cassidyclown, avatar

Recently one of our users was contacted by federal agents for making a retarded fedpost (he was joking). As of right now, I haven't been contacted by any federal agents, nor has my server-provider contacted me (I haven't been contacted by anyone except the user in question over this). His information was likely retrieved via the number plate on his beloved car he posted pictures of.

I don't have any reason to believe that the server has been compromised right now and nothing in the logs indicates this. That being said, I implore everyone to exercise vigilance regarding their OpSec. Use VPNs, we have tor and i2p mirrors:
Don't sign up to any fedi instance with a personally identifying email. Most importantly of all - don't post something that identifies yourself in any way. Don't post anything in DMs that identifies yourself in any way.

I can hear the "literally 1984"s already, but reminder that the rules of this server include not breaking any US laws and threatening to kill the president of the United States is considered a felony. This is something they actively monitor for, as we have seen.

kroner, avatar

It's generally not a good idea to post PII on here or in DMs like an unobstructed view of your car's license plate yeah :acat_insane:

PurpCat, avatar

@kroner @cassidyclown People are sloppy with it in the FB era, or how many people don't get caught.

In an era of Chitwoods, getting caught in a dragnet ordering tons of Diesel oil filters because your hobby is that, and government officials looking to make arrests as their unpopularity can't be higher, it's a good idea to not say dumb shit online.

kroner, avatar

Yeah, not fedposting (even as a joke) is also another good tactic to not get contacted in person by the glow niggers

PurpCat, avatar

@kroner @cassidyclown I think that's the thing.

To a fed, there's no such thing as an ironic fedpost. How are they supposed to know your epic hilarious post about car bombing the CEO of the social media site you're posting on is an ironic joke? Because you're "incapable of it" isn't good enough, moreso when you have a Chitwood phenotype sheriff at the door.

Literally this was the Tumblr drama a few weeks back, this man in a dress was ironically talking about blowing up the CEO of Tumblr and got banned for it and then said "dude it's a joke don't you know it's over the top xdeeee".

xianc78, avatar

@PurpCat @cassidyclown @kroner Really, just save the edgy stuff for imageboards and even then, do that through a VPN or Tor. It's better than managing a bunch of alt accounts and making sure that the ones with the controversial content aren't linked to your real id.

PurpCat, avatar

@xianc78 @cassidyclown @kroner >Really, just save the edgy stuff for imageboards

4chan will hand over your IP/PII to Sheriff Chitwood. Bad idea.

xianc78, avatar

@PurpCat @cassidyclown @kroner Besides 4chan. I was thinking more of the 8chan bunkers, even though they are less active (though it seems like 8moe/v/ is more active due to GamerGate 2.0).

RustyCrab, avatar

@cassidyclown I was wondering if you had received contact but that would seem like unnecessary effort since the nigga posted his VIN NUMBER

PurpCat, avatar

@RustyCrab @cassidyclown Most of the time when they make contact like with the KF thing, it's because they can't find the guy, so they find his IP address and other registration information.

This can be avoided by not posting the exact thing he did. It's the online version of grabbing a service weapon.


@cassidyclown > threatening to kill the president of the United States is considered a felony.
So you're saying I can threaten to kill any other president and get away with it? 🤔

PurpCat, avatar

@sneeden @cassidyclown I mean a few months back they were datamining for people threatening the CEO of CrackRock. I'm sure he's far from the only individual that gets top protection from feds.

PurpCat, avatar

@cassidyclown The #1 opsec tip I can say is this.

Imagine every single thing you say will have your real name and photo next to it, because that will happen if you're ever doxed.

That's the best argument against doing retarded shit like fedposting, or posting edgy crap. Some Poastie was doxed eons ago by a huffpost journalist this way, who had a comically poor sense of opsec and decided to post every username/alias he used to try to gain e-clout. He had something to lose (a teaching job) and ended up nuking everything for posting online about black people and whatnot.

PurpCat, avatar

@cassidyclown The other thing is, while the fedi is lower profile than, it's not immune to being datamined for posts saying certain words about certain people.

The FSE thing a few months ago by someone fedposting where the wrong instance owner was contacted boils down to this. The feds used a firehose feed of fedi posts leeched off P's instance to search for certain words.

Given they had a user with poor opsec, and found this guy from this, meant they had a person locked on to do a deep dive of. Given that license plate numbers are 100% dox material (ESPECIALLY in countries with fixed license plates like where the plate stays with the car and can be used for shit like "sorry you can't drive your Diesel or old car in the city"), it doesn't take CSI tier cyberhackers and malware to find you when they have access to the license database (you might just have VIN access but they have everything).

The feds are 100% aware of the fedi, if not because of because of Mastodon and the Twitter Migration, and if you post dumb fucktarded inflammatory posts targeted to billionares, government officials, NGO employees, and people in power, you are going to be seeing a nice visit from the feds. Sure they might leave when they see you're a bored autist online after you give a rant to the FBI agent about how the post about doing XYZ was a joke bro.

It's like that Tumblrtard who got banned from Tumblr for making "totally non credible threats" about a car bomb to the CEO of the site.

creamqueen, avatar

@cassidyclown oopsie daisy :3

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