@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar



We went back up the mountain
We sat down upon our front porch
And come yonder carryin' a bucket
Was our child doin' his chores
So we drunk down a bucket of choke-cherry wine
And she dunked her thumbs inside
With her thumbs dyed red she grabbed my head
And she gouged out both of my eyes

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

subtype, to random
@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

Finite Element Method Domain Object Model

subtype, to random
@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

"AVP" means "Alien Vs. Predator", not "Apple Vision Pro", and I will die on this hill.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko Do I look like a caveman to you? Okay maybe I do, but that's beside the point.

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar
@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@pwm @Ukko if something is sent to 10 internet randos it's not a secret anyway

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

What the grail doth thou just pronounce about me, thou little knave? I’ll have thee know I graduated top of my order in the Knights of the Round Table, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret quests on Morgan le Fay, and I have over 300 confirmed dragon slays. I am trained in chivalrous warfare and I’m the top jouster in the entire Camelot armed forces. Thou art naught to me but just another blackguard. I will wipe thee out with precision the likes of which hath never been seen before on this Earth, mark my honourable words.

Dost thou believe thou canst escape with uttering that scurrilousness to me over the carrier pigeon? Think again, varlet. As we parley I am contacting my secret network of spies across England and thy pigeon is being traced right now so thou better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing thou call thy life. Thou art bloody dead, child. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill thee in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare gauntlets.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Royal Armory of Camelot and I will use it to its full extent to wipe thy miserable posterior off the face of the continent, thou little dungheap. If only thou could have known what unholy retribution thy little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon thee, maybe thou would have held thy cursed tongue. But thou couldn't, thou didn't, and now thou art paying the price, thou godforsaken idiot. I will rain fury all over thee and thou will drown in it. Thou art verily dead, knave.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko artist's rendition of the iphone feudalism hellthread

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko sonewhere in there sorry it was breaking the frontend on my side: https://den.raccoon.quest/notes/9oym7u8uiv

mia, to random
@mia@void.rehab avatar

i have fixed my server problems by adding another server
nginx solves all problems

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@mia just one more server bro im sure this will fix it

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

gay gay homosexual gay

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko SMPTE pride

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

Non-binary people rule the world and are responsible for the subjugation and violence in society. We have to rise up against this ruling class.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

>Who runs the world? Girls.
~incel queen Beyoncé

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar
@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko dustwomen are cute tho

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

Hi, my name is Mike, and I've been working in
the CNC industry for 26 years and it really does
warm my heart to see not only the youth being
interested in my love and craft, but for young
women to aspire to break into the industry.
And I'd just like to say, no matter what you may
think, no matter the barriers you may face, I
wholeheartedly believe anyone who puts their
mind to it can do CNC. I have found this handy
set of instructions through a quick Google
search that are dead simple to follow. I will link it
below. I wish you girls all the best in pursuing a
career in CNC.
Happy holidays to you all, and God Bless,
Mike Smith, CNC Specialist with 26 years

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko What a coincidence, I also love CNC! Wanna try CBT too

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

es soku madelka, mes vysi madelka, tu esi madelka, i otkoņ madelka

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko awawa or something, idk I don’t speak latvian

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko w sumie to dalej nie mam pojęcia o czym piszesz, ale mam nadzieję, że to nic obraźliwego.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko I wish I knew Kashubian so I could confuse people on the internet too.

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

I don't care what you say you are the same @unabyssed @subtype


@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko @unabyssed @untyped I swear I didn’t know that there are intellectual property rules for fedi handles :cirno_for_reals:

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

Hehe what if i delete my account and make a new one and i don't tell any of you who i am and whether i've even made a new account hehe

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko You're running away somewhere nobody remembers that you promised we'll learn Belarusian together?

Arcana, to random
@Arcana@akko.disqordia.space avatar

Oooh nice, we must be on a newer version of Akkoma now because “remove follower” is a feature

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Arcana Oh so you no longer have to block, unblock, and write a heartfelt post informing everyone of the fact?

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

If a person asks you for money on the street, don't be greedy, they might just tell you the secrets that NASA doesn't want you to know.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko damn last time someone told me his story after I gave him a coin was just about him sailing to brazil

lethe, to random
@lethe@akko.disqordia.space avatar

One day I'll become the first trans girl in the world who's ever lifted weights

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Arcana @lethe @scathach what. why.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko @Arcana @lethe @scathach I thought I live in a shitty country but maybe it isn’t all that bad.

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

If @subtype is so great, why is there no @bottom

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar


In subtyping systems, the bottom type is a subtype of all types. It is dual to the top type, which spans all possible values in a system.

Where such a type exists, it is often represented with the up tack (⊥) symbol.


subtype, to random
@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

There was a joke study in 2013 that measured a dead salmon's response to various stimuli. That ended up revealing the importance of properly doing staistics when interpreting fMRI results.

"Dreams of a Dead Salmon" would be a good edgy name for a band, game, or something like that.


Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Moon Mastron Pluroma Miski, a coma, saw box, new social, die a sphere, uh, picks Erfed

re: https://shitposter.club/objects/3fb00d45-8b61-4f1c-932c-91c01c778754

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko @Moon miśki :blobfoxheartcute:

subtype, to random
@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

Why does the PRC hate this album so much?

bl00d, to random
@bl00d@yourwalls.today avatar

shoegaze to dsbm pipeline is real

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@bl00d blackgaze as a transition period?

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

just came up with 9 new WOKE features for bethesda's starfield lmk 🔥

  1. You can play as a female character
  2. All the female characters are voiced by Dylan Mulvaney
  3. Before landing on a planet, you must acknowledge it has been stolen from its indigenous people
  4. If you kill a white male, you automatically win the game
  5. Loading screens will now feature AOC giving impassioned speeches about the importance of respecting pronouns
  6. All spacecraft are powered by wind and solar
  7. You will not be allowed to purchase high-capacity magazines
  8. All the good factions are represented by the Pride flag
  9. The game will install spyware on your computer that will monitor your internet communications for the rest of your life
@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

>9. The game will install spyware on your computer that will monitor your internet communications for the rest of your life


Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

Just thought up this cool domain, it's like if Discordia was Qanon, I have some ideas on what I will do with it

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko what

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko I thought Eris' boring sister was named Aneris.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko @eris Poor Pluto got defederated from the Solar System because if he was allowed then 136199 Eris would have too.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko @eris oh gay mod?

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

% du -h akkoma.pgdump
233M akkoma.pgdump

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko How big and how long was it running? I assume that's not for Disqordia.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko you're bringing latvian penes back?!

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

Half of my Mutuals are Polish
A Guide on How to Resist Invading Armies from Moscow

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar
prefetcher, to random
@prefetcher@miku.place avatar

i genuinely wonder how the akkoma db schema looks like, that it gets bloated so easily

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@prefetcher hmm I had it set up so both the user (which runs akkoma) and database name is the same and then running psql as this user works, I'm not sure which is relevant here.

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar
@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko @methyltheobromine I like you, but I think Lucy might have a point here.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

maxwell: :ablobcatbongokeyboard: gon write my equations in quaternions
:neofox_gun: that shit is for the birds rewrite it in vector calculus
:bunhd: what if we rewrote it in geometric algebra
:neofox_googly_shocked: no thats fucking the wrong way

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@icedquinn quaternions for electromagnetics / 3d graphics are just geometric algebra done in an obtuse way that obscures what you're actually doing tbh

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@icedquinn Yeah, he probably couldn’t do it back then that way. And I might have been talking out of my ass as per Maxwell in general; I wasn’t taught his equations in the quaternion form and can’t even find that formulation right now to check.

I see quaternions pop up a lot in 3D graphics though, and you get the same math but with a cleaner explanation with GA: https://marctenbosch.com/quaternions
In particular, the weird 4D thing disappears (though quaternions used for 3D rotations aren’t really 3D, as only unit quaternions are used and thus one coordinate is redundant).

Though the real fun with GA starts when you stop aping the standard 3D transformation formulas and leave humanity behind with something like representing 3D points as vectors in a 5D space with (++++-) signature (so squared magnitue of a vector is something like x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + w^2 - u^2).

(also sorry for the late response, I was distracted by the thread that went from sideloading apps on iOS to the history of feudalism)

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

>i suspect newton and tesla were probably more correct than einstein

Eh, I doubt it, given that there is actual evidence of light bending due to gravity. If relativity is to be replaced, the new theory would have to account for that, like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor%E2%80%93vector%E2%80%93scalar_gravity or something.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@icedquinn dunno about the rest, but Sagnac effect is something I've studied and it has nothing to do with mass, it's just that light sort of can't catch up if a fiber is spun with light inside it.

meso, to random
@meso@the.asbestos.cafe avatar

I was a big webp fan till dushman started replacing all the emojis with it for no fucking practical reason

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko @paula3 @meso animated emojis are lowkey unprofessional 🤓

subtype, to random
@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

I have a confession to make: I don't like 100 gecs and I got bored of Fallout New Vegas after defending that bar.

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko okay I’m not sure if you’re joking now, but I’m on hrt since august, and was doing the “just a normal cis dude on E, any pronouns” cope on two accounts back; I came out more publicly on the previous account but I thought that who needs to know already knows so whatever, but maybe not.

also don’t tell dush if he finds out I’m finished

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko @paula3 it's ok I try to hide it but my brain is already rotten from /tttt/ nonsense

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko derp, right :neocat_laugh_nervous_256:

@subtype doesn't count, I had to teleport through another dimension like they do in half life ok

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko I really should stop shuffling accounts so often ;_; But to be clear, I was:

  • @subtype, an admin there
  • @untyped after I got mad on my other users for stupid reasons
  • Used @subtype to bounce accounts because trying to migrate inside my own akkoma didn’t work. That wasn’t a real account, though.
  • @subtype due to a legal dispute with goreslut dot xyz I just wanted my old handle back, ok

I had other single user instances on subdomains of hollow.capital and mastodong accounts before that, but that was long ago and not true, ok?

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

:blobcat3c: just cover up the webcam bro
:neocat_science: the entire screen is now a webcam

:neocat_0_0: brought to you by weird prism science gang

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@icedquinn wait, what?

meso, to random
@meso@the.asbestos.cafe avatar

>Latvian grammar is one of the most complex in the world.
>Latvian is considered one of the most challenging languages.
oh hell nah

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar

@Ukko @meso huh so it's a real Chud if he comes from Estonia/Karelia/Northwest Russia, TIL

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

a racist, a transphobe, an antisemite, and a eugenicist walk into a bar. the bartender looks up and asks, “the usual Ontario Brewery Canadian Stout, Daniel Stevens?”

@subtype@insufferable.tools avatar
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