@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

xianc78, to random
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

If there is anything to take away from this situation is that you shouldn't even make "joke fedposts", no matter how confident you feel about your OPSEC.

cassidyclown, to random
@cassidyclown@clubcyberia.co avatar

Recently one of our users was contacted by federal agents for making a retarded fedpost (he was joking). As of right now, I haven't been contacted by any federal agents, nor has my server-provider contacted me (I haven't been contacted by anyone except the user in question over this). His information was likely retrieved via the number plate on his beloved car he posted pictures of.

I don't have any reason to believe that the server has been compromised right now and nothing in the logs indicates this. That being said, I implore everyone to exercise vigilance regarding their OpSec. Use VPNs, we have tor and i2p mirrors:
Don't sign up to any fedi instance with a personally identifying email. Most importantly of all - don't post something that identifies yourself in any way. Don't post anything in DMs that identifies yourself in any way.

I can hear the "literally 1984"s already, but reminder that the rules of this server include not breaking any US laws and threatening to kill the president of the United States is considered a felony. This is something they actively monitor for, as we have seen.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@PurpCat @cassidyclown @kroner Really, just save the edgy stuff for imageboards and even then, do that through a VPN or Tor. It's better than managing a bunch of alt accounts and making sure that the ones with the controversial content aren't linked to your real id.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@PurpCat @cassidyclown @kroner Besides 4chan. I was thinking more of the 8chan bunkers, even though they are less active (though it seems like 8moe/v/ is more active due to GamerGate 2.0).

alex, to random
@alex@gleasonator.com avatar



@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

>Rust is developed by Mozilla
>Mozilla is Google's controlled opposition
>Google was created by the CIA

Makes sense.


alex, to random
@alex@gleasonator.com avatar

This is the problem with both socialism and capitalism. People think if you're against one you have to be for the other. Nobody likes to hear it, but the truth is that both are fatally flawed because even the smartest humans are idiots. This is why chickens should be allowed to vote.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@alex What do you think about Distributism?


beardalaxy, to random
@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club avatar

watching this video atm. finding out that scott cawthon worked at dollar general up until FNAF is insane. i work at dollar tree, currently building my game. not that it's going to be as big as FNAF, no way. but it's just interesting to see that similarity.


@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@beardalaxy I think the person who made Stardew Valley was working part-time at a movie theater, but he was also leeching off of his wife.

xianc78, to random
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Can people please stop spamming full texts on here? I'm sick of these showing up in search results when I'm trying to search for unrelated things.


xianc78, to random
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

So I got back into Nostr after a several month hiatus. It seems like the zap begging has died down. It honestly reminds me of pre-Poast, pre-Elon fedi. It's more laid-back and open-minded (with a slight right-libertarian bias, but that's to be expected), and doesn't have the pedos, glowies, schizos, or dramatards (yet).

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@PurpCat I could see CP spammers abusing it to the point where you can't even use it without stumbling upon or accidentally hosting cheese pizza. That's what basically killed ZeroNet, but I'm pretty sure it's possible for nodes to block users that do this shit.

I also like how this set-up basically prevents the whole fediblock culture you see on here. People are forced to block/mute on an individual basis.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> The goal is to raise awareness about breast cancer from rig sites to coffee shops by putting information about the disease on the pink drill bits. Each drill bit is painted pink by hand and shipped with breast health information packets. The hope is workers who use the drill bits will learn more about breast cancer.

who doesn't know about cancer by this point :blobcatgooglynotlikethis: we haven't cured it because its not profitable to cure shit.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@icedquinn There have been people who have reportedly cured cancer like Buenos Aires and Raymond Rife, but they were either arrested or died mysteriously.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@icedquinn Too many engineers and scientists are too closed minded that they will write any of this off as pseudo-science. Same thing with things like cold-fusion or water-powered vehicles.

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

What is this bullshit where they changed the tax code so you can't write off software engineers on your corporation tax now :comfyglare:

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@icedquinn Is this the true reason for the layoffs?

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@icedquinn I keep on hearing that it had something to do with companies "over-hiring" during the lockdowns and now that it is over, they are laying them off and these people are taking all the junior positions.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@icedquinn My guess was that too many people were relying on Internet infrastructure (for remote-work and shopping online) so they needed more programmers and server maintainers. I mean things like deliver apps such as DoorDash and InstaCart surged during the scamdemic when they were previously non-existent.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@realcaseyrollins @icedquinn There is no border crisis. It's all a psyop.

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

Rust schizotroons make a library for xmpp
What could go wrong?

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Why do they care about something that doesn't even exist anymore outside of India?

xianc78, to random
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

What's with this guy?

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@iska @binkle Have you checked his blog? He actually believes this shit. He even wrote a book.


PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

when you let a fedi user take over the twitter account for 5 minutes

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@PurpCat I remember Epik banning imageboards after the 8chan-linked shootings.

xianc78, to random
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar
binkle, to random
@binkle@clubcyberia.co avatar

has anyone ever doxed themselves via 3d model? could i be the first in history?

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@binkle Include your home address in the file via steganography.

nyoom, to random
@nyoom@akko.disqordia.space avatar

tfw I want to do real gamedev I'll have to use the crab language or something similarly cumbersome 🥀

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@allison @nyoom @Ukko @Moon Pygame is decent for gamejam stuff.

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

zoomers like urbanism because mommy and daddy were glued to the tv instead of teaching kids how to drive

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@PurpCat SpongeBob made being a minimum wage worker without a driver's license as something to look up to.

km, to random
@km@muuzikku.produkti.se avatar

Haz Al-Din 🇷🇺
Jan 19
Javier Milei is the new face of the WEF and the global bankster class.

The ultimate PSYOP was how global elites spread false 'anti-socialist' conspiracy theories against themselves.

That way a shill like Milei appears to be challenging the elites, while in fact FULLY carrying out the ruling class agenda.

In order for the global ruling class to carry out its agenda, it has to make it appear like a rebellion against themselves! CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Allowing capitalists and banker's to plunder your country's wealth is not 'freedom.' It's the opposite: slavery.

Our GOVERNMENTS are corrupt not because GOVERNMENT is bad in general, but because OURS is CONTROLLED by BIG MONEY.

To the Western Right Wing: Congratulations, you fell for the biggest con in history. You will eat the bugs and live in the Pod. It will all be in the private sector.

Any constitution that gave you basic rights will be torn up. Welcome to slavery re-branded as freedom!


@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@gabriel @km I think people are also waking up to that as well. That's why you see a lot of grassroots movements like the "Bladerunners" and people who tore down the 15-minute city gates last year. These people are still at it which is impressive.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@PurpCat @gabriel @km Fucking this. I am sick of my Dad slamming his horn every time we pass a "honk if Trump won" sign. And I just know that Trump is going to play along with the whole Disease X narrative if he wins and Disease X actually happens.

So many people have finally waken up to the uniparty after COVID and it shows.

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

Elon Musk Reveals Surprise Crypto Holdings As X Plan To Replace PayPal, Visa And Banks Quietly Accelerates Amid Bitcoin Price Swings

Elon Musk's social media platform X has quietly received another money-transmitter license, adding to a clutch that of state approvals as it looks to "revolutionize" payments in 2024...


@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@sjw Just goes with what many people like myself were saying. Elon buying out Twitter and rebranding it is just leading us to digital ID. (He said that he wants X to be an "everything app")

xianc78, to random
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@binkle Maybe it would be better if they could pay you in one of these, if they are legal tender in your state.


18+ xianc78, to random
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Had to shelve the platformer project because of poor planning and feature creep. I decided to work on an action dungeon crawler. Right now, you can only move your character and thrust your sword, but I plan on including randomly generated levels.

I'm more experienced with top-down games, so this might be easier.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Created solid tiles, a couple of enemies, knockback, and the sword. I also divided the screen. There will be a hud on top, but right now, it is blank.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

I got a random dungeon generation algorithm implemented. It is the same one from this post (https://gameliberty.club/@xianc78/111750085112155644), but written in C++ instead of Java. It's pretty basic at the moment. I plan on having each room randomly pick a design from a template.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Here is a second dungeon, in case you don't believe me.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Tried to add random enemy placement to the dungeon, but they all appear in the same room. I realize that the common way to do RNG in C and C++, srand(time(NULL)) uses time (in seconds) as a seed, and since the loop obviously runs multiple times per second, I'm getting the same results.

I think my solution would be to use my own RNG algorithm with a seed that increments every time it is called.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Wrote my own RNG algorithm (just take the sine of a seed and increment the seed by one for the next time). I also made it so that enemies can't spawn in the first room.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Added camera scrolling.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Rooms in the dungeon now have different designs (randomly picked from a list of currently three templates).


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Added coins. I plan to have them be used for in-dungeon shops.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Added hearts. There is a 25% chance that a heart will drop. HP does increase, but HP still has no effect right now.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Added health bar.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Added a death animation.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Added an exit tile (actually an object on it's own and not a child of the "Tile" class) that is randomly placed on each floor. Though it does nothing yet.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Multiple levels have now been implemented.

The second level is indeed a new one. The procedural generation algorithm made the starting room look like the ending room of the previous one.


18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Added music and sound effects. Though, music was technically added previously, but I muted the previous recording.

Background music is "Dungeon 05" by Beau Buckley, released under the CC-BY-SA 4.0.



18+ xianc78,
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

Added a white sword. It takes twice as much damage. I plan on including "rental shops" where you can buy temporary items like this white sword and they go away if the player dies.


xianc78, to random
@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar


The WEF is holding yet another table-top exercise for a "hypothetical" pandemic. This one claims to be 20x more fatal than COVID (whatever that means).

Remember that the WEF, Gates Foundation, and John Hopkins foundation participated in a similar exercise mere weeks before the first COVID outbreak. They are planning this shit well in advanced.

Share this as far and wide as possible! They might second guess doing this if more people are aware. Just imagine if more people were aware of the Event 201 exercises when the first COVID outbreak happened.


Please boost this post.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@gabriel @jjcouey Sure, this could be just another exercise with nothing happening afterward, but we should stay alert.

ChristiJunior, to random
@ChristiJunior@detroitriotcity.com avatar

There was a time when I used to look down on TV shows that existed solely to sell toys. Then I realized that 99% of current TV shows and movies exist so Jews can sell poop sex and White Genocide, and suddenly glorified toy commercials started looking far preferable.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@PurpCat @Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton Hasn't Friendship is Magic already ended and is now replaced with some Cal-Arts cartoon? I bet most of the remaining bronies would've moved on because they only ever cared about FIM and it's artstyle. The previous incarnations of MLP are fucking ugly compared to FIM.

@xianc78@gameliberty.club avatar

@PurpCat @Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton You have a point. I actually thought that the new Care Bears would bring in a new male fandom, but apparently not.

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