iceloops, avatar

@CelticCross83 you a gay

CelticCross83, avatar

Like I said, I block lowlife retards that are not even worth sharing oxygen with.

The_Almighty_Kek, avatar

Ok judge dredd

CelticCross83, avatar

Ok jew worshipper

The_Almighty_Kek, avatar

You're going to make so many friends here

CelticCross83, avatar

in other words, gain many attackers?

The_Almighty_Kek, avatar

No, though I've noticed you haven't been getting along with too many people. Things tend to go that way when you join a platform, immediately shit up the timeline with ads for an obvious honeypot site, then acting like you're king shit to anyone who bothers to interact with you.

Read the room, and either assimilate or GTFO.

CelticCross83, avatar

At least you admit you worship kikes, hate White people, and hate free speech.

The_Almighty_Kek, avatar

You just admitted you're a pedophile and a satan worshipper. (see I can say things that never happened, too)

Mr_Aryan_77, avatar

Muh gorf :peachcat_popcorn:

The_Almighty_Kek, avatar
graf, avatar

@The_Almighty_Kek @CelticCross83 @Mr_Aryan_77 @IAMAL_PHARIUS @iceloops im honestly surprised he is still here tbh

matty, avatar

Lmao nigga what

CelticCross83, avatar

Hey admin, can you take the ridiculous name off my profile please?

matty, avatar

No sir, you've earned it by acting like a nigger since you've been here. This place isn't Gab. All the national socialist stuff is fine and invited but simply posting pictured of Hitler and saying that jews are bad is pissing into a sea of piss. We all know. This is not an unfamiliar concept. But it can't be the only thing you are here to do. Talk about... I don't know, bunnies or something.

I know the change of attitude and pace can be jarring but try just not being mad for a little bit and take your lashings. It's not that serious. ​

Owl, avatar

@matty @CelticCross83 What did you do to him, Matty?

matty, avatar

I think all my talk of frying my dick on a panini grill turned him off

Owl, avatar

@Owl @matty @CelticCross83 I look forward to him being promoted to Cpt. Gorf and then maybe Maj. Gorf if he decides to stay in

Owl, avatar

@DEERBLOOD @matty @CelticCross83 He will eventually make it to Lt. Col. Gorf.​​


@Owl @matty @CelticCross83 Oooh yeah he can command the Gorf Battalion


@Owl @matty @CelticCross83 It's like a penal batallion only gayer

Owl, avatar

@DEERBLOOD @matty @CelticCross83 Matty just killed Gorfer Pyle.


@Owl @matty @CelticCross83 He had such a bright future ahead of him. Truly only the good die young

:bigbosssalute: big F for LT Gorf, a Gorfpoint Distinguished Honor Gorf

Owl, avatar

@DEERBLOOD @matty @CelticCross83 Give him his Taps and his gun salute boys, Lieutenant Gorf died bravely in The Battle of Mattygascar.

matty, avatar

I don't know how to feel about you half the time :whoaaaa:

graf, avatar
graf, avatar

@CelticCross83 @matty @Doll eerily reminiscent of that guy from chudbuds that sperged out about badges

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