realcaseyrollins, avatar

Gee, I wonder why tablets are less popular than the !

In all seriousness an tablet can basically do anything an tablet can do, but there's poor marketing about how tablets are to be used, and I think people are somewhat misguided on what the optimal form factor is for an tablet as well.


magicalthinking, avatar


MAC's and iOS have a much reduced scope of operation. They focus on what they do well, which is mostly household chores. Doesn't try to be too many things to too many people.

icedquinn, avatar

@magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins ipad also has big chungi like ProCreate driving it.

when i looked at taking a digital art class you had to bring an ipad with that :blobcatfrowningbig:

i have an android tablet with a wacom digitizer, but we don't really have that kind of thing. there are some drawing apps of random quality. but for apple it's very much "buy ipad, pencil, procreate, go to this class." android never prioritized the dev ecosystem either, which is something apple did.

basically the android devs are sacked writing shitty enterprise java for little to no money and the mac devs put in 3 lines of code and shits flying all over the screen because they bothered to include an animation framework and the like. also access to things like Metal (which is basically Vulkan, i think AMD even designed the shit for them as Mantle and apple ran off with it in a different direction than Khronos) which doesn't exist on android either.

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn @magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins you can run garageband and midi controller and a full mixing board on an ipad.

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon @magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins i liked Caustic on android but it was built stupid. it always runs the cpu to 100% :\

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn @magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins I think you still basically can't do pro audio on android because since the hardware is all over the place, the latency is hardcoded in the OS to a single bad value.

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon @magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins on iOS you just reach over and ask coreaudio for some ports. on Android you have to go through java native penances and set up cross compilers and other bullshit.

i'm not sure if you even can connect apps together, either. that's something apple edge cased in to the framework and a couple mixing apps make use of.

magicalthinking, avatar

@Moon @icedquinn @realcaseyrollins

you could do pro audio on windows 3.1
same with CAD design.
the days of powerful computing is past us, now it's all relegated to interface.

icedquinn, avatar

@magicalthinking @Moon @realcaseyrollins not really sure what you're getting at with that one. latency is still relevant in pro audio.

some small number of people still use Atari ST's because the midi is literally soldered right on the mainboard and the latency is basically zero

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@magicalthinking @Moon @icedquinn I'm not sure that I can agree with you on that one

magicalthinking, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @Moon @icedquinn

Steve Jobs would never have made that thing.

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@magicalthinking @Moon @icedquinn I don't think he'd have made the either.

But the point is, there is still plenty of innovation to be had in the hardware space.

icedquinn, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @magicalthinking @Moon
> would steve jobs have made an "iphone x"
i suspect yes but not the way you think.

steve was [correctly] against the Microsoft versioning scheme. he kept apple deliberately to a small set of products because it makes sales and reasoning about macs very smooth.

do you need a big desktop or a smol desktop? a big laptop or a smol laptop? do i need a huge workstation for industrial use? that's the kind of decision making that they were targetting.

he would have never had "iphone x" and shit because there should only ever be "iphone" and you have an iphone or you don't have an iphone, not "which 12 models of iphone should i buy tho"

magicalthinking, avatar

@icedquinn @realcaseyrollins @Moon

A lot of what Jobs did was copied from iconic designs and philosophy. The Braun record player, B&O use of materials, even his affinity for calligraphy. He was a classy guy who paid attention to detail. I heard a story about microsoft engineers taking apart an ipod and finding a speaker inside. It's only function was to play the click for the clickwheel. "We could never do something like that." they remarked.

icedquinn, avatar

@magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins @Moon piezo speakers yeah. kinesis also has one of those to play click sounds when you type on the keyboard because some people wanted more feedback

icedquinn, avatar

@magicalthinking @Moon @realcaseyrollins i'm just highlighting that Jobs had a very user-centric policy. Macs were "the computer anyone could use" and this goes in to the way they are marketed and the product lines are run. He would not have made an "iphone x" because it should be obvious which Mac product you want to buy, but he would have probably integrated cool shit when it became viable to do so.

I have little to no respect for Cook. His only qualifications are being gay and good with China, he's not a visionary :comfyglare: and he doesn't understand the philosophy. Hell, the first things he did was fire people he didn't agree with. Jobs kept people around who disagreed with him--possibly disliked or hated--because they were competent at their jobs.

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@icedquinn @magicalthinking @Moon I don't like him as much. With the it's clear that is innovating under him, but not nearly as much as it did with .

magicalthinking, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @icedquinn @Moon

I saw the vision pro as a moment of clarity. Someone is going to do this and get it right, might as well be us.

Musk beat them to the Apple car, they couldn't let Zuckerberg take VR.

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@magicalthinking @icedquinn @Moon 's still gonna make that car BTW

magicalthinking, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @icedquinn @Moon

China is the only place you can build them and they'll just steal all the IP.

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@magicalthinking @icedquinn @Moon Well okay, there are actually two ways that could go with this, that I see:

  1. Build the car, in the because they don't want the tech to be stolen

  2. Collaborate with one or more existing American vehicle companies, like , where they provide the self-driving tech like sensors and programming logic, and the auto manufacturer builds out all the car stuff

icedquinn, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @magicalthinking @Moon why would they care about China they are practically a chinese company at this point

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@icedquinn @magicalthinking @Moon is a bigger market than the

icedquinn, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @magicalthinking @Moon people raised some point about "china would steal the IP" and its like

the CCP already dictates terms to Apple. what do you think goes on behind iCloud :blobcatdunno:

magicalthinking, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @Moon @icedquinn

Someone was going to make the iPod, and the iPhone, and their form factor changed the industry forever.

I don't know what the vision pro will wrought for this sad world. I see it as an ill omen for the lonely.

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@magicalthinking @Moon @icedquinn Well that's what the majority of was going to do anyway

I think the legacy of the will be: the future is , not , and until a nice for and is found, these devices should be treated less like game systems and more like computers.

icedquinn, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @magicalthinking @Moon VR has always been dead in the water. Price point isn't there.

Valve and HTC dipped back in recently to see if they could do it this time. Then Facebook crammed in Microsoft-style with underpricing hardware as a loss leader and everyone exited the market because HTC, unlike Zuck, has to pay their bills.

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@icedquinn @magicalthinking @Moon I think makes sense for gaming, although you're still right.

I'd consider for gaming if the headsets could work without an external game console. But I'm not going to buy two expensive devices for one experience.

icedquinn, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @magicalthinking @Moon asking someone to build 2,000$ worth of computer so they can plug in 1,000$ worth of peripherals which also require an entire room--to a generation of people who will never own their own homes and can't raise 500$ in an emergency--is laughable.

romin, avatar

@icedquinn @magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins @Moon maybe if they stopped having rooms full of funko pops...

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@romin @icedquinn @magicalthinking @Moon It's not their fault that the economy sucks though, to be fair


You are correct, but the parent post is also correct that I've seen people who fail to make rent but somehow managed to find money to buy crappy little Funko pops. It's a little bit crazy, they're everywhere. It's like a pot shop or a payday loan place, just free money for not doing anything particularly positive for society...

icedquinn, avatar

@sj_zero @magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins @Moon @romin i never bought a funko pop. i mean i thought about it a few times but that was because they were cute. :blobcatgoogly:

as for why people buy dumb shit uh.
there's reasons.

icedquinn, avatar

@sj_zero @Moon @magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins @romin if you ever want to learn what they are--try living for a month with a budget of 0$ for self-comfort. you will absolutely fail.

that's basically the issue with the lower poverty bracket. there are absolutely brutal demands on them from employment, and then the landlords take whats left, that the last of their income often gets eaten by consumables (whiskeys, cigs, etc) that make them want to die slightly less enough that they can show up to shitty job that just hasn't been outsourced yet.

icedquinn, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @Moon @magicalthinking VR will probably have a real chance when they fix the eye burn problem (maybe with prisms and projectors?) and have the costs down to something that fits more in the 600$ total bracket.

smol PCs are actually getting quite good. there might be concessions and trickery to make the whole process fit within 1,000$ but I don't know enough electrowizardry to tell for sure.

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@icedquinn @magicalthinking @Moon Anything more expensive than $1K won't fly at all unless you're talking about enterprise hardware.

$750 is a reasonable price for a wholistic, -equivalent gaming experience in .

icedquinn, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @magicalthinking @Moon gamers can and do spend 2,000$ on their rigs. that's an enthusiast level. the problem is that VR gear is about another thousand on top of it.

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@Moon @icedquinn @magicalthinking You could on too if they made an app for it

icedquinn, avatar

@realcaseyrollins @Moon @magicalthinking i don't know that android even has the APIs to connect multiple audio programs together.

mischievoustomato, avatar

cant you even do that on an iphony

icedquinn, avatar

@mischievoustomato @magicalthinking @realcaseyrollins @Moon yup. i had AUM and a synthesizer on an iphone 5s. it's painful due to the tiny screen but it works fine.

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