paula9, avatar

ill figure this out
once i learn how to be a man im going to start dating trans girls and being the ideal bf


@paula9 seems like a more circuitous way of arriving at the same essential destination (t4t)

paula9, avatar

@allison no im not a tranny
ill stop hrt


@paula9 And your reasons for believing this? (not memeing, genuinely curious)

paula9, avatar

@allison i act and look like a man :nkoShrug:
me transitioning was just silly cope

meso, avatar

@paula9 @allison was it? talk more about it. rationalize why you transitioned. what you want in life.

paula9, avatar

@meso @allison yeah
im just pathetic and worthless so transitioning to cope
of course it doesn't change anything
also as a kid i wanted to be gril so i also did it to make younger me proud or something lol

meso, avatar

@paula9 @allison >im just pathetic and worthless so transitioning to cope
elaborate? what about you was pathetic and worthless?

paula9, avatar

@meso @allison i struggle with basic tasks :3


@paula9 @meso And do you know why you struggle with basic tasks? If I felt like deluging myself in walls of cope, I could (entirely justifiably!) say I'm a pathetic waste as well for the same reasons but the reality is obviously way more complicated than that and I have zero doubt in your situation it is too. (and trust me on this one, however bad you think you are, I'm orders of magnitude worse)

paula9, avatar

@allison @meso > why you struggle with basic tasks
many reasons, autism mainly


@paula9 @meso OK, so that then! It's a more than satisfactory explanation and given time and experience also goes a long way to explaining the gender dysphoria as well. Also, serious question, when is the last time you brushed your teeth or took a shower?

straw, avatar

@allison @paula9 @meso is that an autistic thing to fall back on those
maybe that explains the difficulty when ive not been depressed lately..

meso, avatar

@straw @paula9 @allison no youre just lazy you retard

meso, avatar

@allison @paula9 @straw this means absolutely nothing, shutins dont brush their teeth and have been brought up with no habits thats crazy


@meso @paula9 @straw you obviously know less than nothing about autism and it shows

straw, avatar

@allison @paula9 @meso he knows less than nothing about anything, he's the most mentally ill and out of touch person i've met on here, by far, and thats saying something
i used to find him fine to be around but now that he's in this weird mental episode he's been in for a while, he's just fucking insufferable and always has to bring up his baseless inaccurate presumptions
i dot remember when this started exactly but i remember asking him if he had schizotypal and i shared some concerns with some others. he ofc denied it and went on this long tanget about how im actually a bad person and somehow over this like 30 minutes call he gave no actual reason and every time id ask him he'd either complain he already explained or go on some entirely unrelated rant, mostly claims about me and lucy that just, were untrue? shit that literally never happened? and somehow this describes why im bad for him? it was so bizarre, and while he's calmed down he still very much acts like, idk, some level of this same episode. it's honestly quite worrying and i wonder what the fuck could have triggered this

meso, avatar

@straw @paula9 @allison i never went on this long tangent about the schizotypal shit? even you pointed out having symptoms of something doesnt mean you have it and they can be acquired behaviors. I don't even care if I'm schizotypal or not, it's kind of a silly label.

and I never said you're a bad person, I said you're bad for me. you have a shitty influence on me is all, and I'm not sure why you feel so strongly about me telling you that. I've actually just reached complete happiness, not because I stopped talking to you lol but that definitely helped with reaching it.

f_o_u_r_t_y, avatar

@meso @paula9 @straw @allison new meso lore dropped


@f_o_u_r_t_y @paula9 @straw @meso honestly I am going to say, regardless of whether meso personally is or not, probably something like half of the people I regularly interact with on here are schizotypal or would be classed as such if the full extent of their activities was known and they submitted for a formal diagnosis (and I'm not excluding myself from this either)

affine, avatar

@allison @paula9 @straw @f_o_u_r_t_y @meso
>if the full extent of their activities was known and they submitted for a formal diagnosis

f_o_u_r_t_y, avatar

@affine @paula9 @straw @allison @meso are you someone's alt? you seem familiar

Ukko, avatar
pernia, avatar


paula9, avatar

@pernia @allison maija said i can't go back

pernia, avatar

@paula9 @allison yes you can

paula9, avatar

@pernia @allison i dont want to disobey maija


@paula9 @pernia honestly there's a part of me that wouldn't be surprised if you end up with pernia after all is said and done

pernia, avatar

@allison @paula9 wdym with me


@pernia @paula9 like you two will end up as some fedi ship memed into reality

pernia, avatar

@allison @paula9 i'll be bros with paulo and sperg out about c and circuits with him


@pernia @paula9 You can do this now without any detransition being involved?

pernia, avatar

@allison @paula9 no, she stopped caring about it after she transitioned, started talking about brainworm faggot shit and "i'm le useless woman".

paula9, avatar

@pernia @allison i still know a lil bit a c
never knew much about circuits tho


@paula9 @pernia @allison girl are you parralel or a series because i wanna run my current through you

pernia, avatar

@tiskaan @paula9 @allison girl are you a parallel or a series because i gotta figure out if i use division of currents or just add you to simplify you

syzygy, avatar

@pernia @paula9 @tiskaan @allison
Damn gurl are you the isolated secondary winding of a transformer?

pernia, avatar

@syzygy @paula9 @tiskaan @allison girl are you a triphasic circuit cuz i'm gonna turn ur star into a delta ;)


@pernia @paula9 @syzygy @allison damn im not that assdeep into the art of electronics yet homie

pernia, avatar

@tiskaan @paula9 @syzygy @allison i learn circuits purely for the memes


@pernia @paula9 @syzygy @allison im teaching myself electronics.

18+ paula9, avatar
Ukko, avatar

@paula9 @pernia @tiskaan @syzygy @allison Call me cirno the way I be killing myself by shorting a charged capacitor

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