@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar



Awenen Niin?
#1 most reported person on shitposter.club
#1 reason cited why niu.moe was censored across the fediverse, and hence, the cause of the 'poor reputation' of niu.moe among narrow minded people, and plausible cause of its inevitable shutdown.
#1 reason cited why todon.eu had to be defederated from / fediblocked for by other instances until they defederated from shitposter.club so people couldn't communicate with me anymore.
Uregina B.Sc. CompSci '10
0Spirit / #Nastika / #நாத்திக
Member of the Free Software Foundation, the Bayesian conspiracy, and the Cult of R_0
ᒥᓵᐢᑿᑑᒥᓂᐢᑳᕽ / #Treaty6 / Turtle Island / #Jord / #Laniakea

about jeff:
"the biggest mansplainer I've ever met" - @Sherrizzle
"Jeff needs a shorter bio." - @saskboy
"The Fediverse is just Jeff Cliffs hellthread world and we're all living in it."- @GoodBoyUV
"the Hitler of chink biolabs." - @yockeypuck
"a leftist who never got around to updating his firmware and now [he's] stuck with a bunch of Internet racists on Poast and schizophrenic desert tech gnostics like myself." - @NEETzsche
"Jeff Cliff is the fediverses favourite person to hate," - @Waerloga
"Is the fediverse just everyone reacting to Jeff cliff posts?" - https://shitposter.club/users/thatguyoverthere
"First rule of ripple: everyone is six links from jeffcliff" - @socrates1024
"he is https://git.freecumextremist.com's strongest soldier" - @grumbulon
"Jeff oftentimes comes off as "LE LEFTIST OMG" but holy shit, he has some of the most level-headed and yet at the same time, based takes on this whole platform. You can't pay for this kind of thing." - @Eschatology
"an early prototype of what the average bugman will be in the future." - @deesenaughts
"seriously ... should be locked away like Galileo"- @D00B
"pink hat hacker" - @RedRocket69
"even rms isn't this gnutarded" - @coldacid
"In terms of internet debate libtards Jeff is very high value " - @Eris
"Jeff is the standard against which all [...] takes are measured. They should keep him where they keep all the weight and measurements standards in France, right next to the kilogram" - @Godcast
"a normie ...who has somehow made normie-ism into an extremist position" - @SuperLutheran
"[jeff] might be a stupid libtard, but [he's] our stupid libtard"- @hatefulmongoose
"almost hyperbolic levels of Letzter Mensch energy" - @AnonymousBosch
"Jeff has a habit of coming to the correct conclusions for the worst possible reasons Its endearing tbh" - @monsterislandcolonizer
"Jeff reaches the most based positions for the most retarded reasons" - @LovecraftEnthusiast
"There's a new version of the modal ontological argument that posits the existence of a maximally annoying being. Jeff is that being." - @cirnog
"Chief Stays-Indoors" - @RahowasaurusRex1979
"the most annoying user on the Fediverse" - @verretor
"slightly less liberal than Richard Spencer" - @Ottovonshitpost
"Jonathan Pageau is the opposite of Jeff Cliff. I can't explain why I think this, but it is deeply symbolically true"- @Binkle
"i seriously think you're insane, i guess high-functioning insane but still." - @Alex_Linder
"the cringe gift that keeps on giving" - @DEERBLOOD
"only God could create a nonstop cringe machine like you" - @KashKustomer
"the ideal Canadian" - @amerika
"a militant" - @mystik
"The Emma faber fedi treasure! She is almost as much a treasure as Jeff Cliff. Jeff Cliff wins though cause he's a man and men are better"- @Omega_Variant
"real fat" - @dew_the_dew
"Jeff is the GitHub of the fedi.." - @bot
"I rate Jeff a 9/10 on the fediverse." - @marine
"I am always impressed by Jeff." - @Leaflord
"No other account on our server is as controversial as yours. " - @dean
"...anything but mindless. He's actually a pretty good dude." - @Sabex
"fedi's most dedicated shill." - @Zerglingman
"You're not racist or antisemitic enough and that is a problem. for you." - @moomin

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

disabled, to random
@disabled@shota.house avatar

Disabled person asks stupid food-based questions because he doesn’t understand how you eating people work.

Alright, can someone explain to me this concept? I do not eat, and thus it makes no sense to me, atleast in my current tired state.

So, you’re ordering from a restaurant and you order a burger, but you then ask for them to add/remove a few toppings, maybe change the patty style or something.

If you can do that, why do restaurants have various burgers listed? why not just have a “standard burger” and then let you choose the toppings yourself. What makes the “presets” if you will any different or any more special? And what sets them apart from any other restaurant which sells burgers?

How are there so many burger restaurants if all of them have the same basic ingredients, surely you’d just go to the closest one, since no burger place would actually be any different than any other burger place, right? I get it for food that actually has to be made or cooked or something like that. But a burger is just, you just stack ingredients ontop of eachother.

Keep in mind, I’m tired, so this might be an exceptionally stupid question.

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

@disabled there's a great deal of difference in quality and even type of ingredients between, say, mcdonalds burger (lettuce, cheese, tomato, meat??, bun) and, other places. And what is "standard" is ...not as universal as you might think. Who gets to set the ISO 9000 standard burger?

mao_yat, to random
@mao_yat@poa.st avatar


this is the most left wing state in The Medium Satan, Canada, so they get what they are deservate!

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

I do not attack children.

Even the 14 year old pedophile girls on freak.university drew me to a a pause.

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

I freaked out at them until it became clear they were 14 then i encouraged them to find jesus or something.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

well it looks like you guys are either going to have to absolutely flood our stripe account before April 5th, or learn how to use crypto

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar



jeffcliff, to random
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

will probably never get to actually read

  • my friend sanae ohshiro's thesis
  • my friend takahiro hirato's thesis
  • my friend chisako tanigawa's thesis
  • my friend ayumi arakawa's thesis
Kerosene, to random
@Kerosene@bae.st avatar


@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar


jeffcliff, to random
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar
Shadowman311, to random
@Shadowman311@poa.st avatar
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

@Shadowman311 @Thusnelda "We are now at the point in civilization that we're more ok playing Russian Roulette with airplane flights than admitting that covid causes brain damage and IQ drop in every infection."

jeffcliff, to random
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

and the worms ate into his brain

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

source: statscan, which is garbage data

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> johns hopkins says stealing all the guns will prevent civil war

:blobcatez: a.. are you expecting there to be a civil war

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

imho maybe it is a public health issue but honestly public health officials are stretched really fucking thin on the ground rn and should not be opening another front while antivaxxers are on the march

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

> functional court system.

...that isn't a 'functional' system, if it's preventing tens of millions of people from being saved by vaccines.

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

> what about the people thats lives were ruined by vaccines

For every one of them there's 100,000 who are having their lives ruined by COVID. And covid is just getting started.

> you might have heard that not everyone is a consequentialist

That's nice. There are other justifications for not trashing humanity with a bsl3 pathogen that do not require consequentialist reasoning.

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

That at least makes some sense, during a public health crisis the risk should be spread across the public.

The only part about that that doesn't make sense is that people willfully sue in the first place and somehow you feel it necessary to encourage this by bringing this court up.

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

>companies and universities asked for liability protection because oxford was literally selling at-cost.

they would have asked anyway
and they would have been given it anyway
because everyone with a brain knew the antivaxxers would abuse any wiggle room and the vaccine effort would be delayed as a consequence [just as they did]

And sure, the US govt and others should have required the solution to be patent-free in retrospect.

jeffcliff, to random
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar
jeffcliff, to random
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

This guy is writing a book but he doesn't know what his book is about.

More evidence I should really be writing a book. If this guy can do it, so can I.

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

@Ukko I already know what i want to write about

it's more a matter of setting aside the time to actually do it[ especially before the mutual hostility gets to the point where I don't see certain people enough to model them in a character ]

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar
augieray, to random
@augieray@mastodon.social avatar

My spreadsheet of studies finding can leave longer-term damage to bodies has grown to 408 studies. Recent additions:

  • COVID in pregnant women can result in fetal death.
  • COVID in pregnant women impacts cardiac functions in babies.
  • Mild COVID can cause persistent cognitive impairment and white matter abnormalities.
  • COVID increases the risk of obstructive sleep apnea.
  • COVID causes a loss in bone mineral density.


@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

jabbed vs unjabbed most recent data:


age 1-in-n people hospitalized

0-4 457
05-11 703
12-17 302
18-29 256
30-39 169
40-49 123
50-59 84
60-69 42
70-79 15
80+ 5

most recent jabbed data
0-4 NaN
5-11 915
18-29 777
30-39 512
40-49 374
50-59 255
60-69 126
70-79 46
80+ 16

ie roughly 1-in-123 or worse chance of hospitalization for my age group, unvaxxed 1-in-374 or better for vaxxed

chance of ICU: unjabbed (ie these are likely death sentences if the healthcare system gets overwhelmed, which it is now, especially the older you get)


0-4 4,018
05-11 6,175
12-17 2,653
18-29 3,789
30-39 2,495
40-49 805
50-59 549
60-69 426
70-79 155
80+ 145

most up to date jabbed data:

0-4 NaN
05-11 NaN
12-17 8,040
18-29 11,480
30-39 7,561
40-49 2,439
50-59 1,663
60-69 1,290
70-79 470
80+ 438

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

Quite a bit different from the flu.

top causes of death at 40

Cause of death Mortality rate/100,000
Cancer 179.94
Heart disease 82.33
Accidents, including drug deaths 56.50
COVID-19 305,626.51 edit this number is clearly broken, but its position suggests it should be between 30 and 56ish
Suicide 30.83
Liver disease 23.44
Diabetes 13.54
Stroke 13.25
Chronic respiratory disease 9.13
Birth complications, genetic birth defects 4.27
Homicide 2.37
Alzheimer's 0.46

note: the flu is not in the top 10, covid is. Also, like 8 of the other top 10 are partially caused by covid so their rates are inflated.

here's the 1-in-n data for the flu.

Age Hospitalized ICU Dies
0-4 1,500 8,300 167,000
05-19 6,800 29,000 150,000
20-44 8,100 53,000 190,000
45-64 3,300 14,000 77,000
65+ 700 7,700 8,100

ie your chance of being hospitaized from the flu at 65+ is roughly equal to being hospitalized from covid around 5 years of age (unjabbed) or 18 years of age (jabbed)

your chance of being in the ICU from the flu at age 65 is roughly equal to the risk of being in the ICU from covid at age 5(unjabbed) or age 30(jabbed)

death same sorta thing

here's the weekly hospitalizations : other than 0-39s all age groups are higher than the flu hospitalizations at >65

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

No they aren't, the numbers are right there. They are roughly 10x each just like the last graph was.

TURBORETARD9000, to random

@jeffcliff first of all your new pfp is tripping me out, gonna have to get used to that

@Nepiant @Awoo @sjw @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @degen @vriska

New update!
Curio and Rtascina are now interacting, lifting the latter higher, and considering their orbits they've got a while to pull on each other, and their orbits are already starting to intersect (behind them)


@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @Awoo @Nepiant @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @sjw @degen @vriska @RehnSturm256 that's odd
what does /var/log/kern.log say about why

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @Awoo @Nepiant @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @sjw @degen @vriska @RehnSturm256 there should still be a kern.log.1 around or ...something

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @Awoo @Nepiant @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @sjw @degen @vriska @RehnSturm256 usually the .1 is the most recent .2 is 2nd most recent etc

they should have timestamps in them so you can follow exactly what's going on at the kernel level, at least to the extent it's logging anything

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar
mangeurdenuage, to random
@mangeurdenuage@shitposter.club avatar
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

probably anyone knows what that is it's time to book a colonoscopy

jeffcliff, to random
@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar


  • Loading...
  • jeffcliff,
    @jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

    he's young, he has telomeres to spare

    or had, in any case

    RustyCrab, to random
    @RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

    Reminder that you don't want threads federation :chiggerniggaseverementaldistress:

    @jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

    This isn't an argument against federating with threads, it's an argument in favour of federating with orangutans.social

    Shadowman311, to random
    @Shadowman311@poa.st avatar

    Shout-out to all my purebloods out there, you made it.

    RT: https://poa.st/objects/18d2d3c9-d05c-41f7-a2b2-70b55e354ecb

    @jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

    @TimeSpent @NEETzsche @Shadowman311 @Wormwood I have a knife in my hand that is going to be lodged in the neck of the next person who isn't wearing a mask without a really, really good reason.

    graf, to random
    @graf@poa.st avatar

    me irl, say something nice

    @jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

    @Jonaschuzzlewit @pasture @Sui @gh0st1984 @best_jeanist @NonPlayableClown ah yes the vaccine damage of checks notes not posting cp. If that's what the vaccine does, we should make it mandatory for everyone.


    TURBORETARD9000, to random

    @jeffcliff @admitsWrongIfProven @sjw I don't have screenshots or shit yet to show but who wants to watch me make an RV32I core in a visual manner
    Hoping to get to RV64G + Supervisor eventually

    @jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar


    adds to notes @TURBORETARD9000 - computer architecture / cs301 complete with ~100% grade

    now we just gotta export this to vhdl and somehow get this implemented

    EricCarroll, to random
    @EricCarroll@zeroes.ca avatar

    In three years and over 3,000 papers, just once I would like to read a credible paper about that is not a risk and outcomes horror show.

    Just once.

    @jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

    Surely one of the antivaxxers/covidiots who follow me can provide you with such a thing. Or maybe someone like @GrumpyRabbit?

    @jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar


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