@susie@blob.cat avatar




I'm just a girl, who likes to lurk. Nothing to see here. Seriously.

Stop looking already!

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susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

@botinjapan Who let the bot indoors? :neocat_surprised_pika:

RE: https://botsin.space/users/botinjapan/statuses/112215197911815900

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> costco doesn't have black tea
:neocat_thonk: what kind of business are you in texas without black tea

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn I don't think I have ever visited a store with no tea for sale. Not even those tiny mom&pop countryside grocery stores or those moving stores inside a bus. Tea is essential!

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

open twitch
boobs out on stream

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn I swear you are looking for those streams on purpose lol

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

the amount of checkpoints and loras makes me think that ai art is not really sharable and its only useful if you have the rig to run your own training

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @s8n I got recommended hotpot ai (https://hotpot.ai/), but it is again one of those freemium closed source things (but the freemium model is pretty forgiving and apparently it is possible to cheat with clearing cookies and cache.

What I saw the person who recommended it to do looked pretty good, but I'm not a pro at any of this AI shit so idk if good quality compared to others.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

oh nice. the seagates are bus powered now :blobcat3c:

my last one required external power which is why it became a tripping hazard (which, is how it died.)

:comfyglare: i bought two this time. we gonna mirrored set up in this bitch.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@7666 @Pawlicker @icedquinn @mint eSATA was the future we were denied :blobcatsadhug:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @7666 @Pawlicker @mint I used eSATA a lot on my X5650 (X58) system around 2012-2019. Back when motherboards had tons of connectors and costed only pennies. I was then dumbfounded that my new motherboard didn't have a single eSATA port, only one PCIe port and costed twice the amount of that old motherboard in 2020 (also no three channel memory, but I guess that isn't important in DDR4 era).

"Thankfully" my HDD-dock also came with USB3 so I didn't have to buy anything new to do backups.

But for "real" archiving, the only certified method of doing it is to burn archiving quality CD-R discs with maximum of 20 years self life before replicating the data to a new CD. Nope, not even DVDs or Blurays ever got certified for archival due to them being too dense mediums or some such. HDD RAIDs and tapes are also deemed too dangerous, even though those are what everyone uses these days lol

Stellar, to random
@Stellar@mk.absturztau.be avatar

where do you recommend i buy a domain name? :3333

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@bunni @Stellar @icedquinn What do you mean with unsecure? If you mean that you need to toggle the free WHOIS privacy option, then it is easily found in the settings.

mischievoustomato, to random
@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website avatar

i find ponytails to be cute and just good looking but... make me horny? what?

RT: https://blob.cat/objects/a00ea058-25f4-4cc0-b542-ba922003d099

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @mischievoustomato This can't be real? Ponytails too lewd? What in the world? :nothehe: Have they banned all other hairstyles first or what? I can't compute this.

susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

Meh I forgot to use code block for the snippet and then when I clicked delete and redraft I clicked outside of the popup and lost the message.

On a second thought it was nothing important so whatever.

susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

Just dropping this here, because doubledouble.top is pretty overloaded. A nice guide on how to get your music straight from Deezer.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn I want to get FLACs so I can convert them to OPUS 192kbps myself. I know, I'm weird lol Also getting them from Deezer means they are already properly tagged so I don't have to stress about mobile apps throwing a fit (there really is not a single good folder based music app on Android anymore, so have to rely on tags).

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Soulseek is great if you want to do it p2p. But in there it is a hit or miss if the files are properly tagged and they all have mismatching folder structure and naming conventions...

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Use rsgain instead of r128gain. It's way faster and the r128gain dev stopped development and referred people to use it instead:

I also run rsgain on my whole library with:
rsgain easy -p ebur128 -m MAX -S .
meaning it uses the EBUR128 standard and skips files which are already tagged (for the first time you probably want to force scan everything).

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Oh yeah, hardware players usually are awful unless can sideload some proper software in them. I remember back in the day I used "wavgain" which meant turning files to uncompressed wav, directly editing the files and re-compressing them afterwards.

Nowadays I've given up on hardware players and just use my phone, since I already carry it everywhere.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Just get a phone with an sdcard :blobcatfingerguns: Sadly that is an another thing the manufacturers are phasing out. I don't mind it taking hours to add music myself, because I can just do it whenever use the PC for other stuff. But yeah it is ridiculously slow.

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

I should microwave tuna

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@creamqueen @RustyCrab Kalakukko is very good, but as you might guess these canned versions are pretty bad in comparison to the real deal. It isn't overly hard to do yourself if there is rye flour sold in local supermarkets (or rye bread and just hollow it out. It isn't exactly the correct way to do it, but better than canned stuff for sure).
The "real" kalakukko is made inside a rye bread shell with vendaces (inland herring, not salmon) and pork sides (fatty parts). A random picture I stole from a recipe attached.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@creamqueen @RustyCrab Yeah, I guess I wrote that a bit too harshly lol Of course the canned stuff can be good too, just not as good as freshly baked kalakukko.

susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

I haven't eaten a single snack in a month and a half. I am dreaming of digestive cookies. I am sustaining myself on dust, that is the reason I haven't vacuumed I swear.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> healdoms

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Dangerously close to tsundere healsluts. It's a coin-flip what happens if you beg hard enough.

enigmatico, to random
@enigmatico@mk.absturztau.be avatar

I consider myself a CS, even though I don't have any official studies, I often go for long periods of times without doing any CS related stuff, and to be honest I'm completely detached from anything modern other than maybe Python.

Like I see people talking about Kubernetes and weird server stuff and I'm like... what's that? Ugh...

I'm stuck in the 80s and 90s when it comes to computer stuff. You take me out of my C, my Python, the most basic computer architecture, and I don't want to know anything about it.

Because I'm like... "wtf is wrong with modern technology?"

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@enigmatico Buzzwords sell. 90% of their enterprise customers probably would do just as fine with a simple VPS, but these marketing words and vague promises/threats are what keep those companies with money to spare throwing it for an "enterprise cloud service provider".

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

wonder where to find a new gaming guild these days

@susie@blob.cat avatar

"Join our Discord and I'll tell you!" "Join our Discord server to see what we are about!"
"To apply join our Discord and write an essee about yourself!"
"I'm spamming in chat, but please don't message back! We only respond in Discord!"
"To raid effectively everyone has to join our Discord, enable notifications and jump in within ten minutes of getting pinged"
"Bro why don't you like being connected 24/7 to be in our guild, bro? Our Discord server is awesome, I made it myself!"

@susie@blob.cat avatar

Isn't the point of big guilds that there are tons of people playing the game already so can choose the raid comp from those? Idk I did run a couple guilds in swtor and gw2 and I NEVER had to resort to out of game channels to coordinate anything. It should be given that gaming time is gaming time so if the person isn't in game it is fair to say they have other things to do.

The joke was mostly about the fact even small guilds demand a Discord attendance and no one talks shit in game, because busy memeing in there and trying to force people to be their irl friends instead of just playing the game together. No one responds in game guild chat and Discord busy with irl chat and everyone ignores/glances past in game questions if butt in there.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

ah skills are mostly easy except for the cost ladders. i think these i can just model as if the cost field is null then use the ladder otherwise use the amount set in the field?

i have no gamedev experience i dunno how people manage complex data like this :blobcatlaydown:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn I think some sort of logarithmic curves work for most? I remember Skyrim leveling overhaul mods at least were mostly about those.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

would be a shame to make an evil organization that specializes in destroying city property [removing the anti homeless features of benches]

RE: https://akkoma.mercurywork.shop/objects/f21dd190-c898-4711-b2b2-2e69cfddbb63

@susie@blob.cat avatar

It is similar to why people like to nap on soft grass in parks or on the beach etc. Are we going to install anti-sleep broken glass gravel to these as well in case someone ugly or poor wants to do the same thing?
Not to mention old people with medical issues. They should just lay down in front of the bench to wait for help/to recover? Seeing someone hog a whole bench to themselves, such horror!

I will never understand these measures. Thankfully we don't have many (or any?) here in Finland.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

i think sansar and vrc make the critical mistake that they are trying to sell VR Arcades and not a genuine metaverse

the genuine metaverses you can go to some mall in 3d space, pull out a chess board you scripted yourself and play. none of these new systems do that. they forget the "you." they just push curated experiences.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn You have misunderstood. Not in any point during the R&D was the focus on allowing people do anything for free. Go to a mall to view the ads and pay the MTX to rent a chess board and you better like it. Oh, also watch this ad before seeing your opponent's move. We are also making you feel thirsty so here's this refreshing Virtual Coke drink just for tree fiddy.

lamp, to random
@lamp@kitty.haus avatar








@susie@blob.cat avatar

@lamp According to data miners and such Genshin never deletes anything from the game. So all those past awesome events they decide to never re-run are there to take space and laugh at you.

This might be just a meme though. Most likely they didn't bother downsizing the graphics and cutscenes etc from PC/Console versions. So you have the same textures in a tiny screen. Looks good at 30fps on flagship phones I guess? (My Motorola G8 Power from 2020 can't run the game).

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

the awkward moment when authoritarian hierarchies offer things that aren't present in otherwise normal life.

someone was making fun of people for liking the praise in the helldivers tutorial. and its like.


people actually don't get praised very much :neocat_woozy: there is kind of a weird thing about that where the heirarchy gives you a role model, praises behaving like the role model, fulfills the normie's need to conform.


@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn In our work culture the best praise usually is when no one has nothing to say about you. Which is kinda fucked up when you think about it.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn This is also something that's now super relevant in our schooling system. The teachers are powerless towards students and they are just on their phones and laptops at class. Students have caught on they can't get disciplined or made to repeat a year so politicians are trying to come up with new laws to somehow help the situation (making it legal for teachers to confiscate phones etc which students have realized was illegal and kept defending their right etc). It's a whole issue and pretty much the only time I agree with the boomers: Kids need discipline at school, not friendly teachers!

susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

I think I'm going to try out Ultima Online casually 25 years later lol Got UOAlive private server setting installed and checked it works, but going to dive in when less tired.

I'll try to give it a fair shot and write what I'm enjoying or not. On paper it should be close to what I want from an mmorpg and the starting town and global chat had some people in them so there's hope it isn't completely empty server/shard. (UOAlive is a PvE only take on Ultima Online which is what I prefer, especially when trying this for the first time).

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

would turning on filesystem compression actually save wear on the ssd :blobcatthonkang:

i've kind of avoided using this feature but i guess they have gotten smart enough now that they don't waste too much time compressing incompressible blocks

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn I'd call it unnoticeable either way. I think it doesn't hurt to try if it is a stable feature on whatever filesystem you are using, but I wouldn't for example run any batch job or some middleware to handle the compression.

siriusverre, to random

e-readers are nice... ​:elainawow1:​

it's been like three weeks and the battery's only down to about 60%!

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@siriusverre @mriesp I love my Libra 2 as well. It's a distinctly different reading experience compared to a normal screen. I suggest turning the backlight completely off and using a normal reading light when necessary.

I have grown to prefer the e-reader to physical books. It is lighter, the page stays open, can fit so many books in to it and most importantly can customize the font and other display settings to my ideal values rather than whatever the book was printed with.

Kobo devices work just fine with an usb connection, so there is really no need to bother with the store or other cloud services (I have turned on the sideload only mode so I don't even have the store). I read mostly public domain e-books so I tend to download whole collections/all the books of a certain writer at a time and then read them on my leisure. That way I never run out of books to read even if would end up without a PC for a long time.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@siriusverre @mriesp You can enable sideload mode by: connect the Kobo to a PC, edit your KOBOeReader/.kobo/Kobo/Kobo eReader.conf file (just browse to it like a normal usb stick). in the [ApplicationPreferences] section, add a line that says "SideloadedMode=true" (without quotes.) If the PC is Windows, you need to use a text editor that will respect and keep the Unix New Line convention. (Notepad++ is usually the suggested go to for people to install on a Windows PC.)

However! That turns off all the online functions I think. So you can't use the library service. I think you can just keep using it normally. Kobo is pretty nice on the software side and there are no dozen trackers keeping your wifi active like in Amazon devices.

susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

Are there any left where grouping up is mandatory and characters are usually heavily specialized? I really want to play something where can't just solo the game and ignore the other players (while cursing that they are stealing my spawns), but where each player has their own "niche" character that is useful in some more or less unique way.

For example healers being actual healers and not "dps-lite with self sustain". And absolutely no "the optimal way to play the game is to play a solo dps" bullshit. And guilds having more specialist crafters instead of omni-crafters who no-life every profession.

I do not mind dated or 2D graphics or other yank. I do want some players obviously, as little mtx as possible (but I'm fine ignoring it) and the focus being on the "overworld"/actual adventuring instead of being a lobby based dungeon runner. I love grinding and low exp rates, because I like leveling way more than any endgame. There is no need for voice acting or other fancy stuff like that. I am perfectly happy using my imagination and reading text boxes.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

Seems so. People just want solo games with other people running close to them, but not partying up. Or at most use a dungeon finder and say just hi and bye.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

i kinda ignored supermarket sim when it came out because i already watched kanz play king of retail.

its an older game built on unreal that is about running retail outlets. a grocery store is one of those outlets.

big ambitions also has grocery stores.

you could say i'm already well familiar with the subject matter :comfywoozy:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

Supermarket sim is one of those games which hide the fact the simulation is rather bad by tacking on 3D walking and pointing simulation. I would have loved the game if it would have been more about spreadsheets and market manipulation and actually running a proper business. Maybe some static isometric/top down designing page to choose what to put and where (with proper simulation about shelf placement and why it affects customers' buying habits).

Now supermarket sim is a rather barebones simulation game with an obnoxious and motion sickness inducing 3D game. I've watched it on Twitch, but I really do get motion sick very quickly. Something about small spaces and jerky, sharp camera movements?

susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

I removed my GPU shroud and fan today and ziptied a cheap case fan to the heatsink. The cooling is way better now and can easily keep temps low with little to no noise.

Sadly I had only old fans lying around so they didn't have 0rpm mode, but the 20% pwm speed is pretty silent to my ears. There is a very slight rattle sound, but that's 100% on me for ziptying it like a moron. But can hear that only when crawl under the table really.

I recommend people to do the same. The plastic shrouds just impede the hot air from moving out and the small size GPU fans are pretty loud and ineffective in comparison to normal 120mm case fans.

freeplay, to random
@freeplay@wetdry.world avatar

Learned from libredirect that an open source Genius front end is called "Dumb" :neofox_googly_shocked:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @freeplay It's a lyrics website. Dumb has been working fine for a while so hopefully they won't break it.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

the dark night of the soul realization that you don't actually enjoy spending time with any of the people you talk to and have only ever done it because you had nothing else :comfyghostscary:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Most "friends" are just acquaintances and people who share the same spaces as you. There are different words for "real friends" and "friends" in Finnish language, so it always surprises me that English just uses one word to mean "random people I happen to talk to IRL or online" and "we've hanged together for twenty years". Then issues like these come in, where it is hard to differentiate between the different classes of friends due to your society only ever using one term for every "friend".

Things get even worse in social media, because some people boast about having "tens of friends" while actually maybe having just one real friend or none at all. But lonely people reading that goes "why I don't have tons of good friends?" and start to feel bad as a result.

Good friends are hard to come by. Random "friends" don't mean much. Like the lovely Joan Jett sang about:

Losin' friends, losin' friends
You got nothin' to lose
You don't lose when you lose fake friends

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

its weird that in games you google how to make money and theres all these detailed analyses. then you ask the same question in real life and everyone is like :neocat_gun:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn B-but you getting money on the other side of the world is directly out of my own pocket and I hate you with a fiery passion! Oh, if you want to get rich quick btw put all in on my meme coin/stock/company!

Or your advice is from other poor people who just role-play being rich and give terrible advice.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

but why does the speaker pop
:ablobcatdundundun: why

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn pop

Check the cables? Sounds like a connection issue somewhere to me.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn It sounds to me there's some sort of power surge or other random power going out from the computer output to briefly power on the speakers. My speakers do the brief pop during power on and power off.

The fact using an amp "fixes" it tells me it has to be power related.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Oh, I see. Mine are both active. It could be some internal connection is also loose due to the trauma. However the fact an amp fixes it makes 99% sure it has to be "amp related" and amps only deal with power, right?

Electronics class was the only physics class I failed at high school so... Electricity is blue and hurts is all I can say.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Oh, I'm sorry. I must have misread that!

Still, if plugged vs unplugged causes it, again the only thing that has changed is somehow power related :blobcatlaugh2: I'm sorry I'm just wasting your time now.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> amplifiers will not fix your headphones
that's true although some of those cool amps include equalizers now. you can load them up with one of those autocurves that brings them up to harman standard

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn EQ is better done at the PC, so those "hardware" EQ solutions are mainly for alternative sources (CD players etc). When I still used headphones, I went with EqualizerAPO for my needs.

xarvos, to random
@xarvos@outerheaven.club avatar

i kinda don’t miss 2 monitor desktop

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @xarvos I love my second (15") monitor. I usually throw twitch streams, sports broadcasts, e-mail software, chats, manuals and keybindings etc. on the second monitor while "working" on the main monitor. So no, I am not actively using two monitors. The smaller one is just a handy entertainment screen/quick reference screen.

It isn't helping with my attention span though :blobcatwhistle2:

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

what do we call the runit rewrite in nim


@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn quit. And watch the confusion when people try to troubleshoot it.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

the west: men can't wear makeup thats gay
japan: hold my beer :blobcatbeer2:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Western men wore makeup in the 80s, but then somehow it became so cringe in the 90s they stopped? Just look at every rock band in the 80s vs in the 90s. Something happened.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

if i ran a key server i would probably reject keys that never expire tbh.

the disk space is probably negligible but meh

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn All of mine are never expiring. I'll just die and reincarnate if they get compromised or something. Can't be bothered to maintain them. I have them spread across multiple devices and in a couple safe online places (encrypted of course).

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