@udongle@mugicha.club avatar



George Lincoln Rockwell's forgotten Hapa grandson

"Udon is not cringe" -Louis Conde
"Udon posts nothing but cringe" -Lärs Ümläüt
"you fucking retard" -theorytoe


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graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar


@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

cc @nozaki we need to gorf

merchantHelios, to random

i think the final step for me with private trackers, to round out what i have access too, is to somehow get an inv or get lucky with applications opening for GazelleGames

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

private trackers have always been retarded about that, it's not possible for everyone to have a positive seeding ratio by definition

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

frieren is just okay so far

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

what episode are you on?

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

It really blew up in popularity a few episodes from there when the demons start showing up, I think you'll enjoy it.

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

You could put the n-word here (just a suggestion)

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

The venture capital way of funding never made sense, it was just repeating the dotcom bubble

1: dump massive amounts of money into something that isn't profitable
2: massively expand audience through hyper and advertising
3: hope it somehow becomes profitable
4A: convince google to buy your startup because they're fucking retarded
4B: implode because it never became profitable
5: do it again anyway

Computers aren't magic so doing something on a computer doesn't magically make it have any value, yet most of the tech world is built on the assumption that if you throw enough computing power into a cumsock it will eventually grow money.

PraxisOfEvil, to random
@PraxisOfEvil@poa.st avatar

Can anyone spare a chungus during this difficult time?

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

best i can do is amongus

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

serious question: do you think having protonmail as your main normie email gets you on a watchlist

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

Do you think having an MyAnimeList account puts your watches on a list?

Xeraser, to random
@Xeraser@poa.st avatar

freud? more like fraud lmao

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

Discriminate on every user from every instance, the whole fediverse belongs to poast.com

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

Nozaki is just graf wearing japface (tape on the side of his eyes to make them squinty and chinky)

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

>someone random using the nitter signs up to poast
>sends me a thank you message
you're welcome kind nitter stranger, this is why i do things. random appreciation goes a long way and makes me feel good for trying to help people

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

based grafman

DrRyanSkelton, to random
@DrRyanSkelton@mugicha.club avatar

Every time Bijou says something nice about Sonic Adventure 2 it hits her with more retarded bullshit

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

>open stream
>bugged grindrail mechanics twice in ten seconds

sasuga SA2

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

>gets mystic meoldy shortcut
>ringdash bugs out and kills her


@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

she did it!

deprecated_ii, to random
@deprecated_ii@poa.st avatar

it's actually kind of annoying how every teacher under the sun for a given subject will use the same text, and the same example problems, and the same practice problems, so you can watch videos by five people and read text from three sources and it's just the same shit repeated

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

Did my head in that every textbook uses the same proof of "square root of two is irrational", you've got infinte numbers to play with why is it always the number 2? why not cuberoot or any other operation? nerds.

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

yeah in math class millions is a small number so it doesn't matter, physics is where the fun stuff is.

This particular proof always pissed me off because when you read it for the first time it's not obvious which parts of the proof are due to 2 being an even number and which parts are due to "square root = power of 1/2". Taking the square root of 3 would make it a lot more obvious but that would require minimal effort.

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

It is Fox Girl Friday! Don't forget to vote for the Fox Girl!

RT🇵🇸: https://bae.st/objects/11234f25-e239-47fe-b8c7-8a32ce8fee01


@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

How long until this is over and I can unfilter half the timeline again?

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

I kill people

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar
RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

to save my life I can't make the spelling of Frieren stick in my brain so I'm just calling it Elfshow in my files

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

>(coming from somebody that does not like anime shows)

How? you write code and aren't a troon or a fag, you must like anime.

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

3 episode rule, if you don't think it's great immediately it will dissapoint you so drop it and move on

King_Noticer, to random
@King_Noticer@poa.st avatar

It's Gotover :bocchibreakdown:

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

bocchi is like a goblin, subterranean.

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar


@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

knob is british for wiener
hobgoblins are a type of goblin

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

ho's b goblin deez nuts

paula9, to random
@paula9@comp.lain.la avatar

touhou fans will create the most beautiful art you've seen then you go play the games and it's a mid bullet hell


@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

Based fellow Reisen beater upper

jimmybuffettfanaccount, to random
@jimmybuffettfanaccount@poa.st avatar

Hullabaloo on Twitter over the Lovely Complex dub, leftoid freak writer bragged about fixing the anime, discotek responded with a defense of the idea of dub changes generally but also said they wouldn’t work with that clown again, so call it a draw. If you can slog through the freaks whole blogpost I think there’s something very illuminating about how poz like this works. Around 20 of the actors hired to voice the project were trannies. Why? Because the project was done basically for free, and only the most freakish leftoids are willing to work when the pay is shit or if there’s no pay, because advancing their worldview is payment enough. If we can’t match that zealotry we’re in trouble.


@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

How is an openly right wing artist meant to make a living? You're blacklisted from publishers and most sponsors by default, you're blacklisted from patreon, hatreon got destroyed, conventions will ban you if enough people complain.

If the only options are doing it for free or doing it part-time and begging for donations on some obscure platform, then anyone competent enough to be a right wing artist will correctly realize it's a waste of time. The only people I can think of who have made money are stonetoss (after he scammed his fans with NFTs) and sam hyde (banned from tv, reduced to streaming and twitter).

There's no art without patronage.

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

This really is the dilemma, there's no financial pathway for someone to start out doing right wing doodles and end up with a well paying job and prestige, but there's countless pathways for lefties and perverts.

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

I don't think there's a horde of talented right wing artists sitting around waiting for a chance to make money, I just think anyone who's got controversial opinions and is competent at some artform is going to keep their mouth shut, or just never bother developing their skills because they see the writing on the wall.

SuperSnekFriend, to random
@SuperSnekFriend@poa.st avatar

Momiji's, Aya's, and Reisen's fumos are now on preorder. :jahy_oooh:

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

where from? real ones not bootlegs right?

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

me when I turn into a deer and lick a light switch

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

Hate it when that happens.

rher, to random
@rher@mugicha.club avatar

@udongle when you catch him committing election fraud:

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

How my wife sleeps after I fortify @SuperSnekFriend 's election.

udongle, to random
@udongle@mugicha.club avatar
theorytoe, to random
@theorytoe@ak.kyaruc.moe avatar

for you math people:

how do I go about raising a vector to a power of a vector?

is it possible to raise a scalar to the power of a vector and vise-versa?

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

You can define exponentiation of a square matrix, so any vector with nn components can be mapped to an nn matrix, so you can raise a scalar to the power of some vectors.

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar


tl;dr it's just the exponential power series using the matrix instead of a real number variable

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

is this more powerful than the n word?

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

power word: korean

theorytoe, to random
@theorytoe@ak.kyaruc.moe avatar

i think I might change my pfp (followers devistated)

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

It is imperative the entire fediverse knows what gets me hard at all times.

SuperSnekFriend, to random
@SuperSnekFriend@mugicha.club avatar

32 girls in
16 girls out

Ready for Round Two?

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

>I think Frieren [is] a little too young to tell

Officer she's over 1000 years old!

weaf, to random
@weaf@poa.st avatar

Unbelievable amount of cope coming from the Nothing Happens Brigade that all of this is election year bullshit and nothing will happen

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

Betting big on nothing ever happening is like being on the left column of this chart, I'm either pleasantly surprised when something does happen, or smugly satisfied that nothing happened. Only a fool would expect something to ever happen when the risk is e-suicide from loosing all your clout coins.

udongle, to random
@udongle@mugicha.club avatar
noyoushutthefuckupdad, to random
@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

>lycoris recoil
>vrmmo slop
>gakkou gurashi
>shoujo shuumatsu

Whoever tagged these is retarded

Kerosene, to random
@Kerosene@bae.st avatar

Not gonna lie, the Palworld creatures lack the sex appeal of the Pokemon. As much as I like to shit on Nintendo there's still a long way to go for the competition.

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

0/10 game does not awaken a desire to commit bestiality

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

do you wear pants twice between washes?

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

Depends how much time you spend outside with them on and how dirty they get, not a flat amount of time. shirts however should be washed every day because armpits smell.

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar
@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

I want to have sex with a normal woman.

t. Brown supremacist (med)

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

I have a theory that part of YouTube's big push back on ad blockers now is part of a contract with the military that said "get rid of all of them". There is no economic sense in going for the last 5% of people who use invidious so aggressively. I have been setting up a new OS without adblock yet and almost every ad I've gotten so far has something to do with the army.

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

IIRC their parent company was gay and the in built crypto shit is retarded. brave is also a dumb name

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

I mean they got funding from peter thiel, hard to trust a gay conservative libertarian (but i repeat myself thrice)

deprecated_ii, to random
@deprecated_ii@poa.st avatar

the only good thing about USB-C is you can plug it in either way

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

futanari connector...why does @Xeraser not like it?

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, to random
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@bae.st avatar

@ai I met a Geometry crank at the coffee shop today.

:ancapshades: "Yeah I'm thinking about playing Roblox for those sweet youtube views."
:ayaya: "Yeah that's good, Geometry Dash is also good."
:blobcatgooglytrash: "Woah you like Geometry too?"
:ayaya: "Ah, no, Geometry Dash. But I do have an M.S. in Mathematics..."
:ancapshades: "I gotta go back to work bro, have fun."
:blobcatgooglytrash: "I study Euclidean Geometry."
:ayaya: "Oh fair, nobody really studies that nowadays though."
:blobcatgooglytrash: "I like Euclid's postulates, I think they're great."
:ayaya: "Oh, are you just starting out? The geometry defined by no points and no lines satisfies them, it's kinda bad."
:blobcatgooglytrash: "What's wrong with that?"
:ayaya: "Because lots of theorems are satisfied vacuously by that geometry, it kinda sucks."
:blobcatgooglytrash: "Sure, but you have to keep in mind that it's not really axiomatic, it's a different system..."

And it went downhill from there.

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

>if we scale the pyramid and fold it flat it's the same length as part of the moon
>if you look at this honestly it really makes you go hmm

No it makes me go "who gives a shit?"

@udongle@mugicha.club avatar

Yeah mathematically speaking, numbers are not very interesting

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