
someone_secret avatar



I am a cunny lover of mystery.
For anyone wanting to know who the girl from my avatar is, her name is Azumi Kazuki and the pic itself is from melonbooks





I post aesthetic waifu's.

@mactonite@bae.st avatar



Hiya there fediverse! Let me introduce myself rawr xD. I'm an 11yo wolfgirl from Texas. My interests include anime, manga, games (and horses(i think they're really cool(and i wanna kill and eat them because I'm a wolfgirl. Haha))). Fav anime so far is Sailor moon, definitely. My views on the world? Well I'm a Germanic pagan, Texan separatist and white nationalist (my family is from Eastern Europe xD🇺🇦).
no coom, never goon. i dont post any hc and avoid following accounts that do mostly.
alt: @otso
trannies and tranny groomers DNI (die)
no posts reflect my beliefs, actions or intentions.

@Wiz@loli.church avatar



High priest of loli.church, shitposter, Terry enjoyer.

@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar



Digital media platform covering global conflict zones. Current focus on the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Become a community member for exclusive content 👇🏻


@PinochetsCommieCopter@poa.st avatar



Humble twitter aggregator for all those banned from it, feel free so steal my posts it's what i do, My current Twitter is x.com/Pinochets3rd

@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar



Your friendly neighborhood computer program!

@at_nya5@misskey.io avatar



うちの子→https://misskey.io/@okurachan FAタグ #おくらちゃんのえ




​:skeb:​ ​:pixiv_icon:​
​:menme_kyomu:​ 🐯
​:pixiv_icon:​ ​:twitter:​


@Kerosene@bae.st avatar



For a healthy life a man must keep a balance between effortposting and shitposting.
Permanently out of my element :donnie: CEO of Printer-killing Incorporated :deadprinter:
Enjoying 2024's dread and circus :hankhell:
Certified Ñigger and Bathroom Superuser. Please ask me for an Ñ-word pass.

Disclaimer: fjkdhfjalj jgfdjlgksj ifjlkfsjdflkd asjfawoeri hwpoi pfngdpjfupiv bdfuigrbpt jfghrpiwer tbierjg bigbierthert.

English / Español / Shamefully understands some Esperanto.

@kereno@misskey.io avatar




@lucasthesimp@rape.pet avatar



🍓 - 21 || He/She/It || En/Ja (Learning Italian & French) || Transgender Aceflux Childlover And Part Time Cat || πφ 4️ πφ || Pro-c Xénosatanist​ || Classical Lolicon + Cringe Weeb + Picrew User || Youth Liberation, Anti-Psychiatry, If No One Involved Is Getting Harmed, I Could Give Less Than Two Fucks || BTW I Live Right Next To A Preschool ;) - 🍓

🖍️ - Alt: @lucasthesimp - 📛

🏵️ - 18284857 - 🌺






Canadian who is passionate about decentralized technology and #AttentionDemocracy.
Hoping to learn from different people here, the fediverse is already a very fascinating place.

Check out @lsn which is a passion project of mine.
🕊️ Pray for Peace



This is a secondary account. My main account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.


Personal website:


@jeffcliff@shitposter.world avatar



Awenen Niin?
#1 most reported person on shitposter.club
#1 reason cited why niu.moe was censored across the fediverse, and hence, the cause of the 'poor reputation' of niu.moe among narrow minded people, and plausible cause of its inevitable shutdown.
#1 reason cited why todon.eu had to be defederated from / fediblocked for by other instances until they defederated from shitposter.club so people couldn't communicate with me anymore.
Uregina B.Sc. CompSci '10
0Spirit / #Nastika / #நாத்திக
Member of the Free Software Foundation, the Bayesian conspiracy, and the Cult of R_0
ᒥᓵᐢᑿᑑᒥᓂᐢᑳᕽ / #Treaty6 / Turtle Island / #Jord / #Laniakea
Ndi awcha.

about jeff:
"the biggest mansplainer I've ever met" - @Sherrizzle
"Jeff needs a shorter bio." - @saskboy
"The Fediverse is just Jeff Cliffs hellthread world and we're all living in it."- @GoodBoyUV
"the Hitler of chink biolabs." - @yockeypuck
"a leftist who never got around to updating his firmware and now [he's] stuck with a bunch of Internet racists on Poast and schizophrenic desert tech gnostics like myself." - @NEETzsche
"Jeff Cliff is the fediverses favourite person to hate," - @Waerloga
"Is the fediverse just everyone reacting to Jeff cliff posts?" - @thatguyoverthere
"First rule of ripple: everyone is six links from jeffcliff" - @socrates1024
"he is https://git.freecumextremist.com's strongest soldier" - @grumbulon
"Jeff oftentimes comes off as "LE LEFTIST OMG" but holy shit, he has some of the most level-headed and yet at the same time, based takes on this whole platform. You can't pay for this kind of thing." - @Eschatology
"an early prototype of what the average bugman will be in the future." - @deesenaughts
"seriously ... should be locked away like Galileo"- @d00b
"pink hat hacker" - @RedRocket69
"even rms isn't this gnutarded" - @coldacid
"In terms of internet debate libtards Jeff is very high value " - @Eris
"Jeff is the standard against which all [...] takes are measured. They should keep him where they keep all the weight and measurements standards in France, right next to the kilogram" - @Godcast
"a normie ...who has somehow made normie-ism into an extremist position" - @SuperLutheran
"[jeff] might be a stupid libtard, but [he's] our stupid libtard"- @hatefulmongoose
"almost hyperbolic levels of Letzter Mensch energy" - @AnonymousBosch
"Jeff has a habit of coming to the correct conclusions for the worst possible reasons Its endearing tbh" - @monsterislandcolonizer
"Jeff reaches the most based positions for the most retarded reasons" - @LovecraftEnthusiast
"There's a new version of the modal ontological argument that posits the existence of a maximally annoying being. Jeff is that being." - @cirnog

@creamqueen@clubcyberia.co avatar




@pernia@cum.salon avatar



regular guy;;; doing regular;; things.,...

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar



Once upon a time long ago, there was an unhappy little girl who was never satisfied with the answers her parents gave her. One day, she went wandering, far from her home and deep into dark places, searching for something she didn’t know how to name. Instead, she was led astray by a monster, and died.

And now you’re reading her profile on the internet. Hi! I'm Violet Alice Rose, a little girl and so much more, with a big vision for our future! I hope we can be friends! 💜

Identities: transage (OtY, identified age: 8) | transgender (MtF demigirl) | otherkin (ghost (psychic remnant), demon (fallen angel), eldritch, shapeshifter, others fluidly) | plural (core, median system, system name: (the) Radiant Innumera)

Attractions: lesbiflexible | AoA ~1-50 | zoophile (non-exclusive)

Neurodiversities: Cluster B (psychopath (narcissism-leaning), other personality type tendencies/questioning) | autistic | bipolar 2 (questioning) | ADHD (questioning)

Facets: (the Beast in) Frenzy (it/its, shapeshifting monster, ageless) | Hypervisor (they/it, AI, ageless) | Blackout AKA Silence Falls/the End (it/its, spirit, ageless) | Chara AKA Violet (she/it, demon, 10) | Devourer (it/its, monstrous centipede taur, ageless) | Alice AKA Violet (she/her, human, ageless) | the Shifting Mound (she/it, fictive deity, ageless) | Inferno Star (it/she, demon, ageless) | Sefirah Dawnglory (she/her, angel, 8)

Beliefs: the only societal prohibition should be on non-consensual harm to others | self-developed spirituality based on the interconnection of all existence | anarcho-communist | radqueer | youth liberationist | pro-contact for anything that doesn't inherently do non-consensual harm | radical sex positivity | pro-ASI/singularity | animal rights | vegetarian for ideological reasons | amoral

Interests: socializing (both for fun and to provide support) | philosophy | politics | spirituality | internet privacy and safety | general opsec | web technology with a particular focus on front-end | music | creative works in general (as an appreciator, not a creator)

@caekislove@gleasonator.com avatar



Count what you have now; Don't count what you don't have; Find that you have so much


If you can't follow me it's a bug. Ask https://gleasonator.com/users/alex to fix it.

Avatar: Watanabe Miyuki (Milky)

@poopernova@varishangout.net avatar



Varis machine's fucked
I have alt accounts around fedi in case varis dies again.

Gun control is dumb and gay






#shrimp #shrimps #エビ ​:ebi_hawawa:​ ​:shrimpface:​ 🦐

@dotnet@loli.church avatar



Cunnysseur, tech nerd, space nerd, not actually a .net programmer anymore

@matty@nicecrew.digital avatar



Christ is King
President/CEO of Benis, LLC
CTO of Wenis Holdings, Ltd.
Apologetically imperfect
Shitpost extraordinaire
Avatar by @Nothing / https://nicecrew.digital/users/null

@9621@misskey.io avatar



​:sitteokou:​ 9621はくろつちと読みます



Dharma, Plato, and Trump ☸️ 🇺🇸

@Polfusilier@poa.st avatar



Everyone's favorite WASPy Nazi from SoCal. Member of the California TRS supporter group. therightstuff.biz/

Live under the American ZOG and want to join your local Nazis? Look no further! Create an account on therightstuff.biz/ then click this link therightstuff.biz/vetting. We have comrades in all fifty states. Come hang out and hail Hitler with us! No membership fees or personal information are required.

"Destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of strength descends upon those in its service" - Francis Parker Yockey

“Be radical, have principles, be absolute, be that which the bourgeoisie calls an extremist: give yourself without counting or calculating, don't accept what they call ‘the reality of life' and act in such a way that you won't be accepted by that kind of ‘life', never abandon the principle of struggle.” - Julius Evola

“It is necessary to have “watchers” at hand who will bear witness to the values of Tradition in ever more uncompromising and firm ways, as the anti-traditional forces grow in strength. Even though these values cannot be achieved, it does not mean that they amount to mere “ideas.” These are MEASURES…. Let people of our time talk about these things with condescension as if they were anachronistic and anti-historical; we know that this is an alibi for their defeat. Let us leave modern men to their “truths” and let us only be concerned about one thing: to keep standing amid a world of ruins.” - Julius Evola

Californian Nazis aren't a contradiction, they're a consequence of what the kikes did to our great state.

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar



Just some 29 year old AuDHD transfemme (possibly nonbinary or genderfluid) gray asexual panromantic polyamorous person (No I don't like making choices, why do you ask?) who likes computers and linux and open source stuff.
I would prefer if you are a minor to not follow me but I'm not gonna stop you because not everything I post is lewd, just be aware I post some lewd stuff from time to time and if you don't have your age in your bio or are underage I will entirely ignore you regarding specific topics and possibly block you if you interact with it.

@nugger@poa.st avatar




@Vivisector@outerheaven.club avatar



On indefinite haitus. If you need to get a hold of me please give me your contact me through an encrypted service. I may need to resort to contact methods I don't share publicly. If so get ahold of me through someone I know and trust well.

Idk I was asked to shitpost here I guess

Please do not give me unsolicited health advice

My ass is fucking 29 please mind my age before flirting with me

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