@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar



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gnarley_boot, to random
@gnarley_boot@norwoodzero.net avatar

I think one huge misunderstanding I see about the Christian faith, is this whole idea that God commands us to love everyone. Jesus does say to treat your neighbor as you would yourself, be kind to strangers, the good samaritan, that's all just practical "being a decent person" stuff.

But that doesn't mean I have love and accept EVERYONE, there is such as righteous anger and righteous hatred. It's not wrong to hate evil, it's not a sin to hate wickedness and wicked people with a perfect hatred, and make wise decisions based on that hatred.

When Jesus says love one another, forgive each other, he's talking about how we treat each others as christians within our own circles, the only love were are commanded to show the heathens (unbelievers) is to give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ, thats it.

I don't even think feeding the homeless is a good thing, people in the church should help each other and the Bible says if you don't work you don't eat, simple as. I think what happened is the socialist and communist ideologies crept into a lot of fake churches and the misconceptions got popularized in the mainstream culture.

The main reason I bring this up is because of that stupid super bowl ad.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

The Talmud enjoyers are talking about rewriting the Bible. Maybe we should look into the major discrepancies between these two before debating minutiae.

SuperSnekFriend, to random
@SuperSnekFriend@poa.st avatar

Remember guys, the only sports bowl you should ever care about is the finale, next weekend.


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>gobbo guy crowns every waifu as best girl
You can't do that, we have rules.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Screw the rules, I have crowns!
Good luck trying to start your car.
404 Crown Not Found.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Joke's on you, I don't have a car

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>wades into fun thread
>mutes thread

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

His robe in the second last panel. Nice touch.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar
ChristiJunior, to random
@ChristiJunior@detroitriotcity.com avatar

Semifinals – PREVIEW

Just my thoughts on the upcoming semifinals.


32nd Seed Osaka VS 12th Seed Senko

Senko has not only been the strongest and most impressive-looking girl throughout this entire tournament, she has been the single most dominant entity of ANY major Fediverse tournament, ever, even putting someone like Samus to shame - remember, 4 different girls held Samus below 60%, while Senko has yet to even come close to dipping below 60%, and that’s against very respectable opposition. When an iconic, instant classic Waifu like Yor Forger has to work hard just to avoid getting Doubled, you just KNOW that Senko is insane. Senko winning this match, and indeed, the whole tournament seems like a no-brainer at this point.

However, the ancient Fox Loli is going up against an opponent that the rules of common sense don’t apply to. Osaka’s inexplicable, unbelievable underdog run has already overcome the tournament’s #1 Seed, a change in the voting format and a fellow oldfag Meme girl, and if anything she just seems to be gaining strength. At this point I’m no longer reminded of someone like Shanoa in the vidya girl tournament, but Greece in the Euro 2004 soccer championship. NOBODY had any faith in the Greek team, despite it producing giant upset after giant upset, all the way until it reached the finals, at which point everybody suddenly realized that, oh fuck, these niggers really are gonna win it all, aren’t they?

Considering that Senko has already wiped the floor with a girl who has actually BEATEN Osaka, and by a pretty big margin at that, there’s no conceivable reason why Senko shouldn’t nuke the tournament’s bottom seed. But I’m here to tell you that if Osaka manages to withstand Senko’s early onslaught, you better watch out, because it’s hard to imagine Osaka actually losing a close match at this point. And if she does defeat Senko, our underdog heroine is winning it all, like Greece did in 2004.


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Getting Peter Cullen to do these was absolute genius

AnimeGirlConnoisseur, to random

== Quarterfinal #4 Poll ==

Holo vs Shinobu

Poll Instructions


To vote, please make one and only post with only the name of the girl you want to vote for within the AnimeGirlConnisseur Baest thread NOT SuperSnekFriend's Mugicha thread. (Holo or Shinobu) You may add an image to your vote post.

Poll closes at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (-5 GMT)(UTC is for queers) next day of posting and any vote post made after will not be counted.

You MAY repost or quote post this thread, though it's encouraged to boost the main tourney thread as well.

But please do not use this Baest poll thread for discussion. Use @SuperSnekFriend 's tourney threads on Mugicha Club or quote post a person's vote instead.

No account made December 2023 or later will be counted.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar


Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

A co-worker once asked me "Awoo, how do you sleep at night being so full of hatred and racism?"

I told them that I sleep quite peacefully. The problem is when I wake up and remember that non-whites still exist.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar
Zergling_man, to random

>The new citizens came from 20 different countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Seychelles, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Vietnam.
None from Japan, of course, because why would anyone want to emigrate from Japan?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>All valid dual citizens will be required to choose between revoking one of their citizenship
This. Dual citizens are leeches. They're happy to receive a nation's generosity, but they won't reciprocate. Street shitters, kikes, and niggers will never owe their allegiance to anyone that isn't one of their tribe.

Shlomo, to random

my dick


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Love the de-rusting lasers. But they're stupid expensive, and the number of hours you can use them is finite.


Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>1200 pounds
>545 kilos
That translates to an incredible amount of mouse droppings. And mouse piss. Were they constantly spraying Febreeze around to cover up that stench? I'd like to see the reports of stoned mice, or an exterminators logbook, before I make a call.

On one hand, I've seen a mouse easily slip under a door that it should never have been able to. Gap was like 3/8ths on an inch. Apparently they have flexible bones. Creepy. But on the other hand... Cops. Had plenty of run ins with liars back in the day. Their standards haven't improved


Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Be psycho.
>Smoke weed.
>Still psycho.
iTsH tHe WeEd!!!


Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar
TexOffender, to random
@TexOffender@poa.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>something something gulag
Gulag. Wolfgirl. Wolf girl. Wait, gulag? Whatever. Might need to get arrested, I'll cross that bridge after some light stalking.

nihil, to random
@nihil@bae.st avatar

Democracy has failed.


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>I have a good understanding of world history
Really? Either you're an immortal, or you've been reading what's been published. Who runs the publishing houses? After the war, the Allies destroyed a lot of Germany's written history. Ever wonder what kind of knowledge they might have contained?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>The recipe for decent Bratwurst

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

guy I know is getting mad that I use adblock

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

I refuse to watch goyslop corporations pushing miscegenation.


Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

Aya after seeing @MK2boogaloo on badfediposts.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Niggers out here making me use my Admin powers to spoiler a post
Leave the posts alone, you still haven't finished sorting awoos

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar
jill, to random
@jill@nicecrew.digital avatar

...are we late...?...fashionably early...?... :thunk_activated:
...whuuuut is the eta on this thing...?.. :sideeye:

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Been listening to this economic lesson on a loop for hours, haven't learned a thing. I feel oddly content though.


Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Dinner time
Armenian-Australian giving a press conference


Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Rapid acceleration. Friend and I have been talking about a domino effect. Once someone, anyone has the balls to stand up to these faggots, others will follow.


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>I drink water with a little lemon. That's it.
Someone needs to photoshop this efelant and his friend, li'l lemon, hanging out at a pub.

wgiwf, to random
@wgiwf@poa.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>The existence of wolfgirl wednesday implies that every day doesn't belong to wolf girls
There's also Wolfgirl Thursday, and Wolfgirl Friday, and...

AnimeGirlConnoisseur, to random

== Match Poll ==

Poll Instructions

To vote, please make one and only post with the name of the girl you want to vote for. (Holo or Suiseiseki) You may add an image to your vote post.

Poll closes at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (-5 GMT)(UTC is for queers) and any vote post made after will not be counted.

You MAY repost or quote post this thread, though it's encouraged to boost the main tourney thread as well.
But please do not use this Baest thread for discussion or fun posting. Use @SuperSnekFriend 's tourney threads on Mugicha Club instead.

No vote from an account made December 2023 or later will be counted.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar


Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

The little one with the stick made me laugh far more than it should have

dew_the_dew, to random
@dew_the_dew@nicecrew.digital avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Bananas tap-danced jubilantly on the spaceship, reciting Shakespearean lullabies to the disco ball made of spaghetti.

AnimeGirlConnoisseur, to random

== Match #8 Poll ==

Poll Instructions

To vote, please make one and only post with only the name of the girl you want to vote for. (Senko or Nagatoro) You may add an image to your vote post.

Poll closes at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (-5 UTC) and any vote post made after will not be counted.

You MAY repost or quote post this thread, though it's encouraged to boost the main tourney thread as well.
But please do not use this Baest thread for discussion. Use @SuperSnekFriend 's tourney threads on Mugicha Club instead.

No account made December 2023 or later will be counted.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar


TASOWN, to random
@TASOWN@nicecrew.digital avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>You underestimate the resting level of hatred and malice I feel towards everything
Everything? Including man's best fren?


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Depends on the breed


n3f_X, to random
@n3f_X@nicecrew.digital avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar
Royper, to random
@Royper@poa.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Damn there's only so many "wolf girls" I can commit to memory shit
Allocate more space by rewriting sectors (you'll be astonished by just how much space common sense required)

18+ sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

Would you fugg this coon?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>didn't even look at the face
Didn't even look, scrolled past because I remembered the time they said Alex Jones' phone had tranny porn on it. Kinda weird how all these talking heads happen to practice the kinds of degeneracy of which only their jewish sponsors could ever approve. Something something controlled opposition

WoodshopHandman, to random
@WoodshopHandman@poa.st avatar

I would put a "NEVER GOON" shirt on oakpill.com but my parents know about the site and I don't want to have to explain it to them

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Make Dot Matrix Printouts Great Again

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

Imagine living somewhere that has cute animals like this. Instead I have to avoid 100 spiders on my way outside, make sure there isn't a snake outside my front door, get my face mauled by Magpies once I finally make it outside and then have to wrestle the Goanna out of my car, only to realize that my car is out of fuel and the tank is full of Bull Ants.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>they would neeever tear my face off!
inb4 dingos ate my baby

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>The kangaroo rat is nothing like the big evil kangaroo bastards Aussieland gets


Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar
Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

>PC is due to arrive tomorrow
>Agreed to go spend some time with friends
Why do I have to have friends?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>>PC is due to arrive tomorrow
>>Agreed to go spend some time with friends
>Why do I have to have friends?
Breaking plans is easy. Just text 'em these two magical words:
You can be right as rain the next day, and nobody questions it.

deprecated_ii, to random
@deprecated_ii@poa.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar


tyler, to random
@tyler@nicecrew.digital avatar

What's a good computer chair?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>I like a breathable mesh office chair with a good lumbar curve
Prices have climbed noticeably since I last shopped around. Tried gaming chairs and what not, not impressed. IKEA's Markus was well reviewed and it's what I eventually settled on. Despite my initial reservations against mesh, I'd do it again.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>stained streak
When the streak grows large enough, it's ALL one color?

RadixVerum, to random
@RadixVerum@nicecrew.digital avatar

Thinks it's smart.

Doesn't think Jones glows.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Doesn't think Jones glows
jews do something, Alex Jones starts ranting about... Chyna. A jew literally provides Jones with his platform, he is completely beholden to them.


Bad_Banner, to random
@Bad_Banner@poa.st avatar

Here's the alien they found in miami; was screaming about a golden monkey allegedly.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>That's fagita. He's into butt stuff
Pretty sure you're thinking of the wrong guy. Frieza has freaks like the Ginyu Force working for him. Vegeta didn't like them, and eventually killed all but one of them.

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

They changed it back, but since you posted they've since dropped the Ashkenazi.

Remi, to random
@Remi@poa.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>This reminds me that I need to get something to rise up my monitors. My old mount broke so now they're back on the desk
Have old Yamaha powered speakers. Used to hide the sub below the desk, but raising the monitor 8" took priority this time.

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

I want to kidnap NEET Girls and force them to work in a factory. Sorry guys no NEET GFs for you. They will all die childless making microplastics in my factory.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>It took almost 24 hours for someone to point that out. Congratulations.
Who says you can't use a lathe to produce microplastics? As long as it isn't cutting fast enough to gum things up, those cuttings are going to be incredibly fine.

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
Trans women belong in a shallow grave.
NOT a proper one.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>nOt a SePaRaTe cAteGoRy
Notice how this freak messaging isn't calling for them to be put into the GAY porn category? It's almost as if this tiny minority, within another small (but equally repulsive) minority, is demanding access to the majority.

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