@Owl@nicecrew.digital avatar

I see the fedora tipping atheists looking to offense max are up so I may just sleep all throughout Easter, get the bow out, maybe bake some bread.

@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

@Owl I called it this morning they causing shit with Christians cuz it Easter. People need to learn how to derail these faggots or just ignore them

@Owl@nicecrew.digital avatar

It's always the same. Every Easter the Redditors come out with their snarky maymays and one-line quips quoting black science man or whatever and it's like if one line is all it takes to convince you of something then you're not as smart or witty as you think you are.

Atheists are just annoying.

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

I mean god isn't going to do shit when the Mexican cartel comes for you to chop your head off after raping you. But it may help in the day to day to have something to believe in

@Owl@nicecrew.digital avatar

god isn't going to do shit when the Mexican cartel comes for you to chop your head off after raping you.

You'd be surprised.

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

I believe myself in some force but have no illusions of it saving me from a good head chopping.

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

> hur dur.... I made up a hypothetical, the outcome of which I wrote to fit my worldview. Therefore, God doesn't exist.

Holy fucking retardation. 😒

@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

@Owl @Dicey All I know is my faith has cost me nothing brought me comfort and peace at hard times aided my moral compass and eh if I'm wrong and my religion is wrong it cost me nothing but if my religion is correct all these fedora tippers are going to hell

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

Yeah not believing in something supernatural is pretty lame. existence is pretty supernatural

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Natural numbers are supernatural. If you believe otherwise, please show me the number 123 in nature, and I don't mean 123 things, I mean the number itself. A writing won't establish that it's not supernatural anymore than writing God would in your ontology.

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

What are you sperging about I don't understand any of your last 3 comments.

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Then it just shows how dumb you are.

Prove that numbers exist. I think you just use them to cope with reality.


@Humpleupagus @Dicey @Owl @Dan_Hulson why are you being facetious about these atheist arguments lol what is the goal here

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

How am I being facetious? Prove numbers exist. If you can't, then gtfo.

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Everyone reddit tier atheist is all about what existence means until you start applying their criteria to numbers. Then they get all uppity like a retard.


@Humpleupagus @Dicey @Owl @Dan_Hulson I wasn't disputing your abstraction here, I'm asking what you want to accomplish with it

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

In order to address the question of whether God "exists," we first have to determine the ontological structure, and how we order the things within the world. I will assume that Dicey hasn't really thought this through. He should before attacking people with poor arguments. I'm not going to take any position in the ultimate question, but Dicey's position is shit tier, including his hypothetical which presumed his conclusion, and therefore, somehow proved him correct.

Tl:Dr to get better arguments.


@Humpleupagus @Dicey @Owl @Dan_Hulson I didn't think the point of religious faith was that it required air tight logical proofs to make people feel better. :shrugge:

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

It really depends on what you mean by logic. Logos had a very different meaning to the Greeks than logic does to the mathematician. Nature is by necessity within logos, formal logic may not be, at least on its face. Formal logic of course being within nature, within the logos, would have to be somehow "logos-ical" of course. How we deal with this is part of the riddle.

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

can you say what offended you from my side so I can repent

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Nothing offends me. Not my first rodeo. Just pissing in the wind. Everyone gets wet. 🤷‍♂️


@Humpleupagus @Dicey @Owl @Dan_Hulson it is obnoxious to be scolded over logic you find half hearted, I understand


@Humpleupagus @Dicey @Owl @Dan_Hulson Nature has some backend code sure. But man can overwrite it sometimes. Consciousness ultimately outweighs static law.

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Still nature. There is no outside and the techne/physis distinction, which your position relies upon, is just another useful abstraction within it.


@Humpleupagus @Dicey @Owl @Dan_Hulson I didn't say it wasn't nature though, this is just a semantics word game. You can distinguish between conscious force and non-conscious force without needing to define either side as being unnatural. They're different layers.

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Language is another abstraction, so accusations of semantic games don't really move me. Perhaps a misunderstanding would be a better explanation. Perhaps one created by language or the medium of communication. If you understood me, there could be no game.

A very intelligent person once told me "to know the name is to forget the thing." It's always stuck with me.

I've always wondered what it was like for those early philosophers who had to look into the world itself to figure things out.

There is only one reality. A game requires at least a duplicity. There are no games here.


@Humpleupagus @Dicey @Owl @Dan_Hulson are you a determinist? ancients believed in fate

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Fate is real. Choose the right one.

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

Abortion overrides faith for the baby

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar


@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

You interfere with the plan for the baby by imposing human will on it's destiny unless you believe the baby dying is its destiny

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Is English your native language?

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

What I'm trying to say if you abort a baby it's over

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Ok... isn't this just a rehash of the theodicy? Why bad things happen? 🤔

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

No I'm not saying dumb shit like that. What I'm saying is if you abort a baby it's game over for that soul

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

So if someone dies, it's over for their soul? I'm not following.

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

@Humpleupagus @Owl @Dan_Hulson @Senator_Armstrong unless you believe in reincarnation it's pretty much over

@MasterSimper@eveningzoo.club avatar

If thats true why are there ghosts


@MasterSimper @Dicey @Humpleupagus @Owl @Dan_Hulson ghosts aren't all humans. But I do believe in souls and reincarnation.

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

So one has to have a meat body or its over?

Incarnation implies incorporeality.


@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

@Humpleupagus @Owl @Dan_Hulson @Senator_Armstrong I believe the baby gets aborted for eternity over and over in repeating cycle since I believe everything rebirth

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Well... at least you made it then. You have nothing to worry about. Abortion isn't an issue for you. 🤷‍♂️

@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar
@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

And honestly, abortion doesn't trigger me. I do find it a bizarre behavior though.

I have an easier time understanding why a healthy animal would commit infanticide where the offspring was unhealthy or genetically defective than I can understanding why a healthy animal would abort without knowledge of such factors.

To put it another way, the proliferation of abortion services in the manner they're generally used is really a reflection of a sick population.

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

But the cartel isn't coming for me.

Checkmate, athiest. 🤷‍♂️

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