graf, avatar

well it looks like you guys are either going to have to absolutely flood our stripe account before April 5th, or learn how to use crypto

TheDamageDealingMeatShield, avatar

@graf And how is Poast making charitable and political donations?

graf, avatar

@TheDamageDealingMeatShield thats not the accusation

TheDamageDealingMeatShield, avatar

@graf Then what is the line about "accepting charitable and political donations" about?

graf, avatar

@TheDamageDealingMeatShield you said poast making. the only donations we make are to other instances with money or hardware. we do NOT MAKE political donations like you claimed

Lyle, avatar

@graf What about cashapp or zelle using a burner phone number to receive?

graf, avatar

@Lyle cashapp doesn’t deal wkth canada. using a burner is fine until it becomes time to cash out and i have no card and no american bank account. i can apply for an american bank account since we are a LLC in wyoming but i would prefer to not have financial ties to the united states

Hyperhidrosis, avatar

@graf What's with middlemen payment processor anyway? Why no direct deposit!!

graf, avatar

@Hyperhidrosis sure give me your bank details, give me your social security number, your credit card number including the 3 digits on the back (4 if amex or discover!!) and an imprint of your ballsack

Arkana, avatar

@graf One site for funding I've found is boosty, I believe it's a Russian site and all payments through it are considered donations.

alex, avatar

@graf Can't believe I missed this. Patron is dead.

graf, avatar

@alex i wonder how they'll try to spin it to cancel btrfly

graf, avatar


RustyCrab, avatar

@graf after reading their restricted businesses list, I am left wondering: what are you ALLOWED to do with stripe?

graf, avatar

@RustyCrab anything left of center

Meat_Mom, avatar

@graf Is this why isnt working for me?
I don't wanna be sending donations that are just going into the void.

graf, avatar

@Meat_Mom no there's something wrong with some browsers. i was able to do it fine with firefox. i think something changed in the last 24 hours with stripe

graf, avatar

@Meat_Mom I just checked and nothing was attempted so try with a different browser maybe

Gab_Refugee, avatar

@graf Your names Daniel?

graf, avatar

@Gab_Refugee yeah hope thats okay

internetfreak, avatar

@graf Does this mean I need to stop my monthly donation?

graf, avatar

@internetfreak when does it get processed? if its after April 5 yes. if it's between now and April 5? no. I will shut down the Patron service on my birthday the day before so I don't forget

anything processed before April 5 will be deposited to us

bloggerski, avatar

@graf @internetfreak Other than bitcoin is there another way to send money?

graf, avatar

@bloggerski @internetfreak there are private ways online you can message me about or you can mail cash/money order to our PO box

pinemarten, avatar

@graf @bloggerski @internetfreak Did Stripe boot because of wrongthink, or did they not even say?

Stripe is Jack, aka faggot tool of the system.

Bad_Banner, avatar

@pinemarten @graf @bloggerski @internetfreak This is great because I'm going to start buying Monero now.

graf, avatar

@pinemarten @bloggerski @internetfreak it says for collecting donations or political contributions lmfao. i filed an appeal but i'm glad people are actually considering crypto instead. may not even bother with replacing a fiat payment processor

pinemarten, avatar

@graf @bloggerski @internetfreak I think I have a small monthy running on Librepay? That is French, maybe more under the radar.

You are not accepting political donations, you are merely providing a forum for people to engage in free speech. That is, the thing (((they))) most fear.

graf, avatar

@pinemarten @bloggerski @internetfreak nope liberapay requires a connection to a stripe account to function. those will cease April 5th as well. that's my birthday (April 4) birthday present from them

Bad_Banner, avatar

@graf I'll finally have a reason to use my Exodus wallet.

Bad_Banner, avatar

@graf Wow that was incredibly easy

graf, avatar

@Bad_Banner yep received instantly thank you friend

JimmyTheHand, avatar

@graf Fuck. I'm one of those that would need multiple hands-on lessons to learn crypto. I'm too old to just get it.

Anyone willing to teach me?

Skringot, avatar
JimmyTheHand, avatar

@Skringot @graf Thanks man! I think even I could navigate this.

graf, avatar

@JimmyTheHand @Skringot you dont have to do that many swaps. just if you care about the wallet you send poast crypto to being documented since anybody can see transactions on the blockchain. if thats all you use it for it wont matter

JimmyTheHand, avatar

@graf @Skringot It's more that I haven't figured out how to set up a crypto wallet yet.

I'm not concerned that someone will learn that I donate to (I'm sure my local feds already know), I'm just unsure on the mechanics of getting it done.

graf, avatar

@JimmyTheHand @Skringot install the exodus wallet on your phone or desktop (can be found in phone app stores)

if you don’t care buy something like litecoin from an ATM, from an exchange like kraken (warning they will ask for ID) or local exchanges

DMA, avatar

@graf @JimmyTheHand @Skringot What is the badge for may I ask?

graf, avatar

@DMA @JimmyTheHand @Skringot which badge? on user profiles?

DMA, avatar
graf, avatar

@DMA @JimmyTheHand @Skringot donors can request to have custom badges. patrons get one automatically that says Patron

RaHoWaJoe, avatar

@graf You got anything where we can send money to a trusted mod and they western union it to you?

graf, avatar

@RaHoWaJoe you can just mail money orders or cash to our PO box. they cant take that away from us tbh

Mister_Sunshine, avatar

@graf @RaHoWaJoe >our PO box
This is a good option for the non-tech inclined, Luddites, and KYC non-enjoyers, etc. I poked around and do not see the actual address anywhere though.

graf, avatar

@Mister_Sunshine @RaHoWaJoe send me a message and ill include it here. it's not published because our prior address was given out by somebody i entrusted it to and it resulted in me having to be escorted several times by detectives to make sure there wasn't explosives, anthrax etc in it because of people thinking it's funny to attempt to swat

idea_enjoyer, avatar

Will liberapay still work

graf, avatar

Wait. You were using Stripe? 😬

graf, avatar we weren't heavily reliant on it but we have a solution built into poast where people can donate on-platform that was powered by stripe. we except most major crypto and that will be the way forward i think

stoner713, avatar

@graf So will the liberapay option still work?

graf, avatar

@stoner713 no it's attached to stripe which is funny because stripe processes it as a donation

stoner713, avatar

@graf Got it. Learning crypto it is. Poast is too important to not fund.

graf, avatar

@stoner713 my gf said "you always figure things out" but i dunno about this one. I will look into more this coming week

TactlessWookie, avatar

@stoner713 @graf I have some LTC in a paper wallet. Need to finger out how to convert and send.

stoner713, avatar

@TactlessWookie @graf 'Paper wallet'
I just leaned what this is.

graf, avatar

@stoner713 @TactlessWookie you can buy bitcoin and XMR and several other cryptocurrencies in convenience stores all over the world. download an app like exodus that allows you to keep your own wallet not on an exchange and just deposit what you buy from vending machines there to send. or you can use exchanges (dont ever keep crypto in an exchange tho -- not your keys not your crypto)

TactlessWookie, avatar

@graf @stoner713 Crypto. Vending. Machine. blink blink

Could one of youse help me move this rock I'm living under?

graf, avatar
Bad_Banner, avatar

@graf @TactlessWookie @stoner713 There's one at my local gas station, I'm going to go try something real quick.

TactlessWookie, avatar

@Bad_Banner @graf @stoner713 Please do detail your experience.

graf, avatar

@TactlessWookie @Bad_Banner @stoner713 the caveat to them is you pay a little more (5-10% extra) to use them and bypass KYC. operator fees aren't bad considering you avoid the pesky government ID requirement

Bad_Banner, avatar

@TactlessWookie @graf @stoner713 Okay, so I used cash for this.

>Selected a coin (did Litecoin for this one)
>it asks for my phone number
>enter it on the kiosk
>it sends a code to my phone
>enter said code in kiosk
>Scanned my Litecoin QR code (to receive) where the number pad is
>it accepts
>It asks you to input money (which I did cash)
>Hit complete transaction
>Now I wait up to 30mins to show up in my Exodus wallet

It's pretty damn easy.


graf, avatar

@Bad_Banner @TactlessWookie @stoner713 just received this btw thank you

ChiRho, avatar

@graf @Bad_Banner @TactlessWookie @stoner713 I saw where you said you used litecoin for nitter stuff, would it be sufficient for everything else poast related or is there a better currency?

graf, avatar

@ChiRho @Bad_Banner @TactlessWookie @stoner713 nope LTC is fine. our ISP takes BTC, LTC, XMR and a couple others


@graf @ChiRho @Bad_Banner @TactlessWookie @stoner713 there is a 9-11, 7-11 down the street that has a btc atm. should be doable.

Bad_Banner, avatar

@zerosum @graf @ChiRho @TactlessWookie @stoner713 If I can do it you can do it

graf, avatar

@Bad_Banner @zerosum @ChiRho @TactlessWookie @stoner713 thank you for taking the initiative to learn and maybe help others to also not be so confused or spooked by it

Bad_Banner, avatar

@TactlessWookie @graf @stoner713 Now that I'm home I checked my exodus wallet and saw that it's in there and just scan the qr code on poast to send the litecoin and boom done.

skinwalkerq400, avatar

@TactlessWookie @graf @stoner713 I'm surprised to find one of those Crypto ATMs in my little podunk town.

graf, avatar

@skinwalkerq400 @TactlessWookie @stoner713 they are everywhere friend

did torba not try to introduce you guys to it? no wonder he's been so desperate for money

stoner713, avatar

@graf @TactlessWookie If I can ask a question bout this. I will have to set up regular transfers myself?

graf, avatar

@stoner713 @TactlessWookie I think BTCpayserver handles this maybe

stoner713, avatar

@graf @TactlessWookie It does a pull payment method so as a supporter of poast you would be able to pull from my BTCwallet, if I were to go this route:
"Patronage (where the patron allows the recipient to pull money every month to continue supporting their work)"
It is still not automatic, as I will always have to say 'yes' to the payment, though the do say future versions will include an automatic payment.
I guess I will have to just make a one time a year payment until they hash these kinks out. Sucks I'll loose my 'PATRON' badge.

graf, avatar

@stoner713 @TactlessWookie you may lose that but i can give you whatever badge you want as long as it’s not staff affiliated

TactlessWookie, avatar

@graf @stoner713 Ok, crypto retard question time. So, I looked and wouldn't ya know it. There are a dozen ATM locations in my little burg.

I get the need for an app on my mobile. But, can I just buy coins for cash? No names? No KYC shits?

graf, avatar

@TactlessWookie @stoner713 the app I referenced (exodus) requires no KYC. its a wallet on your phone that you can use on desktop as well. windows/mac/linux/ios/android. zero KYC

TactlessWookie, avatar

@graf @stoner713 Alrighty then. I have a wallet set up on my desktop in Exodus. I have some LTC in it now. I'm ASSuming you take Litecoin?

I have a lot to learn.

graf, avatar

@TactlessWookie @stoner713 go to

locate "Litecoin" and click the box beside the address to copy it. plug that into "Send to litecoin address" in Exodus and hit send. literally that easy :BlobCatHeart:

UnCL3, avatar

@stoner713 @graf need a real tutorial posted for us losers who've never

graf, avatar

@UnCL3 @stoner713 @MechaSilvio is just the man for this, might even still be his pinned poast


@graf erm excuse me where are the fedi lawyers?

graf, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar

Why do they believe that the money being recieved is political or charitable?

TeaTootler, avatar

@graf “request further review” just to waste these kikes time

graf, avatar

@TeaTootler i already did. this happened earlier today. it was in the mod chat for a while before i decided to post it

white_male, avatar

@graf (((they))) timed this one out nicely.

ForbiddenDreamer, avatar

@white_male @graf Just as soon as the donations bar hit $2k 😔

white_male, avatar

@ForbiddenDreamer @graf I think some gablins could've had a hand in it.

ForbiddenDreamer, avatar

@white_male @graf Yeah, they definitely pumped that number up.

white_male, avatar

@ForbiddenDreamer @graf I mean some faggots got butthurt and complained about poast to some corporate activists.

graf, avatar

@white_male @ForbiddenDreamer i purposely chose all vendors we can pay with crypto knowing eventually this would happen. if we don't employ another payment processors all of our ISPs take crypto -- especially XMR. so send poast all your XMR

db, avatar

@graf @white_male @ForbiddenDreamer does american money in the mail do anything for you?

graf, avatar

@db @white_male @ForbiddenDreamer yes thats all ive ever received in the mail except one mail order, both work. the bank account for poast accepts both

Heil_Honkler, avatar

@graf how the fuck is it a political donation?

Xenophon, avatar

It isnt. Stripe has a historyof banning people who say the nigget word or muh huwyte supreemacy

graf, avatar

@Xenophon @Heil_Honkler this is under the "Businesses that are prone to abuse by fraudulent actors" category. in over three years we've had 1 person charge back

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@graf @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler Is there still no real alternative to stripe these days

Honjaseo, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @graf @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler Gab Pay?

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

Witch_Hunter_Siegfired, avatar

@Honjaseo @Dan_Hulson @graf @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler @providencepost We need a :gorf: pay to beat Gab Pay.

graf, avatar
jeffcliff, avatar



Dan_Hulson, avatar

@jeffcliff @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler @graf lot of boomers can't use it and I can't cuz I can't get a bank account and have use other people's banks to move money around which is a big pain

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @jeffcliff @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler you have a way to send me money that i wont advertise because i dont also want to lose that

TactlessWookie, avatar

@graf @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler Can you rebrand as a subscription?

graf, avatar

@TactlessWookie @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler to stripe it is a subscription

Evil_Bender, avatar

All the major processing centers are closing accounts to known "White supremacists" I lost a cashapp not to long ago and that's all I can figure as well.

LivingSpaceStudios, avatar

@Evil_Bender @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler @graf We really need to sort this payment problem out.

graf, avatar

@LivingSpaceStudios @Evil_Bender @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler crypto solves it. getting people into crypto takes this control away

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