augieray, avatar

My spreadsheet of studies finding can leave longer-term damage to bodies has grown to 408 studies. Recent additions:

  • COVID in pregnant women can result in fetal death.
  • COVID in pregnant women impacts cardiac functions in babies.
  • Mild COVID can cause persistent cognitive impairment and white matter abnormalities.
  • COVID increases the risk of obstructive sleep apnea.
  • COVID causes a loss in bone mineral density.

jeffcliff, avatar
FreeinTX, avatar

@jeffcliff @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @gol_d_berg @Beomus Let's see the actual risk numbers, ​ age breakdowns and the jabbed vs unjabbed breakdowns.

Did you know, if you buy 3 lottery tickets, you're 3 times more likely.

jeffcliff, avatar

jabbed vs unjabbed most recent data:


age 1-in-n people hospitalized

0-4 457
05-11 703
12-17 302
18-29 256
30-39 169
40-49 123
50-59 84
60-69 42
70-79 15
80+ 5

most recent jabbed data
0-4 NaN
5-11 915
18-29 777
30-39 512
40-49 374
50-59 255
60-69 126
70-79 46
80+ 16

ie roughly 1-in-123 or worse chance of hospitalization for my age group, unvaxxed 1-in-374 or better for vaxxed

chance of ICU: unjabbed (ie these are likely death sentences if the healthcare system gets overwhelmed, which it is now, especially the older you get)


0-4 4,018
05-11 6,175
12-17 2,653
18-29 3,789
30-39 2,495
40-49 805
50-59 549
60-69 426
70-79 155
80+ 145

most up to date jabbed data:

0-4 NaN
05-11 NaN
12-17 8,040
18-29 11,480
30-39 7,561
40-49 2,439
50-59 1,663
60-69 1,290
70-79 470
80+ 438

FreeinTX, avatar
jeffcliff, avatar

Quite a bit different from the flu.

top causes of death at 40

Cause of death Mortality rate/100,000
Cancer 179.94
Heart disease 82.33
Accidents, including drug deaths 56.50
COVID-19 305,626.51 edit this number is clearly broken, but its position suggests it should be between 30 and 56ish
Suicide 30.83
Liver disease 23.44
Diabetes 13.54
Stroke 13.25
Chronic respiratory disease 9.13
Birth complications, genetic birth defects 4.27
Homicide 2.37
Alzheimer's 0.46

note: the flu is not in the top 10, covid is. Also, like 8 of the other top 10 are partially caused by covid so their rates are inflated.

here's the 1-in-n data for the flu.

Age Hospitalized ICU Dies
0-4 1,500 8,300 167,000
05-19 6,800 29,000 150,000
20-44 8,100 53,000 190,000
45-64 3,300 14,000 77,000
65+ 700 7,700 8,100

ie your chance of being hospitaized from the flu at 65+ is roughly equal to being hospitalized from covid around 5 years of age (unjabbed) or 18 years of age (jabbed)

your chance of being in the ICU from the flu at age 65 is roughly equal to the risk of being in the ICU from covid at age 5(unjabbed) or age 30(jabbed)

death same sorta thing

here's the weekly hospitalizations : other than 0-39s all age groups are higher than the flu hospitalizations at >65

FreeinTX, avatar

@jeffcliff @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @gol_d_berg @Beomus And, look at your own fuckin' chart. They are about the same, covid and the flu until you get past 60. Holy fuck! You're making my point for me.

jeffcliff, avatar

No they aren't, the numbers are right there. They are roughly 10x each just like the last graph was.

FreeinTX, avatar
Jonny, avatar

@FreeinTX @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
Jeff cliff used too have a huge follower base but Covid killed that. Haha

BowsacNoodle, avatar

@Jonny @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff Think about how much worse it would've been if it hadn't taken the jab!

Jonny, avatar

@BowsacNoodle @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
Speaking of taking a jab. As soon as you smell a jew (they fuckin reek). Get your arms up.

Jonny, avatar

@BowsacNoodle @Beomus @FreeinTX @Jonaschuzzlewit @augieray @gol_d_berg @jeffcliff @pyrate

How come no Australian UFC fighters?
Is it because no 1st amendment?

BowsacNoodle, avatar

@Jonny @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff They're too busy fighting wildlife to have time for PvP. Forgot to upload.


Jonny, avatar

@BowsacNoodle @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
You Australian fags aren’t allowed free speech

BowsacNoodle, avatar

@Jonny @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff I'm not Australian, Jonny. I thought you knew that about your own record producer.

Jonny, avatar

@BowsacNoodle @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
Are you a jew? I’ve never done business with a jew. Do you require 10% of my toe nail clippings?

DrBtc, avatar

They just want the tips

Jonny, avatar

@DrBtc @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @BowsacNoodle @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
Jonny and Ice Friend podcast all of a sudden have 1,000,000 followers.
Do we need a jew now?

DrBtc, avatar

Only need jew to argue with other jews so you get more money

Jonny, avatar

@DrBtc @augieray @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @BowsacNoodle @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
I see you edited out the part where you tunneled under my house.

DrBtc, avatar

I'm stealing your mackerel while you sleep

Jonny, avatar
zero, avatar

those cans of fish going back into the tunnel.

everything returns back to the earth

Jonny, avatar

@zero @augieray @DrBtc @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @BowsacNoodle @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
The best used by date is some total bullshit.

People have said your mom was used up five years ago.

Incorrect!!! I have used your mom plenty since then

zero, avatar

Give it the sniff test.

Jonny, avatar

@zero @augieray @DrBtc @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @BowsacNoodle @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
You’re asking me too sniff something?
Holy shit.
Zero Night Shift?
What do I smell when I sniff zero night shift?


zero, avatar

how about you take a nap on the train tracks

Jonny, avatar

@zero @augieray @DrBtc @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @BowsacNoodle @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
How about I’m the trolly driver and I drive over your gay ass?

zero, avatar

wait until the first axle goes over the switch track. then flip the switch so the last axle goes down the other track and your trolly derail into a firey death roll

Jonny, avatar

@zero @augieray @DrBtc @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @BowsacNoodle @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
Retard, I said I am the trolley driver.
I’m taking this trolley too your mom’s house.
Guess what happens next, faggot

zero, avatar

You drive that trolley to my moms house and you will be pulled over for driving that thing not on the tracks.

Jonny, avatar

@zero @augieray @DrBtc @Jonaschuzzlewit @pyrate @BowsacNoodle @FreeinTX @gol_d_berg @Beomus @jeffcliff
Are you the kid that tells Hump I’m the bad guy?

zero, avatar

Nah.. @Humpleupagus wouldn't give a shit what I said about you cause he can think for himself.

Jonny, avatar
zero, avatar

you ever hear about the story of the boy that cried wolf?

koropokkur, avatar

ever hear about the story of the girl that cried "woof"

Jonny, avatar
koropokkur, avatar

yer the only jewish guy i know jonny...
and we aint frens.
more like acquaintances.

Jonny, avatar
koropokkur, avatar

not a jew, but i play one on tv.

Jonny, avatar
koropokkur, avatar

dont make me spongebob you again, jonny.

Jonny, avatar
zero, avatar

Explain yourself.

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