@susie@blob.cat avatar




I'm just a girl, who likes to lurk. Nothing to see here. Seriously.

Stop looking already!

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icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

making the laptop case out of bakelite
bakelite is fucking immortal
it cannot be killed
it is the shit black boxes must be made of

don't do this bakelite is bad at transferring heat out of the system :blobcatterrified:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Just make a copper heat pipe coming outside and an aluminum or copper heat sink on the outside of the case (back wall probably the best choice, but need to make the case a bit thicker. In general I'd love to see external heat sinks more, but I guess the idiots sticking their fingers in there would ruin the business.

mischievoustomato, to random
@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website avatar

what would "gooncore" be

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @mischievoustomato Just your stereotypical ASMR stream

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar


@susie@blob.cat avatar

To me these look like someone rage broke a keyboard in half and played with a lighter to fuck it up even more :blobcatlaugh2: Must be the shiny plastic I guess...

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

beyer DTs are cheaper than the senns heh
i dunno about the DT990 i've never had a beyer. i assume they sound good i just dunno if they meet the comf requirement

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn I loved my KRK KNS 8400 headphones, but they eventually wore out (like after five or six years). Wore out because stupid ear cushions are clipped on instead of just tucked in like other brands.

I see there are now 8402 version on Thomann, so dunno if they have changed anything about that. In any case the memory foam pads were very comfy and the sound quality good for the price.

Now I'm using studio speakers (Swissonic ASM5 pair from Thomann) and can't imagine going back to headphones. I live alone though so noise suppression isn't important.

Jain, to random
@Jain@blob.cat avatar

The "gay bomb" (informally known) refers to a non-lethal psychochemical weapon concept that was speculated upon by a research laboratory within the United States Air Force. This unconventional idea involved the dispersion of sex pheromones over enemy forces, with the intent of generating mutual sexual attraction among them causing mass confusion and panic within their platoons.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@Jain They clearly tested it on the US Navy :blobcatgooglybadumtss:

mametsuko, to random
@mametsuko@mk.absturztau.be avatar


@susie@blob.cat avatar

@mametsuko @puniko @graphite It's also safe in Finland at least. Our eggs are safe to eat raw. They are unwashed and are meant to be stored in room temperature as well.

I personally have never tried raw egg on rice, but I do have eaten raw egg on oatmeal. That's pretty tasty too!

susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

For those with slower connections, this Firefox add-on turns all media to follow the "lazy load" principle. So only those images in your viewpoint get downloaded rather than every image in the webpage. Helps on image-heavy timelines too. (Can't believe this isn't the default on Akkoma).


susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

I recently stumbled upon a better add-on alternative for LocalCDN/Decentraleyes: JSLibCache [https://gitlab.com/Jaaap/jslibcache].

Instead of being bundled with some random libraries, it downloads every library from CDNs as you come across them and saves them locally in your local storage. So next time a CDN wants you to download the same library, the add-on provides it instantly from the cache and avoids downloading it again.

It also works with LocalCDN installed (I tested on Firefox) so can avoid downloading the libraries included in LocalCDN, making it a no-brainer for those who already use this add-on.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

would be odd to make vendors label the human labor factor in their products

"this blender operates at 6.2 human-equivalence" meaning the same job would take 6 humans if doing manual labor

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn The problem with that is humans have always used tools. So making it "naked humans with no tools" metric would be rather pointless. And if want to make it take tools in the equation then have to argue what sort of tools can be involved in that calculation and why the product being sold not qualifying as a tool in said metric.

TURBORETARD9000, to random

Yup nope lspci can't see my integrated graphics for some godforsaken reason

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 Linux can't handle Nvidia and Intel GPUs at the same time probably. Look up Optimus and Bumblebee for (failed) attempts to provide switchable GPUs. (There may be some hacks that work. I do not use and never have used Nvidia+Intel on Linux). Nvidia is not Linux friendly. Do not blame the OS or the awesome people who work on said OS.

Honestly reading your nonsense flooding my timeline my advice is: use Windows.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

https://github.com/Philip-Scott/Spice-up mfw it only takes one guy to make powerpoint clones

why do computers fucking suck again

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Oh, nice! Last time I tried/had to do presentations on a Linux machine I just edited images and then used a image-viewer to cycle through the folder of images. There was literally no powerpoint clones back then, which took me by a complete surprise. I think suckless had a nice minimalistic one, but it was designed to not allow text and images on the same "slide" and I was unsure if I could get a presentation created with it to show up in the (presumably) Windows machine I'd have to show the presentation.

In general I really like MS Office (or liked, haven't used the new ones after 2010 too much), except I still believe going for WYSIWYG text processor (word) set offices back. Creating templates for everything became mandatory, and even then some dumb users still managed to somehow mess up the templates and each document looked wonky and different. Not to mention the lovely images embedded on Word document emails instead of attaching just the image...

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

https://leo-editor.github.io/leo-editor/preface.html :neocat_thonk: need to poke this again.

leo is pretty close to a great outliner. the devs almost get it

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn That actually looks pretty amazing. Too bad I don't need to do any research or notes so won't get any use out of it (she says, trying to make it sound like a bad thing won't have to "work"...).

But I get what you mean with an outliner now at least! :blobcatlaugh2:

TURBORETARD9000, to random

Anyone know about nvenc on manjaro?


@susie@blob.cat avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @mischievoustomato Make sure ffmpeg is built with nvenc enabled for starters. I have no idea about what you are doing, just popped in here xD But if you are just trying to encode something, use ffmpeg (and OBS if need to).

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @mischievoustomato >Manjaro
Why are you torturing yourself? :blobcatsadhug:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @mischievoustomato Get out while you can is my advice. For "gaming" distros I guess PopOS might be fine, because they make sure nvidia stuff works out of the box so can just relax. In general stick to mainstream stuff for best support, Manjaro is Arch but worse (much much worse).

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @mischievoustomato >LTS

Don't make me start quoting your posts :blobcatsadhug: Normal Ubuntu might be fine idk, I avoid it lol Go for Fedora, Debian, PopOS or something that has good lutris support (that's what linux gamers still use, right?).

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @mischievoustomato (Windows 11 is a solid alternative just saying)

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @mischievoustomato What is the error message on ffmpeg? Might be you just did something else wrong...

To quickly test if it is working you could do: ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i input.mp4 -c:v h264_nvenc output.mp4

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

if you're playing palworld, jump in the poast server since it's more or less just become the fedi server 👇🏻

RT: https://poa.st/objects/b4ea0ac1-4d1a-44ff-9c99-40e925ff01b1

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@graf Is it free to play online (after buying the game) or gated with subs and/or mtx and similar? Custom servers are free to run as well?

Might buy it, but giving it a bit more time to mature (and see if Nintendo deciding to ruin it with frivolous lawsuits).

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> the linux kernel with bcachefs is now live


@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn XFS or bust. TBH I have no idea what to do with the new and amazing features in filesystems. Just don't break and be fast is enough for me. (Can just have normal proper backups instead of whatever snapshots is).

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> this epub file isn't split at the chapter starts
:blobcattableflip: rat bastards

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @TheMadPirate Can you also do that automatically with Calibre? Sounds like it could be in some formatting options... But you fixed it anyway so :ablobcatbongokeyboard:

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> https://standardnotes.com/
> "0$ in VC money"

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @thegreatape @Jessica Can't you do this with any text editor by inverting selection colors? As in any text editor that supports background and foreground colors for text sections. Just "select" the stuff you want to outline and invert/change colors.

susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

I keep forgetting to follow people who show up on the Bubble timeline. On one hand that is a super useful Akkoma feature, but on the other hand I'm missing out for reading only the public posts and no repeats.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

Last of the new lighting

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Do you have better or worse glare on your monitors when the light comes from every direction vs from the middle of the ceiling? Looks pretty great, so thinking if I should bother setting up something similar as the only lighting in the room.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn I also tried to use a desk lamp few years back. I just couldn't lol The glare, or light hitting my eyes were deal-breakers. And personally I want a bright room, just without glare.

Currently I just use a three led lamp ceiling lamp thingie in the middle of the ceiling and live with the uneven lighting and glare.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> mmorpg
> free to pay
:comfystoner: if it were any good you'd be asking me to pay for it

@susie@blob.cat avatar

I still find star wars the old republic being one of the best if not the best mmorpg. Sure, it went free to play, but by paying the sub there is no need to worry about the shop. In fact by subbing you also get somewhat generous amounts of shop currency if want some cosmetics from there.

It is almost fully voice acted (some aliens speak alien gibberish) and there is always something to do. FFXIV is another good one, but it is full of filler stuff and traveling to talk to people and go back to talk to people and... It bored me out. Also I wasn't a fan of the aggressive level-gating of skills and lack of build diversity (there is none. Everyone in same class wants the same gear). At least SWTOR has some diversity and personal trinkets to choose.

Currently I don't play any mmorpg though. Can't justify paying the sub and Genshin Impact kinda ticks the same boxes even as a single player game.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

:blobcatpolice: every time you don't answer the question, we put another rod of celery up you butt

@susie@blob.cat avatar

What happens to the celeries when answer the question? :blobcatthinkingglare:

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

1930s children
:blobcatscience: i wrote a book on chemical alchemy
:neofox_magnify: i built a HAM radio and was licensed at 13

20XX children
:blobcatgooglyscream: saw tiddy, traumatized

@susie@blob.cat avatar

1930s adults
:blobcatlord: I can afford only one housekeeper. Am I poor?
:blobcatbernie: Gentlemen don't need to clean. That's what womenfolk are for.

20XX adults
:blobcatcomfthink: You guys can afford help?

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

Testing the brightness of the last set of lights to put in :agummylamp:

@susie@blob.cat avatar

Now I understand why you complain about the boxes and stuff. :ablobcatdundundun: That would trigger me too and I'm pretty chill about living in a mess.

And those lights indeed be bright! :ablobcatneon:

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

i on the other hand do want self driving cars because robots are cool shit and its mans place to build golems and conquer the stars :blobfoxthonking:

RE: https://chaos.social/users/skruffl/statuses/111698795235551608

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn I want self-driving cars because it means self-driving bus and truck services and forcing more people out of jobs so hopefully by 2058 we'll finally go for universal basic income when unemployment hits 50% and no amount of flogging the poor helps to maintain order.

Yes, I'll just be locked indoors playing video-games, what did you think?

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

:neofox_phone: hey employee why are you singing sea shanties in the office
:blobcatbeanhyper: because i feel like i'm drowning

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Honestly singing at work should be a thing. Or better yet doing whatever the fuck you want as long as you can still finish your duties on time. Want to watch a soap opera on the side? Cool. Have earphones so deep in your skull it is seen vibrating? Nice. Wearing no pants and--- w-wait, what do you mean HR is calling for me?

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

not sure how people tolerate these AI girlfriend things. LLMs tend to be dumb little shits :neocat_thonk:

is there some super cool thing i missed? i saw people doing something with vector databases for "memory"

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @TURBORETARD9000 @freon Shit take, but anything requiring active participation from other human beings shouldn't be a right. Forcing other people to do so infringes on their personal freedom/rights. If someone is willing to do it by their own free will then it doesn't need to be a right to begin with (but not everyone finds someone willing to do that).

Capitalism of course has loopholes for the rich in this regard too.

However once the human element gets "solved" (robotics/cyborgs/real AIs maybe?) then I can see it becoming a basic human right (to have access to something that provides this service).

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn @TURBORETARD9000 @freon I'm one of those voluntary loners who don't want to participate on that song and dance. I get it though. Humans are a commodity for all services, so it makes sense people are trying to benefit from their target demographic as best as they can. That is why for example Tinder did the great bait and switch from being a "good" and affordable alternative to expensive bars, only to get turned to a gacha game with fake profiles and whatnot (I don't use Tinder but AFAIK that is what happened).

I'm not old enough to remember what dating before the internet and mobile phones was like. However (again AFAIK) people paired up by being in close proximity for long periods of time. So workplaces, hobbies, small towns or just visiting the same social places on the regular. Not really speed-dating, Tinder or any other "quick meetups" sort of way.

Also women were "traded" as a commodity by being paired with men by social/monetary pressure and their families setting up dates/bringing up good candidates for grandchildren. I don't think that happens at all anymore, but it was one way to "make connections" by involving family networks.

Sadly hobbies and social gathering places are pretty expensive these days. One thing people still claim to be a thing for singles to mingle are pair dancing events/festivals. Might be just a Finnish thing though. We call them "latotanssit" which means literally translated "barn dances".

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

house flipper 2 reviews be like 'this feels like a lot of cut content for DLC'

idk that's an odd feeling to have. don't think there is a way to prevent people feeling like that for any company that sells DLC

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Meanwhile Grim Dawn. Not all DLCs are bad, but it's true 90% of the publishers/developers who push for DLC-based development ruin the games in the process.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar


@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn I'm C I master race person, but I guess those are closer to slanted so voted that. (C I mean the "cubed" or "slanted" part is just a C shape in a small angle and the straight I interjects with it to form a 4).

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

kind of want one of those intercoms you stick to the door that has a little walkie talkie in it

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Having two cups with a string would be even cooler. Have to say the password to my tree-house to be granted entrance.

The old Charlie's Angels series got a very nice intercom system. That was classy.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

debating if i really need to write a package shipping estimator

ebay does that for you so its questionable how much i'd need it.

what i really need is more a thing to find the smallest box i can fit something in

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn That's relatively easy to accomplish, but probably not worth the effort. You need to save the dimensions of each product you want to ship as well as the choice of boxes you can use. Then it is basically just matching the biggest "side" of a product to a box size. For multiple products in one box have to use some math algorithm to sum two smallest dimensions of a product to a second largest side of a box to make sure they'll fit inside.

I fiddled with these at my job, but in the end I gave up on it and opted to instead have an extra step in packaging instructions: Try to fit the order in sample boxes (lids cut off from normal boxes) in the size given. It takes like ten or thirty seconds at most to go through boxes from smallest to largest with orders.

It's a neat idea to program, but in practice it's one of the least efficient ways to battle it!

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn For commercial shipping basic cardboard boxes are literally free (like 0.10-0.30$ per box or less, since we went for the speed packaging ones that have pre-applied glue strip on the lid). What I fell in love with is a table-clamped packaging paper cutter where you pull the paper through it and yank it against the edges. That was sooo satisfying over bubble wrap and other stupid nonsense we did before! :blobcatlaugh2: And the packaging paper came folded in neat boxes like olden times computer paper.

Personally if you ship even ten orders a week I'd go for commercial boxes (preferably those speed boxes to avoid taping them altogether). Packaging material stores are cheap as fuck, but might need to coax them to do small scale shipping (we'd buy hundreds of boxes at a time).

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

i looked at skia briefly and it looks terrifying. shader languages and shit. it's like. does a canvas library really need to do all this? :blobcatconfounded:

i guess its meant to be like its own whole 2D rendering pipeline. i usually think of canvas libs in terms of the old quickdraw where we just want to make interfaces with it.

@susie@blob.cat avatar

Isn't skia a "competitor"/alternative to DirectWrite? Hardware accelerated up the wazoo and all that.

Personally I'm baffled why we nowadays need hardware accelerated display of text of all things... If we managed to do it in software back in the olden times, why not with these monster processors? Just goes against my common sense...

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> Newark may have found a fix for chronic homelessness Working with police, and converting shipping containers into housing, seem to help A homless man sits on a bench at a railway station, with his face bowed, in New Jersey. (Economist)

giving homeless people homes solves homelessness :blobcatgooglybadumtss: more news on the Quinn News Network shortly

:blobcatphoto: please don't, though

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Funny thing is it is illegal to live in a shipping container home here. Yet they are used as "temporary housing" during construction projects and such.

(I'd live in a shipping container if it would be insulated well).

18+ icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> Donald Tusk must undo years of populist subversion in Poland. The prime minister has a tough job restoring democracy and judicial independence

> populist "subversion"

okay i haven't read non-conspiracy news in a month or four they really have just straight masked off now haven't they

@susie@blob.cat avatar

@icedquinn Oh, thankfully they're running on SVN. That should be doable then. :ablobcatbongokeyboard:

susie, to random
@susie@blob.cat avatar

Reading @critical posts on the timeline without context:
:ablobcat3dcoffeespitting: :ablobcatpopcorn: :ablobcatknitsweats: :ablobcatfootfetish: :ablobcatgooglymlemjumping: :ablobcatheart:

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