@RR@nicecrew.digital avatar

I just love getting up at 5:20am when my body still thinks it's 4:20am. It's such a wonderful feeling.


Time for breakfast.

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar

@cowanon @RR -Homemade bread.
-Eggs from chickens in your community.

This is the way.

@dictatordave@poa.st avatar

@Gab_Refugee @cowanon @RR i love my bread machine, there i said it, call me a faggot if you want but i'm not eating loaves of goy slop

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar

@dictatordave @cowanon @RR Bro, there's nothing wrong with not wanting to ingest poisons. Wife and I ordered our bread maker and are pretty stoked about it.

The big one is flour. get good flour, not the aluminum or glyphosate spiked shit.

@MadrePappagallo@nicecrew.digital avatar

Since bread gets stuck in my gut I can't eat that much of it, so I stick to throwing a bunch of ingredients in my crockpot. There's so much you can make in it, even dishes you wouldn't think of like a cake. I got this whole tin box full of nothing but crockpot recipes.

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar

@MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @dictatordave Wife learned the magic of the pressure cooker and it changed the way we eat. people are reverting back to the old ways, because they worked. cheaper. healthier. better.

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar

@MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @dictatordave Electric pressure cooker.
then look into pressure canning with the old school tech. way worth it.

@WilhelmIII@nicecrew.digital avatar

I see your pressure cooker and raise you an InstantPot

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar

@WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @dictatordave Came here to recommend this.
Instant Pot Pressure Cookers are crockpots on steroids. most tender meats I’ve ever eaten and cuts cooking time by hours.

@dictatordave@poa.st avatar

@Gab_Refugee @WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon what size instapot do you guys like, seems like they're still available on like scamazon

@MadrePappagallo@nicecrew.digital avatar

Well the smaller one would be ideal for me since I live alone, but I'd probably get the medium sized one so I could make larger portions to bring to family dinners and what not. I usually just throw together casseroles anyway.

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar

@MadrePappagallo @dictatordave @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon Meal planning gives you leftovers too. Make a big mess on one or two days, and simply reheat the other five days.

PSA: STOP using microwaves for heat your food. you’re literally irradiating yourself, and destroying priceless nutrition that your body needs.

@Aly@poa.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Aly @Gab_Refugee @MadrePappagallo @dictatordave @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon We use a steamer for most things people use microwaves for. The main thing I use the microwave for is heating up yesterday's coffee in the morning sometimes.

@Aly@poa.st avatar
@dictatordave@poa.st avatar

@Aly @Mister_Sunshine @Gab_Refugee @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon its amazing how it only takes a few more minutes to bake or steam food, im not sure how people can microwave shit in plastic and then give anyone a lecture about being healthy

@dg54321@poa.st avatar

@dictatordave @Aly @Mister_Sunshine @Gab_Refugee @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon This is a good point. Most plastics are not safe to microwave. It's not that it's microwaved as much as the plastic itself is not safe once heated, which causes it to break down and enter your food.

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar
@dictatordave@poa.st avatar

@Gab_Refugee @dg54321 @Aly @Mister_Sunshine @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon yea apparently even certain tea bags flake off or like k cups thats another vector probably getting people, heating up your lunch on a plate or in a container

use glass or just heat things up in an oven or stove top in a frying pan

@dg54321@poa.st avatar

@dictatordave @Gab_Refugee @Aly @Mister_Sunshine @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon K cups are a perfect example of how everybody has been programmed to hell and back to accept shit for 2 seconds of convenience. I hate those fucking things. And they are disgusting machines because they have lots of tiny tubing inside that never gets cleaned, and inevitably ends up moldy inside. Just use a damn paper filter, grind up some coffee beans and make a pot of coffee. Or a french press is good too.

@WilhelmIII@nicecrew.digital avatar

Or a Chemex pour over.

Or a vacuum pot.

Lot's of ways to make a decent cuppa without poisoning yourself.

@dg54321@poa.st avatar

@WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @Gab_Refugee @Mister_Sunshine @dictatordave Most of the time, all it takes to stop or severely limit the poisoning of your people is to stop being so damn lazy. But people won't do it. They want goyslop and they want it right now.

@MadrePappagallo@nicecrew.digital avatar

They are addicted to what's in the goyslop too, that's another major issue.

@dg54321@poa.st avatar

@MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Gab_Refugee @Mister_Sunshine @dictatordave Too true. I have to remind myself that we have all been programmed AND addicted from a young age to fall for this shit.

@dictatordave@poa.st avatar

@dg54321 @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Gab_Refugee @Mister_Sunshine i dont know anyone that would go back to being a normie once they find out how to make their lives better, and probably save money while doing it

@WilhelmIII@nicecrew.digital avatar

We went full BBBE* detox diet and almost all of my joint pain went away.

Later we added on local pork and chicken products and then added back in fresh fruits and veggies.

The pain didn't come back.

  • Beef, bacon, butter, eggs.
@Da_Goyim_Know@poa.st avatar

@WilhelmIII @dictatordave @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @Gab_Refugee @Mister_Sunshine @dg54321 I’d say 70-80% of my nutrition comes from beef/chicken/pork. I’ve tried to make it 100%, and it’s been impossible. The carb cravings are no joke. I’ve quit opioids, and cigarettes far more easily.

@dictatordave@poa.st avatar

@Da_Goyim_Know @WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @Gab_Refugee @Mister_Sunshine @dg54321 be careful with the pork, have you seen whats in the 'feed' for pigs?

@Da_Goyim_Know@poa.st avatar

@dictatordave @WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @Gab_Refugee @Mister_Sunshine @dg54321 Don’t want to know. I’ve got chickens and goats right now. Will soon be growing my own pork, and am Ok with ignorantly riding it out on store bought until then. lol

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar
@Da_Goyim_Know@poa.st avatar

@Gab_Refugee @dictatordave @WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @Mister_Sunshine @dg54321 The chickens are only hens for eggs, but will also be adding meat birds to the program. Actually debating adding 10 a2a2 Jerseys to sell raw milk. Profit comes out to around $15/day per cow after feed expenses.

@Lyle@poa.st avatar

@Da_Goyim_Know @Gab_Refugee @dictatordave @WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @Mister_Sunshine @dg54321 Milk is a risky venture, due to the regulations of selling milk. Farmers sometimes end up having to dump crazy amounts of milk that they could not sell. Raw would be awesome, but that's even harder to sell outside your immediate area.

@Da_Goyim_Know@poa.st avatar

@Lyle @Gab_Refugee @dictatordave @WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @Mister_Sunshine @dg54321 Yeah, I’d only be selling local, and there’s a huge demand where I am.

@dictatordave@poa.st avatar

@Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @Gab_Refugee @WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @Mister_Sunshine @dg54321 did you see how home boy is getting fukt in south east pa? fuckin feds and local pigs came in and basically shut him down for not selling goy slop

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@dictatordave @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @Gab_Refugee @WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @dg54321 Amos Miller. Amish farmer. Here's a video report on the most recent time. They've raided him multiple times for selling healthy food to people who want to buy it.


@JeffTheJoker@nicecrew.digital avatar


@dictatordave@poa.st avatar

@JeffTheJoker @Mister_Sunshine @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Gab_Refugee @Lyle @dg54321 there should be a list like the sex offender registry for state employees so their neighbors can take grievances out on them

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar
@Dudebro@nicecrew.digital avatar

How can he run for office if there are no videos of him fucking underage boys?

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar

@Dudebro @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @Mister_Sunshine @dg54321 @dictatordave I’ve seen the meme magic this place is capable of. I’m sure we can figure it out.

@dictatordave@poa.st avatar

@Gab_Refugee @Dudebro @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @Mister_Sunshine @dg54321 statistically someone you talk to on here is a gov employee or an elected official

@Dudebro@nicecrew.digital avatar

Well no shit 1/4 of online posters are feds.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
@stoner713@poa.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@stoner713 @Dudebro @dictatordave @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Gab_Refugee @Lyle @dg54321 Ironically, when I made that and posted it on gabz, Wanderers Choice told me he loved it.

@Gab_Refugee@poa.st avatar

@Mister_Sunshine @stoner713 @Dudebro @dictatordave @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @dg54321 Damnit and I trusted Wanderers Choice so much I gave him my address and access to my online diary.

When I saw him crying about here, it was pretty apparent he swings for the other team. If you know what I mean.


He's one of two queers I blocked on Gab a couple of weeks before I axed my account there. I don't even block anyone here.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@CrustyB @Gab_Refugee @Dudebro @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @dg54321 @dictatordave @stoner713 He actually blocked ME for shitting in his Jewkraine worship threads. LOL. And then unblocked me after about a year just recently.

@dg54321@poa.st avatar

@Mister_Sunshine @CrustyB @Gab_Refugee @Dudebro @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @dictatordave @stoner713 Also part of the WC blocked club. And he also just recently unblocked me. Never cared for the guy. One disagreement and he was a little crybaby about it. For such "edgy" posters on Gab, seems to be a lot of people like that over there.

@Aly@poa.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Aly @dg54321 @CrustyB @Gab_Refugee @Dudebro @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @dictatordave @stoner713 WC glowed out here in a few hours. Came in and immediately started bitching about Animes and talking up Ukraine and stuffs. On purpose most likely, so he could go back to gab and shout about all the Anime lubbers here and such.

@UnCL3@poa.st avatar

WC acts like he was born before 1964.

@UnCL3@poa.st avatar
@Aly@poa.st avatar
@Dudebro@nicecrew.digital avatar

The amount of people on here that don’t know the liberty of pre 9/11 America is amazing.

@Dudebro@nicecrew.digital avatar

Walking into a gas station with a lit cigarette and a propane bottle, hell smoking sections, the cockpits were just unlocked on aircraft.

@stoner713@poa.st avatar

@Dudebro @CrustyB @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Gab_Refugee @Lyle @Mister_Sunshine @UnCL3 @dg54321 @dictatordave I remember when they were non-smoking sections and the rest of the place was a cloud of Pall Malls and Merits. I miss smoking in restaurants.

@Dudebro@nicecrew.digital avatar

I miss the smell of second hand smoke.

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