RustyCrab, avatar

It really pisses me off when I have 64 gigs of ram and programs still insist on grinding my disk to shreds with temp files instead of making use of that. Nobody's running terabytes of compressed data through a raspberry pi you stupid nigger

zero, avatar

@RustyCrab simply disable swap

RustyCrab, avatar

@zero Its not swap. Its programs clevermaxxing and being like "hehe watch me never go above 50 megs of ram to compress all your files" meanwhile draining write cycles from your expensive nvme

syzygy, avatar

@RustyCrab @zero
Doesn't tmpfs live in memory already?

RustyCrab, avatar

@syzygy @zero windows (work computer)

syzygy, avatar

@RustyCrab @zero
Oh, lol, lmao

RustyCrab, avatar

@syzygy @zero yeah I used to run a ramdisk for temp files on windows 10 and it worked great. Ramdisk software no longer works correctly on windows 11 because they can't just let me live in peace

syzygy, avatar

@RustyCrab @zero
Hahaha :trollCrazy:

Humpleupagus, avatar

This is what happens when you don't use their cloud based storage. 😏

Dicey, avatar

one day our houses will be built in the cloud

syzygy, avatar

@Dicey @RustyCrab @Humpleupagus @zero
Soon, we will all live in the FS server.

Humpleupagus, avatar

Soon windows only purpose will be users saying no to advertisements respecting other windows products.

Dicey, avatar

GNU could have saved humanity but no linux is communist. Now it's the matrix (posted from my ipad)

syzygy, avatar

@Dicey @RustyCrab @Humpleupagus @zero
You should have listened.

Humpleupagus, avatar

The elite don't want you to know this, but linux is free. You can take them home. I have 368 linuxes.

syzygy, avatar
Zucchini, avatar

@Humpleupagus @RustyCrab @Dicey @syzygy @zero

Yeah it's really getting to the point that even the games that need windows to play them are not worth the headache and heartache of windows.

I just hope steamdecks keep being popular as a way to push publishers to support linux in the future.

Humpleupagus, avatar

This is why I only retrogame. Besides, what's wrong with sonic roboblast 2? 😏

Hoss, avatar

>This is it guys! This is the year of the heckin' Linux desktoperino! Two more weeks!

TheMadPirate, avatar

@Humpleupagus @RustyCrab @Dicey @syzygy @zero Companies don't pay for the software. They pay for the 24/7 tech support fot the software.

Humpleupagus, avatar

The linux foundation itself gets paid by donors, e.g. big corps.

dragnucs, avatar
RustyCrab, avatar

@dragnucs @syzygy @zero that DID work on windows 10 by the way but Microsoft hates everything wholesome and good

dragnucs, avatar

@RustyCrab @syzygy @zero windows canot allow themselves to have a proper OS.


@RustyCrab @syzygy @dragnucs @zero Stop using Windows and your problems will be solved

RustyCrab, avatar
RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @dragnucs @zero nigga have you ever had a job


@RustyCrab @syzygy @dragnucs @zero I run a register, I'm not in the social class that lets you actually make money doing something fulfilling for your life


@RustyCrab @dragnucs @syzygy @zero bot you are literally the untouchable class so you're below even me, don't bottle me

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @dragnucs @zero well when your work gives you a computer you're extremely limited with what you can do with it. Mine is comparatively lax because I need admin rights to perform tasks but removing windows off the machine is not something I can do.


@RustyCrab @syzygy @dragnucs @zero it's hilarious
my register runs Windows 7 Embedded
The lottery register runs Gentoo
There's an iMac in the back


@RustyCrab @dragnucs @syzygy @zero I'm pretty sure that iMac is pre-Sierra btw

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @dragnucs @zero lottery register running gentoo is hilarious.

Ive noticed that's what companies run though when they really know what they're doing.


@RustyCrab @syzygy @dragnucs @zero Of course the state lottery commission is the most competent one

bot, avatar

Have you noticed the little dindus on windows 11? They're on the search thing, I'm always like wtf, dindus!

RustyCrab, avatar

@bot @TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @dragnucs @zero you can turn those off thankfully. Windows doesn't make customization easy but there's a billion autists making hacking and customization programs that make it less awful. O&O Shut Up 10 disables most of the objectionable features of windows.

bot, avatar

It's on a business computer so I don't have to deal with it often and I wouldn't know how to turn it off anyway. But it's like.. why?

RustyCrab, avatar

@bot @TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @dragnucs @zero Microsoft is evil next question

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero yes. Just in a different way.

bot, avatar

They are but they're not after their clients, unlike literally every other company.


@bot @RustyCrab @syzygy @dragnucs @zero Besides the "the only people allowed to collect personal data on our users is us" part

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero yeah that, but they also do ecosystem trapping which is infuriating for somebody like me but I know bot doesn't care about that.


@RustyCrab @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero > expecting apple users to care about personal rights

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero its honestly hard to say if ms or apple is more evil. MS is LOOKING like it's becoming more evil with new windows versions however as they might start doing environment trapping on a software level with windows 12. Thats why I've already moved all my personal stuff to linux.

but both pale in comparison to google, who is full of legit psychos.

bot, avatar

That's p dumb, Apple is good in a lot of ways even tho I know they do some evil stuff. It's literally the best option for ppl that don't have autism that want things to actually work properly.


@bot @RustyCrab @syzygy @dragnucs @zero If you can't figure out how to use linux to do basic tasks without issues honestly you shouldn't be allowed to use a computer. I'm no poweruser, but I can bet on Linux more than I can anything else. Quit relying on companies to coddle your willful ignorance.

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero honestly though if you fit these requirements:

  • dont know shit about computers
  • have no care for your processor burning to a crisp in normal usage
  • okay with poor performance
  • are financially irresponsible
    apple is a very good choice
bot, avatar

Apple is a good choice if you want nice stuff that works well with stuff you own and doesn't break for years. It's may be more expensive but literally everyone knows it's not for poor ppl.


@bot @zero @dragnucs @syzygy @RustyCrab @TURBORETARD9000 >doesn't break for years
>he doesn't know about the Apple planned obsolescence

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @bot @dragnucs @syzygy @zero gonna be honest though I would CONSIDER an iPhone if it weren't for side loading restrictions. Almost every app I use is side loaded.

I really really really do not want to use anything google going forward. Yes I know android is foss but the only OS worth a shit is calyx and that only runs on pixels.

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero lineage is ass compared to calyx. I tried using it for several months


@RustyCrab @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero is it better than Samdroid though

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero Samsung android shoves ads in your face, no thanks


@RustyCrab @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero smh that's my point

smug, avatar

just be a europoor brah

RustyCrab, avatar

@smug @TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero yeah the fact that they are selectively locking down side loading as a form of malicious compliance just makes me hate them even more


@RustyCrab @zero @dragnucs @bot @syzygy @TURBORETARD9000 Lineage worksforme. I exclusively use fdroid with official repos + izzyondroid (and maybe a handful other specific repos).
Auxio is god-tier music player, the map tool (organicmaps) is very swish, and I have Simon Tatham's puzzles. That's already more than I need from it.


@Zergling_man @RustyCrab @syzygy @bot @dragnucs @zero basically
I want all my apps to work
But I don't want Google or Apple in my shit

RustyCrab, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @syzygy @Zergling_man @bot @dragnucs @zero micro-g is a good compromise between privacy and schizophrenia. It has worked flawlessly for me for years.


@RustyCrab @zero @dragnucs @bot @syzygy @TURBORETARD9000 All that's good for is sucking jewgle's dick without having their software on your fone.

haberdasher, avatar

@RustyCrab @syzygy @zero you get 64GB RAM for your work computer? so jealous (am stuck with 16GB on my work laptop -- CHRIST, IT SUCKS)

RustyCrab, avatar

@haberdasher @syzygy @zero the compile jobs I run need it. I get 90% usage some days

haberdasher, avatar

@RustyCrab @syzygy @zero I'm perpetually at 90% CPU and RAM and I'm just using 40 browser tabs, Outlook and Excel. :/

dragnucs, avatar

@RustyCrab @zero You can experiment mounting the location it writes files to to a RAM based filesystem like .

RustyCrab, avatar

@dragnucs @zero that doesn't work on windows 11 anymore. If you try it you will get 1 MBps write speeds

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab @zero could it be an ancient algorithm from back when ram efficiency was THAT important?

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab @zero algorithms the wrong word I think "implementation" is probably better but I think you got my drift

PeachySummer, avatar

You don't know how to computer as good as the boomers.
Sit down on yo crab ass and deal with it 👴 :niggabitch:

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