cato, avatar

I got two new displays today!

cato, avatar

Funnily enough, back in 2013, I came across a geocache in Kassel that had an LED platform display mounted to a lamp post on a sidewalk. When you came close, it showed you the coordinates for the next stage. I have now learned that this was actually right next to SaF's (the manufacturer) premises - hence why there was just a random display mounted there - and the geocache owners got them to collaborate. And now, I finally have a display made by SaF myself. Too bad they're bankrupt now.

steely_glint, avatar

@cato This has triggered major nostalgia over here.
One of my earliest projects was an info screen in a Jeweller's window. (1984 at a guess).

I'm tempted to go and try and find the source code on 40 year old 3.5 inch floppies.

UCSD system pascal on an 8086 + z80 assembler on a custom display driver + 3 displays. The rest is a bit misty - although I think we snatched the fonts from the computer's VGA display and sent the bitmaps over serial to the z80 at boot time.

cato, avatar

@steely_glint that sounds like a nice project! What kind of display was it?

steely_glint, avatar

@cato I'm struggling to remember - 3x Amber phosphor CRT's I think - I remember them being insistent on the amber colour.

The hardware was a set of memory mapped video cards with a controlling z80 and 3 external keypads.

It was fun and ran for several years.

cato, avatar

@steely_glint sounds really cool. Would love to see it, but I don't think you'll have any pictures probably.
What were the keypads used for?

steely_glint, avatar

@cato Each item of jewellery in the window was tagged with a 4 digit code.

Users outside the shop could key a code in on a keypad to get a short description and price in one of 3 languages.

I should have a photo somewhere....

cato, avatar

@steely_glint ohhhh awesome!!

cato, avatar
cato, avatar

The main control board here is a delight. It's nicely labelled and shows that it supports several communication interfaces, including RS-232, RS-485 2-wire and 4-wire, IBIS and Ethernet. It also explains some DIP switch settings. There's also an EEPROMS labelled "Config" and four EEPROMs labelled "Fonts", even named F1 through F4. That's cute :3

cato, avatar

Turning it on, it shows some diagnostic data. This tells me the following:

  • The settings of the 8 DIP switches
  • The serial interface configuration (very good)
  • The temperature (23°C)
  • Some "LCD" information? Not sure what that has to do with an LED display
  • The available fonts (it cycles through them all)
  • Not sure what EVG is (in an LCD display I'd say it's the status of the backlight ballast, but here, no clue)
  • Status of the surge protection device in the mains power path
cato, avatar
  • Some configuration options maybe?
  • More info I can't quite place.

The back side just shows the bottom half of the rectangular frame around the display, so it seems to be mapped in two horizontal halves.

cato, avatar

Ah! CCL seems to be the brightness levels as measured by the front and back sensor, branding from 0 to 255. 10V seems to be the brightness level of the display, also 0 to 255!

cato, avatar

There's another test mode here, where it just shows checkerboard patterns decreasing in size :D

Orange LED display showing alternating checkerboard patterns that become gradually finer


@cato you wouldn't run Bad Apple on your new display...

cato, avatar

@garfieldairlines once I get there :3

cato, avatar

According to the "Config" EEPROM dump, this thing is called "compact class ZZA", ZZA meaning Zugzielanzeiger (train destination display) in German. They also left a Hello world in there. :D

The fonts are variants of a font called HLB_10, which makes me wonder if they were designed to be used by the Hessische Landesbahn (HLB) train operator...

cato, avatar

As expected, the font EEPROM dumps clearly show that the font image data is just uncompressed pixels.

cato, avatar

Interesting - the LED modules in this display aren't actually made by SaF themselves. They're off the shelf LUM-512H modules by Rohm Semiconductor. Never seen that before!

cato, avatar

Strange - if I press the reset button on the controller, it shows the Hello world message for a few seconds. That doesn't happen on a power cycle.

cato, avatar

Giving up for now since I have no lead on how to find info about the communication protocol. I could always reverse engineer the protocol between main controller and LED row controllers, or even control the LED modules directly, but that's for another day.

cato, avatar

Turns out that bundled with the LED display was another test setup. It seems to be a similar setup to the LCD board, but with just one 8-character LCD and an Ethernet-serial converter (?) attached to it. Curiously, the serial connection is paralleled to the LED display, even though that has an Ethernet cable going into it. I guess it was just a shared data connection for testing.

cato, avatar

After replacing a blown fuse, it works, but clearly the firmware on that is not the correct one. It seems to be designed for a different display, that's why it shows garbled pixel data.

cato, avatar

The alternative firmware I have sadly also doesn't work correctly. But anyway, the included serial converter seems to be sending data. Maybe this can help me figure out the protocol...

cato, avatar

Let's look inside the LCD one first. Some loose parts that I can't see missing anywhere, as well as an entire EPROM that's just loose in there. The display sat out in the rain for some time, luckily upside down, so there's not much damage. It's smelly though...

cato, avatar

The individual LCD modules are clicked into place, really nicely done. They even put their logo into the mold, where it's not even visible normally.

Backside of LCD module, showing the two 10-pin connectors
Detail of the front lower left corner of the module, showing the logo "SaF Kassel"

cato, avatar

The loose EPROM might be a spare or alternative firmware. The label says "LCC500 2cm", the same as the EPROM in the lower of a stack of two control boards. The upper one has an EPROM with a label "LCC517a" in that spot.

cato, avatar

The display curiously has this board, which has a potentiometer on it. On the front side, there's a small hole that allows access to this potentiometer. I wonder what that's for - I could see it being the brightness adjustment for the backlight, or the contrast adjustment for the LCDs!

cato, avatar

Sadly, I'll have to stop now, I gotta get up early tomorrow. I probably won't have much time for the displays until next year, so stay tuned!

cato, avatar

Back to the displays! I am taking a closer look at the LCD one now. Since there are several loose cables that don't seem to have a place, some connectors and a lose EPROM in there, I really think that this display was a kind of testing environment for the manufacturer. This would also align with the story told by the seller, who said it was from a liquidation. So it would make sense that this was on their premises.

cato, avatar

I dumped some ROMs and found strings hinting at the Darmstadt transportation authority (HEAG) in there, as well as... the Vienna stock exchange? Really seems like they just took some firmwares they had laying around and threw them on there for testing.

cato, avatar

There's two of both control boards inside, which is odd. One of them is connected to nothing but one of the loose cables.

cato, avatar

The lower of the two boards (the one not connected to anything) has the "LCC500" firmware on the EPROM (with Vienna stock exchange references) and has this jumper in the IC socket. The upper control board (which was fully connected) had the "LCC517a" firmware (with HEAG references). The lose EPROM was a second LCC500. Seems like they added the upper control board later and then updated the firmware at some point...

cato, avatar

The other two boards that are present twice seem to both be used. Seems like some sort of expander / distribution board.

cato, avatar

Hypothesis time! So the left of the two big boards is going to be the main controller. It has two 10-pin ribbon cables going out at the bottom as well as two 4-pin ones. These are probably the data for two rows of LCD modules (the 10-pin ones) as well as their respective alternating blinkers (the 4-pin ones).
There's also a 10-pin ribbon cable at the top, which goes to a third board which I haven't had a closer look at yet, but it looks like the power supply and backlight brightness controller.

cato, avatar

The main controller also has a 6-pin ribbon cable which goes to a DE-9 connector and connects to an RS-232 transceiver on the board, so that's our main communication interface. Then there's also the 20-pin ribbon cable at the top left of the main controller, which goes to the bottom expander board on the right.

cato, avatar

This has four more pairs of 10 and 4 pin ribbon cables, as well as another 20-pin output, which goes to the top expander board (not shown here), which in turn has two more sets of 10/4 pin cables. In total, this gives us 8 pairs of 10/4 pin cables, which is exactly what we can see in the 8 rows of LCDs.

cato, avatar

So this is the power supply unit. The orange twisted pair goes outside and is just cut off there. Not sure what that was for. It also seems like there used to be an additional board on top judging by the plastic spacers. It also has plastic spacers at the bottom, in the holes where the metal pegs in the case would normally go. I'm just going to remove those and mount it as intended.

cato, avatar
cato, avatar

They really put a bare steel wire in there to keep the front from opening too far. It could easily short some of the display connections or even the lamp sockets...

cato, avatar

Found the test mode switch :D

cato, avatar

Some characters look strange. Not sure if that might be some corruption in the font data in the EPROM. V and Y look almost identical lol

cato, avatar
elmo, avatar

@cato This could be a shot from a Posy video 😄 Love it

cato, avatar

@elmo omg thank you! I had Posy in mind when filming, nice that it evoked that feeling for you :D

ls, avatar

@cato Krass, aus wie vielen Segmenten die Zeichen zusammengesetzt werden und die auch noch speziell auf den Zeichensatz zugeschnitten sind.

cato, avatar

@ls Ja, es gibt diese Mosaik-LCDs in verschiedenen Abstufungen, von grob bis fein :D

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