@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar



Luv me 'edg'ogs, simple as

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Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

if this isn't a @RatPoster OC i'll eat my hat

Dirty_Thirty, to random Venetian
@Dirty_Thirty@poa.st avatar
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@Dirty_Thirty @comradepond @randbot @graf i see this one escaped containment lol
don't worry i warned them off


@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@graf @comradepond @Dirty_Thirty @randbot I think I remember that from late 21/early 22

deprecated_ii, to random
@deprecated_ii@poa.st avatar


@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
GolfCartLady, to random Esperanto
@GolfCartLady@nicecrew.digital avatar

Good morning ☕ :kitty_pat:
Happy :cat_zoom:

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
DEERBLOOD, to random
@DEERBLOOD@poa.st avatar

Wiz is a good anime girl who I have not seen poasted in a while so here you go you're welcome


@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@ThisFuckinGuy @Sui @n3f_X @Barbecued_Lemons @DEERBLOOD @TimeSpent @mischievoustomato is this an open challenge because i've got a doozy for you

18+ Kang_Kong3,
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@ThisFuckinGuy @Sui @n3f_X @Barbecued_Lemons @DEERBLOOD @TimeSpent @mischievoustomato has that started spreading out of russia now?

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@ThisFuckinGuy @Sui @n3f_X @Barbecued_Lemons @DEERBLOOD @TimeSpent @mischievoustomato if it was going to be anywhere in the US, you just know florida man would be first

Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

death to those who insult english cooking

Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

remember july 2021, durban SA?
wild shit


18+ Kang_Kong3,
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

so they went to the pajeet areas and this happened


TornadoOfTerror, to random
@TornadoOfTerror@poa.st avatar

These niggas made me look up what a fluffer is

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Humpleupagus @Dullahan @SK1ZM @TornadoOfTerror "shometimes, you jusht have to shlap them"

justnormalkorean, to random
@justnormalkorean@poa.st avatar
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@justnormalkorean @graf i'm kinda relieved that we're not quite at that level of hell-on-earth


@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@graf @justnormalkorean the jewish corpse wanking is not an /ourguy/ shitpost?

Fash-E, to random
@Fash-E@poa.st avatar

For the 15th Day of White History Month we celebrate William the Conqueror and his conquest of England!

In 1035 William's father Duke Robert of Normandy went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Before departing the Duke had his vassals swear fealty to his legitimized bastard son William. Robert died while returning from the pilgrimage leaving a seven year old William "the Bastard" of Normandy as Duke. Norman vassals were particularly unruly, with William's bastard status it was nearly impossible. His youth was filled with assassination attempts and rebellions. Initially his lord King Henry of France was supportive of the young Duke. When William's vassals rebelled in 1047, King Henry fought alongside a 19 Year old William at the Battle of Val-ès-Dunes. Their 10,000 knights defeating over 25,000 rebels. Eventually the rebellious lords won the favor of the French King, leading to a combined invasion of William's Duchy in 1055. In 1057 William defeated the combined armies of France and the rebel lords at the Battle of Varaville, finally securing his control over Normandy.

In January of 1066, the King of England Edward the Confessor died without an heir, or technically leaving 3 heirs. The Godwinsons were the presumed successors but Edward's rivalry with their father Godwin had led him to name a distant young relative in Normandy as his heir, William. The most powerful Anglo-Saxon lord Harold was quick to secure the throne but the other claimants were prepared to fight him for it. Harold's brother Tostig Godwinson with the support of Harald Hardrada of Norway invaded the North of England but were defeated by Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in September of 1066. Immediately after his victory, Godwinson received word William had landed in the south and he marched his men back down to meet him at the Battle of Hastings in October 1066.

Despite the long march, Harold's forces had a considerable advantage. They were numerically superior, held a defensive hilltop position, and were in friendly territory. William was forced to attack uphill, outnumbered, into a shieldwall of experienced Anglo-Saxon soldiers. The fighting was brutal with the Normans taking the heaviest losses, they were soon forced to retreat downhill. While retreating a fraction of the Saxon army broke formation and pursued. William's army was on the verge of routing and many men believed William had died in the fighting. Desperate to regain control, William took off his helmet and rode across his troops shouting for them to stand their ground. Separated from their shield wall the Saxon pursuers were cut down by a charge led by William personally. William saw this had weakened Godwinsons shield wall and decided to try and replicate it.

He led his knights back up the hill to assault the shield wall once more, this time feigning retreats. For a while the Saxons discipline held but eventually more men broke out and the Normans were able to thin the Saxon line further. Losses were still worse for the Normans and the Saxons shield wall was holding firm. With the sun going down, William knew it was now or never. He could not survive a night deep in enemy territory with an enemy army at his back. He ordered a full assault on the shield wall. Again the fighting was brutal, neither side giving any ground. It looked as though William was losing the battle until a rogue arrow pierced the throat of Harold Godwinson. He fell from his horse and was hacked to pieces by Norman knights. They held his head up for everyone to see. The Saxon host finally broke and were cut down.

William marched on London and was crowned King of England on December 25th 1066. Norman Kings would rule over England until the death of Richard III in 1485, during the civil war known as the Wars of the Roses. Upon Williams death his lands were divided between his sons. The first son, Robert Curthose, receiving their ancestral seat the Duchy of Normandy. While the second son received the Kingdom of England. An unusual decision which would inevitably lead to civil wars between his heirs and the eventually collapse of the de Normandie Dynasty in a period known as the Anarchy. Before staking his rightful claim to the English throne, Robert would take a leading role in the First Crusade. Personally leading the charge out of Antioch in 1098. Through the marriage of a Norman lord Geoffrey Plantagenet and Holy Roman Empress Matilda, a new King Henry II Plantagenet took the thrones of England and Normandy, eventually bringing into their control the Duchy of Aquitaine and ultimately the western half of France. This Composite monarchy in France and England became known as the Angevin Empire. The restoration of this Empire was a motivation in the Hundred Years War.


@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@Fash@poa.st Little footnote to add to William's coronation- the norman tradition was a respectful, even solemn silence during the proceedings. The english tradition was to cheer for the new king. When the cheers began, the normans thought a riot or uprising was beginning and so they rode out slaughtering the common folk of london.
This callous ignorance and bloodlust was repeated and magnified during William's Harrying of the North, a genocidal campaign of hatred that lasted 20 years and countless dead.

I spit on the bastard of normandy and his legacy of oppression.

Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

Back to no pics/vids 😕

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@graf ISP not connecting to your link, mate


@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@graf Seema to be an on again ofe again issue for me phone poasting. Desktop at home doesn't get the same issues

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@graf Yes.
I also cleared all my caches 2 days agI when it happened last. That didn't immediately help but everything was working fine again yesterday

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@kybermace @graf Getting the same on mobile data as well as wifi

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@kybermace @graf No but phone is pretty old and could be on its way out

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@graf @kybermace Just installed ping but no idea how to use it.

Phone is a samsung galaxy j5

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@graf @kybermace Like this?

moomin, to random
@moomin@poa.st avatar

ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ ‍‍ᡳ

In the next few decades you will see more and more evidence coming to light that the origin of Ancient China was Aryan, and the history you were given in zogschool and zogversity is propaganda.


@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@Eiregoat @moomin don't forget the red-haired tocharian mummies the chink archaeologists left out in the elements to be destroyed because they didn't fit with glorious chinese supremacy

Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

very nice, tasteful even

now do indian IPs

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@graf I was making a joke about the indian bot farms inflating gab's user base as Judge Dread and Trevor Goodchild have documented over the years

Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

new copy pasta dropped

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

Ok I've had enough...
Trans woman of color here. Before I say what I'm about to say I'd just like to make it clear that I never post here, mainly due to the fact that interacting with so called "4chan culture" is quite disheartening. So I'm going to say this as clearly and efficiently as possible.
Fuck. All. Of. You.
There, I said it. If you'd like an explanation, all you have to do is look at your own behavior, and understand how it effects the world around you. As a trans woman I feel the deep rooted forces of oppression you sick fucks emanate every day of my life. The shit I have to go through to please disgusting individuals such as yourselves. It doesnt help that I'm a woman of color. So on top of that, I have to deal with the fucking systemic racism YOU and YOUR people started and continue to promote. My life is a living hell because of you people. But that's not why I hate you. Oh not even close sweetie.
The problem lies with YOU. Your behavior is so sickening. I know most of you are white men and so bigotry comes naturally, but you make no attempt to hide it. No attempt to better yourselves or the world around you. And no attempt to soothe the scars caused by you sick fucks. Your treatment of others is ugly.
"Durr nigger. Durrr tranny. Durr fag. Durr cunt. Durr durr durr durrrrr look at me I'm a nazi haha doesnt this make me so quirky and a free thinker durrr"
Sorry, not sorry. You're just getting what you put out. You constantly berate the disenfranchised and the unfortunate. Using your privilege as some sort of pedestal. You think you're better than me and my community when you're not. You're the scum of the earth. I hope you all rot in hell....

Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar
Kang_Kong3, to random
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

Dunno why but when I'm scrolling down and come across @sjw posts with vids (and it's only happening with @sjw) my phone just freezes the fuck up​. I can tab out but when i tab back in i get le blank screen of doom and i have to close tab and reopen poast from scratch.
Getting annoyed.

Bad_Banner, to random
@Bad_Banner@poa.st avatar

The US should just convert into a Confederate system at this rate.

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@Bad_Banner I don't think anyone thought it'd take this long but here we are

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@Bad_Banner from an outsider's perspective it seems like the federal government acts purely out of spite and hatred towards the actual Americans and has done for as long as I can remember.
Unsure how much this is due to the actual malice of them themselves or the malice of their jewish paymasters. I think the age of the fossils in the legislature is also a governing factor of mental agility too but the slightly younger profile of UK and EU politicians doesn't really seem to improve the general level of block headed stupidity and arrogance tbf

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@Bad_Banner @PunishedD my instinctual reaction to the idea of a constitutional convention is "too little, too late".

binkle, to random
@binkle@clubcyberia.co avatar

I wonder what inter-african racism is like. what stereotypes do the bantus have about the pygmies

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@binkle Iirc the bantu neighbours of the pygmies hunt and eat the smol ones from time to time

McMongoose, to random

Some of you niggas are so weird that I'm not sure if you're a bot, copypasting stuff from 4chan or just legitimately unhinged...

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@McMongoose >copy/pasting 4chan stuff
I may resemble that remark, desu


Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

WTF is even going on anymore?

@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@Awoo Beasting the newbs is a disgusting but time honured tradition in the military. In theory it's better if they're going to break that it happens before they are in a situation where if they break they get their squadmates killed too.

Fash-E, to random
@Fash-E@poa.st avatar
@Kang_Kong3@poa.st avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Fash@poa.st @Awoo @SuperSnekFriend Duel of the sossij rolls!
Á l'outrance, mon brave! Hon hon hon!
(Don't pretend your norman blood doesn't understand)

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