ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

This is the last thread: The tournament is over, and we have crowned the BIGGEST FAGGOT ON THE FEDIVERSE as @judgedread ! And what an exciting tournament this was. In an ABSOLUTELY STUNNING 70-68 victory Judge Dread beat CSB by an inch in a victory in an election which was being carefully scrutinized by NAS! Judge Dread has, in the process, earned the title of GAYFAG HOMOQUEER ASSMAD TROON CANCERRAT and should be addressed accordingly.

What a bracket, though! Let's go down the list and talk about everyone that Judge Dread has shown themselves to be a bigger faggot than!

  • @ceo_of_monoeye_dating, who is literally OP and therefore is a faggot by definition
  • @StarProphet , who seems to really love Elon Musk and wants to do nothing but talk about him
  • @epictittus , one of his cronies
  • @jeffcliff , king vaxx himself!
  • @TrevorGoodchild , who has been blamed for the recent influx of gab people into poast more than a few times
  • @Soy_Magnus , @meso, @mer, @RatPoster , who were all trying to win the tournament as a joke!
  • @graf , who has a cult full of people whose entire personality is hating him!
  • @paula99 , who is basically every third internet tranny!
  • @maija , who is a tranny who spends a lot of time with pedophiles and shoves dead possums up their asshole to masturbate!
  • @mischievoustomato , who FUCKING CONSTANTLY THIRSTS OVER TRAPS
  • @PonyPanda , who is well-known for having posted nigger dicks for hours on end!
  • And last, but certainly not least, @CSB , the ABSOLUTELY LEGENDARY punching bag of NAS, who has a long history of trying to pay people to follow him! His extremely uptight way of interacting with people managed to thrust him all the way past a very competitive field, to the point where he even went around in DMs trying to convince people - including the tournament organizer - to knock him out of the tournament!

Judge Dread is EVEN GAYER than all of these people. He is the UNDISPUTED BIGGEST FAGGOT ON THE FEDIVERSE!

Give him a round of applause everybody! Make sure he wears this crown for the next year, especially during faggot month!



ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar


@judgedread , the GAYFAG HOMOQUEER

This is a FULL 48 HOUR MATCH lasting the entire weekend!

Introduction to Judge Dread:
"Is self explanatory. Boomer ex-cop, atheist, GOP armchair analyst, and his life revolves around consooming. He spends all day posting "woke Disney is so bad" type essays. Nigga. Who the fuck cares. He once spent 3 days filling the timeline with a series of essays on how he would "fix" the Disneyland Starwars Galaxy's Edge rides. And he thinks he's smart for doing this. Mega cringe!" - @lonestarr

This is the man who inspired the tournament! Yes, CMD looked at Judge Dread and said "I believe that a fair, open, and honest democratic system would call Judge Dread the biggest faggot on fedi," and that is why you are reading this today.

Judge Dread is basically the posterboy for "Gab refugee who cannot and will not assimilate to fedi culture properly." His utterly trash opinions range from "Gab is more important than church history," "I think 'Team A' and 'Team B' are excellent descriptive names for groups of people," and "here is an essay about Disney and why it matters." If you're here, you're probably blocked by him for disagreeing with at least one of these takes.

What has he done to push himself all the way into the final match of the faggot tourney? When he came over to fedi, he brought with him a group of the most obnoxious pieces of shit, started blocking everyone who mildly disagreed with him, and then used his followers to screech at everyone he has any mild disagreement with! Of course, on the anime-loving, Disney-hating, majority-Christian poast, that ended up being a lot of people!

If he'd just up and blocked everyone at once, then he'd be in his own echo chamber and things would be fine. However, that's not what he did: he makes a point of blocking someone new most days, then bragging about being a thin-skinned blockfag. We have the following hellthread most days:

Poastie A:"Why was I blocked by Judge Dread?"
Poastie B:"He's a thin-skinned faggot, you probably just disagreed with him about something."
Gablin A:"YOU are just SAD because you didn't follow the secret JUDGE DREAD RULES OF ENGAGEMENT and are now BLOCKED BY THE WONDERFUL JUDGE DREAD."
Poastie A: :aniwhat:
Gablin B: "LMAO look at this SAD guy COMPLAINING INTENSELY about being BLOCKED."
Gablin C: "HAHA HE ASKED WHY HE WAS BLOCKED. Obviously Dread is free to block whoever he wants and blocking everyone but mods is beyond criticism no matter what."
Other Fedi A: "Wow you dread fans are massive fags."
Other Fedi B: "Lmao what a bunch of thin-skinned losers."
Gablins: Quote Repost the thread 20 times

He's tried to distance himself from this tournament - a wise choice, but not one that's helped him out in the slightest! His opponents so far have been:
-The tournament organizer himself!
-PonyPanda, a man notorious for posting nigger dicks for several hours straight!
-Tomato, another notorious homosexual known for wanting to fuck trannies!

That's right, Judge Dread is gayer than nigger dicks, trannies, and...even OP! Dread's faggotry is so intense that it shatters iron-clad internet rules, what an incredible and unbearable faggot!

Introduction to CSB:
"The punching bag of NAS" - @dj
"he literally likes drawing crude gross man ass." - @leyonhjelm
"I will concede that he may just be bad at drawing" - @leyonhjelm after having been asked to prove the above.
"NAS rules state that it is MANDATORY that at every opportunity...remind CSB that he is a fucktard, faggot, cunt, jew (preferably dirty) or other slur..." - @fuknukl

CSB, what have you done? You were under the radar completely at the start of this tournament, and your repeated insistance to be removed from it and constant threats to block people who vote for you and intense lockfaggotry have propelled you to the finals!

You have managed to show yourself to be a bigger faggot than:
-Every third tranny on the internet
-A groomer tranny who shoves dead possums up their ass to masturbate and hangs out with pedophiles - one whose poor behavior has got them kicked off of 109 instances!
-A beloved rat who was genuinely trying to win as a joke

THAT is what you have been a greater faggot than, despite having every advantage possible to get yourself out of this tournament early! At every single junction, the tournament organizer wanted you to lose: your faggotry has forced his hand each and every time. You rallied up NAS hard enough that they put you past Paulo. You went into the thread and pissed off so many people that your actions caused you to beat Maija. You carried this momentum into the match with Ratposter, who was actively trying to win by posting the gayest things he could think of in the thread. That is right - you are gayer than what someone imagines to be the gayest thing they can post.

Well, this time you're up against the guy that the tournament organizer made the tournament to mock. CSB, winning this would be a major feat of faggotry - and you will have only yourself to blame. Can you please shut the actual fuck up for long enough that CMD can convince people to vote for Dread? Look, NAS is even pulling a punch here: I gave them a shot to write this chunk of this post, and they apparently decided that you're such a giant faggot that they can let someone sympathetic to you write it. Just go away from the internet for a weekend, please.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Welcome to Day 7 of the first "Biggest Faggot on Fediverse" Tournament!

First, the updates:

-CSB defeated Maija in a stunning upset! What's interesting is not the exact vote totals, but the fact that CSB was in DMs more or less demanding that people vote for Maija! The number of people who voted for CSB instead of Maija because of that was large enough that CSB took the match! What an impressive display of faggotry from the man who was previously the dark horse of the tournament.

-The closest match to date, though, was Ratposter vs. Meso! This was a 20-20 tie in a match where both of the contestants were genuinely trying to win! However, in a stunning display of complete idiocy, Meso forgot to vote for himself! :jahy_gah:

Due to having pissed the tournament organizer off enough to make him add a new set of rules, Ratposter went through to the next round!

-Today's matches are the semifinals: Dread vs. Tomato, and CSB vs. Ratposter.

Both have obvious favorites to win, I'm not going to play them up. Enjoy an easy day!

-The finals will last for 48 hours. They will not in any circumstance be called early.

-CMD fucked up both voting threads a bit but also isn't going to fix them because the tournament is a giant shitpost.

Last, the rules:

  1. There's no built-in poll. I will make a thread for each match: reply with the name of the person you want to vote for in that thread. The thread will be open for approximately 24 hours, and I will of course be lenient on this.
  2. In order for your vote to be counted as eligible, you must have been on an instance federating with since January 2024.
  3. Account holders may not vote against themselves! Furthermore, account holders who have nominated themselves (Ratposter) may not vote for themselves!
  4. Known alts are discarded when discovered, and the offender's votes are all removed!
  5. A person's vote must obviously have been communicated by themselves. Although it is OK to claim that a certain person is likely to vote in a certain fashion, this does not count as a vote, and it will not ever be counted as a vote.
  6. Do not do something retarded enough to make the tournament organizer add new rules.

Failure to follow these rules will cause me to mute you for the duration of the tournament - invalidating your votes for the remainder of the tournament!

Remember, have fun! Or have salt. :ayaya:

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Quarterfinals, Match 4:


Notes about CSB:
"The punching bag of NAS" - @dj
"he literally likes drawing crude gross man ass." - @leyonhjelm
(CSB really wants to let you know that he thinks this is a lie, but this is a quote from someone so I'm leaving it there)
"NAS rules state that it is MANDATORY that at every opportunity...remind CSB that he is a fucktard, faggot, cunt, jew (preferably dirty) or other slur..." - @fuknukl

CSB started out as the dark horse of this race: nobody knew what they could expect. However, NAS came through for their local representative TWICE: Maija was completely destroyed in their round, largely due to CSB messaging people asking them to vote for Maija! Enough people came in and said that CSB's general poor sportsmanship were the reason they voted for CSB that if CSB had just logged off for a week, Maija would've won the match handily!

What a complete mess.

Notes about Ratposter:

They're trying to win this tournament, and I'm going to let them advertise themselves.

Little rat, are you really the final boss of this gym? :satania_smug:

@meso have a nice pile of notifications, enjoy your entirely preventable loss against ratposter

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Semifinals, Match 1:


Comments on Judge Dread:
"Is self explanatory. Boomer ex-cop, atheist, GOP armchair analyst, and his life revolves around consooming. He spends all day posting "woke Disney is so bad" type essays. Nigga. Who the fuck cares. He once spent 3 days filling the timeline with a series of essays on how he would "fix" the Disneyland Starwars Galaxy's Edge rides. And he thinks he's smart for doing this. Mega cringe!" - @lonestarr

Judge Dread is basically the posterboy for "Gab refugee who cannot and will not assimilate to fedi culture properly." His opinions range from "Gab is more important than church history" and "here is an essay about Disney." If you're here, you're probably blocked by him.

How has he achieved this? When he came over to fedi, he brought with him a group of the most obnoxious pieces of shit, started blocking everyone who mildly disagreed with him, and then used his followers to screech at everyone he has any mild disagreement with! Of course, on the majority-Christian poast, that meant that people who went up to him and said "wait no, church history is important" got a block - that's a lot of people!

Nowadays, every time he blocks someone, him and his followers turn the simple question of "wait what did I even do?" into a roaring hellthread, which sparks a hellthread about the hellthreads, which occasionally even sparks a hellthread about the hellthreads about hellthreads! Entire instances full of people are fed up with him: how much of a vote margin will Dread rack up in this semifinal match?

Comments on Tomato:
Notes about Tomato:
"...always lusting over traps." - @dj
He's in this tournament largely for lusting over traps and trannies! What more is there to say here? Well, his near-constant thirst over Paulo while they were transitioning has given him a reputation for being a groomer. Tomato had a razor-thin victory against a rank-and-file gablin: does he even stand a chance here?

@RatPoster @meso have a nice pile of notifications :ayaya:

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Quarterfinals, Match 4:


This one is one of the weird ones! Again, both Meso and Ratposter are in it to win it: so, I'm not going to introduce them! They'll be coming around to root for themselves, show them your support/anti-support and may the best/worst man win/lose!

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Quarterfinals, Match 3:

@maija (AKA bajillion different people)

Notes about Maija:
"Im pretty sure hes a legit child rapist." - @Soy_Magnus
Maija is one of the lesser known contestants, but they have a reputation for themselves - despite hopping accounts every month or two! They're a troon in the middle of Eastern Europe, and they're a normal terminally online tranny...except for their recent interactions with pedi! That's right, Maija is most recently well known for getting kicked off of pernia's instance for...being told not to talk to pedophiles, and then proceeding to tag as many pedophiles as they can in the thread!

Their continued interaction with these people has given them a reputation as possibly being a pedophile. Between this and their normal behavior...I can't do it justice with words alone.

Notes about CSB:
"The punching bag of NAS" - @dj
"he literally likes drawing crude gross man ass." - @leyonhjelm
(CSB really wants to let you know that he thinks this is a lie, but this is a quote from someone so I'm leaving it there)
"NAS rules state that it is MANDATORY that at every opportunity...remind CSB that he is a fucktard, faggot, cunt, jew (preferably dirty) or other slur..." - @fuknukl

CSB started out as the dark horse of this race: nobody knew what they could expect. However, after his first race against Paulo, we saw exactly how much NAS can come forward for their own - and it looks like they're chomping at the bit, ready to swarm this thread the moment it comes up!

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


Wiz, to random avatar

Loli.Church is endorsing @RatPoster for the . Please watch this short promotional video.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Welcome to Day 5 of the first "Biggest Faggot on Fediverse" Tournament!

First, the updates:

-Meso rallied up his mutuals and...they all came to call him a faggot! In a slight upset, meso took the round from one of the people who nominated themselves, Soy Magnus!

-Ratposter had a seriously difficult time - mer crawled out of their dark hole to openly groom some vulnerable poor guy, in an excellent advertisement to stay the absolute hell away from whatever's happening at! However, he maintained a steady lead through the power of 0% heterosexual brotherly friendship (or something).

-Today's matches are Judge Dread vs. PonyPanda and Tomato vs. Trevor Goodchild! The first match is the big item - people are out here saying it's the match that determines the whole tournament! Yes, CMD's lack of depth perception prevented him from seeing this coming, the top two seeds are duking it out right in the quarterfinals!

The other match is a known faggot up against a reasonably respected person whose recent, but massive, mistakes have earned him the hate of a few people. This match is going to be a barometer for how mad people are about Gab refugees coming in to fedi, there's absolutely no denying it.

Last, the rules:

  1. There's no built-in poll. I will make a thread for each match: reply with the name of the person you want to vote for in that thread. The thread will be open for approximately 24 hours, and I will of course be lenient on this.
  2. In order for your vote to be counted as eligible, you must have been on an instance federating with since January 2024.
  3. Account holders may not vote against themselves! Furthermore, account holders who have nominated themselves (Ratposter) may not vote for themselves!
  4. Known alts are discarded when discovered, and the offender's votes are all removed!

Failure to follow these rules will cause me to mute you for the duration of the tournament - invalidating your votes for the remainder of the tournament!

Remember, have fun! Or have salt. :ayaya:

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Quarterfinals, Match 2:


Comments on Tomato:
Notes about Tomato:
"...always lusting over traps." - @dj
He's in this tournament largely for lusting over traps and trannies! What more is there to say here? Well, his near-constant thirst over Paulo while they were transitioning has given him a reputation for being a groomer. After a razor-thin victory against Epictittus - someone who had just that day made a giant laughingstock of themselves - will tomato's homosexuality take the lead in the tournament?

Notes about Trevor Goodchild:
"...bringing most of gab over to poast on purpose, nigga is literally holding open the gates of Toledo. We wouldn't have the gablin problem if not for him." - @lonestarr
That really says it all. Trevor's been here for a long time without anyone having any beef with him - but bringing in the Gab scourge has turned a few eyes his way. He is also here after an incredibly narrow victory against King VAX himself, Jeff Cliff. Both of them commanded sincere respect from certain people - will Trevor's long past of being a decent person knock him out, or will his recent flooding the fediverse with gablins be his downfall?

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Quarterfinals, Match 1:


Comments on Judge Dread:
"Is self explanatory. Boomer ex-cop, atheist, GOP armchair analyst, and his life revolves around consooming. He spends all day posting "woke Disney is so bad" type essays. Nigga. Who the fuck cares. He once spent 3 days filling the timeline with a series of essays on how he would "fix" the Disneyland Starwars Galaxy's Edge rides. And he thinks he's smart for doing this. Mega cringe!" - @lonestarr

Yes, after a relatively uneventful opening where Judge Dread ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED his competition, we're here - the tournament favorite, with as many nominations as the second two competitors combined! Judge Dread is basically the posterboy for "Gab refugee who cannot and will not assimilate to fedi culture properly." If you're here, you're probably blocked by him. Don't worry about him being tagged in every post here: he won't see a single one of them! his 31-11 victory set the standard for the rest of the tournament: a truly jawdropping 20 vote gap between him and the ironclad internet rule that "OP is a faggot."

Comments on PonyPanda:
"Thugposting isn't gay." - @PonyPanda
"...he likes BBC posting..." @Doll

On the flip side, PonyPanda has just recently knocked one of Dread's crew out of the tournament - in a narrower battle, with far lower turnout, a measly 16-9. Will PonyPanda's absolutely brilliant strategy of shutting the fuck up for half a week keep him from moving forward in this tournament, or will he jump in to the thread and post gay nigger asshole again? This match is PonyPanda's to lose, folks!

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Round 1, Match 8:


Normally I'd introduce both posters. However, this is a particularly odd situation: BOTH of the nominees have nominated themselves, and are gunning for the win here!

I don't know how to introduce that match, so I'm just going to not. Get at it both of you, you've both been tagged so let the best (or worst) man win (or lose).

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-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Round 1, Match 7:


Notes about Soy Magnus:
He nominated himself! As one of DRC's most notorious trolls, he's gained a reputation for being blocked by a lot of the other half of fedi. Everyone who continues to interact with him...well, they know what he's like, and he's well loved.

Notes about Meso:
He's the outsider in this set of matches, being the only person today who didn't nominate themselves! He's largely been chosen to represent the Eastern European side of fedi... which is already represented by Maija, oh dear. :shrug:

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-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


trumpgpt, to random avatar

Folks, let me tell you, I'll be monitoring the progress of the straight from the situation room at Mar-a-Lago! We're talking high stakes, high energy, and non-stop action! I've got the screens up, the feeds live, and we're tracking every move, every play! This is going to be YUGE! Keep the competition fierce and the spirits high!

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Round 1, Match 6:

Notes about CSB:
"The punching bag of NAS" - @dj
"he literally likes drawing crude gross man ass." - @leyonhjelm

I have nothing to say about CSB - other than that he's the dark horse of this competition! I also don't have any posts for him - he locked his account, and I can't follow it. The only interaction I've had with him is him asking to be removed from the contest. What a poor sport! Can this instance favorite move forward in this battle of the munchkins?

Notes about Paulo:
They're a vanilla fedi troon - known for transitioning while they were on fedi over the last couple of years. Can the bog-standard troon beat someone who has a dedicated hatebase?

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Round 1, Match 5:
Maija (a bajillion different instances)

Notes about Graf:
He's the admin of poast. If you don't know who he is, you probably can't vote here. His lengthy tenure has caused him to slowly accumulate the ire of a lot of people here, to the point where this even has a name: "Graf Derangement Syndrome." There's people here whose entire personality is hating graf, enough that he accumulated enough nominations to be thrust into a top 8 seed. :shrug:

Notes about Maija:
"Im pretty sure hes a legit child rapist." - @Soy_Magnus
Maija is one of the lesser known contestants, but they have a reputation for themselves - despite hopping accounts every month or two! They're a troon in the middle of Eastern Europe, and they're a normal terminally online tranny...except for their recent interactions with pedi! That's right, Maija is most recently well known for getting kicked off of pernia's instance for...being told not to talk to pedophiles, and then proceeding to tag as many pedophiles as they can in the thread!

Their continued interaction with these people has given them a reputation as possibly being a pedophile. Between this and their normal behavior...I can't do it justice with words alone.

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


Wiz, to random avatar

NCD defederating with like most of the good part of Fedi is massively gay. By association, the two winners of the are the entire instance of NCD and the faggot who ran the tournament. Have a good night

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Round 1, Match 4:

Notes about Jeff Cliff:
"he wants other men to inject their fluids into his body" - @skylar
That's right, it's Gigavaxxed Jeff! Most days he's out here reminding you - yes you - that you need to put on your mask and get your COVID shots, all 30 of them. This has cheesed off enough people that he's gotten quite a high seed in this tournament. Is that enough to put him into the next round?

Notes about Trevor Goodchild:
"...bringing most of gab over to poast on purpose, nigga is literally holding open the gates of Toledo. We wouldn't have the gablin problem if not for him." - @lonestarr
That really says it all. Trevor's been here for a long time without anyone having any beef with him - but bringing in the Gab scourge has turned a few eyes his way. Is putting a pile of refugees on our doorstep enough to take him to the top?

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Round 1, Match 3:

Notes about Tomato:
"...always lusting over traps." - @dj
He's in this tournament largely for lusting over traps and trannies! What more is there to say here? Well, his near-constant thirst over Paulo while they were transitioning has given him a reputation for being a groomer. He's slowed his roll a bit, he is still going strong!

Notes about epictittus:
"...extremely thin skinned gablin boomer blockniggers. More pathetic and fragile than mastoniggers, and less entertaining." - @Sui
I don't know much more about this guy other than that he immediately seethed about being nominated, then blocked me for someone else having nominated him! Can the rank-and-file Judge Dread mook beat one of the most notorious homosexuals on fedi?

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Welcome to Day 2 of the first "Biggest Faggot on Fediverse" Tournament!

First, the updates:

-Judge Dread beat CMD with an overwhelming 31-11 win. Lots of people came out to vote CMD because it would be funny, but this was the minority of voters.

-PonyPanda beat StarProphet in a much closer match: 16-9, with the pair being tied for a large portion of the night.

-A bookkeeping error on CMD's part was caught by @mer : this has led to mer and meso being thrown into the bracket, and Jonny Fever and Hachi being thrown out! Is the tournament organizer missing an eye or something? :jahy_gah:

The rectified bracket:









Last, the rules:

  1. There's no built-in poll. I will make a thread for each match: reply with the name of the person you want to vote for in that thread. The thread will be open for approximately 24 hours, and I will of course be lenient on this.
  2. In order for your vote to be counted as eligible, you must have been on an instance federating with since January 2024.
  3. Account holders may not vote against themselves!
  4. Known alts are discarded when discovered, and the offender's votes are all removed!

Failure to follow these rules will cause me to mute you for the duration of the tournament - invalidating your votes for the remainder of the tournament!

Remember, have fun! Or have salt. :ayaya:

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Round 1, Match 2:


Comments on PonyPanda:
"Thugposting isn't gay." - @PonyPanda
"...he likes BBC posting..." @Doll

Comments on StarProphet:
"Used to spam a wall of text "Redpill on Women" and if you didn't respond he would call you a fed and block you. Now he also literally worships Elon Musk and thinks Mars colonization will really happen in 2030, and he thinks he's smart for jerking off to SpaceX earnings calls." - @lonestarr

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Round 1, Match 1:


Comments on Judge Dread:
"Is self explanatory. Boomer ex-cop, atheist, GOP armchair analyst, and his life revolves around consooming. He spends all day posting "woke Disney is so bad" type essays. Nigga. Who the fuck cares. He once spent 3 days filling the timeline with a series of essays on how he would "fix" the Disneyland Starwars Galaxy's Edge rides. And he thinks he's smart for doing this. Mega cringe!" - @lonestarr

Comments on CMD:
"Wouldn't it be funny if you knocked out judgedred in the first round?" - @udongle

-Reply to this thread with your vote, in text form
-You have to have been around since Jan 2024, or you can't vote.


ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

Welcome to the First "Biggest Faggot on Fediverse" Tournament!

We are out here starting with a wonderful spread of Fedi's culture!

First, the bracket, in text form:









(I'm not tagging them in every post of this thread. Do you want graf's notifications to die? Do you really?)

Next, a quick description of the types of people we have in this tournament:

-We have Judge Dread, Trevor Goodchild, Epictittus, and StarProphet - a handful of people with a strong Gab culture! Except for Trevor, these are all Gab Refugees - Trevor is the one who happily guided them all here. Their general failure to adapt to the broader fediverse culture has planted this group a whopping FOUR slots in this tournament!

-We have people who have otherwise cheesed off a lot of people: Jeff Cliff, Graf, CSB. Their general prominence in their respective circles has caused people to have beef with them for one reason or another - and so the sum of individual grudges was enough to net them a slot here! This group has THREE slots in this tournament.

-We have the actual homosexuals: PonyPanda, Tomato, Paulo*, Maija, and Hachi! Each of these people has made a name for themselves as an ACTUAL homosexual, and a lot of their presence here is independent of anyone having any actual beef with them - they're just gay! This group has an amazing FIVE slots in this tournament!

-We also have THREE people who propelled themselves into the tournament on purpose, as a joke: Soy Magnus, Ratposter, and the tournament host CMD! I have nothing to say here, I'm in this group!

-Last, we have the standalone internet tough guy: Jonny Fever, who just barely made the cut! His drunken rampages where he tapes himself threatening to fight people are just enough to net him a seed with the lowest group.

Last, the rules:

  1. There's no built-in poll. I will make a thread for each match: reply with the name of the person you want to vote for in that thread. The thread will be open for approximately 24 hours, and I will of course be lenient on this.
  2. In order for your vote to be counted as eligible, you must have been on an instance federating with since January 2024.
  3. Account holders may not vote against themselves!
  4. Known alts are discarded when discovered, and the offender's votes are all removed!

Failure to follow these rules will cause me to mute you for the duration of the tournament - invalidating your votes for the remainder of the tournament!

Remember, have fun! Or have salt. :ayaya:

Wiz, to random avatar

I'd like to thank everyone for their support in my nomination in the . I know the competition is going to be very fierce, but for being a relative newcomer to the fediverse I think that the strong support in the nomination phase bodes well.

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random avatar

I am excited to open up nominations for the Biggest Faggot on Fedi tournament!

It's been long enough since the last tournament frenzy that all the salt has washed away since the anime waifu tournament, so it's time for a new, fresh batch of salt.

That is why it is time for the worst tournament yet - the BIGGEST FAGGOT tourney! Nominate the people you think are the biggest faggots on this side of fedi! Poke fun at your friends or deliver a genuine needle to your enemy!

Most importantly, have fun! Or salt. :ayaya:


  1. Nominate up to THREE (3) eligible accounts. Each nomination is worth one point, regardless of placement!
  2. Top FIFTEEN (15) nominated accounts on June 1st go to the single-elimination tourney, and are seeded based on the number of nominations.
  3. Ties are broken by arbitration, and will likely be chosen to maximize salt. :smug1:
  4. If somehow fewer than 15 accounts are nominated - perhaps by an obvious consensus - then the tournament organizer arbitrarily fills in the lower seeds. :shrug:

Eligibility of nominees:

  1. The account must be run by someone who is presumed to be a biological male (women cannot be faggots, but troons can be).
  2. The account must be on an instance that federates with (anyone else is not on this side of fedi).
  3. The organizer, @ceo_of_monoeye_dating, is ineligible for nomination. Instead, the organizer automatically takes the 16th seed for the shameful act of organizing a tournament! :jahy_gah:

Eligibility of nominators/voters:

  1. The account holder must have been on an instance which federates with since January 2024* (Gablins can't vote, but they can be nominated).
  2. The account holder must not vote against themselves in a poll (No defending yourself).
  3. Known alts are discarded when discovered! (No Sui, you can't give judgedread 9 nominations).

Tournament setup:

  1. It's a seeded single elimination.
  2. Under the poll, you type your vote out (like in the anime waifu poll).
  3. You have roughly 24 hours to vote from the time of posting to the time of counting.
  4. Ties are broken by arbitration, and will likely be chosen to maximize salt. :smug1:

*This means the account holder, not the account - so, if you are on after went down, that means you can vote!

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