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graf, to random avatar

some opsec tip: if you and the person you are DMing via chats both delete the conversation, it's gone forever. if one party deletes their half manually, it's also gone. like @WhiteAmericanEskimo who asked me to help him with something because he donated money to poast today whom i was going to tell I wasn't for sale but he deleted prior to my ability to do that

VaxxSabbath, avatar

@graf @WhiteAmericanEskimo completely unrelated: when DMs are deleted, assuming it's for a conversation between local accounts, are those positively deleted from the database? i.e. if antifags manage a breach that leads to a database dump, will DMs that we flagged for deletion be part of that haul?

deprecated_ii, to random avatar

delusional. it would be a 20 year project minimum to kinda sorta get manufacturing going again on US soil, if everybody bought in and worked together


VaxxSabbath, avatar

@mikerotch @deprecated_ii I doubt it would take two decades, because it didn't take two decades to make the planes in the first place

what it takes is purging the selection filters (everybody starts at zero again, no more Nigger Preference or Pussy Pass), resetting them to select ruthlessly for "demonstratable, measurable competence", then offering outsized rewards to those who make it through those filters, literal fuck-you money

successfully ship 100 new 737s with zero defects? okay, you just got the ability to buy that home on Mercer Island for cash without even breaking a sweat

(and that's for the engineers, not for the fucking executives)

if you reset the incentives and bias them towards big payouts, you get the people back in the game that should be there, and that's what needs to happen to overcome forty years of learned helplessness, apathy, and nihilism inculcated deeply by the practice of kiking the entire economy to death; the jew must hemorrhage money to replace what was drained from the system, and there will have to be interest and penalties applied to get that pump primed again and the patient's heartbeat back

or, well, they can roll the dice and see what happens if they don't


Xenophon, to random avatar

Not only are they fags, this HAS to be extremely unconstitutional. You can't force people to serve jail time outside of the US, right? cough Guantanamo cough @Humpleupagus

VaxxSabbath, avatar

@Humpleupagus @disclosetv @Xenophon I believe the fig-leaf they're going to use is that they're not actually sending them out of the country, they're simply offering them the opportunity to perform their community service in Kikeland instead of their hometown, and that the other option is to serve their full sentence since all other "community service" options are removed from the table

this is one of those situations where I kinda don't care, though, tbh; given that every single one of these is guaranteed to be a shitlib anyway (almost all mainstream pro-Palestinian protests involve campus communists and other such filth), I'm not moved to much concern about their fate - perhaps the trip will teach them a few things about jews and brown people

MisterLister, to random

>my funni screencap has turned into an NCD hottub

VaxxSabbath, avatar
graf, to random avatar

happy birthday to me 🎈 🎁

VaxxSabbath, avatar

@graf happy birthday, graf-sama

PraxisOfEvil, to random avatar

I want a big booty latina to force me to eat tacos at gunpoint

VaxxSabbath, avatar

@PraxisOfEvil you aren't going to like the taco she's going to force you to eat

Paulyfrog64, to random avatar

A group of 8th graders in Massachusetts are facing CRIMINAL charges over some racist messages posted in a group chat. One of the 8th graders gave the news team a statement "quit your bitching nigger."


VaxxSabbath, avatar

@Humpleupagus @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Paulyfrog64 this is why I liken "law", in this age, to "fractional-reserve currency" (cc'ing @plotinus_enjoyer for this one), except that instead of gold specie underlying it, the reserve of law is "violence"

these creatures - being far removed from even the most notional conceptions of violence except as a theoretical entity, and because they are so far removed from it - wantonly exercise raw power without constraint; as far as they're concerned, it's just a job, a game whose numbers they grind out and minmax until they have enough juice to springboard to a political career or a white-shoe law firm for big bucks

not a single one of them, or so near as to make no difference, has a conception of the idea that there is a metaphysical duty, on their part, to participate in not just a legal system but a justice system, which requires the active connivance of all participants towards that goal; sort of like physicians and the Hippocratic Oath, the idea of a sacred duty has been devalued to the point of laughability (and they do laugh at the idea)

in a better world, such men would at the very least be called out for trial by combat by the aggrieved victims of their malicious lawfare; the survivors would learn quickly that the tools they employ are not to be wielded with either lightness of heart or lightness of purpose, and would become far more reticent to engage in the blatant abortions of justice they now perpetrate on the regular

in this world at the present time, the likelier outcome (soon) is that they will be called out for, uh, "surprise" trial by combat (involving L-shaped formations around geographic bottlenecks and that sort of thing)

VaxxSabbath, avatar

@Charles_in_Charge @Humpleupagus @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Paulyfrog64 yeah, that works - for a little while

the reason we came up with "laws" in the first place, preferring them to "trial by combat", is because the latter is an inherently unfair system: an 6'8" 350-lb MMA dude can do whatever the fuck he wants, whether good or bad, and everybody else just has to live with it

this is not conducive to the stable social contract identified in "The Fuck Rate Is About To Implode", namely, that "mid men get pussy and everybody else gets core infrastructure"; without some way to enable people to relax and enjoy their livelihoods - which in most cases do not, and probably should not, involve personal combat - human progress screeches to a halt

the idea of an impartial process is acceptable and achieves this goal, but unfortunately is meta-stable; it cannot exist longterm without being corrupted absent "extra-systemic corrections" (things not "thinkable" or "allowable" within the context of the system itself, or in other words, what Jefferson referred to as "watering the tree of Liberty") to bring it back in line with its own ideals

a "lawyer", in the idealized case, is someone who understands what the law is, understands what it is for, and understands the fact that all solutions in this world are imperfect but that it is incumbent upon the person in a position of privilege and power to use that power in "right" ways

it is not someone whose skill is amorally twisting rulesets into desired outcomes (i.e. a jew)

graf, to random avatar

alright so somebody paid me to clear owls block list and im going to do it because its funny. but before i do, here is the total blocks owl has

pleroma=# select count(*) from user_relationships where source_id = '00000184-c2d8-5289-df9d-b5c32df30000' and relationship_type = '1';
(1 row)


VaxxSabbath, avatar

@graf @Owl @ghast how do you do that? I tried clicking on "Domain blocks" and it tells me I have none, but doesn't give me an option to create one

there's some porn and furry domains I want to block

VaxxSabbath, avatar

see, this is why you stay on Poast: when Tuba does it it's all hidden and gay and shit, @graf is right out in the fucking open with it

"yeah somebody paid me to do this and it's hilarious, so I'm going to clear everybody's blocks of this person and I might make you follow them, here's the public-service announcement for it, now I can finally order that case of Buldak-flavored whiskey made that's been sitting in my cart for the last three weeks"

KK954, to random avatar
VaxxSabbath, avatar

@Snidely_Whiplash @KK954 @ACL9000 I'm not sure that "attempting to intimidate a literal horde of anons, including people like 'Cumberland Gap Face' @Azzmador, with 'liferuin' in this shit economy while being a 100% known facefag" is a great idea and a path to victory for the man

graf, to random avatar

good evening friends its me graf

VaxxSabbath, avatar

@tyler @pyrate @Pof @mdcitizen @bot I think the ancient eldritch horror is what's going to come out of @graf after the two strombolis he just ordered

graf, to random avatar

today's WTF user agent of the day - - [12/Mar/2024:04:54:25 +0000] "GET /PetarVitanovMEP HTTP/2.0" 444 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0; es-CO) WindowsPowerShell/5.1.22000.2538" "Germany" "DE"

VaxxSabbath, avatar

@graf @DailyStormerDigest @SuperSnekFriend counterpoint:

not that it confers a great deal of protection, but misrepresenting useragents (platform, browser, or other) may interfere somewhat with the seamless injection of malware and/or targeting of browser bugs

it also interferes with fingerprinting, which makes a difference for those who use multiple browsers or browser containers - it can obfuscate the underlying platform and hinder correlation of activity

RealRaul, to random avatar


VaxxSabbath, avatar

@RealRaul @Xenophon why couldn't that have been a blue ringed octopus

VaxxSabbath, to random avatar
VaxxSabbath, avatar

@graf okay apparently Tor is going to be a monumentally slow pain in my ass, it let me register and do my email but apparently it's not letting me log in because reasons

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