@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar



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synapsid, to random
@synapsid@nicecrew.digital avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@synapsid >The Sun is a jooish Conspiracy
@Dan_Hulson - Can Confirm?

Twig, to random
@Twig@noauthority.social avatar

Write a story

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@lonelyowl13 @Twig >Niglets hunting their own shadows
Fact Check = TRUE!

KittyTantrum, to random
@KittyTantrum@poa.st avatar

My husband told me I'm the most utilitarian person he knows. I consider that quite a compliment, but I'm also a bit unsettled that he doesn't know any dudes he would consider more utilitarian-minded than his retarded little wife.

But then I look around and it's like... he's probably not wrong?

And that's awful?


@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@UnCL3 @KittyTantrum @s2208 @mackya @DMA Giada is the only attractive woman TV chef I can think of. Ever. Not that I have TV, so I don't really know what the current ones look like. That Rachel one is fat. Julia Childs looked like a fairytale Giant that came from a cave or something.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@brokeassredneck @Humpleupagus @SKracket @mackya @n3f_X @s2208 @DMA @KittyTantrum @Sal_Equis @UnCL3 It's all fun and games until you wake up married to an old Mexican Woman 10 years after you married this.

Wyliesau, to random
@Wyliesau@noauthority.social avatar

Fellow Crackers,
now we have to be really scared.
They try to send us back to the Stone Age.

What will we do without all their plentiful inventions?


@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Wyliesau Sheeeit.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Eiregoat @Humpleupagus @Economic_Hitman @Wyliesau @white_male >Featherniggers
Sir, that is a slur!

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Eiregoat @Humpleupagus @Economic_Hitman @Wyliesau @white_male Here's the whole list. The site has some pretty odd slurs, not sure where they got some of these from.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Economic_Hitman @Humpleupagus @Eiregoat @Wyliesau @white_male @Deplorable_Degenerate ?Tomahawk-Chucker is on there twice
It's been hell since I had to lay off my secretary.

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@sjw What they are describing sounds more like a model aircraft than drone. Amazing these tards in the police, on the news and their "expert" did not think of this immediately. And Propane powered? Wut? Why? Not impossible, but Gas works a lot better and you don't have a heavy cannister to carry.

TheEternalAnglo, to random
@TheEternalAnglo@poa.st avatar

@Dan_Hulson Can you DM your steam friend code so I can add you and use your pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2? 🥺 👉 👈

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@IAMAL_PHARIUS @Humpleupagus @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @TheEternalAnglo I just bought DDR4 to replace my current ancient DDR3 rig yesterday. ~$50 for 2x16 at decent specs. Kind of having Buyer's Remorse already thinking maybe I should have bit the bullet and went AM5 DDR5 though. But- I don't game anymore and this is mainly just the home entertainment rig, so the upgrade is really only about getting faster M/2 and USB C capabilities. And being able to edit/crunch video without having to go get a cup of coffee while it renders. Probably have worse BR if I spill twice as much. Mobo not due till Tuesday, so I have time to think it over.

UnCL3, to random
@UnCL3@poa.st avatar

What's a nigger gotta do to block back someone on another instance?
Who I have never noticed b4 btw.

RT: https://poa.st/objects/cedab8ad-ef27-4d26-86e3-288cb0fb98b6

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@RH0NDA @UnCL3 @madonline It's kind of an e-Albatross that can be hung around the blockers neck.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

well it looks like you guys are either going to have to absolutely flood our stripe account before April 5th, or learn how to use crypto

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@graf @RaHoWaJoe >our PO box
This is a good option for the non-tech inclined, Luddites, and KYC non-enjoyers, etc. I poked around and do not see the actual address anywhere though.

grey, to random

I hope everyone is having an excellent Sunday at Church. Today is Forgiveness Sunday on the old calendar, the day before Great Lent begins. Hope everyone has / is having a productive Lent, whichever calendar you are on.

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@graf > @grey laying down heavy bible stuff
>Let's Pub Crawl fren!

n3f_X, to random
@n3f_X@nicecrew.digital avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@n3f_X @PurpCat One I made when a dozen beans were killed by a truck somewhere in CA a few years back.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@PurpCat @n3f_X LMAO. Shame he was not a half second slower crossing those tracks without looking.

yockeypuck, to random
@yockeypuck@poa.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
18+ Mister_Sunshine,
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
18+ Mister_Sunshine,
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
18+ Mister_Sunshine,
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Chzikken_1486 @UnCL3 @HeliRides3000 @BattleDwarfGimli @ThePirateQueen @Doll @koropokkur @Dudebro @ExNihilo @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @Dan_Hulson @Gab_Refugee @lord_nougat @yockeypuck @kroner Here's a PG pic. I removed some of the Boob Tit prompts and it seems to be toning down the pics a bit. Go figure.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Chzikken_1486 @UnCL3 @HeliRides3000 @BattleDwarfGimli @ThePirateQueen @Doll @koropokkur @Dudebro @ExNihilo @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @Dan_Hulson @Gab_Refugee @lord_nougat @yockeypuck @kroner Moar Lasses. Ai might not take over the world, but these Picbots are going to put a lot of Graphic (And Traditional) Artists out of work, that's pretty clear.


@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@tyler @Doll @koropokkur @BattleDwarfGimli @Dudebro @ExNihilo @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @Chzikken_1486 @Dan_Hulson @Gab_Refugee @HeliRides3000 @ThePirateQueen @UnCL3 @lord_nougat @yockeypuck @kroner Yep. Mine too. Here's a couple done in straight up Gil Elvgren Calendar style. Amazing. I did have to fix both of these though. One had a stray hat, and the other what looked like a sword scabbard just randomly placed, but these bevvies are so spot on Elvgren I deemed them worthy of a little time in the GIMP.


@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@tyler @Doll @koropokkur @BattleDwarfGimli @Dudebro @ExNihilo @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @Chzikken_1486 @Dan_Hulson @Gab_Refugee @HeliRides3000 @ThePirateQueen @UnCL3 @lord_nougat @yockeypuck @kroner >I wanna be a Cow-Boy, Bay-Bee
Jeepers. I'd say picbots have officially put most artists out of work. Had one minor fix to do for these 4 pics.


@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@UnCL3 @tyler @Doll @koropokkur @BattleDwarfGimli @Dudebro @ExNihilo @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @Chzikken_1486 @Dan_Hulson @Gab_Refugee @HeliRides3000 @ThePirateQueen @lord_nougat @yockeypuck @kroner 2023 is going to be remembered as the year OG memes were replaced by picbot images.
FWIW: I still do most of my memes by hand. Not much point in hand drawing Pepes and that sort of thing though when a picbot will kick out great ones. I actually made this Grampa SImpson meme last year when everything was going AI.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@HeliRides3000 @BattleDwarfGimli @LudditeMan @Doll @koropokkur @Dudebro @ExNihilo @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @tyler @Chzikken_1486 @Dan_Hulson @Gab_Refugee @ThePirateQueen @UnCL3 @lord_nougat @yockeypuck @kroner I switched to ~10 years ago. Only problem was I was used to Photoshop at that time and learning new shortcuts and such took a while, but since it's been fine. Does everything. I just did a Primer showing how to do Perspective Transform yesterday

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

>he didnt order a pizza on pi day
explain yourself

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@LivingSpaceStudios @graf >Pizzas are not pies?

mao_yat, to random
@mao_yat@poa.st avatar

the fed Torba and his cringe gab strike again. reminder to friends on here: use a different burner you never use again to sign up for each site you use. @graf

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@TrevorGoodchild @mao_yat @graf Hard to believe this needs to be said in 2024, but it does. Something I have noticed is that the current youngest generation seems to just accept splashing their information all over the toobz, Boomer style.

RR, to random
@RR@nicecrew.digital avatar

I just love getting up at 5:20am when my body still thinks it's 4:20am. It's such a wonderful feeling.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Aly @Gab_Refugee @MadrePappagallo @dictatordave @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon We use a steamer for most things people use microwaves for. The main thing I use the microwave for is heating up yesterday's coffee in the morning sometimes.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@dictatordave @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @Gab_Refugee @WilhelmIII @MadrePappagallo @RR @cowanon @Aly @dg54321 Amos Miller. Amish farmer. Here's a video report on the most recent time. They've raided him multiple times for selling healthy food to people who want to buy it.


@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@stoner713 @Dudebro @dictatordave @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Gab_Refugee @Lyle @dg54321 Ironically, when I made that and posted it on gabz, Wanderers Choice told me he loved it.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@CrustyB @Gab_Refugee @Dudebro @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Aly @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @dg54321 @dictatordave @stoner713 He actually blocked ME for shitting in his Jewkraine worship threads. LOL. And then unblocked me after about a year just recently.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@Aly @dg54321 @CrustyB @Gab_Refugee @Dudebro @JeffTheJoker @MadrePappagallo @RR @WilhelmIII @cowanon @Da_Goyim_Know @Lyle @dictatordave @stoner713 WC glowed out here in a few hours. Came in and immediately started bitching about Animes and talking up Ukraine and stuffs. On purpose most likely, so he could go back to gab and shout about all the Anime lubbers here and such.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Making pic posting a pay service is so obviously commercial suicide that it can't be to save money. Torba claiming he won't expire pics because Gab is the Library of Alexandria does not pass the lol test.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@judgedread @EscapeVelo The gabai picbot is also coded to not know who Torba is. Very first thing I tried on it was "Andrew Torba as Satan. Any other person, even obscure, it will draw a recognizable likeness of, but not its master. Oddly, it kicked out something that looked a lot like Wanderers Choice when I asked for Torba as Satan...


matty, to random
@matty@nicecrew.digital avatar
@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar
marlin, to random
@marlin@poa.st avatar

Anime @graf Man, I know you add "nigger" to youtube links to poison the tracking, but couldn't you just replace youtube links with invidious links altogether?

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@marlin @graf Isn't Invidious kaput? Was for a while.

n3f_X, to random
@n3f_X@nicecrew.digital avatar

yall see this shit ... red room compound busted by cops in scandinavia... connexs and buildings with torture and kill devices


@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@thefinn @Gab_Refugee @n3f_X @HonkHonkBoom @Omega_Variant @ForbiddenDreamer @UnityOstara @Xenophon @graf This is similar to those that freak out about putting salt on their food, and then chug a Gatorade after working out. If it's called Salt, people are programmed to imagine this vital nutrient will kill you, but if you call it Electrolytes it's suddenly something healthy and necessary.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@HonkHonkBoom @thefinn @Gab_Refugee @n3f_X @Omega_Variant @ForbiddenDreamer @UnityOstara @Xenophon @graf Sure. And, just for the record, I was not inferring that metal shavings in your food is OK. My comment was directed at the Magnesium comment from finn.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@thefinn @HonkHonkBoom @Gab_Refugee @n3f_X @Omega_Variant @ForbiddenDreamer @UnityOstara @Xenophon @graf >6 grams of magnesium
Horse Pills? Or do you have a liquid or powder or something?

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@thefinn @HonkHonkBoom @Gab_Refugee @n3f_X @Omega_Variant @ForbiddenDreamer @UnityOstara @Xenophon @graf I take more supplements than I used to. Minerals especially. Not a medical regiment or anything, I just feel the need. Which reminds me I am plum out of Kelp pills. Something I miss about not going to the city much these days is being able to get Oysters. They give me a tangible battery charge effect that is hard to get from other sources.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@DNutzinski @graf @Xenophon @ForbiddenDreamer @UnityOstara @Omega_Variant @n3f_X I don't want to go bragging or anything, but the other day I put TWO eggs in my Ramens. I know, I know, get a load of Mr. Big Bucks here, right? 🤠

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@graf @DNutzinski @Xenophon @ForbiddenDreamer @UnityOstara @Omega_Variant @n3f_X Ahh, good eye. I set out to make Ramens that day and discovered that the mutant noodle bugs here had beat me to the last ones in the cupboard, so I substituted those alphabets and made genuine Alphabet Agency soup. I clearly need moar coffee in me this morning... And Minerals. Lots of Minerals.

LawrenceGerald, to random
@LawrenceGerald@poa.st avatar

so here we go, clutch #2
if the Lord Almighty gives the increase, I'll have some babychiggs in 3 weeks

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@badneighbor @LawrenceGerald @givenup @Anon_Z @dictatordave @EmpressBeatrix >How to keep chickens cool in high heat areas?
Double shade, meaning a coop and the coop shaded, especially from the WEST because afternoon is the killing time. Ventilation, of course -and- if you can keep your coop dry, get as much ground contact as possible. They like to burrow in during the heat.

@Mister_Sunshine@poa.st avatar

@givenup @Anon_Z @KK954 @WoodFren @EmpressBeatrix @LawrenceGerald @badneighbor @dictatordave Since we are Orp Poasting, here's a couple pages from a book in my Library- "The Illustrated Guide to Chickens" The Watercolor illustrations in it are top notch work.

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