@DW2@poa.st avatar

No one under 45 or so has any motivation to give a shit about anything, or give anything besides the bare minimum

@Punished_Potatus@poa.st avatar

@DW2 No fault divorce isn't the problem. Repealing no fault divorce is not a winning issue, just like a complete abortion ban.

@Starprophet1@nicecrew.digital avatar

No fault divorce isn't the problem. Repealing no fault divorce is not a winning issue, just like a complete abortion ban.

The Taliban is right about women.

Cc. @TrevorGoodchild

@sickburnbro@poa.st avatar

@Starprophet1 @Punished_Potatus @DW2 @TrevorGoodchild Are you sure you want to say no-fault divorce isn't a problem?

@Starprophet1@nicecrew.digital avatar

Are you sure you want to say no-fault divorce isn't a problem?

@Punished_Potatus really should answer why he thinks no-fault divorce “isn’t a problem.”

@Punished_Potatus@poa.st avatar

@Starprophet1 @sickburnbro @DW2 @TrevorGoodchild Because some marriages are better to be dissolved, and it's more harmful to society to keep people together that can't function together.

@sickburnbro@poa.st avatar

@Punished_Potatus @Starprophet1 @DW2 @TrevorGoodchild do you understand what "no fault" means?

@Punished_Potatus@poa.st avatar

@sickburnbro @Starprophet1 @DW2 @TrevorGoodchild That neither party in a divorce is forced to explain why the other is responsible.

@sickburnbro@poa.st avatar

@Punished_Potatus @Starprophet1 @DW2 @TrevorGoodchild That doesn't seem to mesh with "harmful to society"

@Punished_Potatus@poa.st avatar

@sickburnbro @Starprophet1 @DW2 @TrevorGoodchild It's harmful to keep people together that don't want to be. Two parents raising a kid separately is better than a kid being raised in a household with constant fighting, distrust, and potentially DA.

@NoDoxGregBrady@poa.st avatar

@Punished_Potatus @sickburnbro @Starprophet1 @DW2 @TrevorGoodchild This has been proven false so conclusively so often it's impossible that you're sincere. Children of divorced parents are always emotionally injured. The best course of action for the family is for the Man and the woman to get their heads out of their asses and raise their children.

Traditionally, this could have involved correction. In the case of the Man being a nefarious n'er-do-well, it was conceivable that the other Men in his area may offer to correct him. In the case of the woman, it took nothing more complex than a firm "No", coupled with a spanking.

And that was it. Healthy children grow up to be healthy adults.

Any argument to the contrary is very plainly a subversive trying to destroy civilization by preventing Whites from having children.

@Punished_Potatus@poa.st avatar

@NoDoxGregBrady @sickburnbro @Starprophet1 @DW2 @TrevorGoodchild //This has been proven false so conclusively so often it's impossible that you're sincere//

Citation needed, nigger.

//Children of divorced parents are always emotionally injured//

No? Millions of kids from divorced families turn out fine. Furthermore, you have to show somehow that it would be better for the parents to be forced to be married.

//The best course of action for the family is for the Man and the woman to get their heads out of their asses and raise their children.//

And if they just don't? How the fuck does a court order this? Are they now just babysit by the state? So fucking stupid.

//Any argument to the contrary is very plainly a subversive trying to destroy civilization by preventing Whites from having children.//

Yeah, that's me. WN Hitler lover who's given thousands of dollars in time and money to White Power.

@Starprophet1@nicecrew.digital avatar

Hey @Punished_Potatus,

Is this a woman, or a little girl?

@Punished_Potatus@poa.st avatar

@Starprophet1 @DW2 @NoDoxGregBrady @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro I don't get it. Clearly that is not a little girl.

@Starprophet1@nicecrew.digital avatar

I don't get it. Clearly that is not a little girl.

So someone like you, who uses ZOG tranny gender-neutral language, can answer a pictorial shill test.

I wonder if you can commit a thoughtcrime? We'll find out soon enough.

@Punished_Potatus@poa.st avatar

@Starprophet1 @DW2 @NoDoxGregBrady @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro I have no idea what you are even saying. Speak like a normal person, nigger.

@Starprophet1@nicecrew.digital avatar

I have no idea what you are even saying. Speak like a normal person, nigger.

It is quite evident to us, that you use obvious ZOG terminology. You claim to be a "real WN," yet you don't talk like one at all. Your posts look like what a NYT writer thinks a WN should say.

Lets see if you can commit thoughtcrime in your reply. You don't have to agree with it, you just have to copy paste what you think the redpilled answer would be in your reply.

Complete the following the sentence: Women misbehave because –

[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal Whites. If it weren’t for capitali$m, women would totally be completely sinless angels.

[B] The (((jews))) make these totally innocent angels misbehave, since the jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck blacks and lowlifes. There’s no way that pure White women desire to be on OnlyFans to whore for money. The jews forced these angels on that website.

[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.

[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men. It is men’s fault entirely, so men must be forced to pay for every bad decision done by any random women.

[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival.

@Punished_Potatus@poa.st avatar

@Starprophet1 @NoDoxGregBrady @TrevorGoodchild "you claim to be a "real WN," yet you don't talk like one at all."

Yeah, I don't talk like a real WN because I don't think that husbands should rape their wives. :omegaLUL:

@Starprophet1@nicecrew.digital avatar


You claim that you "spent lots of time serving WN causes."

Sure you did, as an FBI informant. Does Graf know that a subversive like you, is lurking in Poast?


I don't think that husbands should rape their wives.

Before the 1970s, EVERYONE believed that the husband has a right to have sex with his wife, anytime he wants. Including your FBI.

"Marital rape" simply didn't exist as a concept. The marriage is the permission. Then ZOG invented "marital rape" out of thin air, to destroy White birthrates.

@Punished_Potatus@poa.st avatar

@Starprophet1 @NoDoxGregBrady @TrevorGoodchild @graf

Do you know that a subversive like me is lurking on poa.st?^

@graf@poa.st avatar

@Punished_Potatus @Starprophet1 @NoDoxGregBrady @TrevorGoodchild why are you dragging me into your shit

@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

@graf @Punished_Potatus @Starprophet1 @NoDoxGregBrady @TrevorGoodchild Bollocks to those Gay nerds mate. I got a more important question do you prefer Bill and Ted's Bogus journey over the first one like me innit

@graf@poa.st avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Punished_Potatus @Starprophet1 @NoDoxGregBrady @TrevorGoodchild i cant remember if ive seen it or not sorry fella


@Paulajak@boymoder.biz avatar
@graf@poa.st avatar

@Paulajak @Starprophet1 @Dan_Hulson @NoDoxGregBrady @Punished_Potatus @TrevorGoodchild i wish i could exist with no cares, no thought or worry

@TeaTootler@poa.st avatar
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