Moon, avatar

When someone tells me their streaming works better than Twitch after I've tried literally every open source alternative


mangeurdenuage, avatar

@Moon @sjw uses ffmpeg directly and it works incredibly well.

sjw, avatar

@mangeurdenuage @Moon yes it's that people wonder always add a bunch of bullshit and layers on top. Nah just rawdog ffmpeg and it'll work flawlessly.

mangeurdenuage, avatar

@sjw @Moon Would you be kind (and have the patience/time) enought to produce guidance for us ? if it is not too much to ask ?

sjw, avatar

@mangeurdenuage @Moon It would be handy to not have to read a bunch of docs to relearn it all again because I only mess with it around once a year

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon hls/dash can only do so good of a job :blobcatupsidedown:

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn I got webrtc streaming working on Oven (was a routing problem on my part) and it still had about 4 seconds of delay, which is about the same as my old streaming server on a good day. This is on a very powerful machine so I don't know what I can do to approach the hypothetical "sub-second" streaming.

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon thats odd was the player using webrtc also

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn suposedly yes but since you mention it I don't know if it was falling back to something else like the websocket it uses to establish the webrtc connection

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon yeah kind of sounds like the player was falling back to dash.

ideally we would use RIST both ways but nobody wants to support that :afire:

Moon, avatar
icedquinn, avatar

> 🔴 sub-second latency streaming

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon connection died

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn anyway I stopped it, it was about four seconds after all.

I thought that indicator meant it was working

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon :cirno_shrug: was i supposed to watch the clock on the stream?

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn I moved the clock window and obs shit the bed.

basically just you can tell what the delay is since I showed a clock, and it was about four seconds of delay that time too

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon hmm

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn my tube site doesn't support webrtc anyway, I tried adding it and modifying synctube was too hard for me lol, the code's a fucking mess

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon yeah Everything Has To Be Terrible.

SRT is better, RIST is better than SRT, but you are lucky to even get SRT ingress on something. browser streaming is more geared to mass distribution than interactive stuff. interaction has been shunted to webrtc, which is basically an enshittified SIP.

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn so SRT actusally has a latency option, I don't know what it does, but it might be the reason I have four seconds of delay. I am using SRT upload.

icedquinn, avatar


> OBS Studio will accept options in the syntax: srt://IP:port?option1=value1&option2=value2. The full list of options is those supported by FFmpeg:
> The most important option is latency in microseconds (μs). It has a default value of 120 ms = 120 000 μs and should be at least 2.5 * (the round-trip time between encoder and ingest server, in ms).
Ex: for a latency of 1 sec, set latency=1000000 .

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn oh, in that case I set it wrong. I set it to 50ms and my delay is 43ms. I'll fix it next time, maybe that's why stuff freezes

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon nah it crashes because obs is jank :neocat_boop_owo:

higher delays just give you more tolerance for network congestion.

that's why HLS/DASH are like they are. they're built to ship to lots of recipients over hostile networks in a one-way transmission. the latency is there so various clients can hide the network issues in the buffer.

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon all i can say for crashes is update obs, try the flatpak, etc, otherwise report it.

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon its possible to have ffmpeg stream and bypass obs alltogether, but then you lose all the things that obs does competently that are quite expensive to replace.

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn if I were just streaming game video with my voice over the top yeah I could hack together a thing to do that via ffmpeg probably.

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon i looked in to it once. OBS is very hard to replace.

on macos there was something called wirecast which does similar things, with a 500$ price tag.

in the oss sector the alternatives are snowmix or casparcg. both of which are nowhere near user friendly and presume you are looking for middleware to build a production room with

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn I wish there were composable command line tools for this kind of thing

mr64bit, avatar

@Moon @icedquinn I think technically that would be gstreamer, but... yeah, good luck with that.

icedquinn, avatar

@mr64bit @Moon back in the day there was a noodle graph ui for directshow people used to encode films.

i'd love that but for gstreamer.

problem is there are a few jobs like video mixing and character graphics that are a royal bitch and are big $$$ in commercial terms

icedquinn, avatar

@mr64bit @Moon caspar used flash for discount cg but they threw that out because flash died. now they use embedded chromium, like obs does.

caspar is interesting but its basically meant to be remote controlled. you gotta bring your own triggers/setup scripts.


@icedquinn @Moon unregistered hypercam > obs

icedquinn, avatar

@a7 @Moon snowmix promised they were going to give the transition tools out in the next update.

then they never released a new update :neocat_scream_stare:

why, avatar

@Moon @icedquinn obs has almost never crashed for me on windows. makes me think theres an issue with the server that could happen on ffmpeg.

Moon, avatar

@why @icedquinn i suspect windows-first development. understandably other platforms are more niche

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon @why i haven't had a lot of crashes on linux.

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn holy shit that worked. I set the latency to slightly higher than my ping ms latency and now it seems to be under a second.

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon i contributed :ablobcatcheersparkles:

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn I am in awe at how bad some programmers are and yet they get the job done

RustyCrab, avatar

@Moon @icedquinn from my experience, there's a point at which many programmers become excellent at algorithms but their code architecture resembles the Eiffel tower assembled with toothpicks and no glue

icedquinn, avatar

@RustyCrab @Moon people get paid to ship, so they tape jank to get paid. nobody gets paid to sit there and work out the optimal gang of four patterns

RustyCrab, avatar

@icedquinn @Moon yes but technical debt eventually keeps you from shipping at all because everything breaks for every feature you add. I've seen it happen.

icedquinn, avatar

@RustyCrab @Moon sell the company before then :blobcatburglar:

RustyCrab, avatar

@icedquinn @Moon :niggablobcatcozy:

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