graf, avatar

>be me sitting doing nothing
>watch starts screaming and vibrating like crazy
>"your heart rate rose above 120 BPM while you seemed to be inactive for 10 minutes starting at 6:57 PM."
oh i guess ill just die

Darren, avatar

@graf Did it actually rise or was it a false reading?

graf, avatar

@Darren avg 123 for that 10 minute span. still 120 as I just checked. might go lay down for a bit. probably stress related. got a lot going on irl

scatPolice, avatar

@graf @Darren you considered your own mortality

graf, avatar

@scatPolice @Darren read this and it dropped to 109

Darren, avatar

@graf @scatPolice A few deep breaths can help, especially if it's stress. When that kind of stuff used to start it would just make me immediately stressed, which just made it worse.

BowsacNoodle, avatar

@Darren @scatPolice @graf Yes beware the feedback loops of anxiety/stress physical responses. It might be a good idea to do some extremely LIGHT exercise, like walking if the weather permits it and drink some extra water. Sometimes doing physical stuff gets your body and mind to synch up properly if its psychosomatic.

Darren, avatar

@BowsacNoodle @scatPolice @graf The water bit is also good advice, dehydration can cause all sorts of heart-rhythm stuff.

graf, avatar

@Darren @scatPolice @BowsacNoodle i drink like 9 large glasses a day easily, sometimes 12 or more. not dehydration. there's some shit going on irl thats driving me crazy/angry/upset so i think its related to that

madison, avatar

Are you feeling sick?

graf, avatar

@madison @scatPolice @Darren @BowsacNoodle nope feel fine just pulled in seven different directions at once and stress from always being treated like shit for no reason i will be okay friend i laid down and it’s down to 90 :akkoThumbup:

madison, avatar

I learned from trauma therapy that sometimes you have triggers you don't recognize that cause bodily response. Like for me, if I hear a helicopter my conscious brain might not recognize the noise, but my body will react. Not saying you have trauma, but stress does add up and take a toll on the body. ​If people treat you like shit you shouldn't associate with them :( I hope you can decompress this evening.

graf, avatar

@madison @scatPolice @Darren @BowsacNoodle nah nothing like that. also holy shit this screenshot from my watch. the peak i was at the post office

robbie, avatar

Good grief! Were you mailing a bomb?

graf, avatar

@robbie @scatPolice @madison @Darren @BowsacNoodle no just a return to amazon 😭

robbie, avatar

sorry this is happening, hope you find a way to prevent/manage this

graf, avatar

@robbie @scatPolice @madison @Darren @BowsacNoodle i was looking it up i think it’s hypertension and high blood pressure because i was pretty dizzy when i was at the post office so im gonna keep an eye on it and eat healthier for a bit

madison, avatar

Out of curiosity, what is your resting HR usually?

graf, avatar

@madison @scatPolice @robbie @Darren @BowsacNoodle 70-85 since poast is high stress environment. before poast maybe 60-70

robbie, avatar

above 100 is technically tachy (too fast) but yeah, resting hr will play into that for sure.

best medicine would probably be a month in a cabin with the gf and no internet

graf, avatar

@robbie @scatPolice @madison @Darren @BowsacNoodle this is from when it was screaming at me while i was just sitting and working on poast stuff. still has a warning but im around 90 since i’ve been laying down

sjw, avatar

@graf time to go to the doctor and get a recommendation for euthanasia

graf, avatar

@sjw sometimes i wish i was eligible friend

yockeypuck, avatar

@graf @sjw to the fentanyl vending machine

graf, avatar

@yockeypuck @sjw hopping on a plane to head to vancouver to get my dilaudid fix as we speak

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