nileane, avatar

Huge yikes.

Kagi is now partnering with Brave to power its search results — and they seem to be dismissing their users’ concerns regarding this partnership with a company that’s notorious for being led by a proud anti gay rights supporter.

Just as I’ve consistently advised against using Brave’s products, I now advise against using Kagi as long as it contributes to a homophobic business.

There can be no neutral politics when it comes to people’s rights and lives.

Hoss, avatar

You will never be a woman. Ever. LMAO.

Hoss, avatar

Checked to make sure this tranny's instance didn't block mine so I know he'll see that his seething just made Kagi another sale. That makes at least two.

mint, avatar

@nileane I wonder if you disable javascript in your browser.

Hoss, avatar

He's macfag, you know he doesn't.

mischievoustomato, avatar

unless youre a sperg, why would you do it?

narada, avatar

I don't generally disable it across the browser, but uBlock Origin does it on a site by site basis which I do whenever I get one of those popups asking me to sign up for their email newsletter or whatever. Those sites instantly lose JavaScript privileges

mischievoustomato, avatar

i just close the popups

narada, avatar

Speak of the devil...

binkle, avatar

@narada @nileane @mischievoustomato @mint @Hoss "We Can't Compete With AI Girlfriends" is the most spiritually bereft headline I've seen in a long time :niggaabyss:

mischievoustomato, avatar

this is like the abyss looking back at you, but it doesnt just horrify you, it also laughs at you quite heartily

Sui, avatar

Based, hadn't heard of kagi before but I'll go check it out thanks!

Tony, avatar

I know, glad to help out companies I believe in

Sui, avatar

>There can be no neutral politics when it comes to people’s rights and lives.
So true! We tried to just let trannies do their own thing, and then they beat up women and raped kids whilst asserting that's what it means for them "to exist". Total Troon Death!

Hoss, avatar

The most valuable lesson trannies ever taught me.

Tony, avatar

I honestly didn’t care until this was a thing:

These people don’t deserve rights

Hoss, avatar

At one point I thought I had an abundance of tolerance, but I clearly underestimated the gluttony of those that would demand it from me.

Sui, avatar

Yep, I viewed them as just unwilling sufferers of a mental disorder. I even felt pity.

Then I got told that it's not a mental disorder.

... Then I saw people choose to self diagnose it...

..... Then I saw pedophiles and other rapists being defended for it...

........ Then I was told that not supporting lesbians being raped by men in skirts was transphobic.

So now I'm a transphobe with a brand new woodchipper.

Jonaschuzzlewit, avatar

Thanks for the tip I will be sure to check out Kagi they sound excellent if they are anti Troon child rapist faggots

Tony, avatar

please remember though, just because they visited the confirmed child rapist island 27 times, does not mean anything happened. they just wanted to use a rich guys plane

Jonaschuzzlewit, avatar

Main question is not did they fuck children or tolerate the fucking of children to attend a free resort but rather are they anti Hamas

Hoss, avatar

>Don't you know there's a war going on in Israel, goy? Is this really the time to talk about my serial rape of child sex slaves?

Jonaschuzzlewit, avatar

Yes sir Mr dershowitz please don't foreclose on my house

burner, avatar
Hoss, avatar

Get your rape on!

burner, avatar
Hoss, avatar

When Jaden coined that iconic catchphrase it was actually in reference to his affinity for violating the official rules of the Yugioh card game.

burner, avatar

@Hoss @Tony @Sui @Jonaschuzzlewit @conspiracy @nileane @rapist honestly, if my opponent pulled up with a neo space deck I'd let him cheat out of respect. Takes them life to summon some Neos fusion you've never seen before with 2600 attack that destroys one face up trap card then loses them the duel

Hoss, avatar

>destroys one face up trap card then loses them the duel
>sigma male phonk mix playing at max on his phone speaker the entire game

burner, avatar
Hoss, avatar

If your next opponent in the tournament rolls up blasting this you might as well surrender. The Heart of the Cards is about to make you its fucking bitch.

burner, avatar

@Hoss @Tony @Sui @Jonaschuzzlewit @conspiracy @nileane @rapist he'll be wearing a yugi wig (probably closer to a prosthetic than a wig) and cheating just like the real yugi

Hoss, avatar

The rules are whatever the fuck you want when you cosplay as Yugi, it's in the official tournament rulebook. Makes soy judges seethe every time.

rlier23, avatar

@Hoss @Tony @Sui @nileane You fell for the same trap 80% of us did

Can hardly blame ya

ChristiJunior, avatar

@rlier23 @Hoss @Sui @Tony @nileane I'm not even really a fascist, but I'll support whoever will do the most thorough job of eradicating the leftists and their pests, be it a lolbert like Milei or Super Hitler.

marine, avatar

@ChristiJunior @Tony @Sui @rlier23 @nileane @Hoss who tf is 'super hitler'

is he like hitler but a mecha or some shit??

nileane, avatar

What a disappointment.

I was genuinely enthusiastic about Kagi. I've been using the service for about a month, and I would have gladly continued my subscription for what I thought was a great product.

But there's no way I'm letting any more of my money go to them if they're perfectly aware that there's a chance it could end up in the accounts of those who actively fight to have me stripped of my rights.

nileane, avatar

Here’s a couple of screenshots from the forum thread since it seems to be down at the moment.

1st screenshot is the initial post from a user expressing their concerns.

2nd and 3rd screenshots are responses from the Kagi team.

Response from Vlad (Kagi team): “It is easy to get distracted. Google, Microsoft, Mojeek and Yandex all may not align with our mission to humanize the web in their current form. And some of these companies (may have) had far more shadier practices, depending on your point of view. But now by using their technolgy, they are contributing to our mission. By using their technology, we do not need to necessarly align with their business practices, leadership or mission. If someone does not agree with their government, that does not mean they should not be using the roads and other infrastructure of their country. If on the other hand we worried about all these things like it is suggested here, Kagi would not be possible. And what about Javascript? Should everyone stop using it completely because it was invented by the very same person they may not like on a personal level? Clearly these are arguments that go nowhere and benefit nobody. We are staying focused on being in the business of providing best search in the world and showing that a paid business model is the only sane way of doing this. Happy New Year!”
One other response from the Kagi team (Vlad): “Our goal is to provide best web results in the world. That means including as many sources of search results. By including results from Brave API, we add more results to our pool, and we put users ahead of money because this costs us additional money to provide. We do it anyway as we believe that Kagi users deserve to have the best search results in the world, from a wide range of diverse sources. This ensures that if you can not find something on Kagi, you can not find it anywhere else. We evaluate APls only on the basis of merit in the context of providing superior search engine results. Considering company x founder political views is not a factor in this evaluation. We are primarly in the business of search and we'd like to stay focused on that.”

nileane, avatar

After exchanging a few DMs with Kagi founder Vladimir Prelovac tonight, it seems that they are not going to change or evolve their stance on this matter anytime soon. Welp.

niavy, avatar

Have you thought about @Zaclys a French CHATON offering a fully customizable search engine for free ?
AFAIK it is based on SearXNG (or something similar, I may have messed up some letters 😅)

CyberSaloperie, avatar

@niavy please consider putting unsolicited advices under unsolicited advice CW

niavy, avatar

Please remove the rafter of your eye prior to asking me to remove the straw in mine. You should have CWed you unsollicited remark.

Now if this bothers you please consider masking or blocking my account.

PurpCat, avatar
niavy, avatar

So what?

18+ PurpCat, avatar

@niavy @CyberSaloperie do the thug shaker


sunmcnukes, avatar


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  • burner, avatar


    Hoss, avatar

    >Sure Google may be literally the antichrist in corporate form that threatens to enslave us all, but Brendan Eich donated to a charity that was against fag marriage like ten years ago. An unforgivable crime.


    Also sure the crypto functionality in Brave is optional and easy to turn off with a click, but even trying to do something with crypto in your business is a zero tolerance offence for some reason

    Moon, avatar

    @olmitch @Hoss @burner @nileane @sunmcnukes I think they are de-emphasizing their own token even as they are making the crypto wallet integration more up-front.


    What makes you think that? Brave Rewards is available by default when you install Brave still

    Moon, avatar

    @olmitch @Hoss @burner @nileane @sunmcnukes does anybody use it anymore

    I used to get payouts


    @Moon @nileane @burner @sunmcnukes @Hoss @olmitch i though brave got in trouble because they were doing shady shit with that


    People think doing anything at all with tokens is shady The government wants them to be regulated like securities. It's all just about taxes

    Moon, avatar

    @olmitch @tiskaan @nileane @burner @sunmcnukes @Hoss there are tokens that have tried to comply with government regulations and the government just jerks them around and then threatens them with criminal charges for not complying with impossible compliance.

    Moon, avatar

    @olmitch @Hoss @burner @nileane @sunmcnukes @tiskaan that said for every honest token there's a hundred dishonest ones.


    Are Starbucks gift cards securities? How about Robux? Animal Crossing Turnips?

    graf, avatar

    @Moon @nileane @burner @sunmcnukes @Hoss @olmitch yeah we used to get over 120$/mo from it. it literally paid for our CDN at that time. now this is what we get

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