graf, avatar

well, well. we made it friends. through thick and thin and against a lot of people's wishes Poast is officially 3 years old.

what started out as a shitty mastodon server we somehow managed to convince 2000 people from twitter to join in the span of only a few hours on January 13, 2021 to over 30,000 strong today.

in three short years we managed to best every single challenge and hurdle thrown at us from brainlet dramanigger accusations to 0day exploits, news hit pieces and financial struggles we made it through all of it.

we are thankful that you have all stuck around despite everything, growing pains and all and we look forward to many more years here with you.

🎂🎈 god bless you poast and thank you for everything 🎈🎉

if you like what we do and you want to see poast stick around, consider becoming a patron or making a one off donation

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GLR, avatar


I made this edit just now, had to make some changes "voice, speed & cuts" but i think it came out pretty good.


graf, avatar

@GLR thanks friend we will be on vc vibing and hanging out later. thats our birthday plans for tonight

mischievoustomato, avatar

it's been an interesting ride

graf, avatar

@mischievoustomato glad you’re still with us friend

mischievoustomato, avatar

i remember feb/january of 2020 at poast, then 3 years later im here on my own instance and even have a matrix too. woweeee

graf, avatar

@mischievoustomato newfags don’t remember when i altered mastodon locales to display “username wafted your toot” for reposts and it shows

Kookee2k2, avatar

@graf I'm realizing that I need 'the snow tires installed'

So I'll see what I can do this pay period.

graf, avatar

@Kookee2k2 don’t worry about us friend take care of yourself

greyfox46, avatar

@graf Hell yeah good work graf thanks for all the work you put in.

graf, avatar

@greyfox46 you know, people have given/mailed me fumos and not one single cirno. not even australian cirno

greyfox46, avatar

@graf would kill for a cirno but she’s the platinum of fumo’s but I’m happy with a Marisa.

graf, avatar

@greyfox46 i have a marissa and a riamu. even have a sothis plush i call the graf fumo

greyfox46, avatar

@graf Nice

graf, avatar

@greyfox46 reisen udongein inaba, forgot her. whoops
i also have moomin :moominwave:


@graf @greyfox46 I did not remember that you got the Riamu fumo, make sure to cheers it today.

graf, avatar

@Riamu @greyfox46 i typed reimu but my phone auto corrected it because i say riamu more bc of you sorry

incognitum, avatar
graf, avatar

@graf I shall give you my shiniest animal in celebration. Stop me if you've seen this one before


marlin, avatar

@Tepid_Tapir @graf That's an African wild dog lab mix.

graf, avatar

@marlin @Tepid_Tapir i told my gf it looked like a dog running under trees on a sunny day

marlin, avatar

@graf @Tepid_Tapir I went looking for whether such a mix is possible but got this instead.

graf, avatar

@marlin @Tepid_Tapir >shitbull
my gf text me this image earlier, you might enjoy it

Hoss, avatar

Tricking elfsexuals into believing you're a real elf so they'll bang you is rape by deception.


I'm morally opposed to most forms of voluntary surgery


tell us more about how drug resistant bacteria is a huge problem and we need to be careful

graf, avatar

@olmitch @Tepid_Tapir @marlin @Hoss drug resistant viruses are worse i think
like super aids 2


graf gave me super monkey pox at coachela

graf, avatar

@olmitch @Tepid_Tapir @marlin @Hoss b-but you signed an NDA :huhcat:

Barbecued_Lemons, avatar

@graf @marlin @Tepid_Tapir Frieren would kill pitbulls on sight I think

GrungeQueef, avatar

@Barbecued_Lemons @graf @marlin @Tepid_Tapir Frieren would kill these faggots from Brooklyn on sight I hope

graf, avatar

@GrungeQueef @Barbecued_Lemons @marlin @Tepid_Tapir lol did you seriously generate a sailor moon guy with AI thats so funny

I just settled on sailor moon for my avi (and the birthday image) because it was the best example of 90s anime i could get novel ai to make and tbh sothis cute in sailor moon cosplay

GrungeQueef, avatar

@graf @Barbecued_Lemons @marlin @Tepid_Tapir this is real from some hard drive i found where a guy backed up shit from 2012 tumblr and this was on it

TalmudTranslator, avatar

@GrungeQueef @graf @Barbecued_Lemons @marlin @Tepid_Tapir If that is real then it was taken in some sort of genetic testing location judging by the barbers fucked up thumbs and their zero pores on their faces.

graf, avatar

@TalmudTranslator @GrungeQueef @Barbecued_Lemons @marlin @Tepid_Tapir you've never seen poreless homos before? they use that baby foreskin cream

graf, avatar

@Barbecued_Lemons @marlin @Tepid_Tapir these girls could never fill her shoes or i guess ears in this case

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