@n3f_X@nicecrew.digital avatar


@CelticCross83@nicecrew.digital avatar


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  • graf,
    @graf@poa.st avatar
    @CelticCross83@nicecrew.digital avatar


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  • graf,
    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @CelticCross83 @n3f_X gorf is retarded. here you can curate your experience. don't want to see a bunch of porn bots? you can hide entire instances by going to a users profile clicking the 3 dots and clicking "hide from _______"

    a user you're following reposts porn but you like them and dont want to unfollow? turn off reposts by that user

    tired of seeing people talk about a specific topic that doesn't interest you? you can add a filter so you never see it again

    we give you the tools to make this place exactly how you want it. if you want to be shown what somebody else wants you to see go back to facebook

    @LovecraftEnthusiast@nicecrew.digital avatar

    You can turn off reposts?!

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @CelticCross83 @n3f_X It is not a competition @graf and GORF is not retarded, no need to attack it. I spent a lot of my personal money and tons of time to build a real social solution that could actually compete with Twitter. Didn't ask anyone for any money to do it either.

    And to be clear, you didn't give anyone any tools. You took a backend built by someone else and a front end built by someone else and put it on a little server and beg for money. You have built nothing. You don't care about real solutions or anything or anyone else beyond your little paypig farm.

    Shut up faggot.

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @providence @CelticCross83 @n3f_X >you have built nothing
    well i was forced to build a CDN from the ground up because cloudflare refuses to proxy our media. robust and selfhealing as it is, it can support petabytes monthly without much effort. and my website doesn't have a gay name

    so whats this about poa.st/


    @graf @CelticCross83 @n3f_X I was asked by someone to put that up a few days ago. Was given no money to build GORF. Total of $60 so far to build and launch.

    You on the other hand have built nothing , "ground up" is always a give away. Its what all the lazy grifters say. You used one of the many open source CDNs and tweeked it a bit, maybe.

    And my website doesn't have a gay owner, anime faggot.

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @providence @CelticCross83 @n3f_X god damn the salt is unreal. what is your damage lmfao

    @Spingebill@poa.st avatar

    @graf @providence @CelticCross83 @n3f_X Turns out him shitting on Gab isn't out of the goodness of his own heart, but because he is directly competing with them for boomer bux

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Spingebill @providence @CelticCross83 @n3f_X good for him, i hope he can poach all of gabs users. i wish him all the success in the world but i do hope he reconsiders the gay name

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Spingebill @CelticCross83 @n3f_X @providence listen man, I understand what you're doing. I'm not trying to discredit you I just think the name is fucking gay and I'm not the only one who does.

    I did legitimately build that CDN btw. I spent a year of my life on it, and later this year I'm hoping to lift poast off of cloudflare and onto our own replacement I've been working on off and on since march last year.

    if you run into scaling issues or want tips I will help you. or not, that's up to you


    @graf @Spingebill @providence @CelticCross83 @n3f_X the gay name seems quite fitting for a site that literally copy pasted the twitter ui and has to shill in replies to random posts

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @burzumgamecube @CelticCross83 @Spingebill @n3f_X @providence ive never been to the site so i dont know what it looks like but you're not the first person to mention that.

    @Spingebill@poa.st avatar

    @providence @graf @CelticCross83 @n3f_X Why hello there, Derek!

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Spingebill @providence @CelticCross83 @n3f_X i dunno why he's so salty i said it was retarded (mostly for the name) but if he's going to be that thin skinned about it this probably isn't the place for him


    @graf @Spingebill @CelticCross83 @n3f_X You sound like Torba, look more like Jacob.

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @providence @Spingebill @CelticCross83 @n3f_X if torba says gorf is a gay name im your guy

    @LovecraftEnthusiast@nicecrew.digital avatar

    A second sperg from the same thead?!
    I cant believe its two for one at the theater

    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar
    @LovecraftEnthusiast@nicecrew.digital avatar

    Going to go ahead and yoink that cat gif

    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    Trading cat gifs is roughly 50% of my fedi time.

    @graf@poa.st avatar
    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence we're taking turns saying gorf in the matrix

    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    This needs audio.

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence if you were on the poast homeserver you could be in the cool kids club and you would hear it first hand. joining that room is restricted to poast homeserver users but we have a public vc channel we are quite often in late at night

    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    I recently made a poast so I can see the occasional broken thread, but it's under a different name and has no frens. It's a sad little newfag.

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence its okay newfag you're still welcome. here's a peak at the kind of freewalled content i provide in that channel

    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar
    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    I yeeted the alt and made a more comfy one.


    @Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

    if decayable should go down in history books will you be stuck with the handle "Alsodoll"

    @AlsoDoll@poa.st avatar

    @Dicey @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @graf @providence Yes, I have two other alts but they are non-doll related.

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Dicey @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @AlsoDoll @providence if decayable ever went down permanently it would be at the request of the owner but we provide full instance backups in the event a user cancels and wants their data so, doll could live on forever publically or privately if @Decayable wants

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @AlsoDoll @providence you could have made a poast so i could tell people to follow you? hello?????


    @graf @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence how does that work to keep the feds away considering poast is open signup? got any restrictions or thresholds people need to hit, or is it like manual approval?

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @burzumgamecube @CelticCross83 @Doll @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence my brother in christ why do you spread falsehoods. i closed registration almost a year ago when all the pedo matrix servers were being axed and their users were looking for new homes. i open it when users want to register on a per-user basis


    @graf @CelticCross83 @Doll @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence oh by open registration i meant for the fedi server at poa.st, not matrix! but that answers my question, so like i thought you manually give users matrix accounts

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @burzumgamecube @CelticCross83 @Doll @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X if you mean here the userbase can quickly suss out people by the shit they poast. there will be people lurking and im sure some of them are feds. you can't prevent that even with closed signups unless you literally only let friends in. but then all they have to do is spin up their own server (or pay me to host theirs via btrf.ly -- @providence if you want this let me know its fully automated 😃)

    @graf@poa.st avatar
    @reloadedAK@poa.st avatar

    @graf @burzumgamecube @CelticCross83 @Doll @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence That reminds me. Graf I was never able to get back into my original Poast matrix account for some reason. Can I see about getting back in with a new one?

    @graf@poa.st avatar
    @CatLord@poa.st avatar
    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar



    @CatLord@poa.st avatar
    @graf@poa.st avatar
    @CatLord@poa.st avatar
    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    I keep forgetting to optimize this one, it took forever to upload.


    @zero@nightshift.social avatar
    @graf@poa.st avatar
    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    Sui is playing XCOM next to me and he just quietly muttered the word 'GORF.'


    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @CatLord @providence handful of us are running his entire marketing campaign now. taking ads out on 4chan as we speak

    @TactlessWookie@poa.st avatar
    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @TactlessWookie @CatLord @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence when i got my cat as a tiny baby kitten the people who were raising the litter were feeding them expired cat food (wtf) so she arrived at my house super malnourished and literally shitting herself and wiping her ass all over my walls. i hate people sometimes my friend

    @TactlessWookie@poa.st avatar

    @graf @CatLord @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence Yea, Hates people I do. I learned that working in EMS 40+ years ago.

    None of the cats we've had were kittens when we got them. All rescues or rehomes.

    We may get a new kitten soon. Now that my missus's dog passed she's wanting an orange tabby.

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @TactlessWookie @CatLord @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence orange tabby would be easy, my cat is basically a maine coon with the long fur so even as a kitten every time she shit i had to bathe her so the shit didnt lump and mat her hair and cause lesions

    @TactlessWookie@poa.st avatar

    @graf @CatLord @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @providence If we get a male, missus wants to name him 'Meowrice"

    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    I name my male cats after dictators because they have similar personality profiles. This is Chairman Meow:

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @CatLord @TactlessWookie @providence i named mine cat. but stylized as Neko, Kissa, Kot, Chat, etc localized names. on paper its neko but I call her most of these and she knows im talking to her

    @IAMAL_PHARIUS@poa.st avatar
    @graf@poa.st avatar
    @Spingebill@poa.st avatar

    @graf @CelticCross83 @n3f_X They're asking for $10,000 a month to maintain 1/10th of the userbase

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Spingebill @CelticCross83 @n3f_X for 10k a month you could power most of this side of the great fediblock wall

    @Spingebill@poa.st avatar

    @graf @CelticCross83 @n3f_X >decentralized social network

    @Spingebill@poa.st avatar

    @graf @CelticCross83 @n3f_X Through a bit of surface level digging, GORF LLC appears to be owned by Hope Holdings, which is in the same business as Gab: Running a McChristian-flavored alt-tech affinity scam to fleece donations from boomers. Seriously, almost every link on their main site (hopeholdings.org) leads to some sort of donation page.
    And of course, what kind of right wing e-begging would it be without a GiveSendGo page?


    @Owl@poa.st avatar

    @Spingebill @graf @CelticCross83 @n3f_X no gorf, yes graf​

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Owl @Spingebill @CelticCross83 @n3f_X the name is fucking retarded. poast is catchy, it's descriptive and it leads credence to the fact the community is centered around shitposting. when somebody says "poast" to you you know what it's about without having to scratch beyond the surface. who the fuck is going to say "yeah man get on gorf" sounds like a fucking mid 50s 'cat dad' tried to relive his childhood

    @n3f_X@nicecrew.digital avatar

    good sleuthing so that begs the question of who tf is this really ... someone shilling for gabs possible new company gorf ... thats kinda what it looks liek to me so could rob be associated with this new project ... which they will claim is free speech decentalized blah blah blah ... i think we all see where this is going


    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    ...is there actually a site called Gorf? I legit thought someone was just trying to take the piss out of graf.

    @n3f_X@nicecrew.digital avatar

    lol yes and apparently its owned by same holdings that owns gab

    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    And what's the point of this one then? Just another place for patriots to wait while they trust the plan?

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Doll @CelticCross83 @n3f_X @Spingebill man i should just buy a bunch of domains and point them all to poast and just tell people they're all different social media sites. to hell with operating poast at cost, time to start raking in the hundreds of dollars

    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    If you don't make an OnlyDans I will be disappointed.

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Doll @CelticCross83 @n3f_X @Spingebill it would just be me and hulson innit he wants to do a podcast live from a pub so i think i will do that with him in the summer

    @Doll@decayable.ink avatar

    Do be sure to turn the volume down on those superchats.

    @graf@poa.st avatar

    @Doll @CelticCross83 @n3f_X @Spingebill one of us mentioned something about taking 'callers' so that might be fun. im down with the idea

    @pasture@btrfly.social avatar

    this looks exactly like twitter but for people who like to gargle cum like mouthwash while wearing a cowboy hat

    @RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

    @pasture @CelticCross83 @n3f_X I believe "gorf" is literally the onomatopoeia for "gargling cum like mouthwash while wearing a cowboy hat"

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