graf, avatar

fellas there's exactly one week of the year left. if you are holding some petty grudge, or trying actively to make somebodys life hard for no reason consider changing your ways. apologize and try to mend friendships. we're all in this together and the circle of people who "get it" is shrinking fast


@graf no

graf, avatar


nozaki, avatar

I'm blocking 21 people, but most of them are sept 22 people who don't use those accounts anymore.

graf, avatar

@nozaki I only had a handful maybe 10 that I just cleared out. I cleared them out earlier in the year too some of these niggas really deserve it tho


Skim positive message thread.
>wHy DoN't yOu uNdEfEdErAtE aLL tHe ToXiC PeOpLe?
Damn. Graf has been pretty level headed about who he has shown the door. More often than not, they were literally daring him to kick them out. eg: i hAtE aNiMe. The remainder were deemed a poor fit for this community.

I wouldn't want to be a janny, but how do so many people struggle so badly when it comes to following a couple common sense rules? Bitching about not having access to is like niggers whining about White Flight.

graf, avatar

@MCMLXVIIOTG anything i do is wrong friend

NotImportant, avatar

@graf Life is finally getting good for me. This is going to be a good year.

graf, avatar

@NotImportant man wins a 25$ steam gift card and it changes his whole life

nugger, avatar

@graf DARN

graf, avatar


nugger, avatar


graf, avatar


Saber, avatar

Owl has not unblocked me so you should leave your block in place

Xenophon, avatar

He blocked you?!?!? Goodness, what a queer.

Saber, avatar

This was why

Xenophon, avatar

Its almost as if all the tranny jokes were true and this touched a nerve.

Saber, avatar

Could also be an actual woman with mental and physical instability, Oceansredux seethed at me in dms and then blocked me for a very similar comment directed at her (she has a medical condition and I was being insensitive or whatever despite not knowing this).

graf, avatar

@Saber @Xenophon @nugger that woman sent me her tits unprovoked and got upset when i said i didn’t think my girlfriend would appreciate it

graf, avatar

@Saber @Xenophon @nugger good reply

transgrammaractivist, avatar

This was a good one. Absolutely shitter shattered. I blocked owl too though so i didnt get too see this one.


@transgrammaractivist @Saber @Xenophon @graf @nugger Wait what I'm surprised you of all people would

transgrammaractivist, avatar

I might unblock her but shell probably block me again anyway lol.

Xenophon, avatar

Owl is filling the gap left by Ocean leaving 🤷‍♂️


@Xenophon @Saber @transgrammaractivist @MisterLister @graf @nugger Owl can't even see this comment since graf defederated me over calling him a fag, rendering their value as a troll account at zero

ArdainianRight, avatar

@Senator_Armstrong @Saber @transgrammaractivist @Xenophon @MisterLister @graf @nugger
Graf does things like that. He wants to talk about forgiveness and stuff but he blocked me over nothing and I don't think I've ever been unblocked. The sentiment would be nice if he tried practicing it at all.

graf, avatar

@ArdainianRight @Saber @transgrammaractivist @Xenophon @MisterLister @nugger @Senator_Armstrong you’re not blocked but go off lying about me friend

ArdainianRight, avatar

@graf @Saber @transgrammaractivist @Xenophon @MisterLister @nugger @Senator_Armstrong
You did block me at one point. I absolutely remember that.

graf, avatar

@ArdainianRight @Saber @transgrammaractivist @Xenophon @MisterLister @nugger @Senator_Armstrong >The sentiment would be nice if he tried practicing it at all.

graf, avatar
marine, avatar

@graf you’re so right. So if we’re gonna work on forgiveness, consider undefederating all the instances that you’ve defederated for retarded reasons and making amends. :meowHeart:

graf, avatar

@marine absolutely the fuck not. defederated instances are defederated for posting dox imagery -- on purpose -- to get defederated. they aren't defederated for "retarded reasons"

graf, avatar

@marine and pedophiles. forgot pedophiles

KennyWhitePowers, avatar
graf, avatar

@KennyWhitePowers @marine we already cleared out the defeds back in september. the ones remaining will remain forever or until the domain returns nxdomain

marine, avatar

@graf you’re well aware of what I mean by “retarded reasons”; not dox material, not pedophiles.

you’ve got a bunch of people listed for “block evasion”, you defederated Neetzsche for, and I quote; “Repeated harassment of many users, block evasion and general faggotry”, You defederated ColonelJ for making an account on FSE when Kiwifarms was down.

I’m also aware you have footnotes here, but I’m not sure if they link to direct rules or if they link to specific archive links (looks to be the former).

graf, avatar

@marine mint purposely put my image as the embed image of his fediblock agent, for example. you don't have the whole story and im really not going to do it. sorry

marine, avatar

@graf sir, please reread my post. I did not tell you to refederate people for posting dox materials of you. You clearly have mint listed as posting “dox materials”.

graf, avatar

@marine the answer is no. reread my OP. these are not "petty grudges" they have been removed for violating one or multiple of our rules. it's not going to happen so you're just wasting time

narada, avatar

People who dislike the defeds and blocks can just start up their own instances. It's not so hard as people think. It would actually help the ecosystem if they did it. Nevertheless, they just beg you to unblock lmao

marine, avatar

@narada @graf he’ll just defederate those too though.

graf, avatar

@marine @narada if it's a user that is defederated you're right. but this person isn't talking about the blocked people starting up their defederations. this person is speaking of a poast user who doesn't like who we've defederated

Maholmire, avatar

Defederate deez nuts.

@marine @narada @graf

narada, avatar

This is a zombie reply. Please awaken from your insipid sleep

marine, avatar

@narada @Maholmire @graf Oh look, the fun police have arrived. :meowRollingEyes:

narada, avatar

"Fun police"? Lmao, why does my opinion matter to your fun-loving ass?

graf, avatar

@narada @marine @Maholmire I have a feeling the original reply wasn't intended to get me to actually do something but to attempt to make me look like an idiot

marine, avatar

@graf @Maholmire @narada i wouldn’t say I was attempting to make you look like an idiot. Mostly trying to make you do self-reflection as a whole. It’s good for you.

graf, avatar

@marine @Maholmire @narada most of those defeds, colonelj for example, weren't done by me. not sure how i can reflect on somebody else, but every single one is justified. have a great christmas eve friend

Maholmire, avatar

I awake.

@narada @marine @graf

narada, avatar

Probably not true

Maholmire, avatar

If I were any more awake, I'd spawn a third eye from my forehead and start shooting lazer beams from it.

@narada @marine @graf

narada, avatar

Nah, you're a hylic imbecile. You don't know where you are

Maholmire, avatar

Nah, 'bout to harness my inner autism and go spectral.

@narada @marine @graf

narada, avatar

Hopefully you're happy. This argument is meaningless

graf, avatar

@narada @Maholmire @marine im happy thank you for asking

jernia, avatar

@narada @marine @Maholmire @graf aren't you the guy who boiled his dog?

marine, avatar

@jernia @Maholmire @narada @graf oh, Steven Penitentiary?

jernia, avatar

@marine @Maholmire @narada @graf Sure sounds like him.

narada, avatar

I don't know whom that is, but if you're accusing me of being some weird animal abuser, fuck off

jernia, avatar

@narada @marine @Maholmire @graf "No, Jesus Christ lmao" doesn't sound like a reaction from someone who doesn't know who I'm talking about. Say, why new posts from @opphunter88 stopped at 2023-12-14, mere two days before was launched?

NEETzsche, avatar

Opphunter88 was a Lutheran sperg who liked to mald about Gnostics/Mormons, and especially people who have a mixture of those two belief systems. I doubt he would start calling people hylics as an insult, unless he changed his theological views in between accounts.

jernia, avatar

@NEETzsche @marine @Maholmire @narada @opphunter88 @graf Back when he hosted he called himself orthodox. Think he also played with muslim theology on his "Dajjal" nostr account. He changes views as often as he changes accounts.

NEETzsche, avatar

Fair enough then. I've seen people adopt many masques of this sort before. How do you know all these accounts are one person, if I may ask?

jernia, avatar

@NEETzsche @marine @Maholmire @narada @opphunter88 @graf Intristical. Lots of small factors like the manner of speech, obsession with christcuckery, social graph to some degree. Incidentally, was first found on gleasonator's peerlist per Fedilist, and we know gleasonator is an instance Steve usually kickstarts from.

NEETzsche, avatar

That's interesting. I'm curious what you were using, though. Most notably:

  • Which speech patterns do you notice?, and
  • What about his social graph is consistent across accounts?
narada, avatar

This person is channeling an obsession into an accusation. I don't know whom this dude he's talking about is, but it has nothing to do with me. I'm not anything that he describes, but he's so obsessed that he's convinced himself I am. Unhinged behavior

n3f_X, avatar

wtf is really goin on around here

marine, avatar

@n3f_X @Maholmire @jernia @narada @NEETzsche @graf Narada is being accused of being Steve Jail. Really, the reason people go so hard on this is because no one likes the dog murderer. They like him even less when they remember he called himself things like the “K9 Kobbler”.

n3f_X, avatar

i know for a fact its not that dipshit

marine, avatar

@n3f_X @Maholmire @jernia @narada @NEETzsche @graf yeah? What’s your evidence of that?

n3f_X, avatar

evidence that i fckin said so

marine, avatar

@n3f_X @Maholmire @jernia @narada @NEETzsche @graf this is literally the same answer my mom would give me and she was always wrong.

n3f_X, avatar
marine, avatar

@n3f_X @Maholmire @jernia @narada @NEETzsche @graf and? this is meaningless. Show me Steve Jail’s account.

n3f_X, avatar

bitch im not google u go find it

graf, avatar

@n3f_X @marine @Maholmire @narada @NEETzsche he’s literally elsewhere in this thread -> @opphunter88

n3f_X, avatar

lol fckin schitzos

Doll, avatar

Mental Christmas, everyone.

n3f_X, avatar

start acting all weird Merry Christmas doll

graf, avatar
Doll, avatar

You still haven't told me to stop. Its been over a year now.

gh0st1984, avatar

How are you today

graf, avatar

@gh0st1984 @Doll @marine @Maholmire @narada @opphunter88 @NEETzsche @n3f_X 7 but i will be 9 in the matrix vc in a couple hours


@marine @narada @graf Can't believe I'm taking your side here.

narada, avatar

Bruh, just don't be difficult


@narada @marine @graf Counterpoint: service my shaft and tip before my balls, "difficult" to that instance is anything that doesn't immediately conform to Sad Uncle Ted and any of the incorrect Christian denominations.

narada, avatar

Cock obsessed weirdo wants to lecture people lmao


@narada @marine @graf
>Erm, just be Normal?

Yeah, door's over there, retard. Off you go.

narada, avatar

Dude, you're literally describing cocks in specific detail and acting like I'm the weirdo for pointing this out


@narada @marine @graf Yeah, you are a weirdo for dissecting a figure of speech and trying to turn it into a homo thing. Are you faggot?

narada, avatar

You are clearly a faggot


@narada @marine @graf >N-no, you!

Alright homo. Stay away from my dick.

n3f_X, avatar

start weeping and shitting your pants


@n3f_X @marine @narada @graf I'd say "you first", but you appear to have rolled up to the function doing so.

n3f_X, avatar

stay calm weinerface


@n3f_X @marine @narada @graf >S-stay calm!
2014 called, they wanted their "burn" back.

n3f_X, avatar

LOL u r an actual FAGGOT huh ...



@n3f_X @marine @narada @graf >Le Nigger Reaction Image

A fag AND a niglover? Graf just has the most wonderful defenders.

n3f_X, avatar

LOl i have no idea wtf is going on other than u acting like a little bitch


@n3f_X @marine @narada @graf That tracks. Faggots are attracted to the smell of conflict, hoping they can get a little drama out of it.

n3f_X, avatar

why r u acting so weird bro


@n3f_X @marine @narada @graf You've got zero bantz, huh...

n3f_X, avatar

lol i can tell everything u have said so far u have clearly been serious u should kill yourself immediately


@n3f_X @marine @narada @graf God, I cannot imagine jumping into an argument that you didn't start, throwing around a couple of gay reaction images (including one with a nig), pretending to be cool, and then LOSING your cool. Fairy.

narada, avatar

>niggers who randomly accused me of being some dude criticizing other people from participating in the thread

Holy SHIT you people are fags


@narada @marine @n3f_X @graf Listen, Graf's Left Ball Washer, you aren't that important. Wait your turn, I'm talking to Right Ball Washer right now.

narada, avatar

You're so important. Did you know that????????????????


@narada @marine @n3f_X @graf You seem to think so, as you started this, and will not stop riding my cock. Fag.

narada, avatar

I replied to Graf. You went full retard thinking you were important


@narada @marine @n3f_X @graf >N-no!! I DIDDN'T Reply to you!!! IT was to GRAf!!

Man, AIDS actually did fuck up your memory, didn't it?

narada, avatar

I literally replied to him, not you, in a thread. Keep making excuses


@narada @marine @n3f_X @graf I replied to him, as well, and then you hopped on my cock, you dumb faggot. I'm looking at the genesis post now.

narada, avatar

Retard thinks that because he replied to Graf first that means my replying to Graf validates him

graf, avatar

@narada @marine @n3f_X @AGARTHA_NOBLE the people ITT seething with what pete calls “graf derangement syndrome” are doing so because they’re mad they posted my images or my info at me and got defederated as a result and have made their entire personalities on fediverse about shittin me any chance they get. you’ll get this a lot if you reply to me frequently

graf, avatar

@narada @marine @n3f_X @AGARTHA_NOBLE i’d like to point out that without fail every time there are people attempting to shit on me somebody always donates. in this event it was not a small amount. so thank you 🙏🏻

narada, avatar

I donated a little bit a while back, and I plan to donate some more. I appreciate the help you've given me over time little by little in running my instances

graf, avatar

@narada @marine @n3f_X @AGARTHA_NOBLE i have no issue helping people providing they aren’t actively trying to harm me or poast. i have admitted that in the beginning i was easy to fly off the handle and make rash decisions and i have since changed that behaviour. we’ve removed defederations, i’ve mended burnt bridges and attempted to better myself. i will always try to help people if and when i can. you don’t have to donate for that

narada, avatar

You deserve donations for the heat you've taken and the magnanimity you've shown.

marine, avatar

@narada @n3f_X @graf @AGARTHA_NOBLE dude. come on. i’ve not seen politicians brown-nose this hard.

narada, avatar

Who the fuck are you? I'm grateful to an individual who has directly interacted with me, helping me set up servers in a way that was secure and efficient. You're literally some dumb fag who does nothing but gainsay

marine, avatar

@narada @n3f_X @graf @AGARTHA_NOBLE who the fuck are YOU? you came to MY posts I was making and consistently told me I was wrong despite knowing literally nothing about me, apparently. I can only pray God will fuck your life up and I will get to watch your downfall.

narada, avatar

>I can only pray God will fuck your life up and I will get to watch your downfall.

Anyone who actually trusts in God can see what a vicious faggot you are

marine, avatar

@narada @n3f_X @graf @AGARTHA_NOBLE again, like I said. YOU came to ME. not the other way around.

narada, avatar

I replied to Graf in a thread, but keep freaking out about it

graf, avatar

@narada @marine @n3f_X @AGARTHA_NOBLE no more arguing under the post that says stop arguing 😡

Lizard_Person, avatar

@graf @narada @marine @n3f_X @AGARTHA_NOBLE so ,shiting on you = too donations, hey

graf, avatar

@Lizard_Person @narada @marine @n3f_X @AGARTHA_NOBLE it happens every single time. most times it’s like 20-25$ but it’s worth it. i used to genuinely get upset at the way people treat me on here but through that repeated behavior i’ve learned to not care

nukie, avatar

@graf @marine @narada @n3f_X @AGARTHA_NOBLE is it? half of the thread is a discussion on whether narada is stevejail

graf, avatar

@nukie @marine @narada @n3f_X @AGARTHA_NOBLE i don’t think that’s who it is. stevejail = opphunter88

n3f_X, avatar

graf try to remain calm its going to be ok

graf, avatar

@n3f_X @marine i am calm thank you friend

n3f_X, avatar

lol i have no beefs with anybody on here

Sui, avatar

🤨 Where are the bodies n3f?

n3f_X, avatar

in your backyard

Sui, avatar

Well played you crafty bitch.
Fine, I'll get the shovel.

charlie_root, avatar

@Sui @n3f_X @graf

The virgin shoveling buriers vs the chad pig farm owner.

brimshae, avatar

@charlie_root @Sui @n3f_X @graf
Well, thank you for that. That's a great weight off me mind. Now, if you wouldn't mind telling me who the fuck you are, apart from someone who feeds people to pigs, of course.

charlie_root, avatar

@brimshae @Sui @n3f_X @graf

Do you know what "nemesis" means?

A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... ME.

n3f_X, avatar

calm down charlie root its gonna be ok

graf, avatar
gh0st1984, avatar

Merry Christmas to you and doll you unfestive twats

graf, avatar

@gh0st1984 @Sui @n3f_X merry christmas friend

Sui, avatar

You too nig, I wanna just go back to bed.

gh0st1984, avatar

Same, I'm running on caffeine and sugar cookies

Sui, avatar

I've been out of bed for like 10-20 minutes, think it's time to start on the gin.

The_Almighty_Kek, avatar

It's that time of day where it's probably too late to have my morning coffee and that I should wait until later at the Christmas Eve gathering with the family. :kek_sob:

Sui, avatar

You're 100% right, you should totally start drinking spirits.

graf, avatar

@Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X im gonna head out to ye ole liquor mart and pick up some dark rum and brandy for rumnog. u best also be doing the same

graf, avatar

@Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X I got salted caramel baileys too, gonna have a coffee with it rn, merry christmas kek sui nef and ghost

Doll, avatar

Try this one next time:

graf, avatar

@Doll @Sui @gh0st1984 @The_Almighty_Kek @n3f_X actually was considering this one but i love salted caramel too much

NathanielHigger1488, avatar

@graf @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X Your hand tattoos look like those of a gutter punk. You should get them retouched, they look like 10 year old stick and pokes

graf, avatar
NathanielHigger1488, avatar

@graf @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X >this nigga got stick and pokes while he was a minor

graf, avatar

@NathanielHigger1488 @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X I left at lunch time in grade 9 to take a bus across town to a tattoo shop to get a giant one done. 14 years old

NathanielHigger1488, avatar

@graf @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X Yeah you should probably get at least some of them touched up

graf, avatar

@NathanielHigger1488 @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X I have 20 year old black tribal ink banged into my left arm and its as dark as it was when i got it. good stuff but $$$$

graf, avatar

@Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X just picked up a starbucks pike place venti to pour this into, lets get this bread fellas

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@graf @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X I just grabbed a bottle of advocaat innit

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X brother hulson i saw the locked up alcohol again when i was out and let out an audible chuckle. the only alcohols they lock up here are like hennessy and patron and shit like that

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@graf @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X here they just put antitheft things on good booze but you can get em off with a magnet

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@graf @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X Also, Brother graf I kinda want go get some baileys now but i haven't got any ice in the freezer so will probably get some on the morrow as I can't have it without ice

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X I added mine to coffee, will switch to rum nog shortly and then maybe a couple beers before bed innit cant let santa invade my house

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@graf @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X Isn't rum nog just like advocaat as I never had it before

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Sui @The_Almighty_Kek @gh0st1984 @n3f_X ive never had advocaat so i dont know but it looks similar. but this has dark rum and brandy innit with some cinnamon

Hoss, avatar

Surely you've never used this knowledge for your own personal benefit, right?

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Hoss @Sui @gh0st1984 @The_Almighty_Kek @n3f_X @graf I only admit to criminal acts on Fedi whilst drunk so I best go acquire more booze

Hoss, avatar

I used to live near a grocery store that had a "build your own six pack" section with a flat rate for the six pack, and I'd take one of the carriers and go to the other end of the alcohol isle where the really fancy import beers were and fill it up four of the slots with those, and then two of the slots with beers from the "build your own six pack" selection for plausible deniability. Nobody ever told me I couldn't do that.

graf, avatar

@Hoss @Sui @gh0st1984 @The_Almighty_Kek @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson the last time i did anything like that it was when i was like 8 or 9 years old filling the big gulp cups at 711 with slurpee

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Sui @gh0st1984 @The_Almighty_Kek @n3f_X @graf I drank a bottle of Moet and 2 bottles of Prosseco 2 days ago and I still have a hang over and clearly the Jews are at fault for this trying to ruin my Christmas

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Sui @gh0st1984 @The_Almighty_Kek @n3f_X be careful brother hulson i heard they were putting SPIRITS in bottles now

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