Omega_Variant, avatar
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Omega_Variant, avatar

Got it, just took forever to load

tyler, avatar

Sorry, I'll investigate that

Omega_Variant, avatar

It's my phone, some reason it loads stupidly slow while on network lately even with 5G

tyler, avatar

No even here on the LAN it took like 5 seconds.

graf, avatar

@tyler @Omega_Variant increase php ram, enabled memcached

jill, avatar

...on title alone, I won't watch...your insight is appreciated... 🙏

Omega_Variant, avatar

Simply put he explains how the White Europeans and thereby Americans are the Israelites.

jill, avatar you approve of his message & think it wise that I listen?

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@jill @Omega_Variant Xeno believe a lot of this stuff idk myself but I do give it thought as a few of my friends believe it

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@jill @Omega_Variant If you want to know about British israelism ask @Xenophon he knows about that stuff

Xenophon, avatar

british israelism has it wrong in that (i'm generalizing here) they think it's basically the brits and the jews, but it's really the entire White race.

But I'm sure it's a cohencidence that the Welsh name for themselves is the name the Assyrians called the northern tribes 🤷 A sound literally found nowhere else.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Xenophon @Omega_Variant @jill >but it's really the entire White race.

So just the English not Brits in general then

Xenophon, avatar

No wogs allowed :check_green:

Humpleupagus, avatar

The welsh are spaniards.

Xenophon, avatar

This would be correct. Or at least the original Spanish. Iberia is named after Israel, as is Ireland (Hibernia). They were Phoenicians who sailed from the land of Asher.

Humpleupagus, avatar

Is there any relationship to the baltics? I can't help but notice that some people from that region have similar skin tone, skin texture, and hairline as the welsh, though you have to look past the fact that some great^x grandmother got dicked by a chink.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Humpleupagus @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @jill Yes muting this thread as Humps can't help but speak about niggers

Humpleupagus, avatar

Lies. I never once mentioned you. 🙄

koropokkur, avatar

in hindsight, East India Trade Corp was the worst ever.
got mutts and streetshitters running the UK, innit!

Xenophon, avatar

every interaction Whites had with non Whites that didn't involve murdering them was a bad one. Fucking hornt Spaniards made a billion yellow mutts

Humpleupagus, avatar

That's why I married my wife. 😏

n3f_X, avatar
BowsacNoodle, avatar
n3f_X, avatar

it is infact confirmed

Humpleupagus, avatar

I'm not buying it. Dan's not into women. 🙄

Jonaschuzzlewit, avatar

Not buying it. Dan has to swat ladies off because they are after his lucky charms. He would never promise them a pot of gold

Humpleupagus, avatar

The only thing Dan has is a pot of dicks, and it farts when they pull out. 😩

n3f_X, avatar

slavs are kinda diverse bc of old conquests


Xenophon, avatar

you have to view it as the same people over a long period of time rather than different people, as most historians want to. Were the colonists in the 1800s the same as the colonists in the 1600s? Of course, just 200 years apart.

The Saxons were Sakae, or Scythians, The Goths Galatians, yet they were all originally the same people 🤷 Changes in the modern baltic have a lot to do with Islam.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Xenophon @Humpleupagus @Omega_Variant @jill Clearly, we share some common Ancestors but you can tell a difference between the likes of Slav with that Lister shaped dome and the gross Celts by their red hair and brown skin and say the English with their good looks

Xenophon, avatar

well even if you reject my message, it'd be silly to argue that all Whites aren't related at some point in the past. Hence the yamnaya. To think there were just different races among Whites, like we all evolved separately, is pretty retarded imo. And even in a subspecies, there is still a ton of genetic variance in terms of traits, looks, bone structure, etc. I'm talking to my 2 short kings here 😏

Xenophon, avatar

That is to say, if you go back far enough, Dan and Jeanburg share a father

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Xenophon @Humpleupagus @Omega_Variant @jill You go to far this time Xeno 😡

Xenophon, avatar

It was a long time ago, before his side of the tree had sex with niggers

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Xenophon @Humpleupagus @Omega_Variant @jill I warn you he will turn up in a minute speak of Wog and one shall appear

Xenophon, avatar

It's like saying candyman

Humpleupagus, avatar

Jeanberg is ironically less jewish than Dan. 😏

Xenophon, avatar

you're just mad because Dan is slightly taller than you when he wears his lifted steel toes

Humpleupagus, avatar

They're only lifted in the heel. What a fag.

Xenophon, avatar
Doll, avatar

We curbstomping some bitches?

Xenophon, avatar

Dan wears those when he listens to your darksynth, innit

Doll, avatar
Xenophon, avatar

is this you and @Sui in the video?

Doll, avatar

No. We were past the dancing under overpasses stage before we met.

Sui, avatar

Speak for yourself, innit

n3f_X, avatar

lol this is you


Doll, avatar

Did you just accuse Sui of being Rod Stewart?

Also, Sui just said 'who the fuck is Rod Stewart?'

Humpleupagus, avatar

The last guy I accused of being Rod Stewart cried. True story.

Sui, avatar

Was it during a court case, he start crywanking when he realized his lawyer was just trolling his ass to kill time?

Humpleupagus, avatar

No..... I have an aunt and uncle that are very wealthy local business owners. They own a massive estate on top of a hill here in town. When I was a kid, they'd throw a banger party once a year for my uncle's birthday at their house. Like hundreds of people would show up.

So I was at one of these parties. I was in my early twenties. I started drinking around 2pm. Around midnight, after most people had left, there were a few of us sitting around the island in the kitchen. By that time, I was pretty fucked up btw.

So there was this guy in his late 40s with a British accent, ripped jeans, driving gloves, and the Rod Stewart hair cut. Someone must have mentioned he looked like Rod Stewart, because somehow I got the idea that he was going to do Rod Stewart impression.

Anyway, I kept asking him when he was going to do the impression. When I did, he'd go into the bathroom, which convinced me, in my drunken state, that he was getting ready for the impression. So when he'd come out, I'd ask him when he was going to start. This went on for like an hour, until he broke down like a little bitch.

The irony is that I wasn't talking shit. I genuinely wanted to see the impression.

n3f_X, avatar

LOl u were sexually harassing em through the bathroom window asking em to sing maggie may while helicoptering

Humpleupagus, avatar

He had driving gloves, bro. You'd be doing the same shit.

Humpleupagus, avatar

Dan rn....

Alex_Fog, avatar

you married one tho 🧐

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Alex_Fog @Humpleupagus @Omega_Variant @Xenophon @jill Look I was trying to improve their race with my White Genetics so really you should all be thanking me for my service

Alex_Fog, avatar


Humpleupagus, avatar

Dan's not human. 😒


when you're eating a macaroni salad do you eat it in like a Sensual way that is eccentric, but also quite sassy?

Humpleupagus, avatar

I go face first so the ladies know I'm not afraid to get messy. 😏

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