unknowing8343, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

As a small phone lover, here’s the thing: we don’t consume as many phones or as many services as (general) big phone people.

It’s not only about the size of the community. It’s that our phones are tools generally at our service and not the reverse.

Hopefully Linux phones are not so far away from usable in the next couple years.

Crackhappy, avatar

I mean, Android…

Robin, (edited )

Mom: “We have Linux at home”

Linux at home: Google™ Linux


Hopefully Linux phones are not so far away from usable in the next couple years.

I said the same thing in like 2013. :(


It seemed more likely back then than it does today. Ubuntu and Firefox were both developing mobile OSes around that time.

What’s the closest thing to a viable option nowadays?

captain_aggravated, avatar

I think a Pixel running Graphene is the closest viable option. Out of the pool of bespoke built to run GNU/Linux phones, it might just be the PinePhone Pro. It’s the one suffering the least from critical existence failure.

RubberElectrons, avatar

Try calyx for a stable, truly Google-free pixel experience.


It is indeed quite dire. My hope lies in that the recent attempts have been more upstream first oriented where lots of distros run on phones. They do not work well yet but that approach might just get us there eventually.

Another thing that gives me hope is that phones do not change much any more. Much easier to catch up to a stagnated market.


Plus it looked like Web Apps were gonna become huge.

I know the words “web app” send some on Lemmy into a frenzied rage, but they’d be amazing from a platform agnostic perspective.

Imagine if the biggest barrier to entry for new smartphone OSes (app support) was gone. It’d be huge.

But seeing it as a threat to their business models (don’t get that 30% cut if it’s not through the App/Play stores), Apple and Google have had pretty shitty support for them.

If a Linux phone was out today and had good hardware and software, it’d still fail just like Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS did. WebApps would give it a strong chance though.


Agreed. I’d like to add that web apps are much better today than they were 10 years ago. We have notification support, touch support, etc. A well-made progressive web app is basically the same as a native app now — or it would be with halfway-decent OS support, anyway.

The fact is, a ton of common apps are just web wrappers anyway, even on desktop. Like Discord, Slack, and Steam. Even Outlook is moving in that direction.


RIP Ubuntu Edge

They got so close to the Kickstart goal

morrowind, avatar

Linux phones aren’t gonna help, the issue is the hardware


Isn’t Android Linux?


Linux is often used to refer to a family of operating systems including Ubuntu, Debian, fedora, red hat, ect., which all use the Linux kernel.

However, GNU/Linux may be a better name for this family of operating systems, since they all use GNU components and (to varying extents) embrace the philosophy of the free software foundation.

Android uses the Linux kernel, but not GNU components, and do not embrace the philosophy of the Free software foundation.

Stalman, the man who founded GNU and the free software foundation published his thoughts on this:…/android-and-users-freedom.en.html


Yeah, but it’s not like a typical Linux installation on a PC would be. You can’t just install a Flatpak application or anything like that. It doesn’t use many of the GNU core utilities that most other Linux distros use, and doesn’t use a mainline kernel.

People that ask for Linux phones know Android is Linux.

It’s just a lot more concise to say than “I want a phone with an open bootloader and hardware fully compatible with a mainline Linux kernel. I want to have a phone that can run a Phosh/Gnome Mobile/Plasma Mobile UI and on the backend work in a similar way to how desktop Linux would.”


Isn’t android a Linux fork or am I misremembering?


It is. My guess is they’re referring to one of the other Linux OS initiatives. I have no idea what’s currently being made though, as historically if it hasn’t been Android or iOS it tends to fail.


Linux is a kernel. In that sense Android is Linux.

However when people say Linux they usually mean the full OS with the GNU utilities and all the other things that make up a Linux distro.

In that sense, Android is not Linux as pretty much everything other than the kernel is built specifically for android.


And even the kernel itself is a fork of an ancient version with shitloads of changes to it, plus a bunch of proprietary blobs.


I just use foldable phones now. The outer screen width of a Galaxy Fold is the same as an Xperia Z3 Compact and when I use the phone two handed I get the benefit of having a big-ass screen. You just get used to the weight after a while.

Ilandar, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

Okay but I’d rather hear this from someone who is actually using a 5+ year old phone, not a guy who has a 1 year old work phone that he “plans” to keep for an undefined amount of time. Everyone says this and then they break it and decide the cost of a repair isn’t worth it, or just cave to the first trade in deal they receive in their inbox. There is a lot of virtue signalling about e-waste and the environment from these tech reviewers and influencers on YouTube but very few of them actually follow their own guidelines.


I don’t see any reason to upgrade my S10

dingus, (edited )

My anecdote…I used my last phone until it died. It was around 4 years old and the eMMC storage failed from age, making the device a suddenly totally unusable brick. Before then, it had gotten very slow and laggy over time and the battery life degraded to be pretty sucky…barely surviving the workday on standby in my pocket.

From my experience, I don’t know that I would necessarily advise using a device for that long. The battery just gets too shitty and its sudden death made it a bit of a scramble to buy a new phone. Granted, my previous phone was fairly low end, but even with a high end device, batteries degrade to almost unusable levels after a few years. I know it sucks for the environment, but it seems like less of a headache to keep a phone for only like 2-3ish years and then upgrade it while it’s still working as opposed to waiting for it to irreparably bork itself.

Edit: If you’re able to do a battery replacement, I will say that it does change the conversation somewhat. But long gone are the days of easily user serviceable battery replacements for most phones. Yes, there are obscure phones out there that make it easier to swap out the battery, but these phones aren’t exactly prominent.

captain_aggravated, avatar

I have a Galaxy S10e, purchased the day it launched, 6 March 2019. Today, March 25 2024, it is 5 years old.

My phone is in good physical shape and running fine. The battery isn’t quite what it used to be, but it loads web pages and apps well, the UI is responsive, I look at new phones and there’s not a single thing there I want. When my previous phone, an S4 Mini, was this old (yes I had an S4 Mini in service for 5 years) it was getting kind of slow, there were apps in the app store that wouldn’t run, I had replaced the battery…I still wasn’t really looking forward to upgrading. My S10e is…fine. If it kept getting updates, I’d gladly keep it in service.

What’s more, I look out at what they’re advertising on phones now and I’m like “don’t need that. Actively don’t want that. Want to not have that. Okay the anti-glare coating would be nice. Don’t need AI. Don’t need titanium. I don’t game on my phone…”


What’s more, I look out at what they’re advertising on phones now and I’m like “don’t need that. Actively don’t want that. Want to not have that. Okay the anti-glare coating would be nice. Don’t need AI. Don’t need titanium. I don’t game on my phone…”

Yeah I know what you mean. Somewhere in that 2017/18/19 period phones suddenly began losing a lot of what I would consider important features like the option for a truly small size, headphone jacks, SD card slots and 16:9, uninterrupted displays and I don’t feel like any of the improvements since have justified that. I think the only thing that may force me to switch permanently to a newer device is if the 3G shutdown in Australia renders my older phones unusable. At the moment I’m using an XZ1 Compact and it’s still enjoyable to use because it nails so many of those features that I just can’t get in a newer device. I bought a secondhand razr 2023 at the start of the year but found I just preferred using older phones.


Are you really getting updates though? Samsung latest phones are expected to be getting updates for 7 years but as far as I know the s10 range isn’t officially supported anymore. Samsung don’t need to provide security updates to your phone anymore. I think the last one was Q4 of 2023 and it made the news because it was unexpected.


The S10e does have good custom ROM support so perhaps that’s how they’re getting Android updates.


Snapdragon :(


I have a Redmi Note 8, i think. It’s att least 5 years old, maybe 6. I have no reason to change it.


Yesterday I returned to redmi 4x after mi11 lite’s quality had been proven (motherboard issues, modem) plus my “professional” repairs not working well. It is somehow working very well. Xiaomi phones until 9-10th series were great.

Crackhappy, avatar

I’ve still got my pixel 4a and it works fine. I won’t change it until it breaks.


It’s all about the idea. Even if the guy is not following through with his plan, a couple of the viewers might do so, marking it a success.


I bought my LG V30 July 30, 2018. Still using it. The battery is of course not awesome but I’m not really a hard user so I get by. I installed a custom ROM around 2020. I’m on Lineage os 21 now. It’s perfectly fine. I guess I’ll upgrade somewhere this year cause the back cover seems to be coming off. I’m in no hurry though.


I mean, makes sense that people would rather get a new phone that costs the same as a repair.

That said, had been using a S5 myself for five years before the phone died. As I ain’t that big on mobile gaming (and the ones I play don’t demand much), the phone did all I needed to. Currently using a S10+, because that’s the last Galaxy S model with both headphones and SD support.


I’ve got a friend whose earpiece on their iPhone stopped working. They could repair it, or upgrade for basically the same price. Their iPhone is a few years old at this point (3 years I think, maybe older), which is crazy to me. But it’s true. When something breaks the cost of replacement is often on par with the cost of repair for small tech like phones. Th system is basically rigged to make you upgrade. Also, with a work phone, the upgrade schedule isn’t up to him. It’s up to the IT department and the corporate office. They may decide to buy new phones next year or something.

Zoomboingding, avatar

Using a pixel 4a still. OS is unsupported and battery life has gone down the drain. I’m holding out for the Pixel 8a because Google has pledged 8 years of support. I really wish decent phones came in sub-6.1" size, but days just what I’m working with. Losing the headphone jack will suck.

LordCrom, (edited )

I’m rocking pixel 3.


I’ve upgraded to Pixel 7 last year to run GrapheneOS. Honestly it was a very underwhelming upgrade. My 2019 Oneplus 7T is still kicking running LineageOS, could go back any second and not notice.


I’m still rocking a Galaxy S9+ with no intent of upgrading. I don’t even know what phone I would go with if I did need another.


I sadly became one of those people last year. I had every intention of keeping my Pixel 5A for a long time but when faced with a $250 repair bill I bought a used pixel 6 for $240 instead of fixing it. I do regret it because the battery life and antenna on the 6 is awful compared to the 5a.

Metal_Zealot, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5] avatar

You’re already unpopular, Linus. You swept a workplace sexual harrassment scandal under the rug, were called out for your lack of proper testing, and your data is constantly incorrect.



It really seems like a lot of the anti-Linus crowd gives way more of a shit about it than the actual victim, which is about par for the course with anything involving LTT.

Wish people had the kind of energy for shitting on actual horrid companies that they do for this one.

Metal_Zealot, avatar

Wish Linus had the energy to be a less shitty person and NOT work his team at an unmanageable rate, and had a clear idea of what his company even is.

Btw, nice condoning sexual harassment by completely minimizing it.
“Linus isn’t a big company, so it shouldn’t matter as much”


fan0m, avatar


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  • DeepGradientAscent, avatar

    Judging by the fact that he only down voted you and posted no evidence, I’d say this “fuck-knuckle” is speculating.


    You're completely illiterate.

    Stop talking.


    Are you Linus or do you work there...


    DeepGradientAscent, (edited ) avatar

    You’re down-voted quite a bit, but I agree, and I’ll die on this hill with you.

    I noticed the decline in quality and usefulness of his videos for me, personally. I was very disappointed at the path he took when Gamers Nexus called him out for shitty testing.

    In the grand scheme of things, there’re way worse people and companies in the world, and I don’t think he should be cancelled after that fiasco.

    The vitriol against LTT is beyond ridiculous, and from what I’ve seen, there’s no substance in the alleged sexual harassment. I’m open to any links showing otherwise, but I’ve seen precisely zilch that’s concrete.

    He’s had some horrible takes and I don’t watch a lot of his videos anymore. But he and his employees are not the SS.

    fan0m, avatar


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  • Banzai51, avatar

    The improper testing has plenty of sources. They were trying to speed rush through testing and missed details.

    The sexual harassment doesn’t have hard sources. It got tossed in there as an afterthought as everyone dog piled him for being popular and the botched testing. No idea if it was really true or not.

    xep, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

    I'd like replaceable batteries to come back.


    Every single phone upgrade since 2012 was because the battery would get so bad, it lasts less than an hour.

    And before someone goes, “Ah try ifixit”, the cost of the replacement parts was as much or more than just getting another used phone from like swappa. I’ve done the financial math countless times.

    I miss buying batteries for like $20 and watching the phone become new again.


    Which phones are you buying that have batteries that cost hundreds of dollars? Every battery replacement I’ve ever done cost waaaaaay less than the cost of a replacement phone.


    Also replacement OEM batteries have always been stupid expensive. User replaceable or not. And 3rd party ones have always been garbage with very few exceptions (RIP zero lemon 10,000mah battery for my note 3).


    Getting genuine or similar peforming replacement batteries for cheap is sort of a gamble.


    Just buy batteries from aliexpress, ebay…


    I as well. At the very least, we need some fucking differences in the market. Every phone doesn’t have to be the same. Imagine the car market if all we could buy were Chrysler 300s. It looks sleek and nice but will crap out on you in a couple years and doesn’t really fit in well with your career as a general contractor. When it dies, you have to go buy another one and start the cycle over.


    My Fairphone does, and I have already purchased a batter for 35 euros, which I keep in my drawer. The phone is now just over 3 years old, probably in a year or so I will replace it. I am aiming for at least 6-7 years lifespan.

    zyratoxx, avatar

    That’s why I’m eyeing to get a Fairphone as soon as my current phone breaks

    rufus, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

    Yo, write better titles. I thought this was a video about how they didn’t want to upgrade to Android 15 or something. But it’s not. It’s just about not buying a new phone every two years 😆 In my opinion buying a new replacement isn’t ‘upgrading’.

    AnUnusualRelic, avatar

    You upgrade your phone when you can no longer use the previous one. What other reason would there be? They’re all the same anyway.


    10+ years ago, it was very common to get an upgrade to your phone ever two years (or less). And at the time, there was a lot more variability in phones. And I mean in more than just battery life, storage capacity, camera quality, processor, etc. There used to be a variety of form factors to consider, sizes, genuinely different features and functionalities. The iPhone came about in 2009, and other smart phones soon followed, but even then there were still phones with physical keyboards, digital keyboards with stylus typing, flip phones, etc. Once smart phones completely dominated the market and all the manufacturers started just copying each other’s features and designs, eventually we got to the status quo of today where they’re all essentially the same. The only major difference now is the OS, and that’s largely just down to iOS vs Android.


    That’s kind of the point. There was a time in the 2010s when each new device could do something that they couldn’t previously do. But it seems like the market has figured out what people want from their phones and that’s what they are getting now.

    Neato, avatar

    I’m still on 13 just because I didn’t see any point to upgrade.

    VeganCheesecake, avatar

    I mean, I don’t see the point in not upgrading when your device supports it. The interface pretty much stays the same at this point, and they usually do improve on security, and other background stuff.


    Buying a new replacement totally is upgrading though.

    That’s why it’s so rare to find phones with easily changeable batteries as most phones are like new if you just replace that.


    Personally, although the terms have become increasingly blurred over the years, I refer to changing to a new version of software (including an OS, and both ideally with some improvements) as updating it rather than upgrading.

    I reserve upgrade more for changes of hardware with some form of improvement over its predecessor. I’d suspect I may not be alone in this, but I dunno how common it may be. When switching to a mix of both, I simply say I’m getting a new [insert specific device depending on which].

    Although I’d hesitate to call many new phones an all-around upgrade when they’re either removing features (headphone jack/expandable storage) or getting more cumbersome to hold (can you even call some modern phones a handset anymore?).

    ComradeBunnie, avatar

    I agree with your terminology - updating is for often small incremental software patches.

    Upgrade would be a complete program overhaul, or more commonly in my use of it, a change to a newer, better physical product.

    Hugh_Jeggs, (edited ) to android in Rabbit: $30,000,000 AI Is Hiding a Scam

    Got an article instead of a bellend in a childish thumbnail?


    The video’s not that long and the thumbnail is fine, dude. The content is clear and uses Jesse Lyu’s own words, his own voice even, to spotlight how stupid this whole thing is.

    You mad your Rabbit purchase turned out to be shit or something? What’s your angle here?


    It’s 17 minutes long, and as the summary post above shows, it contains about two minutes worth of information

    I’m sorry to hear you have that much time to waste, I hope you find a job soon

    Also, I don’t own any vibrators


    17min really isn’t that much time and not every minute needs to be fully optimized. I mean, you found the time to bitch about a YouTuber not making an article which is far less time but infinitely more worthless.

    And yes, I do I hope I find a job soon. It’s rough out there.

    If you really want someone to make it easy for you, basically Lyu has made some absolutely bonkers promises under the old company name from making a carbon negative crypto-currency attached to real-world solar grids using NFTs as a sort of stock option all the way to promising that they’d invent an AI powered digital universe that would be so advanced that it would basically mirror real life. He said all that and declared not only a roughly two year timeline but also that ten years wouldn’t be necessary.

    And yet now he and his company can’t even produce this Rabbit thing in a way that can even barely function. Once again, tech bros are showing just how much “idea people” are kinda worthless when they have zero concept of how to execute literally anything with any depth. Venture Capitalists are also once again proving how stupid they are for believing this crap again.

    I’m not sure why the length of the video is upsetting you so much. I hope you find more time in your life for suboptimal things. Maybe you should by a vibrator and experience some pleasure.

    shoop, (edited )

    Hear that everyone? If you listen or watch something 17 minutes long, that means you are unemployed. Ever watch a TV show or a movie? You are now instantly unemployed, congratulations.


    Turns out I was right though 😂


    Coffeezilla is a bellend, eh? Which of your “finfluencers” did he expose and make you mad about?

    Voyajer, avatar

    You can always read the transcript


    Listened to the video when I was doing something else, apparently it’s based on two medium posts with a long description of that nft project

    Of course those two posts aren’t linked in the description


    I mean, this is just a flat out lie. Unless all of the media put out by the company is part of two medium posts? Was his correspondence with the CEO and company part of the medium posts? Don’t worry, your NFTs will be worth something any minute now.

    Mr_Blott, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

    Why I don’t watch YouTube videos -

    It’s 8 minutes long and contains less than a minute’s worth of information, and is a complete waste of time


    We’ll get an AI to caption and then summarise the transcript of the video that’s 8 mins long because the user (understandably) wanted to monetize the video.

    I wonder if this was Google’s plan all along …


    An AI that can turn YouTube videos into written articles? Take My Money! I have been wanting this for a long time, I far far prefer stuff in writing to videos, I dont take information from audio/video anything like as well


    I totally agree with you, I’d much rather read some bullet points then sit through a video.

    I think YouTube automatically generates transcripts already, and GPT can summarise text easily.

    AdmiralShat, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

    It seems like each new version of Android locks down the file system in some new way that breaks a core part of something I do, so I actively don’t want to upgrade.

    I can’t root my phone because I need my banking apps readily avaliable right now.

    viking, avatar

    That’s why I stick with Android 12, all my banking apps work just fine with magisk’s DenyList. Heard that’s getting tricky on 13 or 14.

    And I absolutely need root to add system-wide adblocking and security features like Ice Box and Storage Isolation.


    I must be very lucky, but I have never been annoyed at something that Google does since 2020 (the year I got an Android phone and started to root).

    Hail, AdAway and Swift Backup already improve my Android experience completely.


    This is why I’ve ended up keeping my Pixel 4 on Android 10. I’ve made backups and flashed the latest versions, only to come back because every time they’ve broken something I need the phone to do.

    It makes me glad that this is a secondary phone because I can happily keep it on this ancient version of Android and not give a shit about the security.


    I’m still bitter about USB mass storage being removed for only MTP. MTP sucks, any time I use it for more than a few small files it always ends up dying partway through.


    Yea, don’t waste time with MTP. It’s a hack to enable some access. It’s always been unstable.

    Use some kind of network sync tool instead. Syncthing, Resilio Sync, Foldersync, etc.

    Fake4000, to android in [MKBHD] Smartphone Awards 2023!

    I feel a repairability criteria needs to be added. We know the fair phone will top it always.


    pixel probably would be a runner up

    evo, to android in HTC One M8: The Android GOAT, 10 Years On!

    I don’t really get why the M8 is remembered so fondly but the M7 isn’t.

    Is it just that way more people bought the M8? The M7 was truly innovative and the M8 was only a small iteration on top.

    DynamoSunshirtSandals, avatar

    Plus the M7 had a nicer aluminum unibody. The M8 had plastic on the front. Still handsome, but not the same level of gorgeous macbook-style design the M7 had. Fuck, I’d rock an M7 today if they trimmed the glass bezel down, removed the hardware nav buttons, and tossed in some new hardware.


    Couldn’t agree more. I forgot to mention that the M7 also just looked better.


    The M7 had that camera problem didn’t it?


    Yup, think it was pretty common too. Mine had it, all the photos would come out purple.


    Maybe everything was just purple then.

    • ✔️ Feature
    • ❌ Bug

    I think so. My partner, a couple friends and I all had them and none of us had the issue though.


    Loved the phone. Hated the camera.


    I remember my m8 had so many problems in the first week I had to exchange. I hardly remember what that phone was like…

    helenslunch, to android in Best Mini Phones in 2024 | Top 12 Small-ish Mobiles Reviewed! - list in post avatar

    RIP small phones.

    MaXimus421, (edited ) avatar

    The market simply isn’t there to be a viable option to manufacture both size screens. Unfortunately, you’re the minority and your needs aren’t important enough to change their manufacturing process.

    It would require a lot to mass manufacture both sizes at the pace these factories pump these things out. It would effect their bottom line and there’s not enough ppl that want small phones to make it worth doing.

    I hate that for you and others. But it’s just how it goes.

    helenslunch, avatar

    Yes I am aware, thanks.

    warm, (edited ) to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

    I think he means normal sized phones, instead of the 'phablets' we are surrounded by now. I still think the ~6.1 inch screen is the perfect size.


    6.1” is too big. I miss the 4.7-5.1” range that they had on the iPhone Mini for example.




    Thats a small phone and I agree they are good too. But 6 is a good size imo, plenty of real estate and cant still be used with one hand.


    If you have big hands.


    Nah, I have average hand size and can use that size phone with one hand easily. Though I do prefer smaller phones in general and would rather see more choice in that space.


    Lol, I call BS.

    You clearly don’t have “average size hands” unless you’re excluding women from that calculus.

    Even then, an average man probably can’t use a 6" screen one handed. Why else do they ship with “one handed mode” on devices?


    Yeah average male hand sorry. Female hands is another reason we need small phones, that and the illegally small pocket sizes they have to put up with!

    I can use it one handed, its not the most comfortable thing for every task, but doable. I would not want a phone any larger though.

    EngineerGaming, avatar

    Pockets at least you can expand, I do it on all my clothing.


    I can only reach about 5" with the thumb, while holding the phone. But not the opposite edge. Average male hand.


    Yeah if you keep the same grip, if I change grip I can reach everywhere, though smaller would definitely be easier and more comfortable.


    I find for me it is half about the usability of thw phone one handed and the other half being pocketability. I don’t want to have to carry a man-purse just to be able to have my phone with me at all times. Front pocket of jeans is where i keep my phone and the pockets are not deep enough to contain the phone without pressing into my hips when i sit. Keeping the phone in the back pocket is just inviting theft.

    I just want another Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact with updated specifications.


    I can’t use a 6" screen one handed, I doubt most women (who are half the population) can either.

    Alonely0, avatar

    @BearOfaTime @warm at 6", even smaller hands like mine are able to reach within .5cm of the top of the screen. At that size, the weight distribution of the phone is what makes a difference in terms of manageability. For example, the weight distribution of the Pixel 6a (6.1") makes it a breeze to use with my right hand, but a tad more difficult with my left one. Using it in reverse (had to once) is impossible one-handed.


    Yeah, that size is certainly the limit for usability tbh. Its diminishing returns past that, I dont need a wider or longer phone, everything can be displayed perfectly on a 6 inch.


    HTC One dimensions: 146.4 x 70.6 x 9.4 mm

    S23 dimensions: 146.3 x 70.9 x 7.6 mm

    You don't account for the MUCH smaller bezels and the different aspect ratio. The phone size is very similar


    6 in phones are in no danger of disappearing though.

    budyn_smietankowy, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

    Aint that guy a shill?


    That was my first thought. Then the video starts with, we got these phones last summer and they are prototypes…well, I don’t think I have to hear anything else. Maybe his integrity issues stalled the release of the video. If that’s the case, just throw away the review and wait until you can do a production unit.


    Something like half the comments on that video are about his facial hair.


    He actually said that it was a late prototype, then went on to list the things fairphone said had changed between his unit and the final product.

    Then added that nothing he experienced should’ve been impacted by the slight changes they made.


    Shill for what?

    Got a followup?


    Didn't think so.


    Got a followup?


    Didn't think so.

    Were you expecting a reply while you typed the comment?


    Clearly fucking not.


    You seem happy.


    You seem like you have nothing to contribute but still feel the need to open your mouth.

    You work in HR, don't you?


    Hey everyone check out Mr last word over here.


    Hey everyone, check out the guy that thinks it's clever to go "LOL U GONNA RESPOND TO THIS."

    Next post is probably "LOL I LIVE RENT FREE IN UR HED"

    So I downgrade my HR assertion and now assume you're an Astros fan.


    Got a followup?


    Didn’t think so.

    Hey everyone, check out the guy that thinks it’s clever to go “LOL U GONNA RESPOND TO THIS.”

    You feeling alright?


    Be more literate. Learn the difference between a question and a statement and how these things change circumstances.

    Also go away. You're boring.


    You seem troubled, everything ok at home? Struggling with anything. If you need to talk dude I’m around. The way you are acting and responding to people is not a normal emotional response. If ya need to chat hit up my dms, don’t suffer alone.


    Shut the fuck up and fuck a goat while you're at it.


    You seem worked up. I’ll leave you be. Reach out to someone. You don’t sound well, take that first step to get help. I wish you well on your journey and I hope you find the peace you so obviously need.


    Reach out to your own ballsack or coochflaps and slap it/them really fucking hard.

    DaGeek247, avatar

    Linus is many things, but I never saw him "shill" for anything that wasn't clearly labeled as such.

    Swarfega, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

    MKBHD’s video titles are so click baity now


    It’s annoying but I get it. If you want to make it or stay big on YT you gotta play the game, and the majority of people eat up click-baity titles and obnoxious thumbnails.


    I don’t disagree but it’s still a shame to see a well established channel needing to go to such lows.



    shortwavesurfer, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

    I upgrade less than I used to, and I only do mid-range devices now, like the Pixel A series or Motorola G series. That kind of bracket. I’m just going to install Lineage OS on it anyway and it works fine so why pay more when I don’t need that.


    You can just buy a used phone too. An older pro is going to be better than the new A. Same price too.


    But worse battery life.

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