashed form of Bush’s fence that he scored points with voters on.

There are two parties in the US. These parties are centrist, big-tent, and from a policy standpoint, don’t dramatically differ. Most policy stays pretty similar from administration to administration. But even if they did differ, most foreign policy isn’t driven at the political level – the people who are doing that are bureaucrats lower down in the executive branch. They don’t change from election to election. There are rare exceptions, like popular opposition to the Vietnam War, where politics does get seriously involved. But that’s not the norm. The US has had the same parties in place for a long time, and US foreign policy doesn’t whipsaw back and forth election by election. This isn’t our first time around the block on this.

Jaysyn, avatar

Major figures in both parties have said that support is going to continue. This isn’t a particularly partisan issue.

Words are wind. If the President isn't one of those "major figures", it means fuck all.

Trump is a known liar. McConnell will get behind whoever has power. Most of the in the House are outright supporting .

Anyone going by the GOP's "words" instead of their past actions, needs their head examined.

Ooops, in Baltic states send démarche to Poland over Ukrainian border blockade avatar

Didn't we already receive other reports that it isn't about economic problems for Ukraine only, but that military deliveries are also stuck at the border?

uphillbothways, in Poll: Nearly 50% of Republicans think US provides too much aid to Ukraine avatar

Less than half of the worse and smaller party once again holding American "democracy" captive from the minority of the minority....


Sort your shit out.

You could be a decent country if you'd cut through the gerrymanders and the corporate lobbying constantly pushing the worst of the worst to the forefront of every damn decision and conversation. Not much of a democracy AND not much of a republic if that's how it is every single time.

PugJesus, in Hungarian truckers to join Polish, Slovak protests on border with Ukraine avatar

Astounding that these useful idiots are so eager to do Putin's bidding.

SpicyPeaSoup, avatar

Which famous scientist once said that human stupidity may be infinite?

Betisedelhom, in First Lady: Ukraine in 'mortal danger' without financial aid avatar


Yes, of course it's true and, whatever Mr Volodymyr and his court and other cowards think, we will soon unfortunately have a under occupation by very dangerous invaders on the Palestinian model and its territory stolen...
Fuck to - Fuck to - Fuck to - Fuck to all world leaders -
is the result of oppression and crimes since 56 years. produces the ...

SpicyPeaSoup, avatar

Jesus fucking christ, can you hemorrhoids go even one second without bringing Palestine up in every Ukrainian thread?

Alto, avatar

The guy doesn't even have the braincells to spell Zelenskyy properly

SpicyPeaSoup, avatar

It's a troll shell account anyway. Good to be aware of them since russia seems to have reinvested in propaganda again.

Betisedelhom, avatar

@SpicyPeaSoup @lusterko @Alto

You should buy yourself a brain for Christmas, but don't go to the discounts, the prices are low, these are entry-level models, make an effort, don't look at the price, get a well-built model with options for reflexions.

SpicyPeaSoup, avatar

Shit attempt at a burn. Now fuck off.


It's a weird comment, but note how they spell Israeli. "Israëlian."

Betisedelhom is a non-native speaker, more specifically French speaking. And in French Zelenskyy is latinised as Zelensky.

Bit of a tangent, but I worked with Ukrainian refugees, and often latinisation of cyrillic names is wildly inconsistent. So much so that I had two brothers whose names were spelled differently on their passports, causing a number of issues. The rules have also changed over time.

TLDR: not the most valid criticism.

Betisedelhom, avatar

@Hyperreality @lusterko @SpicyPeaSoup @Alto

And what are you trying to prove with your explanatory nonsense...

Don't mess with me
Take it for granted that your Zelenskyy is a buffoon...


I was pointing out that it was unfair to call you stupid, simply because you used the most common French latinisation of Zelenskyy. You're clearly a non-native speaker, and in any case latinisation of cyrillic names isn't always uniform anyway.

"Don't mess with me".

Or what? You'll call us names and threaten to not be friends?

Sounds like you're 12.

Betisedelhom, avatar

@Hyperreality @lusterko @SpicyPeaSoup @Alto

When I see assholes like you, I wonder if the Western assholes aren't finally right to leave you at Putin's mercy because we've realised that you're a corrupt, dishonest people...
All your leaders are corrupt and you're happy to join us in a so-called war on corruption that you're only discovering like the bastards you are in 2023?

SpicyPeaSoup, avatar

Hon hon baguette.


Don’t mess with me

You know what? I think I will. Don’t tell me what to do.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Betisedelhom, avatar


You know what ?
You are a sterile cockhead...
You get excited like the mono neuron that you are, relax, put your favorite dildo in your anus and suck the tranny who is your father...
You are the archetype of the perfect useful idiot of networks


Lmao this fuckin’ guy 😂

Also, it’s a pretty obvious tell that you automatically slip into hate speech, despite all your hand-wringing about Palestinians and their human rights. But fuck everyone else, right?

Как погода в Санкт-Петербурге?

Betisedelhom, avatar


I repeat to you another time :
You know what ?
You are a sterile cockhead...
You get excited like the mono neuron that you are, relax, put your favorite dildo in your anus and suck the tranny who is your father...
You are the archetype from the perfect useful idiot of the networks...
It is high time that you learned the meaning of what you read, a suggestion learn to read and understand...


The funniest thing about this interchange is that you evidently don’t even recognize the meme

Betisedelhom, avatar

One thing is certain is that we cannot say of you that you are half an idiot, no in fact we can just affirm on facts that you are a double or even a triple idiot


I’m surprised you’re still responding

Betisedelhom, avatar

In fact, you should always try to respond to idiots, that could educate them, I remain an eternal optimist on this point...
I do it until I'm tired, and then you tire me...

Go away and fuck you


I do what I want.

For instance, I’m gonna go roast some broccolini with a spritz of lemon before serving for an early lunch, which should be quite refreshing to enjoy with a vermouth and soda (rocks). Have you got any designs on lunch, or are you more of a breakfast/brunch sort of person?

Betisedelhom, avatar

@Alto @lusterko @SpicyPeaSoup

You should keep your tongue out of the asses you're licking, because they're planning to fart

Tammo-Korsai, avatar

How much per comment does Putin pay you? You'd best ask for more since the value of the ruble isn't looking too good.

Betisedelhom, avatar @lusterko @SpicyPeaSoup @Alto

You know what ?
You are a sterile cockhead too... You get excited like the mono neuron that you are, relax, put your favorite dildo in your anus and suck the tranny who is your father...
You are the archetype from the perfect useful idiot of the networks...
It is high time that you learned the meaning of what you read, a suggestion learn to read and understand...

Tammo-Korsai, avatar

You seem to be really obsessed with penises.

Pistcow, in Hungarian truckers to join Polish, Slovak protests on border with Ukraine

Maybe just allow a pathway for Russia to roll up on Poland if they want to be dicks.

MelastSB, in US bypasses Congress to help Israel in contrast with Ukraine aid

Israel barely even needs help, wtf

ares35, avatar

the difference is israel has the cash to hand over to defense contractors, ukraine is 'aid' that has to be 'paid for' somehow; and the 'lend lease' act expired without actually being used. israel also gets 'aid' which is just crazy.

SpicyPeaSoup, in Russians banned from travel to hand over passports within five days avatar

A fate worse than death: being forced to live in russia.

glibg10b, in Zelenskiy to visit Washington in bid to break Senate deadlock on Ukraine aid

Yeah, there are three different transliterations of his surname

SpicyPeaSoup, in Here’s how to find more funds for Ukraine – liquidate Russia’s $300bn in frozen assets | Olena Halushka avatar

I wish we could liquidate (or glass) the entirety of russia already.


I look forward to new free countries there. The collapse of every empire reveals the cultural uniqueness of each colonized nation.

dumdum666, in Kuleba: Failure for EU to give Ukraine approval to begin membership talks would be 'devastating'

As far as I understand the situation, everyone wants to start membership talks except one hungarian cunt …

I honestly don’t know why they keep playing that cunts game.

tal, in Hungarian FM: Hungary's position on Ukraine EU accession unchanged avatar

Every time I see Peter Szijjarto’s haircut, I swear that it gets stranger.

Melkath, in ‘Putin must lose’: Zelenskiy arrives in US to try to save $61bn Ukraine aid package

Is it still tied to funding Israel as well?

I only ask because an overwhelming majority of Americans support the Ukraine resistance.

A majority (not sure if overwhelming) of Americans do not support the Israeli genocide of Palestine.

But in typical American fashion, they need to bind something evil to something good.

PugJesus, avatar

I only ask because an overwhelming majority of Americans support the Ukraine resistance.

A majority (not sure if overwhelming) of Americans do not support the Israeli genocide of Palestine.

Sadly, not true on either count


I know you PugJesus.

Your link and your intellect are as weak as ever.

Fuck off and post more memes. 1 in 20 of those are a little funny.

PugJesus, avatar

Uh, okay? I don't know what you have against Quinnipiac?


Mostly me not knowing what a Quinnipiac.

Short glance actually made me think you meant an /s in your initial comment.

And what you've said to me in general.

1 out of 20 of your memes tho... solid air blown out nose.

PugJesus, avatar

Short glance actually made me think you meant an /s in your initial comment.

Nah, no /s, I'm an opponent of Israel military aid, period, and a strong supporter of military aid to Ukraine.

1 out of 20 of your memes tho... solid air blown out nose.

Best meme-laugh ratio of my life


Then I'm definitely the one confused here.

My bad.

PugJesus, avatar

No worries, it happens.

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