KiKi88, avatar

Never trust a girl with a messy bun on top of her head and huge hoop earrings :pepe_cringe:

graf, avatar

@KiKi88 "my pussy stinks and i am unoriginal in my music tastes" starter pack

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

My wife has small hoop earrings, and often has a messy bun. Am I in danger?

KiKi88, avatar


KennyWhitePowers, avatar

They are smaller than my ring. She can't do big accessories because she is ver smol

KiKi88, avatar

Nah you good :animu_okie:
And btw messy buns can be cute
It's the type of messy bun that is a teller

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

She does it kind of like this. More of a rolled up pony tail kind of thing

KiKi88, avatar

I will have to find an example of what I'm trying to describe
Your wife seems classy to me

n3f_X, avatar

lol ole keekers

KiKi88, avatar

Here ya go

ForbiddenDreamer, avatar
Xenophon, avatar
ForbiddenDreamer, avatar

@Xenophon @KiKi88 @n3f_X @KennyWhitePowers Well that's explains why she looks that way...

Xenophon, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar

That's @Dan_Hulson 's dream girl.

Xenophon, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar

Finger tats, she got some good smack.

n3f_X, avatar

lol she may smell like stale cigs and catpiss but u run her through some hot water for a little while and she is good as new

Humpleupagus, avatar

Just check the pawn shop when you can't find your stereo. 😏

Xenophon, avatar

@Humpleupagus @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson @ForbiddenDreamer She's on those Broward county tictacs. She's on that good bubba cush.

KiKi88, avatar

Looks like an elephant 'trunk'

n3f_X, avatar

stay calm keekers

KiKi88, avatar
Barbecued_Lemons, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar


Xenophon, avatar
KiKi88, avatar

Jelly ass nigga

Humpleupagus, avatar

When she does, it goes Kiki Kiki Kiki Kiki Kiki.....

graf, avatar
Dan_Hulson, avatar
ForbiddenDreamer, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @graf @Xenophon @Humpleupagus @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @n3f_X I was in and gone over an hour ago. Enjoy the sloppy seconds, lads.

GrungeQueef, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar

The older I get, the sadder and more tiresome sluts become.

Xenophon, avatar

@Humpleupagus @GrungeQueef @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson @ForbiddenDreamer @graf I know. it's enough trouble trying to bang your wife, let alone some bird i don't even know.

Humpleupagus, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar

My wife has a "mexican" cousin who looks just like her. She's retarded, but I can hook you up. 😏

n3f_X, avatar

lol show us the retard sis in laws pic

Humpleupagus, avatar
KennyWhitePowers, avatar

I would

Show her my ring and break the bad news that she missed her chance.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@KennyWhitePowers @Humpleupagus @KiKi88 @n3f_X @ForbiddenDreamer @Xenophon @graf I think that skanky tattooed millennial look is so hot on a woman innit

WilhelmIII, avatar

She's like ordering a big old nasty cheeseburger at a dive diner.

You know it's bad for you but you're gonna do it anyway.

Humpleupagus, avatar

I like my women without tattoos tbh. I don't have any and neither does my wife.

My kryptonite is a tight sweater. 😍

WilhelmIII, avatar

I like good grils that are clean with no tattoos.

And I like bad grils that are VERY bad grils.

Daddy issues, Hep C, the works.

Something about the duality of man, I dunno.

graf, avatar
WilhelmIII, avatar


One stop shopping.

Humpleupagus, avatar

I used to work with guys who had money and kept coke whores from the strip clubs around. It looks like fun when you're on the outside, but actually being around that shit on a regular basis is obnoxious af.

Dan_Hulson, avatar
WilhelmIII, avatar

Just wrap that junk.

Some gifts keep on giving.

graf, avatar
Da_Goyim_Know, avatar

@Humpleupagus @WilhelmIII @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson @ForbiddenDreamer @Xenophon @graf Run through by every beaner with a brick, every nigger with a pound of weed, and every wigger with their parents Benz. Yikes.

I could never get into the stripper obsession. That life is most definitely a clown show though, you are right.

Xenophon, avatar

@Da_Goyim_Know @Humpleupagus @WilhelmIII @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson @ForbiddenDreamer @graf tbf, i knew a few strippers and they aren't all like that. I'd dare say most aren't. It's just a job that pays well. But there are certainly the coked out ones who will fuck anything.

sargoysmuck, avatar

@Xenophon @Da_Goyim_Know @Humpleupagus @WilhelmIII @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson @ForbiddenDreamer @graf the “normal” ones hate their clientele beyond anything I could have imagined. that was an eye opener

Xenophon, avatar
Da_Goyim_Know, avatar

@Xenophon @sargoysmuck @Humpleupagus @WilhelmIII @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson @ForbiddenDreamer @graf My 21st birthday, I sat too close to the stage, and the bitch grabbed my face and tried to get me to motorboat her titties. Then she’s like “can I get a dollar?”. I felt terrible for her. lol

Humpleupagus, avatar

I went to a club once, and there was this hideous skank trying to get guys to pay for a lap dance and no one would. She came to me about three times, until I said "I just want you to know that I also tried to get every guy in here to pay me for a lap dance, but none would, because I look like a man. You may want to take that into consideration."

Xenophon, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar

It was dark and you could still see it. She had a midnight shadow. 😭

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Humpleupagus @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @WilhelmIII @n3f_X @Da_Goyim_Know @ForbiddenDreamer @Xenophon @graf @sargoysmuck idk why you would go to a stripclub I only went as my mate owned one and it was safe talk there but if you that hard up for female attention just go a brothel or summat

Dudebro, avatar

I swear strip clubs are a generational thing. I have never unironically heard a millennial say hey lets go the strip club.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Dudebro @Humpleupagus @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @WilhelmIII @n3f_X @Da_Goyim_Know @ForbiddenDreamer @Xenophon @graf @sargoysmuck I think the only time most my generation (millennials) went was for a lark on their stag do 🤷

Humpleupagus, avatar

I went because my best friend wanted to the day before he left town to go to grad school at nyu. It's not my thing at all. That's why I had no problem calling a skank a skank. Being nice to skanks isn't in my personality.

n3f_X, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar

Don't doxx me. 😡


I went to a strip club once and only once in my life. I felt like a total perv... sitting there surrounded by nothing but dudes watching a woman take her bra off. The place stunk like chlorine, the dudes were creepy, the beer was watered down and I felt bad for the chick

Never been to a club since. IMHO it's pathetic

Humpleupagus, avatar

That's not how I remember it. In fact, I made a video....

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

I believe that nail belongs to her middle finger hidden behind her ring finger.
Exhibit A:

Humpleupagus, avatar

She's going to shove it in Dan's culo.

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