
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

nofrefan, in Do you guys prefer the Burggit Sharkey instance or this Lemmy instance?

Honestly, I never understood what the sharkey instance was even supposed to be. It looked extremely counter-intuitive to me. No idea what I was even supposed to do there,

rinkan, in [Discussion] I don't think NSFW posts should be shown publicly/to logged out users

Nah, I’m of the opposite perspective on this. Keeping NSFW stuff login-gated is a slow death sentence for the site. The change to show it to everyone seems (to me) to have resulted in a slight increase in new people posting, and probably puts us above replacement level instead of below. I don’t have actual numbers to back that up though.

The only change I would make is to the initial content warning popup for logged-out users. Make it more specific to burggit, and notify people that by creating an account they can filter the more extreme content. A booru-style default filter that you can change or disable without logging in would be nice to have, but would be a much more difficult change to make. Even then, I’d only have it disable auto-expand for posts from the more extreme communities, rather than hiding them entirely.


Admittedly I haven’t been on for the past two weeks when it was implemented, so it’s hard to tell whether there’s been more posts from new users resulting from the changes.* Maybe those are stats that the admins might have access to, or not at all.

*If there are, I’m curious how they’ve discovered this place.

Agreed, the booru-style filter for default view would be good if it exists in the future. I think RA2lover’s suggestions of non-auto expand and blurred thumbnails for NSFW posts would line up with your “disable auto-expand posts from more extreme communities.” Might be hard to get agreement or to draw a line in the sand and say “This is extreme and this isn’t”, so if it comes to that I’m in favor of erring on the side of caution and non-auto expanding + blurring all NSFW posts for the visitor view (since these posts aren’t gated behind logins). And tailoring the CW popup is a great idea as well, though I’m not sure whether mention should be made of the more extreme content at the pop-up or left for them to discover upon actually hitting the site.

Burger, avatar

I tried changing that popup warning at the reverse proxy level, but it just wouldn’t take. This would require me to fork the software and add changes on my end and have them publicly available on a git repository so as to remain in line with the AGPL. I’m not really good with git so I don’t know much about how to have have changes from upstream without destroying or conflicting with my own changes as the upstream software is updated.

I’d like to see the lurkers come out to say their piece on this. Don’t be shy guys, we’d like to know how you view this change. I lean more towards keeping the NSFW changes because otherwise this site looks deader than a doornail since non-NSFW posts are so few and far in between.

Burger, avatar

It might be better to resume discussion in the pinned thread:


Thanks for the pinned thread, hopefully there’ll be some engagement from lurkers as you’ve mentioned.

Burger, in How can we get more users? avatar

Because the Reddit protests faltered because of spineless powermods who wanted to hold onto their little bit of power, I think this is all the users we’re going to get. I’ve been messing around on our sister kbin instance because it gets us a better view of the broader fediverse that’s outside of the narrow scope of what are admittedly mostly 1:1 Reddit clones Lemmy seems to cover. Outragebait included.

I feel like we’ve turned into mainly a porn dumping ground and less of a discussion oriented community which decreases people’s willingness to engage with others on here. It’s a mostly 20:1 lurker to contributors ratio. I definitely lurk here most of the time too, so I’m just as guilty as the lurkers who are too shy to say anything on here.

It’s all word of mouth at this point. Anybody who had interest in migrating away from Reddit has already done so. It takes a lot to get someone who’s firmly entrenched on another platform to sign up for a different site anymore. If you so much as mention a requirement to sign up to partake, they almost immediately will shoot you down. We have easy SSO solutions like Google to thank for this amount of laziness and apathy. If you can’t sign in to a site with just a Google account to start chatting, you might as well not exist.

I really wish I knew of an easy solution to draw more users here, but I don’t think there is, sadly, because of the aforementioned above.

Ragemidi avatar

I feel like a better way is to use kbin more. Like you said, at least we're able to reach out to other instances with similar tastes. With Lemmy, you're only locked in to the threadiverse or whatever it's called.


I only used kbin for a day or two when Reddit announced their API changes, so I’m not very familiar with it.

Can you explain why it’s easier to reach out on kbin than on Lemmy?

SomeRandomAccount, avatar

Kbin can federate with more software than lemmy, so there are more places to reach out to. Lemmy can pretty much only federate with other lemmy instances (or at the very least, it’s not very good at federating with non-lemmy instances). Based on what I’ve heard, kbin should also provide a better experince when federating with mastodon, pleroma, etc. since its UI’s more suited to it, but I haven’t used it for more than a few minutes.

ColonelSolo, in Do you guys prefer the Burggit Sharkey instance or this Lemmy instance? avatar

To me Sharkey and Lemmy serve wildly different purposes, so I don’t think they’re really directly comparable.

Regarding the Sharkey instance, there isn’t really anything there I want to post and there aren’t many people there I want to follow, so it’s hard for me to find much of a use for it.

CookieJarObserver, in How can we get more users? avatar

Nah, those that want to find us do, those that don’t can stay the hell away from us. Don’t want normies here, they only cause problems. There are more and more different people, even if they aren’t active daily, there is a slow increase of people here. And we aren’t defederated by everyone. There are a handful of instance that haven’t defeated.

If you see some people you think would like it here, just ask them to join, everyone has multiple accounts all over lemmy. At least thats what it should be like.

Laffoe, in Do you guys prefer the Burggit Sharkey instance or this Lemmy instance?

I dont like the sharkey instance, i cant find any user loli posts only bots that post mediocre loli content

whatastorymark, in How can we get more users? avatar

I like the smaller userbase, it feels like a seedy yet still cool corner of the internet. For me, finding Loli/Shota content so easily was a major part of sticking here, as well as following the Touhou NSFW board since they were one of the few that abandoned Reddit after the protest.

Frankly, I should post more on here. However, this is just me speaking, but I often don’t feel like getting the format right for embedding multiple images in a post, to the point where I just don’t post. I’m spoiled by just uploading multiple pics on Reddit and that’s it.

Browser and e-mail notifications would help. I don’t know if Burggit has those features. Regardless, I really like and appreciate this internet space.

OrcishOatmeal, in Do you guys prefer the Burggit Sharkey instance or this Lemmy instance?

I’ve been testing out sharkey and tbh, I don’t like it. I always thought it was gonna be a stopgap before the instance come back up, also I’m not really a fan of the web ui, and it’s been very hard to find a iOS app that is compatible with it because of the confusion mastodon-but-it-isn’t nature of the whole thing

With what is posted, splitting the content up even more isn’t useful, specially coz there’s a lot of empty communities

RA2lover, in How can we get more users? avatar

I would bet with the way modern Google works, nobody is coming here from a google search either lol. pre-empted that out.

/u/The_Entire_Circus has been linking to burggit as a way to mirror reddit posts more likely to get moderated/AEO’d, but i haven’t seen this convert into more sign-ups.

Maybe part of it could be the “ghost town” appearance the feed shows when logged out - NSFW content isn’t displayed to logged-out users, so scrolling out of the first page is enough to show week-old post dates.

rinkan, (edited )

Maybe part of it could be the “ghost town” appearance the feed shows when logged out - NSFW content isn’t displayed to logged-out users, so scrolling out of the first page is enough to show week-old post dates.

This is a real problem. Until lemmy implements an administrative setting to allow NSFW to be shown to those that aren’t logged in, NSFW instances are going to be at a severe disadvantage.

Burger, avatar

I compiled the nsfw patched version thanks to the lemmynsfw guys. Logged out users should see what’s in store. (inb4 they just fap and close the window lol.)

I still need to figure out how to label the version we’re on so that they’re displayed at the bottom. But I’ll figure that out at another time.


Beautiful! ablobcathearteyes


It’s a bit late, but I don’t think showing NSFW posts publicly is a good idea. I’ve started a discussion thread on this.

afterglow404, in Do you guys prefer the Burggit Sharkey instance or this Lemmy instance? avatar

Hmm… Hard to say. I’d hate to make anyone feel dread to keep this instance running. But I’ve dreamed for years of a loli-friendly site that functions just like Reddit.

I just signed up for Sharkey, and it’s pretty neat. Still feels like I have a lot to learn about it, though, and about federation in general.

I’m open to either one, as long as I’m sure it’ll be around for a while. That’s probably most important to me…

CookieJarObserver, in Do you guys prefer the Burggit Sharkey instance or this Lemmy instance? avatar

Tbh, give me a good sharkey app and i migrate instantly, the web interface is bugged and counter intuitive for me for some reason :/ I’ve blocked 3/4 of lemmy and the most stuff that gets to me is reddit reposts now. Especially the people from .ml and .World instances are mentally disabled its somehow worse than reddit was. (never going back there however)

Even my other like 20 accounts went mostly silent even though i have some more time now…

Burger, avatar

Any app that supports the Mastodon API is compatible with Sharkey. So apps like Husky, and Fedilab will work with it. You can also click More > switch ui on the webui for alternate layouts that you can try.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Oh cool i will try that. Thanks.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Hey, is it possible to externally link images like here with something like ? I cant find a way

Burger, avatar

Not sure about that. I’d just right click -> copy image and paste it into your post and link the source.

Burger, avatar

That being said, there’s a markup language guide for doing some fancy stuffs. Embedding images doesn’t appear to be in here, but what’s in here still looks neat:

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Thats cool thanks

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Seems to not work on mobile (even with mouse, yes i have a mouse for my phone) i think i just need to upload them directly 16mb isn’t bad i don’t think i will exceed that with most images.

SecretSam, in Do you guys prefer the Burggit Sharkey instance or this Lemmy instance? avatar

I just signed up there and I don’t really see myself visiting the Sharkey instance nearly as much. At the end of the day I’m just here to see loli pics that people share, and the communities here allow me to separate that from everything I don’t care about. I don’t know why I’d ever use the Sharkey instance rather than just use Aethy or Baraag, especially since I’m already following users I want to see stuff from on Aethy.

JunkMonkey69, in Do you actually care about a food being seasoned with black pepper?

Fresh cracked makes all the difference. Excellent finish to most dishes. The crap sitting ground up in a container for years? Yeah, that is bland as shit and shouldn’t be a staple everywhere. I bring my own mini pepper mill most places. Pretentious? Maybe, but I don’t really care. I just enjoy the enhanced flavor.


Oh, I might have to try that. I didn’t think about how stale mine might be.

RA2lover, avatar

Salt can disguise that. Or MSG. who cares.

RA2lover, (edited ) in [Discussion] I don't think NSFW posts should be shown publicly/to logged out users avatar

Currently burggit is using’s lemmy-ui changes. Besides displaying NSFW posts to logged out users, they also auto-expand content and unblur nsfw thumbnails.
There’s no major problem with that for lemmynsfw (and they tell in the sidebar you can block communities you don’t like), but i can see why this would irk some people on this instance.

I think the latter 2 changes can be reversed at a stylesheet level, which AFAIK burggit already did previously when spacing items. would non-autoexpanded content and blurred NSFW thumbnails be a good compromise?


I’m not sure if the concerns of the “ghost town” in the original post can be resolved by having non-registered viewers see a bunch of NSFW posts. If one believes the 1% rule that says 99% of people generally lurk and it is a small minority of 1% (and maybe 9% who contribute once in a while) that actually create content, it feels like growth and discussion comes from hitting a critical mass of users (which this community might not have hit yet, but may hit in time), rather than “look, here are more NSFW posts, but you can’t comment until you register an account with us.”

Though it’s not quite the same as hiding away NSFW posts behind registration (since a flood of “wtf” NSFW posts relative to the viewer could flood the front page), I guess that can also be a function of post content as well (SFW vs. NSFW and so on.) With that, I would support your suggestion on the UI changes, since it would give them the same view as registered users (albeit an expanded view of non-blocked communities). At the very least, having the “wtf” content be blurred and not auto-expanded might help avoid insta-reject reactions (or delay it for a few seconds until they click on one out of curiosity and go AHHH MY EYES WHAT IS THIS) 😅

SomeRandomAccount, avatar

I’m not sure if the concerns of the “ghost town” in the original post can be resolved by having non-registered viewers see a bunch of NSFW posts.

99% of the posts here are NSFW (I wouldn’t be surprised if that wasn’t an exaggeration), so someone visiting the site for the first time would only see the other 1%. Given how few of SFW posts there are and how they don’t tend to have much interaction beyond the occasional comment or two, it wouldn’t be unreasonable for them to assume that this place is pretty much dead. By showing NSFW posts by default, new users would get an accurate measure of how active it is here and would be more likely to stay (and (hopefully) less of them would be scared off by extreme content than would leave due to lack of content).

Honestly, I’m not sure why the NSFW Lemmy UI removes the blur and auto-expands posts in the first place (though the option to automatically do this is appreciated). Reverting these is a no-brainer IMO, and it would bring the experience in line with vanilla Lemmy after creating an account (and enabling NSFW posts).


By showing NSFW posts by default, new users would get an accurate measure of how active it is here and would be more likely to stay (and (hopefully) less of them would be scared off by extreme content than would leave due to lack of content).

Yea, that’s ultimately the question. I think reinstating blurs and removing auto-expansion (for the visitor view) would help mitigate the former somewhat… it remains to be seen whether that’s possible, even if it seems to be broadly supported here.

NSFW Lemmy UI removes the blur and auto-expands posts in the first place

From a convenience/UX perspective, it makes sense. It brings the experience closer to Instagram/Tik Tok “card” style posts where the content is displayed without needing an extra click. That said, I think their content there is relatively tame compared to some of the content hosted here, so it might work for them but not so well for us.

Reverting these is a no-brainer IMO, and it would bring the experience in line with vanilla Lemmy after creating an account (and enabling NSFW posts).

I agree - it would also be in line with Reddit’s approach of “Yea you can see NSFW as a lurking visitor, but the thumbnail is hidden and you get a red warning that it’s NSFW”. I think it’s a fair way to go about it.

blue_nat, avatar

I think this would be a fair change and compromise.

Because logged in users can toggle both the NSFW Blur and the Auto Expand in their account settings it doesn’t seem as if it would significantly negatively effect current account holder users.

I suppose if there’s a userbase that utilizes the site without an account or without being logged in on a regular basis this could hamper their experience, but I guess that’s where the big question is. Would such a change effect the conversion of non-account holding users to account holding users on a positive, negative, or neutral basis?

I’m no marketing or analytics person so I wouldn’t know what sort of data would be needed to determine that, and if it’s even available in the current site version, but either way I don’t think there’s any way to tell other than making the change and seeing what happens.

rinkan, in How can we get more users?

I agree that it would be nice to have more people here. I occasionally use an alt account on another instance to crosspost my more normie-friendly stuff over to lemmynsfw, so that it has a link back to burggit on it. That’s probably best kept low-key though, so I don’t recommend a ton of people do it.

I’d love to see more people from the incest subs migrate over here, but I’m not sure how to advertise. I was pretty much just a lurker on those anyway, since I don’t have any stories to contribute. Maybe I should take up writing image captions. They’re kind of lame, but whatever. Though there isn’t really a good way to indicate that a reddit post originated on burggit without seeming really blatant about it.

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