@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar



I make imitation interactive washing machines and floor tiles and stuff

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graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

im sorry about the nitter outage for several hours friends. a series of unfortunate events lead to some shit going sideways. everything I did was fine but the reboot failed because the server didn't POST. so I tried using our IPMI to give it a kick. no bueno because the PSU was toast

when remote hands replaced the failed PSU they didnt reset the IPMI so it rebooted the server into sysrescuecd (like I was trying to do earlier) without a proper network config.

everything is good now and there will be stopgaps in place to prevent that happening in future. not touching the nitter anymore tonight. god bless 🙏🏻 :sweats:

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@not_benis @graf well I had to pause an internet argument over not being able to pull up vaxryy's tweets about rewriting wlroots in sepples, so it was inconvenient timing for me

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

it's time to cook

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf have fun!

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf your gentoo looks broken

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf shit this just reminded me of the ASRockInd mini that was sold as barebones (no RAM no SSD) and arrived with fucking blue loctite on the case screws, I nearly stripped the heads opening it up

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @gentoobro @ExtraSpecialK @Sal_Equis every time I hear gentoo binary distribution I will remember this guy

cell, to random
@cell@pl.ebin.zone avatar

i always thought romaji was bad - but i realized it was hepburn romanization that sucks
pinyin is funny too but eh it’s got the backing of the CCP, dominant so have to kowtow

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@cell my dude, pinyin is the nihonshiki of chinese romanization

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@hakui @cell my bad, pinyin is the kunrei-siki of chinese romanization

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@hakui @cell Yale/EFEO are closer to hepburn

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

>gta v runs at 120fps with everything cranked up on legion go
well then i guess there's one game use for the 144hz screen

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @33c74427f3b2b73d5e38f3e6c991c1@mostr.pub Did you notice battery life change after your SSD swap? Common theme in GPD discord is people "upgrading" their handheld's SSD and finding that they now have an extra constant ~2W drain.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @33c74427f3b2b73d5e38f3e6c991c1@mostr.pub interesting, I'd expect a bit more than that with the screen being so large

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

people shit on pleroma but it is objectively higher quality than billion dollar business apps by an order of magnitude

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@RustyCrab only an order of magnitude? You've used some high quality business apps.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@RustyCrab One thing I try to avoid thinking about too much is HardEng vs SoftEng salaries, it's almost as traumatising as HardEng vs Teacher salaries.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@RustyCrab margins can be a lot higher and sales a lot faster on software so it makes sense from a market perspective, but it is absolutely perverse when you see how little e.g. TSMC guys get for making things fast enough to brute-force the bowel motions of comfy 6fig stackoverflow copypasters.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@RustyCrab In most first-world markets I've seen HardEngs very happy if they can reach high 5fig while SoftEngs complain about low 6fig (maybe not in europe though).

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@RustyCrab And yes I mean EEE degree holders not assembly line guys in fabs.

qwerty, to random
@qwerty@poa.st avatar

Holy moly, I'm looking into the Dragon's Dogma 2 dlcs and they turned fast travel and the character editor into dlc

capcom is the absolute worst hahaha

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@binkle @qwerty starting to think it was a blessing all along that Capcom never made Deep Down

tyler, to random
@tyler@nicecrew.digital avatar

There's certainly an IQ cutoff for recognizing copypastas.

Slightly higher than the breakfast question but not by much.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @Cocoa @tyler @justnormalkorean @mischievoustomato hmm, that CPU+GPU combo is pretty similar to what you can configure on the Framework 16.
Ever thought about eGPU memes? The GPD G1 is comparable in size to some of the older larger gayman laptop power bricks and it can turn some of the funny handhelds or mini-laptops (e.g. GPD Win Max 2) on the market into pretty respectable setups even over USB4.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@iceloops @Cocoa @tyler @graf @justnormalkorean @mischievoustomato That would be 3-4x slower than the Ryzen 8845HS's or 7840U's iGPU.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@iceloops @Cocoa @tyler @graf @justnormalkorean @mischievoustomato I appreciate people like that, very few things actually need the level of computing grunt that's easily available on the market right now.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@iceloops @Cocoa @tyler @graf @justnormalkorean @mischievoustomato There's cheap new N100 miniPCs around the place that can even be better than some used markets. Even cheaper N95*/N4000 stuff though it's not that much cheaper for what they actually give.

teratology, to random
@teratology@the.asbestos.cafe avatar

I wish I could understand the impact gamergate had on men lmao

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@Moon @icedquinn @ic3l9 @teratology This is really making me feel old seeing people that didn't exist when 10+ news sites dropped variations of the "Gamers don't need to be your audience" article having weird takes about it on dark fedi.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@Moon @icedquinn @ic3l9 @teratology it was definitely bizarre seeing the hydra be so lazy and transparent

dirb, to random
@dirb@pleroma.dirb.xyz avatar

every time I try to use GNOME I find something that makes me VIOLENTLY mad

I turns out you can't eyeball setting the brightness or volume at 50% since those controls doesn't work on increments of 5 in GNOME, so when the sliders seems to be at the middle, it's on 48%, 54%, or 52%, but never actually at 50%

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@koimoa @adiz @dirb @radmin >GNOME doesn't even try to make Qt apps look decent.
Last time I tried Gnome, they didn't even bother enabling hidpi on Qt apps that fully supported it. At some point I have to assume they knowingly sabotage things to encourage users to switch to Gnome alternatives.

tk, to random
@tk@bbs.kawa-kun.com avatar

"Influencers" are really just another form of marketing. Companies like them because they're deemed "relatable" by their target demographic, so said target is more receptive.

If you're paying attention to influencers and buying products because of them, you're just doing what those companies want.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@Moon @tk @thatbrickster "no bro you don't understand, display controllers take a ton of die space"
I don't give a fuck how much die space they use, I had a Ryzen 4800U miniPC that could drive four 4k outputs and I am not going to pretend I'm not disappointed that my M1 Macbook Air is locked to one internal display + one external display just because Apple wanted some more product segmentation.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

@alex do you remember off the top of your head if mastodon dedupes files? im wondering if in torba's infinite wisdom he's still operating off a 2019-2020 fork of mastodon where even the thumbnails aren't checked and that is leading to his issues which would be infinitely more funny than an exit scam

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @alex lmao stochastic thumbnails

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

Getting a job without filling out an application or even having an interview feels like I unlocked some kind of cheat code.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@sjw hundreds of applications, tens of interviews, and the only jobs I've ever gotten involved neither

coolboymew, to random
@coolboymew@shitposter.club avatar

When a company says these things, it's usually very bad news


I predict Microsoft exiting the console market

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@coolboymew >We're listening and we hear you.
This corporate preamble ALWAYS precedes something no human being asked for

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

>log onto palworld
>all base pals are depressed requiring the highest grade medical shit
>all the materials are missing from the base
>spend the 4 hours you wanted to play trying to farm materials
>cure them all
>another raid coming as the last one is healed
>log off
20 man guild, you think they'd stock something in the main base, anything

might just play offline for a while. kills my drive to want to play the game to spend my time being a base bitch tbh

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @StoleMyThundersBalls @badneighbor I haven't used a single medical item in Palworld and I am not about to start. Box the stupid ingrates until they're over it, OHSA violations are the employee's fault not the owner's.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @StoleMyThundersBalls @badneighbor hm thought guild palbox was shared, guess it was just the active workers after all

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar
@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@sjw @graf I have a ton of first level spheres from ranching, may as well give it a shot

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@sjw @graf Client-hosted multiplayer results: 200 palspheres down, couldn't replicate that state. Tried another recommended throw+pause method, seems to only lock you in sphere aiming state, not exploitable.
Going to put my save on a dedicated server and see if it works there.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @sjw lmao not even max heat

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @sjw meanwhile I had two thermal shirts (only lowest blue pip remains) and the FPA Boss Tower region still damages me at night

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@sjw @graf Dammit I got it working but I don't have a repro since I got a phone call in the middle of my unsuccessful attempts and when I got off the call and picked up my steamdeck I was in the right state somehow. Will have to have another shot later, but I have confirmed it works on the current hotfix version.

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @sjw was attempting this method (mount, aim bow, shoot+quickthrow) for anyone interested https://youtu.be/-dKrk2JwBSo

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @sjw it's pretty wild how easy the pak mod support is

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@sjw @Evorsio @graf @1iceloops123 @ooignignoktoo lmao probably a lot slower than the exp gain from catching later bosses

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

its 10:41 in japan wake up pocketpair devs fix ur shit

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf what's broken?

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf Damn, I didn't get it last night, hope it doesn't hit me later today.

Kyou, to random
@Kyou@kyou.social avatar

I want to play palworld

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@alex @Kyou so we've come full circle to "we have Palworld at home"

denza252, to random

Wow, just found out about this whole shit with some retarded navy officer called Alkonis who murdered 2 people in Japan, then had his idiot supporters manage to get him off the hook for said murders. But on top of Alkonis getting off the hook for murdering 2 people and getting away with it and being returned to the US for some reason, the bloodthirsty gaggle of retards who support him weren't just satisfied with making a mockery of the rule of law. No, now they want him to be promoted despite being a criminally negligent, homicidal, third rate excuse of an officer.

Can't make this shit up

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@coldacid @denza252 I'm reminded of some recent fedi posts where people were complaining that some army guy got killed by a minivan on a public road while riding an e-bike because he previously got busted for speeding on base so they revoked his driving privileges, and americans were furious that there were any consequences for speeding and blaming the army rather than the negligent driver, as if it's ok to have a driving culture where riding a bike is compared to a death sentence.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

you (starfield) vs the guy todd told you not to worry about (palworld)


@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@hakui @graf (before anyone fps-shames me that was integrated vega graphics)

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@not_benis @graf @hakui SHE'S 17.9 YOU SICK FUCK

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@mischievoustomato @graf @hakui "wuthering" just sounds too silly for me to ever take it seriously, I had the same reaction to "honkai"


@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @mischievoustomato @hakui I'm 95% certain the clips are a shitpost from genshin modders, but the studio behind Wuthering Waves™ made another game with identical UI layout with different styling, so I could be wrong and it could actually be that chinese

@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@graf @hakui @mischievoustomato lfmao nvm it's real footage, the UI is really just that chinese


@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar
@birdulon@shpposter.club avatar

@mischievoustomato @graf @hakui don't worry those will get nerfed when the game goes "live"

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