SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

Major Update

Ohayo Fedi! :02Hi:

While my sleep schedule is still screwed up, it didn't screw me up that much last night.

Over night some of the Loli Brotherhood, but not the majority of them, which brought a few votes but nothing that would push Senko safely away from Osaka. Meanwhile the Animekampf as continued to push in trickles of Osaka votes.

One group over the morning surprised everyone in showing up: the Nice Crew Digital. NCD is not known for being an instance of loving anime, though there are a few that are anime fans. The NCD is known for several other things, namely being the alt-Fedi instance with the most verifiable amount of women, being, being creators of long hellthreads full of endless chatter that annoys a lot of other Fedi people. They are the most normalfag-friendly of the alt-Fedi. The NCD being non-otaku doesn't mean they cannot vote, so with all their Osaka votes, especially as virtually all have respected both the "no chatting in the poll thread" rule and "no anti-loli/debating loli" rule.

This is a last call to the Fluffy Tail Mafia and Loli brotherhood to wake and push hard for Senko, or she will lose. Remember, this isn't a democratic process. This is a game and not playing the game will make you lose even if your girl is the objectively better girl.

Osaka - 91
Senko - 85



Awoo, avatar

@SuperSnekFriend @AnimeGirlConnoisseur
Not like this Fluffy Tail enjoyers :sad_cat:

rlier23, avatar

@DEERBLOOD @AnimeGirlConnoisseur @ChristiJunior @SuperSnekFriend @shedinja i'm just gonna Say that Osaka is pure meme slop

Yet again democracy proves to be a scam ran by nothing more than brutes and Reddit tier humor

bronze, to random avatar

If you haven't done so please vote for senko in the

Voting thread:


bronze, to random avatar

Good morning and happy everyone!
If you haven't done so please vote for senko in the


SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


Links to the poll account and thread for those who can't see the quote post:

The time has come and so have I! After many months, many battles, many tears shed, blood split, and sweat poured, we have reached the end, the final three matches to determine the Anime Queen of the Fediverse. We have the girl who got through all adversity through sheer dumb dork luck. We have a fox goddess who is the embodiment of the perfect wife and who has destroyed her competition so far. We have what many believe is the on the few objectively perfect anime girl characters. We have a beloved

This first semifinal is between that dork and that perfect monster wife.

** WCTB 32. Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga / Azumanga Daioh **

Poast's lich, Lichelord Greyford, with Fash-E's request and help, uncovered Osaka

Granwalder wants a tard wife, specifically a tard wife from Osaka, Japan.

Fash-E says that Osaka "is ready for Total War!" Let's a go!

** 12. Senko / The Helpful Fox Senko-san **

Qwerty, one of Fediverse's Watamelon sellers has given stated the Watamelon Union gives its official support to Senko-san.

SNEK, my supposed twin brother, thinks, "Senko is very cute." Yes friend! She is very cute indeed. :bebe: (Why is there no emote for Bebe still)

Some are as belligerent against dorks and for monster girls as those who are for dorks and against Fluffy. Take the resident dragon girl scholar, William_The_Dragonborn, "Senko is perfect, death to Osaka."



wgiwf, avatar
Wiz, avatar

@SuperSnekFriend @AnimeGirlConnoisseur Vote for Senko you niggers

SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

You lolis bros know that the only loli left in the is in a fierce battle right now...and she's losing. Right?

DrRyanSkelton, avatar

>best of anything

18+ SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Why not a girl with both?


SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


Remember to bring any OC/quotations you want me to mention during the final matches:


poopernova, avatar

@Tamamo @SuperSnekFriend Doesn't help that varis is a janky barely functional mess, I mostly use my underused baest account to keep track of this stuff


@poopernova @SuperSnekFriend Yeah, often half the tread doesn't even load on varis.
I should really make some other accounts in case varis completely shits itself.

SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

Remember guys, the only sports bowl you should ever care about is the finale, next weekend.



>gobbo guy crowns every waifu as best girl
You can't do that, we have rules.

Solbera, avatar
riserise, to random avatar

I am endorsing Senko in the
If Osaka happens to beat her I shall fall on a spear.

Awoo, avatar

Based and fluffy tailed pilled.

Goalkeeper, to random avatar

Eyes on the prize boys. The little retard that could.

Awoo, avatar

I'm going to defed the Osaka votes from As the tournament account is on they won't count.

ChristiJunior, to random avatar

Semifinals – PREVIEW

Just my thoughts on the upcoming semifinals.


32nd Seed Osaka VS 12th Seed Senko

Senko has not only been the strongest and most impressive-looking girl throughout this entire tournament, she has been the single most dominant entity of ANY major Fediverse tournament, ever, even putting someone like Samus to shame - remember, 4 different girls held Samus below 60%, while Senko has yet to even come close to dipping below 60%, and that’s against very respectable opposition. When an iconic, instant classic Waifu like Yor Forger has to work hard just to avoid getting Doubled, you just KNOW that Senko is insane. Senko winning this match, and indeed, the whole tournament seems like a no-brainer at this point.

However, the ancient Fox Loli is going up against an opponent that the rules of common sense don’t apply to. Osaka’s inexplicable, unbelievable underdog run has already overcome the tournament’s #1 Seed, a change in the voting format and a fellow oldfag Meme girl, and if anything she just seems to be gaining strength. At this point I’m no longer reminded of someone like Shanoa in the vidya girl tournament, but Greece in the Euro 2004 soccer championship. NOBODY had any faith in the Greek team, despite it producing giant upset after giant upset, all the way until it reached the finals, at which point everybody suddenly realized that, oh fuck, these niggers really are gonna win it all, aren’t they?

Considering that Senko has already wiped the floor with a girl who has actually BEATEN Osaka, and by a pretty big margin at that, there’s no conceivable reason why Senko shouldn’t nuke the tournament’s bottom seed. But I’m here to tell you that if Osaka manages to withstand Senko’s early onslaught, you better watch out, because it’s hard to imagine Osaka actually losing a close match at this point. And if she does defeat Senko, our underdog heroine is winning it all, like Greece did in 2004.


Goalkeeper, avatar

Toonami promos kick ass


Goalkeeper, avatar

Getting Peter Cullen to do these was absolute genius


SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

Major Update

You know what happens when your sleep schedule is messed up? You miss important deadlines like hourly and major updates during heavy voting. :NYNSleepy:

The Fluffy Tail Mafia continues to hold the tourney host and tourney goers hostage, with Holo still holding a major lead over the vampire loli.

But like I said before, Shinobu has powers of her own and is no pushover against the Wise Wolf. Shinobu supports called the loli bros of Varis Hangout and brought a bunch of voters from their to support the other remaining loli, besides Senko-san. This has given Shinobu a place where, with another big push without the Fluffy Tail Mafia defending well, she can threaten Holo's lead and thus her star status as a tourney favorite.

We will see what these two will come up with for the rest of the match. Until the morning, oyasumi Fediverse! :senko_nap:

Holo - 44
Shinobu - 35

Thanks against to @kvit for the Shinobu pic!



King_Noticer, avatar

@Awoo @AnimeGirlConnoisseur @SuperSnekFriend @Groomschild @kvit No. Knock it off, you're freaking me out. Seriously.

jill, avatar
SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

Then there were only four.

There will be a break before the finals to help me recuperate and set the finals on the weekend. See you guys next week on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 3 PM Eastern Standard Time (-5 GMT) when we start the very end and Senko and Osaka will face off.

Attached is the datasheet so far of the tourney for the nerds out there, which has not fully been cleaned up yet but servicable.

Hyperhidrosis, avatar

@SuperSnekFriend OSAKA HIIIII

SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


Links to the poll account and thread for those who can't see the quote post:

What a rough and exciting battle! We saw the ultimate turnaround in the last match.
Today is the final quarterfinal match before we get to the real finals next week.

** 3 Holo / Spice and Wolf **

Besides Senko and Osaka, Holo is the other beast that has kept everyone on their toes and off their seats. The Fluffy Tail Mafia is holding their tails hoping the two mofu powergirls will drive their way. Holo is their "main" champion, despite Senko being objectively stronger. Both girls are perfect in everyway. But one can argue that Holo is better as her romance is more fleshed and deeper than the wish fulfillment that Senko belongs to.

In the last werewolf versus vampire match, Wolf Girl in Wheat Fields points out, "Wolfgirl with fangs twice as long." Imagine the love bites!

Zealist worked wonders with Stable Diffusion, offering . Perhaps for this match he can make gothic pics of Holo.

Fedi's resident alt-history writer and husband of a Nazi hellwan, Tactical, pines, "Vampire wolfgirl needed." Don't we all?

** 11. Shinobu Oshino / Monogatari **

While Yor struggled to not get doubled by the wolf goddess, Shinobu has a better shot to take on Holo, Shinobu being supernaturally wonderfully herself. To Shinobu's credit, she defeated the tough opponent Lum who is beloved on the Fedi and has great, objective anime credentials.
While unofficially I support Holo, I salute Shinobu and wish her good luck in this match

Kvit, Shinobu's husbando, has been there for his waifu from the beginning, shouting various slogans like "CUTE VAMP," and "VOTE FOR VAMP!"
He does have a mellow outlook however. "I'm gonna have to go nuts tomorrow and even then I bet chances are low. It's worth a shot though, I believe Shinobu deserves the win." Ganbatte vampire bro!

The Greek philosopher Dicer from Poast has this profound observation, "Unlike real women, Shinobu has compassion."



Fash-E, avatar
ElTigre, avatar
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By the way, a quick and dirty PSA:

You guys may think I'm obtuse or a bit of an ass for making this rule:

>Please do not use this Baest poll thread for discussion. Use's tourney threads on Mugicha Club or quote post a person's vote instead.

You may be right about being obtuse, autistic, or an ass. HOWEVER, the rule does serve a purpose. I myself cannot easily keep track of people's voting if a bunch of people keep posting in the thread with irrelevant stuff.
I missed one guy's vote early on from the Mugi vs. Asuka because it was crammed among irrelevant posting from others, including people who don't care about the tourney at all. I only caught it when rechecking the tally.

Even if breaks the Fediverse's "purpose", please act like Whites and FEA's and respect my wish and rule.

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