@Hoss@shitpost.cloud avatar

>Be a shitty registrar that gets hacked
>Only value proposition your business has ever offered is that you don't ask questions or respond to abuse reports
>Get bought out
>New social media manager sets out to implode what's left of the business

@Griffith@5dollah.click avatar

@Hoss This feels unreal. This is some Kraut and Tea shit but it’s an actual corporation.

@binkle@clubcyberia.co avatar

@Griffith @Hoss i haven't heard that name in 150 years

@matty@nicecrew.digital avatar

Oh I get it haha they're trying to deflect by being absurd

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@matty @Hoss They've been trying for the last 24 hours. It's a mix of weird sarcasm like this and spamming a blurb for cheap domain registrations.

@matty@nicecrew.digital avatar

I need to find a different registrar.

@phnt@fluffytail.org avatar

@matty @PunishedD @Hoss They've been getting worse every couple weeks. Their website is always a broken mess.

The real problem is who? I don't trust Porkbun, GoDaddy and Cloudflare isn't good either. Maybe Namecheap. I don't really know.

@phnt@fluffytail.org avatar

@Hoss I work very hard to be corporate cringe online, please don't mock my efforts.

@pinemarten@poa.st avatar

@baraposter @Hoss Fuck Epik, as @graf or I or a bunch of others could tell you, they left themselves open to that 'hack'.

@graf@poa.st avatar

@pinemarten >fuck epik
listen buddy, I may be a faggot but dammit I have standards too.
@graf @Hoss

@pinemarten@poa.st avatar

@baraposter @graf @Hoss Fuck Epik with Elon's dick.


@pinemarten that's somehow worse... @graf @Hoss

@pinemarten@poa.st avatar

@baraposter @graf @Hoss I was trying to update the old saying, "I would not fuck that with Nixon's dick." Now outdated.

@graf@poa.st avatar

@pinemarten @baraposter @Hoss i say that but replace nixon with “your”

@ArdainianRight@detroitriotcity.com avatar

I was on the cutting edge of shitting on Epik solely based off how much of a faggot Rob Monster was on Gab.

@graf@poa.st avatar

@ArdainianRight @Hoss when we used them the guy running the show emailed us about a tranny on here who emailed them crying that we treat him like a tranny and he was like “hate is not the way” or some such bullshit. they’ve always been super faggy this isn’t surprising to me in the slightest

@af2@poa.st avatar

@graf @ArdainianRight @Hoss when are we starting our own domain registrar? I'll make the logo

@graf@poa.st avatar

@af2 @ArdainianRight @Hoss need at least 100k before we can consider that but we would still be beholden to ICANN et al so if they start handing out demands you’re just pissing that money away too.

the goal shouldnt be aligning with them it should be creating something to overcome it. domains 2.0

@af2@poa.st avatar

@graf @ArdainianRight @Hoss we have that it's called tor!
Is ICANN actually responsible for most of the censorship and deplatforming though? They just enforce the abuse report functionality that gets abused, so fix that (easy) and you're good.

@graf@poa.st avatar

@af2 @ArdainianRight @Hoss no. but when the trannies come knocking they likely will

@Hoss@shitpost.cloud avatar

I thought what ENS was doing on Ethereum was really cool until I figured out how much centralized control the founders still had over the whole thing.

@ForbiddenDreamer@poa.st avatar

@Hoss @graf @ArdainianRight @af2 There were a couple other options, but they changed chains and I lost my hodl, so they're gay now.

@graf@poa.st avatar

@ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss @ArdainianRight @af2 >hodl
feel free to send the rest of them to poa.st/donate/crypto

@af2@poa.st avatar

@ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss @graf @ArdainianRight ENS was always stupid because having names be human readable is a pointless goal and it has the same problem with squatters that DNS has. Making a digital resource scarce (only so many one letter domains available) isn't what we should want for next-gen DNS.

@Hoss@shitpost.cloud avatar

The airdrop was really the only good thing I ever got out of registering a couple ENS domains.

@graf@poa.st avatar

@Hoss @af2 @ArdainianRight @ForbiddenDreamer free six grand you betcha

@DemonSixOne@poa.st avatar

@af2 @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss @graf @ArdainianRight >name service
>not human readable

how does this even work?

@af2@poa.st avatar

@DemonSixOne @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss @graf @ArdainianRight think of tor onion addresses, where the "name" is just a public key (6x7g7rr6fhdoszolkqkaittdr6qzgejjxoc42q4ceaph2xttmo5vgryd.onion) that is then used to connect securely to the web server. It means we can get rid of DNS and PKI at the same time.

@skylar@wolfgirl.bar avatar

@af2 @ArdainianRight @DemonSixOne @ForbiddenDreamer @graf @Hoss that is pointless and retarded
no one is going to type in all that shit, big tech can easily block links from being shared, and literally the only visitors you'll ever get are chinese spam bots and cats who've walked across an unattended keyboard


@skylar @af2 @ArdainianRight @DemonSixOne @ForbiddenDreamer @graf @Hoss On one hand, most of the websites I regularly use are stored in bookmarks, and I imagine you could probably make something like this work that way, maybe with a browser extension or something that makes the process a little more normie-friendly.

On the other, the adoption problem is the big issue, in that anyone competent enough to do something like this is already able to maintain a normal URL, albeit with the occasional downtime, and anyone competent enough to use something like this already has the TOR address of any site that might go down in a notepad file. The time to make something happen with these kinds of URLs would've been that big crypto bubble where millions upon millions of people were excited about anything blockchain.

@DemonSixOne@poa.st avatar

@AmericanChampion @skylar @af2 @ArdainianRight @ForbiddenDreamer @graf @Hoss >browser extension or something that makes the process a little more normie-friendly.

So a centralized canonical name registry that gets us right back to where we are with dns, except with needless pubkey abstraction in the middle?


@DemonSixOne @skylar @af2 @ArdainianRight @ForbiddenDreamer @graf @Hoss I was thinking just a user-side table that lets you add sites to a list, and then select from that list. Basically a glorified bookmarks bar with a shiny coat of paint.

Back in the crypto bubble days, you could've had people 'stake' (basically just having it in your wallet and not using it on any other site at the same time) Ethereum on binding a site to a URL, and the softmax value of integral of staked money on a website would be used to tell users at a glance how legit it was. For example, if I have a site 'cat.blockchain', and I've had roughly $10,000 in Ethereum allocated to making this site as the most legit owner of that URL for a year, while a few other guys have intermittently put up $100 or so to tie their own sites to the URL for shits and giggles, a user entering 'cat.blockchain' into whatever web3 app was used for navigation here would say:

> Go to <Ame's wallet address>'s cat.blockchain? (97% owner)
> Go to <random guy's address>'s cat.blockchain? (0.5% owner)
> ...

Would've been relatively clean and straightforward, but the demographic of people who are techy enough to use non-standard URLs but non-techy enough not to just use Tor was a bit of a flash in the pan.

@DemonSixOne@poa.st avatar

@AmericanChampion @skylar @af2 @ArdainianRight @ForbiddenDreamer @graf @Hoss So in theory I could make a scam copy of "cat.blockchain" and then put $20k on it and proceed to steal the user information and passwords to damage the site's reputation?

@graf@poa.st avatar

@DemonSixOne @AmericanChampion @skylar @af2 @ArdainianRight @ForbiddenDreamer @Hoss people want the 'wild west' internet of the 90s so lets go

@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website avatar

> no one is going to type in all that shit
boy do i have news for you
t. learned some of my own password manager generated passwords due to repetition

@skylar@wolfgirl.bar avatar
@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website avatar

me? autistic? how...

@graf@poa.st avatar
@narada@foxgirl.lol avatar

@graf @ArdainianRight @Hoss What would you suggest people use for now?

@graf@poa.st avatar

@narada @ArdainianRight @Hoss porkbun but there are TLDs they dont support -- like st

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