
IAMAL_PHARIUS, to random avatar

@PonyPanda south taiwan is fucking weird man


18+ DiamondMind,
p, avatar
ninja8tyu, to random avatar

i want to fuck this cat

ninja8tyu, avatar

i want to play strip mahjong with them

ninja8tyu, avatar
Shadowman311, to random avatar

Why do leftists always envision their enemies as fat hairy neckbeards with shirts that don't fit their beer guts? I'm 50/50 on whether this is projection or a fetish thing.


branman65, avatar

@graf @Owl @Shadowman311 >fat twink
what does that even look like

graf, avatar

@branman65 @Owl @Shadowman311 I don't even know man. the twink thing started because I told somebody on here I wore medium shirts

ChasingWaterfalls, to random avatar

Typical male view of relationships.

Women aren’t allowed to have boundaries and say no to red flag 🚩 traits.

In addition to hating the whole premise of porn, I know I couldn’t personally handle having a partner who lusts after other other women on a regular basis and uses them to become sexually satisfied. It’s a blow to your self esteem because you won’t ever be able to compete with the women in porn as to a man, she’s perfect, she will do anything and everything sex wise, she has a flawless body, and so on. But, men don’t see it this way. They don’t see it as cheating because they don’t actually have sex with her. But, if the tables were turned, and you were the one who was using other naked men to get off……cue the rage.

StumbleDonkey, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar

You're not going to be able to do that without cia funding.

n3f_X, to random avatar

yall see this shit ... red room compound busted by cops in scandinavia... connexs and buildings with torture and kill devices


UnityOstara, avatar

@n3f_X I'm married,again, to a Scandinavian. As a German I find them dumb as fuck but here I am.

graf, avatar
BowsacNoodle, to random avatar

How close are we to 6 million? Two more weeks?

CatLord, avatar
CatLord, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @graf @ForbiddenDreamer @ezpz @Marielle_Redclaw @Xenophon @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @justnormalkorean @1nter4ri @BowsacNoodle @ChurnHinge also the traditional English afternoon tea with jam and cream and butter on scones and that is very nice


graf, to random avatar

leeching the new Fallout series by amazon from usenet and watching it, standby

UnityOstara, avatar

@graf I hate waiting every week for a new episode. Will watch once it gets over.

ezpz, avatar

@graf @milk you're welcome

n3f_X, to random avatar


Doll, avatar
AlsoDoll, avatar

@Dicey @Doll @CelticCross83 @LovecraftEnthusiast @n3f_X @graf @providence Yes, I have two other alts but they are non-doll related.

Groomschild, to random avatar
King_Noticer, avatar
Awoo, avatar
eris, to random avatar
eris, avatar
Dan_Hulson, to random avatar

I never had to make a poast saying "please help me find friens" I guess that is one of few benefits of being a famous eceleb that and all the egirls so why don't people just spend a few years becoming famous like I did then you wouldn't have to poast about needing frens it seems simple as don't it

n3f_X, avatar

LOl this is it


Humpleupagus, avatar
GolfCartLady, to random avatar

I am the Chief Boobies Officer of NiceCrew Enterprises ​ :sign_boobs:

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

Only counts if there is penetration. You lawyers and your loopholes...

Humpleupagus, avatar

When I find a loophole, I fully penetrate it.

graf, to random avatar

>gab refugee drama on the timeline

charliebrownau, avatar

@demonofustio @s2208 @LostShakerOfSalt @Spingebill @TimeSpent @graf @yockeypuck Pass
I removed women from my life
I have no reason to go back listening to women

graf, avatar
DiamondMind, to random
18+ anonymous, avatar

@CatLord @Inginsub @NecroKvntPuke @SoyMagnus @Terry @Waerloga @amerika @anonymous @dcc @ehhh @gh0st @ins0mniak @jasonl8446 @kumicota @lonelyowl @lunarised @mac_ack @mia @mischievoustomato @p @peemasons @pressure @pwm @redneonglow @sjw @threat @tiskaan @triodug @warmbeverageenjoyer time to CUM inside her, I told one white guy on POL, she is vaxxed but I said no problem, die together. .. And then blue is red and green is blue, what's a little gemstone supposed to do? The colors get all mixed up inside the head.


binkle, to random avatar

today in Food Atrocities with Binkle: the most pointless crossover i have ever seen


PeachySummer, avatar

:gunleft: GIV

Soy_Magnus, avatar

@binkle @cassidyclown @PeachySummer BURN THEM WITH FIRE :discord_mod_troon_self_immolating:

RustyCrab, to random avatar

Please for a love of fucking christ newpipe give me a "mute channel" function. Youtube is pushing this election year shit so hard I'm gonna vomit.

korgster, avatar


Warning this users post has been hijacked

LordMordred, avatar

@RustyCrab Youtube just recommended me this

Jim, to random avatar

>Nick is the savior of the white race
24 hours later
>ahhhhhhh, why do they call him cum detective?


StoleMyThundersBalls, avatar

@Jim I feel like Brother Nathaniel's faith in Nick is even more misplaced than his faith in Trump... But what do I know?

The_Almighty_Kek, avatar

They all seem to have similar skeletons in the pantry

theorytoe, to random avatar

fedi users and vtubers are like jew and coin:
they endlessly fight over it and can never be seperated from it


BiggusDiccus, avatar

The Wendy's one?
@burner @skylar

Wiz, avatar

@skylar @dotnet @burner not a lewdtuber btw

Awoo, to random avatar

>looking at computer store
>prebuilts come with Win 11


This one is 12 years old and I just found it, it slaps so hard. It sounds terrible on laptop speakers and so I didn't even notice how good it was the first time

RustyCrab, to random avatar

I actually believe the contents of your pfp effect how you feel when posting, and what you post

deprecated_ii, avatar

@RustyCrab exhibit A

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab Wellf fuck you faggot I don't think the avatar really effects posting style at all I think that's illusion and/or confirmation bias why are you such a little bastard I hate you

KekistaniWanderer, to random avatar

Like I give a damn what some RTard writes

That said, a-shalom-alaikum habibi


MelGibsonsAntisemiticside, avatar

@wanderers_choice @graf @LordOfTheKangs @KekistaniWanderer @eriner bunch of faggots.
"do what i say or get the boot"
"get dogpiled and take it or get the boot"
"im right your wrong or you get the boot"
bunch of faggots

graf, avatar

@MelGibsonsAntisemiticside @wanderers_choice @LordOfTheKangs @KekistaniWanderer @eriner you’re an idiot who made an account to agitate the existing community and went back to gab to whine about it goodbye

Shadowman311, to random avatar
Jonny, avatar

@graf @Nesano @Xenophon @Balrog @CatLord @Dan_Hulson @Shadowman311 @givenup
I bet Jeff clif talked you into all the clot shots

graf, avatar
lovelymiss, to random avatar

Did Patriot Candle from blab get arrested by the FBI today?
Anyone else hear about that?

n3f_X, avatar

lol thats whats being said idk

KennyWhitePowers, avatar
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