@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar



don’t be sad, soon comes the night,
when we watch over the faint countryside,
as the cool moon secretly laughs
and we rest hand in hand
don’t be sad, soon comes the time,
when we rest, our small crosses will stand
on the bright roadside together,
and it rains and snows,
and the winds come and go

gf: https://akko.disqordia.space/users/Arcana

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ezio, to random
@ezio@akko.wtf avatar

accidentally started editor discourse and im just over here with the worst opinions on editors

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@ezio you're a nano fan right?

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@0 @ezio nano just feels painful to me, glad y'all like it though

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@ezio @Reiddragon @0 have you tried vimtutor? its really not that hard

Arcana, to random
@Arcana@akko.disqordia.space avatar

It says in that article linked that “hickeys” are caused by kissing OR “sucking”

Is this like some vacuum cleaner play stuff? How am I supposed to know of niche stuff like that. I’ve seen a dwarf get involved with such things but it was part of a circus performance and they never spoke the H word

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @adiz @Ukko @nik @scathach I dont think its really that common, its one of the things that supposedly everyone does but doesnt actually, like getting super wasted at parties

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @nik @Ukko @adiz @scathach its something people just know ig. part of the vast amount of background knowledge that I have no idea where or how I learned

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

If the Soviets knew how crystal oscillators worked, they would've taken over the world

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko is that a zachtronics game? I feel like its familiar

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko yeah I remember playing that like 15 years ago

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

lmfao i fell asleep watching a video on welsh ethnography

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko Welsh Ethnography ASMR for Deep Relaxation

what video lol

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

I just uninstalled conversations because 40 kept being angry 💀

re: https://gultsch.social/users/daniel/statuses/111933922710829462

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko @subtype ye subtype is cool

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@subtype @Ukko aww thanks :akko_hug:

Arcana, to random
@Arcana@akko.disqordia.space avatar

The new Land Rover Defender is 😩 👌

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @Moon @scathach "nooo you cant drive a car with a GPS in it because of teh glowies" --- person who brags about committing crimes on clearnet

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Moon @Arcana @scathach if the feds dont care about you openly posting about having committed crimes they arent monitoring you to the degree that would matter

and even if they were, theres no reason you cant have an old car and a modern one if you can afford to have both

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@meso @Arcana @Ukko @Moon @scathach its not that dragnet surveillance is good, its that you shouldnt let worries about it get in the way of your life

do you have a phone? do you have proprietary firmware blobs in your chips? have you ever played a videogame? tech autism about such things is just dumb ultimately

asahi, to random

i have the incentive to basically pirate everything

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko @asahi soul stealing screenshot

nyx, to random
@nyx@social.xenofem.me avatar

poly vs monogamy is really just a question of whether you'd rather have trauma happen in parallel or serial

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@nyx @Arcana @7666 its because people define relationship in terms of sex basically, its such an awful and reductive perspective

nyoom, to random
@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

having vegan steak and taters (tofu, tempeh, potatos and sweet potatos, and portobello mushroom)

iska, to random

me when cat ​:acat_flabbergasted:​

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@iska I wish I wasnt allergic to cats :akasad: they are so nice

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko @iska hmm idk that might work

its also possible to get treatment for cat allergy I think, it just takes years and I havent done it

nyoom, to random
@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

huh, TIL Julia pads structs to be multiples of 8 bytes to ensure memory alignment, cool

somehow I did not know that 🥴

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko yeah, I'm not quite sure why reinterpret isnt more clearly marked as unsafe the way most things that rely on memory layout in julia are. maybe because it can't cause memory corruption. I was just using reinterpret and sizeof to inspect the bit layout

(speaking of, that gives me an idea for a simple helper tool...)

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko done, this should dump any isbits type into a hex code

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko it throws an error

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko I mean it has to really given that arrays are bounds-checked by default, so it needs to store the size of the resulting array somewhere

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko yeah, though that'd be confusing for multidimensional arrays ig

MercurialBlack, to random
@MercurialBlack@pleroma.mercurial.blog avatar

I guess not all Lisp fans are transexuals

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@MercurialBlack @allison which lisp does he use?

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@MercurialBlack @allison yeah lisp is cool. (the lisp community, on the other hand...)

Ukko, to random
@Ukko@akko.disqordia.space avatar

Me when i found out @40 is english

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Ukko @40 saber gets a pass, she's welsh, not english

taylan, to random
@taylan@pl.tkammer.de avatar

BTW if anyone wants to follow me on BlueSky, I'm @taylankammer over there ... for now. If the platform picks off, I'll probably make my own domain. Otherwise I'll just abandon it.

I'm not married to the Fediverse, given how censorious the culture here is. Of course, BlueSky is likely to be no better.

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @vriska @taylan we should bring back the Spanish Inquisition for dealing with people like him

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @taylan @vriska tbh whenever some man loudly identifies as a feminist I just assume they're a creep and it's almost always a justified assumption

Arcana, to random
@Arcana@akko.disqordia.space avatar

Tonight has given me a hypothesis:

AI doesn't hallucinate, it's just permanently shit faced

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@icedquinn @Arcana humans: AI can't really think!

also humans:


iska, to random

TempleOS is just a highly stripped-down lisp machine for Cniles

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@iska aside from an utter lack of security what do they have in common?

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@getimiskon @iska what? I said they both didnt have security

kirby, to random
@kirby@lab.nyanide.com avatar

Borrowed this book about Java, because I'm just looking to learn a new language of some sort. Haven't brought myself to opening it yet. I hate myself.

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@meso @iska @allison @kirby @sarvo its the mark of a language designed to let executives limit the damage bad programmers can do, rather than to empower good programmers

nyoom, to random
@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

feels like during the 2010s everything went to shit

scathach, to random
@scathach@stereophonic.space avatar

Speaking of opsec and the end of the world I need to buy a few thousand needles and syringes, a kilo or two of estradiol powder, and set up enough of a home laboratory that I can make a sterile IM solution of it

One thing I'm not sure about is the oil it's dissolved in

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@scathach yeah this is def on the todo list

I don't think it's super expensive thankfully

scathach, to random
@scathach@stereophonic.space avatar

I think it's high time I learn coq

Would be awesome to automate my homework

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@scathach everyone on fedi seems to like Lean more

(I haven't used either)

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@scathach https://lean-lang.org/

tiskaan likes it as he said and iirc @ai does too

Arcana, to random
@Arcana@akko.disqordia.space avatar

Seems like robotics is going to be a focus this year.

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana what makes you say so?

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana hmm possibly. OpenAI used to have a robotics team but they disbanded it, and I know self driving cars arent going well at all despite >$100B thrown at them

it remains to be seen, I am inclined to think this won't be a big breakout year for robotics

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana for VCs potentially yeah, they are somewhat insulated from whether the tech actually works reliably

re: humanoids, humanity's infrastructure is already designed for humanoid bodies so its simplest to stick with that body shape

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @scathach it would probably be less efficient than an actual horse, or than a bipedal robot

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @scathach the armor will be heavy though, it'll make the battery issue even worse

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @scathach > regular infantry can be automated soon I imagine

define soon, I dont think I expect this before 2030

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @scathach I'll observe that:

  • the DARPA self driving grand challenge was won in 2005, we still have very few self driving cars in the road
  • Atlas, the robot you linked, was debuted in 2013, it doesn't seem to have been deployed to anything noticeable
  • fully automated infantry seems significantly harder to me than Level 5 FSD, which seems quite far off---we can't even reliably get self driving cars to work when a human can remote control them
  • almost all the AI progress lately has been in learning to imitate human behavior in various mediums (text, art, code, etc.; older stuff like image recognition or sentiment analysis also fits in this). in areas where you can't do that progress seems much less imprssive (playing Atari is cool but seems much more primitive than what LLMs can do)
  • drones are mostly capable of replacing fighter jets today afaik, yet not only do fighter jets still exist, new ones are still being built
  • the B-52H bomber has been in use by the US military since 1955, the last one was built in 1962, and they are expected to keep flying until 2050. the US military is not eager to phase out components that currently work
  • afaik, humanoid robots currently cost >$1M to produce. it's quite plausible the typical light infantry soldier isn't worth >$1M. (Musk claims Optimus can get down to $20k, but he has a habit of overpromising so it remains to be seen imo)
  • in counter insugency operations, a significant part of what armies do is more akin to police work than traditional combat. humanoid robots seem like they'd be very bad at this kind of thing compared to humans
@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @scathach good response, my thoughts:

  • I would say this is just a sign that specific tests are relatively easy to "cheat" generally and the long tail of edge cases is usually really long
  • similarly, I'd guess that video demo is "rigged" to some degree. maybe they needed a hundred attempts to get it to do the obstacle course properly, maybe it was remote controlled by a human like playing a videogame, etc.
  • this seems like a decent point, especially if they don't have to do things like climb rough terrain. that said I'm not sure they'd be any more effective or cheaper than drones for such a task
  • seems a reasonable point, though getting enough data may still be tricky
  • I don't really understand what you mean here; why can't they just build a drone that's as large and capable as a fighter jet, if the AI for it is good enough?
  • yeah, a big war would burn through a lot of tech quite quickly, the interventions western governments have done against third world adversaries produces minimal losses though
  • agreed basically
  • I don't think the US is likely to fight another superpower (i.e. China) before 2030 and I think the likes of Iran aren't going to require a bigger conventional army than what the US currently has
@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @scathach I think the main takeaway is that a big reason this hasn't gone very far yet is there just isn't demand for it right now? it's only really useful for something like a war with China

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @scathach well drones are already useful, and I expect them to be fully automated soon to the extent they aren't already. we might well see things like self driving tanks soon too

I don't think the US is likely to run out of "tens of thousands of lukewarm iq grunts" in the immediate term to a degree that humanoid robots would be viable, especially when they can rely on third world proxies or mercenaries instead

@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

@Arcana @scathach whats the obstacle to fully autonomous warships, too? seems even easier than autonomous tanks

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