@disabled@shota.house avatar

Disabled person asks stupid food-based questions because he doesn’t understand how you eating people work.

Alright, can someone explain to me this concept? I do not eat, and thus it makes no sense to me, atleast in my current tired state.

So, you’re ordering from a restaurant and you order a burger, but you then ask for them to add/remove a few toppings, maybe change the patty style or something.

If you can do that, why do restaurants have various burgers listed? why not just have a “standard burger” and then let you choose the toppings yourself. What makes the “presets” if you will any different or any more special? And what sets them apart from any other restaurant which sells burgers?

How are there so many burger restaurants if all of them have the same basic ingredients, surely you’d just go to the closest one, since no burger place would actually be any different than any other burger place, right? I get it for food that actually has to be made or cooked or something like that. But a burger is just, you just stack ingredients ontop of eachother.

Keep in mind, I’m tired, so this might be an exceptionally stupid question.

@sjw@bae.st avatar

@disabled because that would get complicated fast. Plus not everybody wants to customise their burger. I usually get the burger default so I can experience what the creator of the burger envisioned.

If I wanted a burger my way I'd make it myself. If I want a burger your way then why would I change it outside of food allergies and whatnot?

@moyi@shota.house avatar

@disabled >If you can do that, why do restaurants have various burgers listed? why not just have a “standard burger” and then let you choose the toppings yourself.

They already do but that's more in certain types of burgers like cheese burgers or bacon burgers rather than "standard burger but without lettuce".

tbh the thing is that burgers are fast food made to be consumed without much thought in its preparation or thought in what in its contents; get in, eat a tasty burger, get out. Having a "standard" menu where you choose your toppings is contrary on why people buy burgers in the first place when they just want something filling and tasty in less than 2 minutes, especially when it's rush hour and you have to fullfill the needs of like 2 dozen people who want their food almost instantaneously

>How are there so many burger restaurants if all of them have the same basic ingredients, surely you’d just go to the closest one, since no burger place would actually be any different than any other burger place, right? I get it for food that actually has to be made or cooked or something like that. But a burger is just, you just stack ingredients ontop of eachother.

Technically, yeah- but people have slowly grow a preference towards one brand over another simply due to minute differences in food. Taste preferences is a very extremely broad spectrum that has a lot of niche cases even inside generic products like fast food. Even if it's the same ingredients, it can be a world of a differences if it's prepared slightly differently or uses a single different ingredient.

That's also the really weird phenomenon of people just simply preferring stuff due to cultural corporate branding and advertising that's almost nothing to do with food- which is pretty weird. Like how there were raunchy movies about white castle, An advertisement of a meal by a scoiopathic rapper who killed people and anime commercials that people care enough about to be involved in a culture war.

My excuse for not eatting burger king is the fact that I had hair in my burger when I was 6


@moyi@shota.house avatar

@disabled that’s also not to mention that there IS a resturant with the “default burger” kind if thing- but it’s with regular sandwiches with subway. It’s pretty niche compared to most fast food- if it can be argued about it since it takes so long to actually order anything and the fact that it’s generally less tasty but more healthy.

And has a pedophile as a mascot

@MeBigbrain@poa.st avatar

@disabled There are restaurants that do this, like Culver's; you select a type of burger (usually types indicate meats and cheeses) and then additional toppings (some cost extra while most veggies don't). Delis are also pretty much the same, start with bread and meat and then additional toppings after that.


@disabled >since no burger place would actually be any different than any other burger place
Bad assumption to begin with. Even if every burger place did this, they'd still be different because every chef is a bit different, they use different suppliers so the ingredients are different etc.
Like you can make the same burger at, idk, maccas and... Fuck knows what it competes with these days, and they're very different, because the buns are different, the patties are different, etc. But part of why those fast-food places suck is because they take great pains to ensure they have consistent output everywhere regardless of chef input. Normal burger places aren't like that, even if they share the name.

Other than that, yeah you're basically right, and it applies to places where stuff has to be cooked or whatever too; you can ask for changes at those places too, usually to a decent extent, but I find it too much hassle so I just don't go to them because I'm never interested in the presets.

@kirby@lab.nyanide.com avatar

@disabled they're purely suggestions really, just little things you might like to try or classics you're already used to

@realman543@annihilation.social avatar

@disabled Its for ease of use. Burger good n tasty, add burger to menu, prevent customization that will get that exact burger, charge more (sometimes). Really that simple.

@jeffcliff@shitposter.club avatar

@disabled there's a great deal of difference in quality and even type of ingredients between, say, mcdonalds burger (lettuce, cheese, tomato, meat??, bun) and, other places. And what is "standard" is ...not as universal as you might think. Who gets to set the ISO 9000 standard burger?

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@jeffcliff I’d love to see an open burger standard. Not for any personal use, but simply cause it’d amuse me.

@Kagekokoro@bae.st avatar

Some restaurants offer the full customization option, though

Presets are combinations that have been proved to work, so to speak, if you pick one you know it should taste good
Once you dabble in experimentation you can always go very wrong and fuck your meal up

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@Kagekokoro Wouldn’t you (general you), as someone who eats, know what you like and what you don’t like? Why would you want to go with a preset instead of making your own burger which better suits your taste?

@Kagekokoro@bae.st avatar

@disabled because despite being an eating person that doesn't necessarily mean I know what works well together

Wouldn't be the first time I have to eat a catastrophe of my own making

And restaurants might not have all the ingredients that you want or need. Having presets helps the restaurant better manage and monitor the ingredients they have and need and be able to get better deals for one ingredient or the other if they know what their consumption looks like

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@Kagekokoro Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my silly question. This and the answer given by @moth_ball are enough to satisfy my curiosity.

@Kagekokoro@bae.st avatar

@disabled @moth_ball
Happy to help

@marine@breastmilk.club avatar

@disabled first of all, how do you not eat?

Secondly, because frequently, these places will upcharge more than it’s worth for standard + topping versus special minus toppings

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@marine That’s my disability, My digestive system does not work. :Disa_Yay: And I’m legally blind (totally blind in one eye, uncorrectablely bad vision in the other.)

Then wouldn’t it make a lot of sense to open a burger place that allowed cheap customization? Would that not just make you the cock of the walk and drive all the other “preset” burger joints out of business?

@marine@breastmilk.club avatar

@disabled I’m sure they exist, but brand loyalty and all. Also, some of the special burgers are great at these places but get ruined with certain toppings that are “default” so removing it’s good.

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@marine How can one burger be any better than any other burger? Short of how the meat is cooked. And since it’s just a burger, wouldn’t it make more sense to make it at home, if such variability in quality exists between burger joints?


@disabled @marine
Some things that make a difference are:

  • Protocol of the preparation process (this is decided on a corporate level)
  • Standards for employees
  • Quality and handling of ingredients
  • Method of cooking the meat
  • Sauces used in the borgar
  • Customer experience (service, hygiene, BGM, toilets etc)
  • Other people using the same joint (this ranges from non-issue to deal breaker)

I'm sure I could come up with more categories, but you get the idea. I don't know what things you enjoy but if someone were to be reductionist about those things you'd get what I'm saying.

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@moth_ball @marine Thank you very much! This is actually a super helpful response! Thanks for taking the time to answer my silly question! This answer is definitely the one which I think best answers the things I was most curious about.

Very appreciated!


@disabled @marine No worries mate! If you want to share I'd be interested to hear what's wrong with your intestines.

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@moth_ball @marine

This should answer most questions you might have. But if there’s anything this doesn’t cover, I’d be more than happy to answer.



@disabled @marine Huh, interesting. Do you ingest anything at all, or is all your intake parenteral?

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@moth_ball @marine I actually drink soda, and have little weird things I do.

When I was younger i’d lick ketchup off of carrots or french fries.

I can ingest things which have a smooth or liquid consistency. I could also probably ingest things which weren’t smooth or liquid, but my family never taught me how to eat. So, I don’t know how to chew and I have a very intense gag reflex.

Hypothetically, If I was taught to eat/chew like a normal person, I’d be able to eat recreationally, even if my body did not digest hardly any of it.

I’ve been trying more things recently. I used to buy shrimp and dip it in butter and kinda naw on it a bit to get the butter off of it. Then my wife developed a shellfish allergy, so I stopped. However, now I’ve found a similar thing with popcorn. I kinda just naw on it a bit, then once it starts getting soft I’ll throw it away.

There was also something completely out of character I did about a month ago. For some strange reason I wanted very badly to try a hardshell taco. I ordered one from taco bell (because no way am I trying something like that in public and risk throwing up in public) and customized it to what I thought was interesting.

It got here, and I took a huge bite out of it. I didn’t gag or throw up, either! However, the chewing thing is what stopped me. I gave it my best effort! but eventually just ended up spitting it out into the trash.


@disabled @marine Thanks for sharing. Also this is the first time seeing the phrase "eat recreationally" :D

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@moth_ball @marine No problem! Lol, I guess i’m full of things like that, the other day I said “eating people” which is how I refer to people who eat, and my friend thought I was talking about something to do with cannibalism. Which makes sense, since I suppose most people don’t refer to eachother as “eating people” since, that’s kinda implied. xD

@graf@poa.st avatar

@marine @disabled pickles dont belong on a burger marine they taint the flavor of the beef which should be the focal point with that of shitty vinegar and pickling spice. please dont put pickles on sandwiches. on the side is fine thank you 🙏🏻 bless you marine have a great thursday morning friend

@marine@breastmilk.club avatar

@graf @disabled love pickles. Hate tomatoes. Hate crunchy water (lettuce). Hate ketchup. Hate relish.

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@marine @graf Is relish not just pickles but in a different consistency? Is it the consistency you don’t like?

@marine@breastmilk.club avatar

@disabled @graf relish looks like boogers and tastes bad. God created relish just to fuck with me.

@disabled@shota.house avatar

@marine @graf I believe that.

@graf@poa.st avatar

@marine @disabled no pickle onion or tomato on my burg. i hate regular white onion, you can get better flavor from red/spanish onion or green onion and tomato doesn't belong on a burger it belongs on and in pasta or a breakfast sandwich. no relish (i dont like the sweet/tangy and again the overpowering pickle flavor on something that doesn't warrant it). dont care about ketchup but will never seek it out. lettuce is based as hell if it's on some mountain of a burger with multiple patties otherwise i dont really care

@graf@poa.st avatar

@marine @disabled mustard ALWAYS has to be coarse ground

@marine@breastmilk.club avatar

@graf @disabled i love onion.

@graf@poa.st avatar

@marine @disabled i have a gigantic 2 pound bag of crispy onion. you need to get on this asap

@charliebrownau@poa.st avatar

@graf @marine @disabled It is even a burger anymore

Next your going to say theirs no beetroot on it

Kale and Baby Spinach is based
better then mainstream lettuce

@graf@poa.st avatar

@charliebrownau @marine @disabled what the FUCK is beetroot and do people actually put that on a burger????????????????????????????????????????????

@justnormalkorean@poa.st avatar

@marine @graf @disabled So a plain cheese burger then?

@graf@poa.st avatar

@justnormalkorean @marine @disabled plain is fine if the restaurant has quality ingredients for making their patties and they're fresh. would never do plain at bk/mcd that would be like eating vaguely beef flavored congealed slop

@disabled@shota.house avatar
@graf@poa.st avatar

@disabled @marine @justnormalkorean >irish iconography
this is funnier than you intended

@HonkHonkBoom@poa.st avatar

@graf @marine @disabled You're missing out on the greatest burger topping ever, one i would think you would be open to.... BEANS! (this is so much better than ya think it is)

@graf@poa.st avatar

@HonkHonkBoom @marine @disabled i would unironically try this. i have everything on hand to make it happen. wonder how cold it is outside

@Mnxn@nicecrew.digital avatar
@graf@poa.st avatar

@Mnxn @marine @disabled nigger i have no issue with pickles i have issue with pickles on my sandwich or burger. if i wanted to eat vinegar i would freeze it

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